# functions for calculating derivatives of data # $Id: Derivative.pm,v 1.1 1995/12/26 16:26:59 willijar Exp $ =head1 NAME Math::Derivative - Numeric 1st and 2nd order differentiation =head1 SYNOPSIS use Math::Derivative qw(Derivative1 Derivative2); @dydx=Derivative1(\@x,\@y); @d2ydx2=Derivative2(\@x,\@y); @d2ydx2=Derivative2(\@x,\@y,$yp0,$ypn); =head1 DESCRIPTION This Perl package exports functions for performing numerical first (B) and second B) order differentiation on vectors of data. They both take references to two arrays containing the x and y ordinates of the data and return an array of the 1st or 2nd derivative at the given x ordinates. B may optionally be given values to use for the first dervivative at the start and end points of the data - otherwiswe 'natural' values are used. =head1 HISTORY $Log: Derivative.pm,v $ Revision 1.1 1995/12/26 16:26:59 willijar Initial revision =head1 BUGS Let me know. =head1 AUTHOR John A.R. Williams =cut require Exporter; package Math::Derivative; @ISA=qw(Exporter); @EXPORT_OK=qw(Derivative1 Derivative2); use strict; sub Derivative1 { my ($x,$y)=@_; my @y2; my $n=$#{$x}; $y2[0]=($y->[1]-$y->[0])/($x->[1]-$x->[0]); $y2[$n]=($y->[$n]-$y->[$n-1])/($x->[$n]-$x->[$n-1]); my $i; for($i=1; $i<$n; $i++) { $y2[$i]=($y->[$i+1]-$y->[$i-1])/($x->[$i+1]-$x->[$i-1]); } return @y2; } sub Derivative2 { my ($x,$y,$yp1,$ypn)=@_; my $n=$#{$x}; my ($i,@y2,@u); if (!defined $yp1) { $y2[0]=0; $u[0]=0; } else { $y2[0]=-0.5; $u[0]=(3/($x->[1]-$x->[0]))*(($y->[1]-$y->[0])/($x->[1]-$x->[0])-$yp1); } for($i=1; $i<$n; $i++) { my $sig=($x->[$i]-$x->[$i-1])/($x->[$i+1]-$x->[$i-1]); my $p=$sig*$y2[$i-1]+2.0; $y2[$i]=($sig-1.0)/$p; $u[$i]=(6.0*( ($y->[$i+1]-$y->[$i])/($x->[$i+1]-$x->[$i])- ($y->[$i]-$y->[$i-1])/($x->[$i]-$x->[$i-1]) )/ ($x->[$i+1]-$x->[$i-1])-$sig*$u[$i-1])/$p; } my ($qn,$un); if (!defined $ypn) { $qn=0; $un=0; } else { $qn=0.5; $un=(3.0/($x->[$n]-$x->[$n-1]))* ($ypn-($y->[$n]-$y->[$n-1])/($x->[$n]-$x->[$n-1])); } $y2[$n]=($un-$qn*$u[$n-1])/($qn*$y2[$n-1]+1.0); for($i=$n-1; $i>=0; --$i) { $y2[$i]=$y2[$i]*$y2[$i+1]+$u[$i]; } return @y2; } 1;