package Math::Random; use strict; use Carp; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS $AUTOLOAD); require Exporter; require DynaLoader; require AutoLoader; @ISA = qw(Exporter DynaLoader); $VERSION = '0.71'; @EXPORT = qw(random_normal random_permutation random_permuted_index random_uniform random_uniform_integer random_seed_from_phrase random_get_seed random_set_seed_from_phrase random_set_seed ); @EXPORT_OK = qw(random_beta random_chi_square random_exponential random_f random_gamma random_multivariate_normal random_multinomial random_noncentral_chi_square random_noncentral_f random_normal random_permutation random_permuted_index random_uniform random_poisson random_uniform_integer random_negative_binomial random_binomial random_seed_from_phrase random_get_seed random_set_seed_from_phrase random_set_seed ); %EXPORT_TAGS = ( all => [ @EXPORT_OK ] ); sub AUTOLOAD { # This AUTOLOAD is used to 'autoload' constants from the constant() # XS function. If a constant is not found then control is passed # to the AUTOLOAD in AutoLoader. my $constname; ($constname = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*:://; croak "& not defined" if $constname eq 'constant'; my $val = constant($constname, @_ ? $_[0] : 0); if ($! != 0) { if ($! =~ /Invalid/) { $AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD = $AUTOLOAD; goto &AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD; } else { croak "Your vendor has not defined Math::Random macro $constname"; } } *$AUTOLOAD = sub () { $val }; goto &$AUTOLOAD; } bootstrap Math::Random $VERSION; ### set seeds by default salfph(scalar(localtime())); ##################################################################### # RANDOM DEVIATE GENERATORS # ##################################################################### sub random_beta { # Arguments: ($n,$aa,$bb) croak "Usage: random_beta(\$n,\$aa,\$bb)" if scalar(@_) < 3; my($n, $aa, $bb) = @_; croak("($aa = \$aa < 1.0E-37) or ($bb = \$bb < 1.0E-37)\nin ". "random_beta(\$n,\$aa,\$bb)") if (($aa < 1.0E-37) or ($bb < 1.0E-37)); return genbet($aa,$bb) unless wantarray(); my $val; my @ans = (0) x $n; foreach $val (@ans) { $val = genbet($aa,$bb); } return @ans; } sub random_chi_square { # Arguments: ($n,$df) croak "Usage: random_chi_square(\$n,\$df)" if scalar(@_) < 2; my($n, $df) = @_; croak "$df = \$df <= 0\nin random_chi_square(\$n,\$df)" if ($df <= 0); return genchi($df) unless wantarray(); my $val; my @ans = (0) x $n; foreach $val (@ans) { $val = genchi($df); } return @ans; } sub random_exponential { # Arguments: ($n,$av), defaults (1,1) return wantarray() ? (genexp(1)) : genexp(1) if scalar(@_) == 0; # default behavior if no arguments my($n, $av) = @_; $av = 1 unless defined($av); # default $av is 1 croak "$av = \$av < 0\nin random_exponential(\$n,\$av)" if ($av < 0); return genexp($av) unless wantarray(); my $val; my @ans = (0) x $n; foreach $val (@ans) { $val = genexp($av); } return @ans; } sub random_f { # Arguments: ($n,$dfn,$dfd) croak "Usage: random_f(\$n,\$dfn,\$dfd)" if scalar(@_) < 3; my($n, $dfn, $dfd) = @_; croak("($dfn = \$dfn <= 0) or ($dfd = \$dfd <= 0)\nin ". "random_f(\$n,\$dfn,\$dfd)") if (($dfn <= 0) or ($dfd <= 0)); return genf($dfn,$dfd) unless wantarray(); my $val; my @ans = (0) x $n; foreach $val (@ans) { $val = genf($dfn,$dfd); } return @ans; } sub random_gamma { # Arguments: ($n,$a,$r) croak "Usage: random_gamma(\$n,\$a,\$r)" if scalar(@_) < 3; my($n, $a, $r) = @_; croak "($a = \$a <= 0) or ($r = \$r <= 0)\nin random_gamma(\$n,\$a,\$r)" if (($a <= 0) or ($r <= 0)); return gengam($a,$r) unless wantarray(); my $val; my @ans = (0) x $n; foreach $val (@ans) { $val = gengam($a,$r); } return @ans; } sub random_multivariate_normal { # Arguments: ($n, @mean, @covar(2-dim'l)) croak "Usage: random_multivariate_normal(\$n,\@mean,\@covar(2-dim'l))" if (scalar(@_)) < 3; my $n = shift(@_); # first element is number of obs. desired my $p = scalar(@_)/2; # best guess at dimension of deviate # check outline of arguments croak("Sizes of \@mean and \@covar don't match\nin ". "random_multivariate_normal(\$n, \@mean, \@covar(2-dim'l))") unless (($p == int($p)) and ("$_[$p - 1]" !~ /^ARRAY/) and ("$_[$p]" =~ /^ARRAY/)); # linearize input - it seems faster to push my @linear = (); push @linear, splice(@_, 0, $p); # fill first $p slots w/ mean # expand array references my $ref; foreach $ref (@_) { # for the rest of the input # check length of row of @covariance croak("\@covar is not a $p by $p array ($p is size of \@mean)\nin ". "random_multivariate_normal(\$n, \@mean, \@covar(2-dim'l))") unless (scalar(@{$ref}) == $p); push @linear, @{$ref}; } # load float working array with linearized input putflt(@linear) or croak "Unable to allocate memory\nin random_multivariate_normal"; # initialize parameter array for multivariate normal generator psetmn($p) or croak "Unable to allocate memory\nin random_multivariate_normal"; unless (wantarray()) { ### if called in a scalar context, returns single refernce to obs pgenmn(); return [ getflt($p) ]; } # otherwise return an $n by $p array of obs. my @ans = (0) x $n; foreach $ref (@ans) { pgenmn(); $ref = [ getflt($p) ]; } return @ans; } sub random_multinomial { # Arguments: ($n,@p) my($n, @p) = @_; my $ncat = scalar(@p); # number of categories $n = int($n); croak "$n = \$n < 0\nin random_multinomial(\$n,\@p)" if ($n < 0); croak "$ncat = (length of \@p) < 2\nin random_multinomial(\$n,\@p)" if ($ncat < 2); rspriw($ncat) or croak "Unable to allocate memory\nin random_multinomial"; my($i,$sum,$val) = (0,0,0); pop @p; rsprfw(scalar(@p)) or croak "Unable to allocate memory\nin random_multinomial"; foreach $val (@p) { croak "$val = (some \$p[i]) < 0 or > 1\nin random_multinomial(\$n,\@p)" if (($val < 0) or ($val > 1)); svprfw($i,$val); $i++; $sum += $val; } croak "Sum of \@p > 1\nin random_multinomial(\$n,\@p)" if ($sum > 0.99999); pgnmul($n, $ncat); ### get the results $i = 0; foreach $val (@p) { $val = gvpriw($i); $i++; } push @p, gvpriw($i); return @p; } sub random_noncentral_chi_square { # Arguments: ($n,$df,$nonc) croak "Usage: random_noncentral_chi_square(\$n,\$df,\$nonc)" if scalar(@_) < 3; my($n, $df, $nonc) = @_; croak("($df = \$df < 1) or ($nonc = \$nonc) < 0\n". "in random_noncentral_chi_square(\$n,\$df,\$nonc)") if (($df < 1) or ($nonc < 0)); return gennch($df,$nonc) unless wantarray(); my $val; my @ans = (0) x $n; foreach $val (@ans) { $val = gennch($df,$nonc); } return @ans; } sub random_noncentral_f { # Arguments: ($n,$dfn,$dfd,$nonc) croak "Usage: random_noncentral_f(\$n,\$dfn,\$dfd,\$nonc)" if scalar(@_) < 4; my($n, $dfn, $dfd, $nonc) = @_; croak("($dfn = \$dfn < 1) or ($dfd = \$dfd <= 0) or ($nonc ". "= \$nonc < 0)\nin random_noncentral_f(\$n,\$dfn,\$dfd,\$nonc)") if (($dfn < 1) or ($dfd <= 0) or ($nonc < 0)); return gennf($dfn,$dfd,$nonc) unless wantarray(); my $val; my @ans = (0) x $n; foreach $val (@ans) { $val = gennf($dfn,$dfd,$nonc); } return @ans; } sub random_normal { # Arguments: ($n,$av,$sd), defaults (1,0,1) return wantarray() ? (gennor(0,1)) : gennor(0,1) if scalar(@_) == 0; # default behavior if no arguments my($n, $av, $sd) = @_; $av = 0 unless defined($av); # $av defaults to 0 $sd = 1 unless defined($sd); # $sd defaults to 1, even if $av specified croak "$sd = \$sd < 0\nin random_normal([\$n[,\$av[,\$sd]]])" if ($sd < 0); return gennor($av,$sd) unless wantarray(); my $val; my @ans = (0) x $n; foreach $val (@ans) { $val = gennor($av,$sd); } return @ans; } sub random_permutation { # Argument: (@array) - array to be permuted. my $n = scalar(@_); # number of elements to be permuted return () if $n == 0; rspriw($n) or croak "Unable to allocate memory\nin random_permutation"; pgnprm($n); my($val, $i) = (0,0); my @ans = (0) x $n; foreach $val (@ans) { $val = gvpriw($i); $i++; } return @_[@ans]; } sub random_permuted_index { # Argument: $n = scalar(@array) (for permutation) croak "Usage: random_permuted_index(\$n)" if scalar(@_) < 1; my $n = int(shift(@_)); # number of elements to be permuted croak "$n = \$n < 0 in random_permuted_index(\$n)" if $n < 0; return () if $n == 0; rspriw($n) or croak "Unable to allocate memory\nin random_permuted_index"; pgnprm($n); my($val, $i) = (0,0); my @ans = (0) x $n; foreach $val (@ans) { $val = gvpriw($i); $i++; } return @ans; } sub random_uniform { # Arguments: ($n,$low,$high), defaults (1,0,1) return wantarray() ? (genunf(0,1)) : genunf(0,1) if scalar(@_) == 0; croak "Usage: random_uniform([\$n,[\$low,\$high]])" if scalar(@_) == 2; # only default is (0,1) for ($low,$high) both undef my($n, $low, $high) = @_; $low = 0 unless defined($low); # default for $low is 0 $high = 1 unless defined($high); # default for $high is 1 croak("$low = \$low > \$high = $high\nin ". "random_uniform([\$n,[\$low,\$high]])") if ($low > $high); return genunf($low,$high) unless wantarray(); my $val; my @ans = (0) x $n; foreach $val (@ans) { $val = genunf($low,$high); } return @ans; } sub random_poisson { # Arguments: ($n, $mu) croak "Usage: random_poisson(\$n,\$mu)" if scalar(@_) < 2; my($n, $mu) = @_; croak "$mu = \$mu < 0\nin random_poisson(\$n,\$mu)" if ($mu < 0); return ignpoi($mu) unless wantarray(); my $val; my @ans = (0) x $n; foreach $val (@ans) { $val = ignpoi($mu); } return @ans; } sub random_uniform_integer { # Arguments: ($n,$low,$high) croak "Usage: random_uniform_integer(\$n,\$low,\$high)" if scalar(@_) < 3; my($n, $low, $high) = @_; $low = int($low); $high = int($high); croak("$low = \$low > \$high = $high\nin ". "random_uniform_integer(\$n,\$low,\$high)") if ($low > $high); my $range = $high - $low; croak("$range = (\$high - \$low) > 2147483561\nin ". "random_uniform_integer(\$n,\$low,\$high)") if ($range > 2147483561); return ($low + ignuin(0,$range)) unless wantarray(); my $val; my @ans = (0) x $n; foreach $val (@ans) { $val = $low + ignuin(0,$range); } return @ans; } sub random_negative_binomial { # Arguments: ($n,$ne,$p) croak "Usage: random_negative_binomial(\$n,\$ne,\$p)" if scalar(@_) < 3; my($n, $ne, $p) = @_; $ne = int($ne); croak("($ne = \$ne <= 0) or ($p = \$p <= 0 or >= 1)\nin ". "random_negative_binomial(\$n,\$ne,\$p)") if (($ne <= 0) or (($p <= 0) or ($p >= 1))); return ignnbn($ne,$p) unless wantarray(); my $val; my @ans = (0) x $n; foreach $val (@ans) { $val = ignnbn($ne,$p); } return @ans; } sub random_binomial { # Arguments: ($n,$nt,$p) croak "Usage: random_binomial(\$n,\$nt,\$p)" if scalar(@_) < 3; my($n, $nt, $p) = @_; $nt = int($nt); croak("($nt = \$nt < 0) or ($p = \$p < 0 or > 1)\nin ". "random_binomial(\$n,\$nt,\$p)") if (($nt < 0) or (($p < 0) or ($p > 1))); return ignbin($nt,$p) unless wantarray(); my $val; my @ans = (0) x $n; foreach $val (@ans) { $val = ignbin($nt,$p); } return @ans; } ##################################################################### # SEED HANDLER FUNCTIONS # ##################################################################### sub random_seed_from_phrase { # Argument $phrase my $phrase = shift(@_); $phrase ||= ""; return phrtsd($phrase); } sub random_get_seed { # no argument return getsd(); } sub random_set_seed_from_phrase { # Argument $phrase my $phrase = shift(@_); $phrase ||= ""; salfph($phrase); return 1; } sub random_set_seed { # Argument @seed my($seed1,$seed2) = @_; croak("Usage: random_set_seed(\@seed)\n\@seed[0,1] must be two integers ". "in the range (1,1) to (2147483562,2147483398)\nand usually comes ". "from a call to random_get_seed() ". "or\nrandom_seed_from_phrase(\$phrase).") unless (((($seed1 == int($seed1)) and ($seed2 == int($seed2))) and (($seed1 > 0) and ($seed2 > 0))) and (($seed1 < 2147483563) and ($seed2 < 2147483399))); setall($seed1,$seed2); return 1; } ##################################################################### # HELPER ROUTINES # # These use the C work arrays and are not intended for export # # (Currently only used in random_multivariate_normal) # ##################################################################### sub getflt { my $n = $_[0]; my $val; my $i = 0; my @junk = (0) x $n; foreach $val (@junk) { $val = gvprfw($i); $i++; } return @junk; } sub putflt { my $n = scalar(@_); rsprfw($n) or return 0; my $val; my $i = 0; foreach $val (@_) { # load up floats svprfw($i,$val); $i++; } return 1; } # Autoload methods go after =cut, and are processed by the autosplit program. 1; __END__ =head1 NAME B - Random Number Generators =head1 SYNOPSIS =over 4 =item * use Math::Random; Exports the following routines by default (see L<"Default Routines">): random_set_seed_from_phrase random_get_seed random_seed_from_phrase random_set_seed random_uniform random_uniform_integer random_permutation random_permuted_index random_normal In this case the extended routines (see L<"Extended Routines">) can be used by qualifying them explicitly with C, for example: C<$stdexp = Math::Random::random_exponential();> =item * use Math::Random qw(random_beta random_chi_square random_exponential random_f random_gamma random_multivariate_normal random_multinomial random_noncentral_chi_square random_noncentral_f random_normal random_permutation random_permuted_index random_uniform random_poisson random_uniform_integer random_negative_binomial random_binomial random_seed_from_phrase random_get_seed random_set_seed_from_phrase random_set_seed ); Exports all the routines explicitly. Use a subset of the list for the routines you want. =item * use Math::Random qw(:all); Exports all the routines, as well. =back =head1 DESCRIPTION B is a B port of the B version of B, which is a suite of routines for generating random deviates. See L<"RANDLIB"> for more information. This port supports all of the distributions from which the B and B versions generate deviates. The major functionalities that are excluded are the multiple generators/splitting facility and antithetic random number generation. These facilities, along with some of the distributions which I included, are probably not of interest except to the very sophisticated user. If there is sufficient interest, the excluded facilities will be included in a future release. The code to perform the excluded facilities is available as B in B and B source. =head2 Default Routines The routines which are exported by default are the only ones that the average Perl programmer is likely to need. =over 4 =item C Sets the seed of the base generator to a value determined by I<$phrase>. If the module is installed with the default option, the value depends on the machine collating sequence. It should, however, be the same for 7-bit ASCII character strings on all ASCII machines. In the original randlib, the value generated for a given I<$phrase> was consistent from implementation to implementation (it did not rely on the machine collating sequence). Check with your Perl administrator to see if the module was installed with the original seed generator. B When the Perl processor loads package B the seed is set to a value based on the current time. The seed changes each time B generates something random. The ability to set the seed is useful for debugging, or for those who like reproducible runs. =item C Returns an array of length two which contains the two integers constituting the seed (assuming a call in array context). An invocation in a scalar context returns the integer 2, which is probably not useful. =item C Returns an array of length two which contains the two integers constituting the seed (assuming a call in array context). An invocation in a scalar context returns the integer 2, which is probably not useful. The seed generated is the seed used to set the seed in a call to C. B the following two calls (for the same I<$phrase>) are equivalent: random_set_seed(random_seed_from_phrase($phrase)); and random_set_seed_from_phrase($phrase); =item C Sets the seed of the base generator to the value I<@seed>[0,1]. Usually, the argument I<@seed> should be the result of a call to C or C. I<@seed>[0,1] must be two integers in the range S<(1, 1)> to S<(2147483562, 2147483398)>, inclusive. =item C =item C =item C When called in an array context, returns an array of I<$n> deviates generated from a IS< >I<$high)> distribution. When called in a scalar context, generates and returns only one such deviate as a scalar, regardless of the value of I<$n>. Argument restrictions: I<$low> must be less than or equal to I<$high>. Defaults are (1, 0, 1). B I<$high> must be specified if I<$low> is specified. =item C When called in an array context, returns an array of I<$n> integer deviates generated from a IS< >I<$high)> distribution on the integers. When called in a scalar context, generates and returns only one such deviate as a scalar, regardless of the value of I<$n>. Argument restrictions: I<$low> and I<$high> are first rounded using C; the resulting I<$low> must be less than or equal to I<$high>, and the resulting range I<($high - $low)> must not be greater than 2147483561. There are no defaults; all three arguments must be provided. =item C Returns I<@array>, randomly permuted. =item C Returns an array of array indices, randomly permuted. The indices used are S<(0, ... ,>(I<$n>S< - >1)). This produces the indices used by C for a given seed, without passing arrays. B the following are equivalent: random_set_seed_from_phrase('jjv'); random_permutation(@array); and random_set_seed_from_phrase('jjv'); @array[(random_permuted_index(scalar(@array)))]; =item C =item C =item C =item C When called in an array context, returns an array of I<$n> deviates generated from a I distribution. When called in a scalar context, generates and returns only one such deviate as a scalar, regardless of the value of I<$n>. Argument restrictions: I<$sd> must be non-negative. Defaults are (1, 0, 1). =back =head2 Extended Routines These routines generate deviates from many other distributions. B The parameterizations of these deviates are standard (insofar as there I a standard ... ) but particular attention should be paid to the distributions of the I and I deviates (noted in C and C below). =over 4 =item C When called in an array context, returns an array of I<$n> deviates generated from the I distribution with parameters I<$aa> and I<$bb>. The density of the beta is: X^(I<$aa> - 1) * (1 - X)^(I<$bb> - 1) / S(I<$aa> , I<$bb>) for 0 < X < 1. When called in a scalar context, generates and returns only one such deviate as a scalar, regardless of the value of I<$n>. Argument restrictions: Both I<$aa> and I<$bb> must not be less than C<1.0E-37>. There are no defaults; all three arguments must be provided. =item C When called in an array context, returns an array of I<$n> outcomes generated from the I distribution with number of trials I<$nt> and probability of an event in each trial I<$p>. When called in a scalar context, generates and returns only one such outcome as a scalar, regardless of the value of I<$n>. Argument restrictions: I<$nt> is rounded using C; the result must be non-negative. I<$p> must be between 0 and 1 inclusive. There are no defaults; both arguments must be provided. =item C When called in an array context, returns an array of I<$n> deviates generated from the I distribution with I<$df> degrees of freedom. When called in a scalar context, generates and returns only one such deviate as a scalar, regardless of the value of I<$n>. Argument restrictions: I<$df> must be positive. There are no defaults; both arguments must be provided. =item C =item C =item C When called in an array context, returns an array of I<$n> deviates generated from the I distribution with mean I<$av>. When called in a scalar context, generates and returns only one such deviate as a scalar, regardless of the value of I<$n>. Argument restrictions: I<$av> must be non-negative. Defaults are (1, 1). =item C When called in an array context, returns an array of I<$n> deviates generated from the I (variance ratio) distribution with degrees of freedom I<$dfn> (numerator) and I<$dfd> (denominator). When called in a scalar context, generates and returns only one such deviate as a scalar, regardless of the value of I<$n>. Argument restrictions: Both I<$dfn> and I<$dfd> must be positive. There are no defaults; all three arguments must be provided. =item C When called in an array context, returns an array of I<$n> deviates generated from the I distribution with parameters I<$a> and I<$r>. The density of the gamma is: (I<$a>**I<$r>) / Gamma(I<$r>) * X**(I<$r> - 1) * Exp(-I<$a>*X) When called in a scalar context, generates and returns only one such deviate as a scalar, regardless of the value of I<$n>. Argument restrictions: Both I<$a> and I<$r> must be positive. There are no defaults; all three arguments must be provided. =item C When called in an array context, returns single observation from the I distribution, with I<$n> events classified into as many categories as the length of I<@p>. The probability of an event being classified into category I is given by the Ith element of I<@p>. The observation is an array with length equal to I<@p>, so when called in a scalar context it returns the length of @p. The sum of the elements of the observation is equal to I<$n>. Argument restrictions: I<$n> is rounded with C before it is used; the result must be non-negative. I<@p> must have length at least 2. All elements of I<@p> except the last must be between 0 and 1 inclusive, and sum to no more than 0.99999. B The last element of I<@p> is a dummy to indicate the number of categories, and it is adjusted to bring the sum of the elements of I<@p> to 1. There are no defaults; both arguments must be provided. =item C When called in an array context, returns an array of I<$n> deviates (each deviate being an array reference) generated from the I distribution with mean vector I<@mean> and variance-covariance matrix I<@covar>. When called in a scalar context, generates and returns only one such deviate as an array reference, regardless of the value of I<$n>. Argument restrictions: If the dimension of the deviate to be generated is I

, I<@mean> should be a length I

array of real numbers. I<@covar> should be a length I

array of references to length I

arrays of real numbers (i.e. a I

by I

matrix). Further, I<@covar> should be a symmetric positive-definite matrix, although the B code does not check positive-definiteness, and the underlying B code assumes the matrix is symmetric. Given that the variance-covariance matrix is symmetric, it doesn't matter if the references refer to rows or columns. If a non-positive definite matrix is passed to the function, it will abort with the following message: COVM not positive definite in SETGMN Also, a non-symmetric I<@covar> may produce deviates without complaint, although they may not be from the expected distribution. For these reasons, you are encouraged to I. The B code I check the dimensionality of I<@mean> and I<@covar> for consistency. It does so by checking that the length of the argument vector passed is odd, that what should be the last element of I<@mean> and the first element of I<@covar> look like they are a number followed by an array reference respectively, and that the arrays referred to in I<@covar> are as long as I<@mean>. There are no defaults; all three arguments must be provided. =item C When called in an array context, returns an array of I<$n> outcomes generated from the I distribution with number of events I<$ne> and probability of an event in each trial I<$p>. When called in a scalar context, generates and returns only one such outcome as a scalar, regardless of the value of I<$n>. Argument restrictions: I<$ne> is rounded using C, the result must be positive. I<$p> must be between 0 and 1 exclusive. There are no defaults; both arguments must be provided. =item C When called in an array context, returns an array of I<$n> deviates generated from the I distribution with I<$df> degrees of freedom and noncentrality parameter I<$nonc>. When called in a scalar context, generates and returns only one such deviate as a scalar, regardless of the value of I<$n>. Argument restrictions: I<$df> must be at least 1, I<$nonc> must be non-negative. There are no defaults; all three arguments must be provided. =item C When called in an array context, returns an array of I<$n> deviates generated from the I (variance ratio) distribution with degrees of freedom I<$dfn> (numerator) and I<$dfd> (denominator); and noncentrality parameter I<$nonc>. When called in a scalar context, generates and returns only one such deviate as a scalar, regardless of the value of I<$n>. Argument restrictions: I<$dfn> must be at least 1, I<$dfd> must be positive, and I<$nonc> must be non-negative. There are no defaults; all four arguments must be provided. =item C When called in an array context, returns an array of I<$n> outcomes generated from the I distribution with mean I<$mu>. When called in a scalar context, generates and returns only one such outcome as a scalar, regardless of the value of I<$n>. Argument restrictions: I<$mu> must be non-negative. There are no defaults; both arguments must be provided. =back =head1 ERROR HANDLING The B code should C if bad arguments are passed or if the underlying B code cannot allocate the necessary memory. The only error which should kill the job without Cing is a non-positive definite variance-covariance matrix passed to C (see L<"Extended Routines">). =head1 RANDLIB B is available in B and B source form, and will soon be available in B source as well. B can be obtained from B. Send mail whose message is I<'send randlib.c.shar from general'> to: B can also be obtained by anonymous B to: ( where it is available as /pub/source/randlib.c-1.3.tar.gz For obvious reasons, the original B (in B) has been renamed to /pub/source/randlib.f-1.3.tar.gz on the same machine. Our FTP index is on file C<./pub/index>. If you have Internet access and a browser you might note the following web site addresses: University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center Home Page: Department of Biomathematics Home Page: Available software: =head1 SUPPORT This work was supported in part by grant CA-16672 from the National Cancer Institute. We are grateful to Larry and Pat McNeil of Corpus Cristi for their generous support. Some equipment used in this effort was provided by IBM as part of a cooperative study agreement; we thank them. =head1 CODE MANIPULATION The B version of B was obtained by translating the original B B using B, and performing some hand crafting of the result. Information on B can be obtained from: PROMULA Development Corporation 3620 N. High Street, Suite 301 Columbus, Ohio 43214 (614) 263-5454 F (now obsolete) was created by using B, and performing some modification of the result. B also produced the skeleton of F. Information on B can be obtained from: =head1 SOURCES The following routines, which were written by others and lightly modified for consistency in packaging, are included in B. =over 4 =item Bottom Level Routines These routines are a transliteration of the B in the reference to B, and thence to B. L'Ecuyer, P., and Cote, S. "Implementing a Random Number Package with Splitting Facilities." ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 17:98-111 (1991). =item Exponential This code was obtained from Netlib. Ahrens, J. H., and Dieter, U. "Computer Methods for Sampling from the Exponential and Normal Distributions." Comm. ACM, 15,10 (Oct. 1972), 873-882. =item Gamma (Case R >= 1.0) Ahrens, J. H., and Dieter, U. "Generating Gamma Variates by a Modified Rejection Technique." Comm. ACM, 25,1 (Jan. 1982), 47-54. Algorithm GD (Case 0.0 <= R <= 1.0) Ahrens, J. H., and Dieter, U. "Computer Methods for Sampling from Gamma, Beta, Poisson and Binomial Distributions." Computing, 12 (1974), 223-246. Adaptation of algorithm GS. =item Normal This code was obtained from netlib. Ahrens, J. H., and Dieter, U. "Extensions of Forsythe's Method for Random Sampling from the Normal Distribution." Math. Comput., 27,124 (Oct. 1973), 927-937. =item Binomial This code was kindly sent to Dr. Brown by Dr. Kachitvichyanukul. Kachitvichyanukul, V., and Schmeiser, B. W. "Binomial Random Variate Generation." Comm. ACM, 31, 2 (Feb. 1988), 216. =item Poisson This code was obtained from netlib. Ahrens, J. H., and Dieter, U. "Computer Generation of Poisson Deviates from Modified Normal Distributions." ACM Trans. Math. Software, 8, 2 (June 1982), 163-179. =item Beta This code was written by us following the recipe in the following. Cheng, R. C. H. "Generating Beta Variables with Nonintegral Shape Parameters." Comm. ACM, 21:317-322 (1978). (Algorithms BB and BC) =item Linpack Routines C and C are used to perform the Cholesky decomposition of the covariance matrix in C (used for the generation of multivariate normal deviates). Dongarra, J. J., Moler, C. B., Bunch, J. R., and Stewart, G. W. Linpack User's Guide. SIAM Press, Philadelphia. (1979) =item Multinomial The algorithm is from page 559 of Devroye, Luc Non-Uniform Random Variate Generation. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1986. =item Negative Binomial The algorithm is from page 480 of Devroye, Luc Non-Uniform Random Variate Generation. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1986. =back =head1 VERSION This POD documents B version 0.71. =head1 AUTHORS =over 4 =item * B (the B port of B) was put together by John Venier and Barry W. Brown with help from B. For version 0.61, Geoffrey Rommel made various cosmetic changes. Version 0.64 uses plain vanilla XS rather than SWIG. =item * B was compiled and written by Barry W. Brown, James Lovato, Kathy Russell, and John Venier. =item * Correspondence regarding B or B should be addressed to John Venier by email to =item * Our address is: Department of Biomathematics, Box 237 The University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center 1515 Holcombe Boulevard Houston, TX 77030 =item * Geoffrey Rommel may be reached at grommel [at] cpan [dot] org. =back =head1 LEGALITIES =over 4 =item * The programs in the B code distributed with B and in the B code F, as well as the documentation, are copyright by John Venier and Barry W. Brown for the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in 1997. They may be distributed and used under the same conditions as B. =item * F, F, and F are from B (See L<"RANDLIB">) and are distributed with the following legalities. Code that appeared in an ACM publication is subject to their algorithms policy: Submittal of an algorithm for publication in one of the ACM Transactions implies that unrestricted use of the algorithm within a computer is permissible. General permission to copy and distribute the algorithm without fee is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage. The ACM copyright notice and the title of the publication and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of the Association for Computing Machinery. To copy otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee and/or specific permission. Krogh, F. "Algorithms Policy." ACM Tran. Math. Softw. 13 (1987), 183-186. Note, however, that only the particular expression of an algorithm can be copyrighted, not the algorithm per se; see 17 USC 102E<40>bE<41>. We place the Randlib code that we have written in the public domain. =item * B and B are distributed with B. See L<"NO WARRANTY">. =back =head1 NO WARRANTY WE PROVIDE ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THIS PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS OR ANY OF ITS COMPONENT INSTITUTIONS INCLUDING M. D. ANDERSON HOSPITAL BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY LOST PROFITS, LOST MONIES, OR OTHER SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA OR ITS ANALYSIS BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY THIRD PARTIES FROM) THE PROGRAM. (Above NO WARRANTY modified from the GNU NO WARRANTY statement.) =cut