package Moose::Role; use strict; use warnings; use Scalar::Util 'blessed'; use Carp 'confess'; use Sub::Name 'subname'; use Data::OptList; use Sub::Exporter; our $VERSION = '0.08'; our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:STEVAN'; use Moose (); use Moose::Util (); use Moose::Meta::Role; use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints; { my ( $CALLER, %METAS ); sub _find_meta { my $role = $CALLER; return $METAS{$role} if exists $METAS{$role}; # make a subtype for each Moose class role_type $role unless find_type_constraint($role); my $meta; if ($role->can('meta')) { $meta = $role->meta(); (blessed($meta) && $meta->isa('Moose::Meta::Role')) || confess "You already have a &meta function, but it does not return a Moose::Meta::Role"; } else { $meta = Moose::Meta::Role->initialize($role); $meta->alias_method('meta' => sub { $meta }); } return $METAS{$role} = $meta; } my %exports = ( extends => sub { my $meta = _find_meta(); return subname 'Moose::Role::extends' => sub { confess "Moose::Role does not currently support 'extends'" }; }, with => sub { my $meta = _find_meta(); return subname 'Moose::Role::with' => sub (@) { Moose::Util::apply_all_roles($meta, @_) }; }, requires => sub { my $meta = _find_meta(); return subname 'Moose::Role::requires' => sub (@) { confess "Must specify at least one method" unless @_; $meta->add_required_methods(@_); }; }, excludes => sub { my $meta = _find_meta(); return subname 'Moose::Role::excludes' => sub (@) { confess "Must specify at least one role" unless @_; $meta->add_excluded_roles(@_); }; }, has => sub { my $meta = _find_meta(); return subname 'Moose::Role::has' => sub ($;%) { my ($name, %options) = @_; $meta->add_attribute($name, %options) }; }, before => sub { my $meta = _find_meta(); return subname 'Moose::Role::before' => sub (@&) { my $code = pop @_; $meta->add_before_method_modifier($_, $code) for @_; }; }, after => sub { my $meta = _find_meta(); return subname 'Moose::Role::after' => sub (@&) { my $code = pop @_; $meta->add_after_method_modifier($_, $code) for @_; }; }, around => sub { my $meta = _find_meta(); return subname 'Moose::Role::around' => sub (@&) { my $code = pop @_; $meta->add_around_method_modifier($_, $code) for @_; }; }, # see for discussion super => sub { return subname 'Moose::Role::super' => sub { return unless $Moose::SUPER_BODY; $Moose::SUPER_BODY->(@Moose::SUPER_ARGS) } }, #next => sub { # return subname 'Moose::Role::next' => sub { @_ = @Moose::SUPER_ARGS; goto \&next::method }; #}, override => sub { my $meta = _find_meta(); return subname 'Moose::Role::override' => sub ($&) { my ($name, $code) = @_; $meta->add_override_method_modifier($name, $code); }; }, inner => sub { my $meta = _find_meta(); return subname 'Moose::Role::inner' => sub { confess "Moose::Role cannot support 'inner'"; }; }, augment => sub { my $meta = _find_meta(); return subname 'Moose::Role::augment' => sub { confess "Moose::Role cannot support 'augment'"; }; }, confess => sub { return \&Carp::confess; }, blessed => sub { return \&Scalar::Util::blessed; } ); my $exporter = Sub::Exporter::build_exporter({ exports => \%exports, groups => { default => [':all'] } }); sub import { $CALLER = ref $_[1] && defined $_[1]->{into} ? $_[1]->{into} : ref $_[1] && defined $_[1]->{into_level} ? caller( $_[1]->{into_level} ) : caller(); # this works because both pragmas set $^H (see perldoc perlvar) # which affects the current compilation - i.e. the file who use'd # us - which is why we don't need to do anything special to make # it affect that file rather than this one (which is already compiled) strict->import; warnings->import; # we should never export to main return if $CALLER eq 'main'; goto $exporter; }; } 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME Moose::Role - The Moose Role =head1 SYNOPSIS package Eq; use Moose::Role; # automatically turns on strict and warnings requires 'equal'; sub no_equal { my ($self, $other) = @_; !$self->equal($other); } # ... then in your classes package Currency; use Moose; # automatically turns on strict and warnings with 'Eq'; sub equal { my ($self, $other) = @_; $self->as_float == $other->as_float; } =head1 DESCRIPTION Role support in Moose is pretty solid at this point. However, the best documentation is still the the test suite. It is fairly safe to assume Perl 6 style behavior and then either refer to the test suite, or ask questions on #moose if something doesn't quite do what you expect. We are planning writing some more documentation in the near future, but nothing is ready yet, sorry. =head1 EXPORTED FUNCTIONS Moose::Role currently supports all of the functions that L exports, but differs slightly in how some items are handled (see L below for details). Moose::Role also offers two role-specific keyword exports: =over 4 =item B Roles can require that certain methods are implemented by any class which C the role. =item B Roles can C other roles, in effect saying "I can never be combined with these C<@role_names>". This is a feature which should not be used lightly. =back =head1 CAVEATS Role support has only a few caveats: =over 4 =item * Roles cannot use the C keyword; it will throw an exception for now. The same is true of the C and C keywords (not sure those really make sense for roles). All other Moose keywords will be I so that they can be applied to the consuming class. =item * Role composition does its best to B be order-sensitive when it comes to conflict resolution and requirements detection. However, it is order-sensitive when it comes to method modifiers. All before/around/after modifiers are included whenever a role is composed into a class, and then applied in the order in which the roles are used. This also means that there is no conflict for before/around/after modifiers. In most cases, this will be a non-issue; however, it is something to keep in mind when using method modifiers in a role. You should never assume any ordering. =item * The C keyword currently only works with actual methods. A method modifier (before/around/after and override) will not count as a fufillment of the requirement, and neither will an autogenerated accessor for an attribute. It is likely that attribute accessors will eventually be allowed to fufill those requirements, or we will introduce a C keyword of some kind instead. This decision has not yet been finalized. =back =head1 BUGS All complex software has bugs lurking in it, and this module is no exception. If you find a bug please either email me, or add the bug to cpan-RT. =head1 AUTHOR Stevan Little Estevan@iinteractive.comE Christian Hansen Echansen@cpan.orgE =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2006-2008 by Infinity Interactive, Inc. L This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut