package Moose::Meta::Method::Destructor; use strict; use warnings; use Carp 'confess'; use Scalar::Util 'blessed', 'weaken'; our $VERSION = '0.02'; our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:STEVAN'; use base 'Moose::Meta::Method', 'Class::MOP::Method::Generated'; sub new { my $class = shift; my %options = @_; (exists $options{options} && ref $options{options} eq 'HASH') || confess "You must pass a hash of options"; my $self = bless { # from our superclass '&!body' => undef, # ... '%!options' => $options{options}, '$!associated_metaclass' => $options{metaclass}, } => $class; # we don't want this creating # a cycle in the code, if not # needed weaken($self->{'$!associated_metaclass'}); $self->initialize_body; return $self; } ## accessors sub options { (shift)->{'%!options'} } sub associated_metaclass { (shift)->{'$!associated_metaclass'} } ## method sub is_needed { defined $_[0]->{'&!body'} ? 1 : 0 } sub initialize_body { my $self = shift; # TODO: # the %options should also include a both # a call 'initializer' and call 'SUPER::' # options, which should cover approx 90% # of the possible use cases (even if it # requires some adaption on the part of # the author, after all, nothing is free) my $source = 'sub {'; my @DEMOLISH_calls; foreach my $method ($self->associated_metaclass->find_all_methods_by_name('DEMOLISH')) { push @DEMOLISH_calls => '$_[0]->' . $method->{class} . '::DEMOLISH()'; } $source .= join ";\n" => @DEMOLISH_calls; $source .= ";\n" . '}'; warn $source if $self->options->{debug}; my $code; { $code = eval $source; confess "Could not eval the destructor :\n\n$source\n\nbecause :\n\n$@" if $@; } $self->{'&!body'} = $code; } 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME Moose::Meta::Method::Destructor - Method Meta Object for destructors =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a subclass of L which handles constructing an approprate Destructor method. This is primarily used in the making of immutable metaclasses, otherwise it is not particularly useful. =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item B =item B =item B =item B =item B =item B =item B =back =head1 AUTHORS Stevan Little Estevan@iinteractive.comE =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2006-2008 by Infinity Interactive, Inc. L This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut