package MIME::Lite::TT::HTML; use strict; use MIME::Lite; use MIME::Words qw(:all); use Encode; use Template; use DateTime::Format::Mail; use HTML::FormatText::WithLinks; use Carp; our $VERSION = '0.04'; =head1 NAME MIME::Lite::TT::HTML - Create html mail with MIME::Lite and TT =head1 SYNOPSIS use MIME::Lite::TT::HTML; my $msg = MIME::Lite::TT::HTML->new( From => '', To => '', Subject => 'Subject', TimeZone => 'Asia/Shanghai', Encoding => 'quoted-printable', Template => { html => 'mail.html', text => 'mail.txt', }, Charset => 'utf8', TmplOptions => \%options, TmplParams => \%params, ); $msg->send; =head1 DESCRIPTION This module provide easy interface to make L object with html formatted mail. =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item new return L object with html mail format. =head1 ADITIONAL OPTIONS =head2 Template The same value passed to the 1st argument of the process method of L is set to this option. =head2 TmplParams The parameter of a template is set to this option. This parameter must be the reference of hash. =head2 TmplOptions configuration of L is set to this option. ABSOLUTE and RELATIVE are set to 1 by the default. =head2 TimeZone You can specified the time zone of the mail date: TimeZone => 'Asia/Shanghai', default using 'UTC' if not defined. =head2 Encoding Mail body will be encoded for tranfer. Use encoding: | If your message contains: ------------------------------------------------------------ 7bit | Only 7-bit text, all lines <1000 characters 8bit | 8-bit text, all lines <1000 characters quoted-printable | 8-bit text or long lines (more reliable than "8bit") base64 | Largely non-textual data: a GIF, a tar file, etc. default using '7bit' if not defined. =head2 Charset You can specified the charset of your mail, both subject and body will using the charset to make mail reader's client satisfied. Charset => 'big5', And, if you giving the orignal words as UTF8 and attempt to mail them as GB2312 charset, you can define the charset like: Charset => [ 'utf8' => 'gb2312' ], We will using L to make this happy. =cut sub new { my $class = shift; my $options = @_ > 1 ? {@_} : $_[0]; my $template = delete $options->{ Template }; return croak "html template not defined" unless $template->{html}; my $time_zone = delete $options->{ TimeZone } || 'UTC'; my $tmpl_params = delete $options->{ TmplParams }; my $encoding = delete $options->{ Encoding } || '7bit'; my $charset_option = delete $options->{ Charset }; my $charset = ref $charset_option eq 'ARRAY' ? [ @{$charset_option} ] : [ $charset_option ]; $charset = [ $charset ] unless ref $charset eq 'ARRAY'; my $charset_input = shift @$charset || 'US-ASCII'; my $charset_output = shift @$charset || $charset_input; my $tt = Template->new( delete $options->{ TmplOptions } ); my $msg = MIME::Lite->new( Subject => encode_subject( delete $options->{ Subject }, $charset_input, $charset_output ), Type => 'multipart/alternative', Date => DateTime::Format::Mail->format_datetime( DateTime->now->set_time_zone($time_zone) ), %$options, ); my ( $text, $html ); $tt->process( $template->{html}, $tmpl_params, \$html ) or croak $tt->error; if ( $template->{text} ){ $tt->process( $template->{text}, $tmpl_params, \$text ) or croak $tt->error; }else{ my $f2 = HTML::FormatText::WithLinks->new( before_link => '', after_link => '', footnote => '' ); $text = $f2->parse($html); } $msg->attach( Type => sprintf( 'text/plain; charset=%s', $charset_output ), Data => encode_body( $text, $charset_input, $charset_output ), Encoding => $encoding, ); $msg->attach( Type => sprintf( 'text/html; charset=%s', $charset_output ), Data => encode_body( $html, $charset_input, $charset_output ), Encoding => $encoding, ); $msg; } sub encode_subject { my ( $subject, $charset_input, $charset_output ) = @_; my $string = remove_utf8_flag( $subject ); Encode::from_to( $string, $charset_input, $charset_output ) if $charset_input ne $charset_output; encode_mimeword( $string, 'b', $charset_output ); } sub encode_body { my ( $body, $charset_input, $charset_output ) = @_; my $string = remove_utf8_flag( $body ); Encode::from_to( $string, $charset_input, $charset_output ) if $charset_input ne $charset_output; $string; } sub remove_utf8_flag { pack 'C0A*', shift; } =back =head1 AUTHOR Sheng Chun Echunzi@cpan.orgE =head1 SEE ALSO L L L =head1 LICENSE This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut 1;