# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # VERY IMPORTANT: Be very careful modifying the defaults, since many # VERY IMPORTANT: packages rely on them. In fact you should never # VERY IMPORTANT: modify the defaults after the package gets released, # VERY IMPORTANT: since they are a hardcoded part of this suite's API. package ModPerl::RegistryCooker; require 5.006; use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; our $VERSION = '1.99'; use Apache2::ServerUtil (); use Apache2::Response (); use Apache2::RequestRec (); use Apache2::RequestUtil (); use Apache2::RequestIO (); use Apache2::Log (); use Apache2::Access (); use APR::Table (); use APR::Status (); use ModPerl::Util (); use ModPerl::Global (); use File::Spec::Functions (); use File::Basename (); use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(:common &OPT_EXECCGI); use ModPerl::Const -compile => 'EXIT'; unless (defined $ModPerl::Registry::MarkLine) { $ModPerl::Registry::MarkLine = 1; } ######################################################################### # debug constants # ######################################################################### use constant D_NONE => 0; use constant D_ERROR => 1; use constant D_WARN => 2; use constant D_COMPILE => 4; use constant D_NOISE => 8; # the debug level can be overriden on the main server level of # httpd.conf with: # PerlSetVar ModPerl::RegistryCooker::DEBUG 4 use constant DEBUG => 0; #XXX: below currently crashes the server on win32 # defined Apache2->server->dir_config('ModPerl::RegistryCooker::DEBUG') # ? Apache2->server->dir_config('ModPerl::RegistryCooker::DEBUG') # : D_NONE; ######################################################################### # OS specific constants # ######################################################################### use constant IS_WIN32 => $^O eq "MSWin32"; ######################################################################### # constant subs # ######################################################################### use constant NOP => ''; use constant TRUE => 1; use constant FALSE => 0; use constant NAMESPACE_ROOT => 'ModPerl::ROOT'; ######################################################################### unless (defined $ModPerl::RegistryCooker::NameWithVirtualHost) { $ModPerl::RegistryCooker::NameWithVirtualHost = 1; } ######################################################################### # func: new # dflt: new # args: $class - class to bless into # $r - Apache2::RequestRec object # desc: create the class's object and bless it # rtrn: the newly created object ######################################################################### sub new { my ($class, $r) = @_; my $self = bless {}, $class; $self->init($r); return $self; } ######################################################################### # func: init # dflt: init # desc: initializes the data object's fields: REQ FILENAME URI # args: $r - Apache2::RequestRec object # rtrn: nothing ######################################################################### sub init { $_[0]->{REQ} = $_[1]; $_[0]->{URI} = $_[1]->uri; $_[0]->{FILENAME} = $_[1]->filename; } ######################################################################### # func: handler # dflt: handler # desc: the handler() sub that is expected by Apache # args: $class - handler's class # $r - Apache2::RequestRec object # (o)can be called as handler($r) as well (without leading $class) # rtrn: handler's response status # note: must be implemented in a sub-class unless configured as # Apache2::Foo->handler in httpd.conf (because of the # __PACKAGE__, which is tied to the file) ######################################################################### sub handler : method { my $class = (@_ >= 2) ? shift : __PACKAGE__; my $r = shift; return $class->new($r)->default_handler(); } ######################################################################### # func: default_handler # dflt: META: see above # desc: META: see above # args: $self - registry blessed object # rtrn: handler's response status # note: that's what most sub-class handlers will call ######################################################################### sub default_handler { my $self = shift; $self->make_namespace; if ($self->should_compile) { my $rc = $self->can_compile; return $rc unless $rc == Apache2::Const::OK; $rc = $self->convert_script_to_compiled_handler; return $rc unless $rc == Apache2::Const::OK; } # handlers shouldn't set $r->status but return it, so we reset the # status after running it my $old_status = $self->{REQ}->status; my $rc = $self->run; my $new_status = $self->{REQ}->status($old_status); return ($rc == Apache2::Const::OK && $old_status != $new_status) ? $new_status : $rc; } ######################################################################### # func: run # dflt: run # desc: executes the compiled code # args: $self - registry blessed object # rtrn: execution status (Apache2::?) ######################################################################### sub run { my $self = shift; my $r = $self->{REQ}; my $package = $self->{PACKAGE}; $self->chdir_file; my $cv = \&{"$package\::handler"}; my %orig_inc; if ($self->should_reset_inc_hash) { %orig_inc = %INC; } my $rc = Apache2::Const::OK; { # run the code and preserve warnings setup when it's done no warnings FATAL => 'all'; #local $^W = 0; eval { $cv->($r, @_) }; # log script's execution errors $rc = $self->error_check; { # there might be no END blocks to call, so $@ will be not # reset local $@; ModPerl::Global::special_list_call(END => $package); # log script's END blocks execution errors my $new_rc = $self->error_check; # use the END blocks return status if the script's execution # was successful $rc = $new_rc if $rc == Apache2::Const::OK; } } if ($self->should_reset_inc_hash) { # to avoid the bite of require'ing a file with no package delaration # Apache2::PerlRun in mod_perl 1.15_01 started to localize %INC # later on it has been adjusted to preserve loaded .pm files, # which presumably contained the package declaration for (keys %INC) { next if $orig_inc{$_}; next if /\.pm$/; delete $INC{$_}; } } $self->flush_namespace; $self->chdir_file(Apache2::ServerUtil::server_root()); return $rc; } ######################################################################### # func: can_compile # dflt: can_compile # desc: checks whether the script is allowed and can be compiled # args: $self - registry blessed object # rtrn: $rc - return status to forward # efct: initializes the data object's fields: MTIME ######################################################################### sub can_compile { my $self = shift; my $r = $self->{REQ}; return Apache2::Const::DECLINED if -d $r->my_finfo; $self->{MTIME} = -M _; if (!($r->allow_options & Apache2::Const::OPT_EXECCGI)) { $r->log_error("Options ExecCGI is off in this directory", $self->{FILENAME}); return Apache2::Const::FORBIDDEN; } $self->debug("can compile $self->{FILENAME}") if DEBUG & D_NOISE; return Apache2::Const::OK; } ######################################################################### # func: namespace_root # dflt: namespace_root # desc: define the namespace root for storing compiled scripts # args: $self - registry blessed object # rtrn: the namespace root ######################################################################### sub namespace_root { my $self = shift; join '::', NAMESPACE_ROOT, ref($self); } ######################################################################### # func: make_namespace # dflt: make_namespace # desc: prepares the namespace # args: $self - registry blessed object # rtrn: the namespace # efct: initializes the field: PACKAGE ######################################################################### sub make_namespace { my $self = shift; my $package = $self->namespace_from; # Escape everything into valid perl identifiers $package =~ s/([^A-Za-z0-9_])/sprintf("_%2x", unpack("C", $1))/eg; # make sure that the sub-package doesn't start with a digit $package =~ s/^(\d)/_$1/; # prepend root $package = $self->namespace_root() . "::$package"; $self->{PACKAGE} = $package; return $package; } ######################################################################### # func: namespace_from # dflt: namespace_from_filename # desc: returns a partial raw package name based on filename, uri, else # args: $self - registry blessed object # rtrn: a unique string ######################################################################### *namespace_from = \&namespace_from_filename; # return a package name based on $r->filename only sub namespace_from_filename { my $self = shift; my ($volume, $dirs, $file) = File::Spec::Functions::splitpath($self->{FILENAME}); my @dirs = File::Spec::Functions::splitdir($dirs); return join '_', grep { defined && length } $volume, @dirs, $file; } # return a package name based on $r->uri only sub namespace_from_uri { my $self = shift; my $path_info = $self->{REQ}->path_info; my $script_name = $path_info && $self->{URI} =~ /\Q$path_info\E$/ ? substr($self->{URI}, 0, length($self->{URI}) - length($path_info)) : $self->{URI}; if ($ModPerl::RegistryCooker::NameWithVirtualHost && $self->{REQ}->server->is_virtual) { my $name = $self->{REQ}->get_server_name; $script_name = join "", $name, $script_name if $name; } $script_name =~ s:/+$:/__INDEX__:; return $script_name; } ######################################################################### # func: convert_script_to_compiled_handler # dflt: convert_script_to_compiled_handler # desc: reads the script, converts into a handler and compiles it # args: $self - registry blessed object # rtrn: success/failure status ######################################################################### sub convert_script_to_compiled_handler { my $self = shift; my $rc = Apache2::Const::OK; $self->debug("Adding package $self->{PACKAGE}") if DEBUG & D_NOISE; # get the script's source $rc = $self->read_script; return $rc unless $rc == Apache2::Const::OK; # convert the shebang line opts into perl code my $shebang = $self->shebang_to_perl; # mod_cgi compat, should compile the code while in its dir, so # relative require/open will work. $self->chdir_file; # undef &{"$self->{PACKAGE}\::handler"}; unless DEBUG & D_NOISE; #avoid warnings # $self->{PACKAGE}->can('undef_functions') && $self->{PACKAGE}->undef_functions; my $line = $self->get_mark_line; $self->strip_end_data_segment; # handle the non-parsed handlers ala mod_cgi (though mod_cgi does # some tricks removing the header_out and other filters, here we # just call assbackwards which has the same effect). my $base = File::Basename::basename($self->{FILENAME}); my $nph = substr($base, 0, 4) eq 'nph-' ? '$_[0]->assbackwards(1);' : ""; my $script_name = $self->get_script_name || $0; my $eval = join '', 'package ', $self->{PACKAGE}, ";", "sub handler {", "local \$0 = '$script_name';", $nph, $shebang, $line, ${ $self->{CODE} }, "\n}"; # last line comment without newline? $rc = $self->compile(\$eval); return $rc unless $rc == Apache2::Const::OK; $self->debug(qq{compiled package \"$self->{PACKAGE}\"}) if DEBUG & D_NOISE; $self->chdir_file(Apache2::ServerUtil::server_root()); # if(my $opt = $r->dir_config("PerlRunOnce")) { # $r->child_terminate if lc($opt) eq "on"; # } $self->cache_it; return $rc; } ######################################################################### # func: cache_table # dflt: cache_table_common # desc: return a symbol table for caching compiled scripts in # args: $self - registry blessed object (or the class name) # rtrn: symbol table ######################################################################### *cache_table = \&cache_table_common; sub cache_table_common { \%ModPerl::RegistryCache; } sub cache_table_local { my $self = shift; my $class = ref($self) || $self; no strict 'refs'; \%$class; } ######################################################################### # func: cache_it # dflt: cache_it # desc: mark the package as cached by storing its modification time # args: $self - registry blessed object # rtrn: nothing ######################################################################### sub cache_it { my $self = shift; $self->cache_table->{ $self->{PACKAGE} }{mtime} = $self->{MTIME}; } ######################################################################### # func: is_cached # dflt: is_cached # desc: checks whether the package is already cached # args: $self - registry blessed object # rtrn: TRUE if cached, # FALSE otherwise ######################################################################### sub is_cached { my $self = shift; exists $self->cache_table->{ $self->{PACKAGE} }{mtime}; } ######################################################################### # func: should_compile # dflt: should_compile_once # desc: decide whether code should be compiled or not # args: $self - registry blessed object # rtrn: TRUE if should compile # FALSE otherwise # efct: sets MTIME if it's not set yet ######################################################################### *should_compile = \&should_compile_once; # return false only if the package is cached and its source file # wasn't modified sub should_compile_if_modified { my $self = shift; $self->{MTIME} ||= -M $self->{REQ}->my_finfo; !($self->is_cached && $self->cache_table->{ $self->{PACKAGE} }{mtime} <= $self->{MTIME}); } # return false if the package is cached already sub should_compile_once { not shift->is_cached; } ######################################################################### # func: should_reset_inc_hash # dflt: FALSE # desc: decide whether to localize %INC for required .pl files from the script # args: $self - registry blessed object # rtrn: TRUE if should reset # FALSE otherwise ######################################################################### *should_reset_inc_hash = \&FALSE; ######################################################################### # func: flush_namespace # dflt: NOP (don't flush) # desc: flush the compiled package's namespace # args: $self - registry blessed object # rtrn: nothing ######################################################################### *flush_namespace = \&NOP; sub flush_namespace_normal { my $self = shift; $self->debug("flushing namespace") if DEBUG & D_NOISE; ModPerl::Util::unload_package($self->{PACKAGE}); } ######################################################################### # func: read_script # dflt: read_script # desc: reads the script in # args: $self - registry blessed object # rtrn: Apache2::Const::OK on success, some other code on failure # efct: initializes the CODE field with the source script ######################################################################### # reads the contents of the file sub read_script { my $self = shift; $self->debug("reading $self->{FILENAME}") if DEBUG & D_NOISE; $self->{CODE} = eval { $self->{REQ}->slurp_filename(0) }; # untainted if ($@) { $self->log_error("$@"); if (ref $@ eq 'APR::Error') { return Apache2::Const::FORBIDDEN if APR::Status::is_EACCES($@); return Apache2::Const::NOT_FOUND if APR::Status::is_ENOENT($@); } return Apache2::Const::SERVER_ERROR; } return Apache2::Const::OK; } ######################################################################### # func: shebang_to_perl # dflt: shebang_to_perl # desc: parse the shebang line and convert command line switches # (defined in %switches) into a perl code. # args: $self - registry blessed object # rtrn: a Perl snippet to be put at the beginning of the CODE field # by caller ######################################################################### my %switches = ( 'T' => sub { Apache2::ServerRec::warn("-T switch is ignored, enable " . "with 'PerlSwitches -T' in httpd.conf\n") unless ${^TAINT}; ""; }, 'w' => sub { "use warnings;\n" }, ); sub shebang_to_perl { my $self = shift; my ($line) = ${ $self->{CODE} } =~ /^(.*)$/m; my @cmdline = split /\s+/, $line; return "" unless @cmdline; return "" unless shift(@cmdline) =~ /^\#!/; my $prepend = ""; for my $s (@cmdline) { next unless $s =~ s/^-//; last if substr($s,0,1) eq "-"; for (split //, $s) { next unless exists $switches{$_}; $prepend .= $switches{$_}->(); } } return $prepend; } ######################################################################### # func: get_script_name # dflt: get_script_name # desc: get the script's name to set into $0 # args: $self - registry blessed object # rtrn: path to the script's filename ######################################################################### sub get_script_name { shift->{FILENAME}; } ######################################################################### # func: chdir_file # dflt: NOP # desc: chdirs into $dir # args: $self - registry blessed object # $dir - a dir # rtrn: nothing (?or success/failure?) ######################################################################### *chdir_file = \&NOP; sub chdir_file_normal { my ($self, $dir) = @_; $dir ||= File::Basename::dirname($self->{FILENAME}); $self->debug("chdir $dir") if DEBUG & D_NOISE; chdir $dir or die "Can't chdir to $dir: $!"; } ######################################################################### # func: get_mark_line # dflt: get_mark_line # desc: generates the perl compiler #line directive # args: $self - registry blessed object # rtrn: returns the perl compiler #line directive ######################################################################### sub get_mark_line { my $self = shift; $ModPerl::Registry::MarkLine ? "\n#line 1 $self->{FILENAME}\n" : ""; } ######################################################################### # func: strip_end_data_segment # dflt: strip_end_data_segment # desc: remove the trailing non-code from $self->{CODE} # args: $self - registry blessed object # rtrn: nothing ######################################################################### sub strip_end_data_segment { ${ +shift->{CODE} } =~ s/^__(END|DATA)__(.*)//ms; } ######################################################################### # func: compile # dflt: compile # desc: compile the code in $eval # args: $self - registry blessed object # $eval - a ref to a scalar with the code to compile # rtrn: success/failure # note: $r must not be in scope of compile(), scripts must do # my $r = shift; to get it off the args stack ######################################################################### sub compile { my ($self, $eval) = @_; $self->debug("compiling $self->{FILENAME}") if DEBUG && D_COMPILE; ModPerl::Global::special_list_register(END => $self->{PACKAGE}); ModPerl::Global::special_list_clear( END => $self->{PACKAGE}); { # let the code define its own warn and strict level no strict; no warnings FATAL => 'all'; # because we use FATAL eval $$eval; } return $self->error_check; } ######################################################################### # func: error_check # dflt: error_check # desc: checks $@ for errors # args: $self - registry blessed object # rtrn: Apache2::Const::SERVER_ERROR if $@ is set, Apache2::Const::OK otherwise ######################################################################### sub error_check { my $self = shift; # ModPerl::Util::exit() throws an exception object whose rc is # ModPerl::EXIT # (see modperl_perl_exit() and modperl_errsv() C functions) if ($@ && !(ref $@ eq 'APR::Error' && $@ == ModPerl::EXIT)) { $self->log_error($@); return Apache2::Const::SERVER_ERROR; } return Apache2::Const::OK; } ######################################################################### # func: install_aliases # dflt: install_aliases # desc: install the method aliases into $class # args: $class - the class to install the methods into # $rh_aliases - a ref to a hash with aliases mapping # rtrn: nothing ######################################################################### sub install_aliases { my ($class, $rh_aliases) = @_; no strict 'refs'; while (my ($k,$v) = each %$rh_aliases) { if (my $sub = *{$v}{CODE}){ *{ $class . "::$k" } = $sub; } else { die "$class: $k aliasing failed; sub $v doesn't exist"; } } } ### helper methods sub debug { my $self = shift; my $class = ref $self; $self->{REQ}->log_error("$$: $class: " . join '', @_); } sub log_error { my ($self, $msg) = @_; my $class = ref $self; $self->{REQ}->log_error($msg); $self->{REQ}->notes->set('error-notes' => $msg); $@{$self->{URI}} = $msg; } ######################################################################### # func: uncache_myself # dflt: uncache_myself # desc: unmark the package as cached by forgetting its modification time # args: none # rtrn: nothing # note: this is a function and not a method, it should be called from # the registry script, and using the caller() method we figure # out the package the script was compiled into ######################################################################### # this is a function should be called from the registry script, and # using the caller() method we figure out the package the script was # compiled into and trying to uncache it. # # it's currently used only for testing purposes and not a part of the # public interface. it expects to find the compiled package in the # symbol table cache returned by cache_table_common(), if you override # cache_table() to point to another function, this function will fail. sub uncache_myself { my $package = scalar caller; my ($class) = __PACKAGE__->cache_table_common(); unless (defined $class) { Apache2->warn("$$: cannot figure out cache symbol table for $package"); return; } if (exists $class->{$package} && exists $class->{$package}{mtime}) { Apache2->warn("$$: uncaching $package\n") if DEBUG & D_COMPILE; delete $class->{$package}{mtime}; } else { Apache2->warn("$$: cannot find $package in cache"); } } # XXX: should go away when finfo() is ported to 2.0 (don't want to # depend on compat.pm) sub Apache2::RequestRec::my_finfo { my $r = shift; stat $r->filename; \*_; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME ModPerl::RegistryCooker - Cook mod_perl 2.0 Registry Modules =head1 Synopsis # shouldn't be used as-is but sub-classed first # see ModPerl::Registry for an example =head1 Description C is used to create flexible and overridable registry modules which emulate mod_cgi for Perl scripts. The concepts are discussed in the manpage of the following modules: C>, C> and C>. C has two purposes: =over =item * Provide ingredients that can be used by registry sub-classes =item * Provide a default behavior, which can be overriden in sub-classed META: in the future this functionality may move into a separate class. =back Here are the current overridable methods: META: these are all documented in RegistryCooker.pm, though not using pod. please help to port these to pod and move the descriptions here. =over =item * new() create the class's object, bless it and return it my $obj = $class->new($r); C<$class> -- the registry class, usually C<__PACKAGE__> can be used. C<$r> -- C> object. default: new() =item * init() initializes the data object's fields: C, C, C. Called from the new(). default: init() =item * default_handler() default: default_handler() =item * run() default: run() =item * can_compile() default: can_compile() =item * make_namespace() default: make_namespace() =item * namespace_root() default: namespace_root() =item * namespace_from() If C is used and the script is called from the virtual host, by default the virtual host name is prepended to the uri when package name for the compiled script is created. Sometimes this behavior is undesirable, e.g., when the same (physical) script is accessed using the same path_info but different virtual hosts. In that case you can make the script compiled only once for all vhosts, by specifying: $ModPerl::RegistryCooker::NameWithVirtualHost = 0; The drawback is that it affects the global environment and all other scripts will be compiled ignoring virtual hosts. default: namespace_from() =item * is_cached() default: is_cached() =item * should_compile() default: should_compile() =item * flush_namespace() default: flush_namespace() =item * cache_table() default: cache_table() =item * cache_it() default: cache_it() =item * read_script() default: read_script() =item * shebang_to_perl() default: shebang_to_perl() =item * get_script_name() default: get_script_name() =item * chdir_file() default: chdir_file() =item * get_mark_line() default: get_mark_line() =item * compile() default: compile() =item * error_check() default: error_check() =item * strip_end_data_segment() default: strip_end_data_segment() =item * convert_script_to_compiled_handler() default: convert_script_to_compiled_handler() =back =head2 Special Predefined Functions The following functions are implemented as constants. =over =item * NOP() Use when the function shouldn't do anything. =item * TRUE() Use when a function should always return a true value. =item * FALSE() Use when a function should always return a false value. =back =head1 Sub-classing Techniques To override the default C methods, first, sub-class C or one of its existing sub-classes, using C. Second, override the methods. Those methods that weren't overridden will be resolved at run time when used for the first time and cached for the future requests. One way to to shortcut this first run resolution is to use the symbol aliasing feature. For example to alias C as C, you can do: package ModPerl::MyRegistry; use base qw(ModPerl::RegistryCooker); *ModPerl::MyRegistry::flush_namespace = \&ModPerl::RegistryCooker::flush_namespace; 1; In fact, it's a good idea to explicitly alias all the methods so you know exactly what functions are used, rather then relying on the defaults. For that purpose C class method install_aliases() can be used. Simply prepare a hash with method names in the current package as keys and corresponding fully qualified methods to be aliased for as values and pass it to install_aliases(). Continuing our example we could do: package ModPerl::MyRegistry; use base qw(ModPerl::RegistryCooker); my %aliases = ( flush_namespace => 'ModPerl::RegistryCooker::flush_namespace', ); __PACKAGE__->install_aliases(\%aliases); 1; The values use fully qualified packages so you can mix methods from different classes. =head1 Examples The best examples are existing core registry modules: C>, C> and C>. Look at the source code and their manpages to see how they subclass C. For example by default C> uses the script's path when creating a package's namespace. If for example you want to use a uri instead you can override it with: *ModPerl::MyRegistry::namespace_from = \&ModPerl::RegistryCooker::namespace_from_uri; 1; Since the C component already exists in C. If you want to write your own method, e.g., that creates a namespace based on the inode, you can do: sub namespace_from_inode { my $self = shift; return (stat $self->[FILENAME])[1]; } META: when $r-Efinfo will be ported it'll be more effecient. (stat $r-Efinfo)[1] =head1 Authors Doug MacEachern Stas Bekman =head1 See Also C>, C> and C>. =cut