package Module::Pluggable::Fast; use strict; use vars '$VERSION'; use UNIVERSAL::require; use Carp qw/croak carp/; use File::Find (); use File::Basename; use File::Spec::Functions qw/splitdir catdir abs2rel/; $VERSION = '0.18'; =head1 NAME Module::Pluggable::Fast - Fast plugins with instantiation =head1 SYNOPSIS package MyClass; use Module::Pluggable::Fast name => 'components', search => [ qw/MyClass::Model MyClass::View MyClass::Controller/ ]; package MyOtherClass; use MyClass; my @components = MyClass->components; =head1 DESCRIPTION Similar to C but instantiates plugins as soon as they're found, useful for code generators like C. =head2 OPTIONS =head3 name Name for the exported method. Defaults to plugins. =head3 require If true, only require plugins. =head3 callback Codref to be called instead of the default instantiate callback. =head3 search Arrayref containing a list of namespaces to search for plugins. Defaults to the ::Plugin:: namespace of the calling class. =cut sub import { my ( $class, %args ) = @_; my $caller = caller; no strict 'refs'; *{ "$caller\::" . ( $args{name} || 'plugins' ) } = sub { my $self = shift; $args{search} ||= ["$caller\::Plugin"]; $args{require} ||= 0; $args{callback} ||= sub { my $plugin = shift; my $obj = $plugin; eval { $obj = $plugin->new(@_) }; carp qq/Couldn't instantiate "$plugin", "$@"/ if $@; return $obj; }; my %plugins; foreach my $dir ( exists $INC{''} ? grep { /blib/ } @INC : @INC ) { foreach my $searchpath ( @{ $args{search} } ) { my $sp = catdir( $dir, ( split /::/, $searchpath ) ); next unless ( -e $sp && -d $sp ); foreach my $file ( _find_packages($sp) ) { my ( $name, $directory ) = fileparse $file, qr/\.pm/; $directory = abs2rel $directory, $sp; my $plugin = join '::', splitdir catdir $searchpath, $directory, $name; $plugin->require; my $error = $UNIVERSAL::require::ERROR; die qq/Couldn't load "$plugin", "$error"/ if $error; unless ( $plugins{$plugin} ) { $plugins{$plugin} = $args{require} ? $plugin : $args{callback}->( $plugin, @_ ); } for my $class ( _list_packages($plugin) ) { next if $plugins{$class}; $plugins{$class} = $args{require} ? $class : $args{callback}->( $class, @_ ); } } } } return values %plugins; }; } sub _find_packages { my $search = shift; my @files = (); my $wanted = sub { my $path = $File::Find::name; return unless $path =~ /\w+\.pm$/; # don't include symbolig links pointing into nowhere # (e.g. emacs lock-files) return if -l $path && !-e $path; $path =~ s#^\\./##; push @files, $path; }; File::Find::find( { no_chdir => 1, wanted => $wanted }, $search ); return @files; } sub _list_packages { my $class = shift; $class .= '::' unless $class =~ m!::$!; no strict 'refs'; my @classes; for my $subclass ( grep !/^main::$/, grep /::$/, keys %$class ) { $subclass =~ s!::$!!; next if $subclass =~ /^::/; push @classes, "$class$subclass"; push @classes, _list_packages("$class$subclass"); } return @classes; } =head1 AUTHOR Sebastian Riedel, C =head1 COPYRIGHT This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 SEE ALSO L =cut 1;