package Module::ScanDeps::DataFeed; # No compile time deps! #use strict; $Module::ScanDeps::DataFeed::VERSION = '0.09'; =head1 NAME Module::ScanDeps::DataFeed - Runtime dependency scanning helper =head1 SYNOPSIS (internal use only) =head1 DESCRIPTION No user-serviceable parts inside. This module is used by the L run- and compile-time scanners. It is included in the code run by C and will write a string of loaded modules and C<@INC> entries to a file. This is achieved using an C hook. Implementation might change, so don't use it outside of Module::ScanDeps! =cut my $_filename; sub import { my ($pkg, $filename) = @_; # This is the file we'll write the @INC and %INC info to at END. $_filename = $filename; my $fname = __PACKAGE__; $fname =~ s{::}{/}g; delete $INC{"$"} unless $Module::ScanDeps::DataFeed::Loaded; $Module::ScanDeps::DataFeed::Loaded++; } END { # Write %INC and @INC to the file specified at compile time in import() defined $_filename or return; my %inc = %INC; my @inc = @INC; my @dl_so = _dl_shared_objects(); require Cwd; require File::Basename; require DynaLoader; open(FH, "> $_filename") or die "Couldn't open $_filename\n"; print FH '%inchash = (' . "\n\t"; print FH join( ',' => map { sprintf( "\n\t'$_' => '%s/%s'", Cwd::abs_path(File::Basename::dirname($inc{$_})), File::Basename::basename($inc{$_}), ), } keys(%inc) ); print FH "\n);\n"; print FH '@incarray = (' . "\n\t"; # inner map escapes trailing backslashes print FH join(',', map("\n\t'$_'", map {s/\\$/\\\\/; $_} @inc)); print FH "\n);\n"; my @dl_bs = @dl_so; s/(\.so|\.dll)$/\.bs/ for @dl_bs; print FH '@dl_shared_objects = (' . "\n\t"; print FH join( ',' => map("\n\t'$_'", grep -e, @dl_so, @dl_bs) ); print FH "\n);\n"; close FH; } sub _dl_shared_objects { if (@DynaLoader::dl_shared_objects) { return @DynaLoader::dl_shared_objects; } elsif (@DynaLoader::dl_modules) { return map { _dl_mod2filename($_) } @DynaLoader::dl_modules; } return; } sub _dl_mod2filename { my $mod = shift; return if $mod eq 'B'; return unless defined &{"$mod\::bootstrap"}; eval { require B; require Config; 1 } or return; my $dl_ext = $Config::Config{dlext} if %Config::Config; # Copied from XSLoader my @modparts = split(/::/, $mod); my $modfname = $modparts[-1]; my $modpname = join('/', @modparts); foreach my $dir (@INC) { my $file = "$dir/auto/$modpname/$modfname.$dl_ext"; return $file if -r $file; } return; } 1; =head1 SEE ALSO L =head1 AUTHORS Edward S. Peschko Eesp5@pge.comE, Audrey Tang Ecpan@audreyt.orgE, to a lesser degree Steffen Mueller Esmueller@cpan.orgE L is the official website for this module. You can write to the mailing list at Epar@perl.orgE, or send an empty mail to Epar-subscribe@perl.orgE to participate in the discussion. Please submit bug reports to Ebug-Module-ScanDeps@rt.cpan.orgE. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2004-2007 by Edward S. Peschko Eesp5@pge.comE, Audrey Tang Ecpan@audreyt.orgE, Steffen Mueller Esmueller@cpan.orgE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See L =cut