# Jabber-RPC: Server Functions # (c) DJ Adams 2001 # $Id: Server.pm,v 2001/09/24 11:23:02 dj Exp $ =head1 NAME Jabber::RPC::Server - Jabber-RPC Server =head1 SYNOPSIS use Jabber::RPC::Server; sub function1 { ... } sub function2 { ... } # Server as Jabber component my $server = new Jabber::RPC::Server( server => 'myserver.org:5702', identauth => 'jrpc.myserver.org:secret', connectiontype => 'component', methods => { 'rpc.function1' => \&function1, 'rpc.function2' => \&function2, } ); # or ... # Server as Jabber client my $server = new Jabber::RPC::Server( server => 'myserver.org', identauth => 'id:secret', resource => 'jrpc-server', methods => { 'rpc.function1' => \&function1, 'rpc.function2' => \&function2, } ); $server->start; =head1 DESCRIPTION Jabber::RPC::Server is an implementation of a Jabber-RPC server. A Jabber-RPC server receives XML-RPC-encoded calls carried over Jabber and responds to them. You can have your Jabber::RPC::Server connect as a Jabber component or as a Jabber client - see the differences in the SYNOPSIS example above. (One difference is that you need to specify connectiontype => 'component' for a Jabber component connection - the default assumption is that you want to connect as a Jabber client.) If you don't specify a value for the 'resource' argument (in the SYNOPSIS example, a value is specified for the Jabber client 'flavour' but not for the Jabber component 'flavour') then the default of 'jrpc-server' will be used. =head1 VERSION early =head1 AUTHOR DJ Adams =head1 SEE ALSO Jabber::RPC::Client, Jabber::Connection =cut package Jabber::RPC::Server; use Frontier::RPC2; use Jabber::Connection; use Jabber::NS qw(:all); use constant RESOURCE => 'jrpc-server'; use strict; sub new { my $class = shift; my %args = @_; my $self = {}; # to supply: # server: jabber server/port # identauth: jabber identity/password # connectiontype: component (optional, defaults to client) # methods: hashref of methods and handlers # Host/port and Identity $self->{server} = $args{server}; ($self->{id}, $self->{pass}) = split(':', $args{identauth}); $self->{methods} = $args{methods}; $self->{connectiontype} = lc $args{connectiontype} || 'client'; # Connect as Component ? if ($self->{connectiontype} eq 'component') { _debug("Component connection requested"); $self->{connection} = new Jabber::Connection( server => $self->{server}, localname => $self->{id}, ns => NS_ACCEPT, log => 1, debug => 1, ); $self->{connection}->connect or die "oops: ".$self->{connection}->lastError; $self->{connection}->auth($self->{pass}); } # Default: Connect as Client else { _debug("Client connection requested"); $self->{connection} = new Jabber::Connection( server => $self->{server}, log => 1, debug => 1, ); $self->{connection}->connect or die "oops: ".$self->{connection}->lastError; $self->{connection}->auth($self->{id}, $self->{pass}, $args{resource} || RESOURCE); } # XMLRPC server $self->{RPC2} = new Frontier::RPC2; # Set up request handler $self->{connection}->register_handler( 'iq' => sub { my $node = shift; _debug("rpc_handler received: ", $node->toStr); my $request = $node->getTag('query', NS_RPC)->getTag('methodCall'); my $response = $self->{RPC2}->serve($request->toStr, $self->{methods}); $response =~ s/^<\?[^>]+>\n//; $node->attr('type', IQ_RESULT); my $from = $node->attr('from'); # Must set 'from' ourselves if we're a component if ($self->{connectiontype} eq 'component') { $node->attr('from', $node->attr('to')); } else { $node->attr('from', ''); } $node->attr('to', $from); $request->hide; $node->getTag('query')->rawdata($response); $self->{connection}->send($node); } ); _debug("Request handler set up"); bless $self, $class; return $self; } # Start the service sub start { my $self = shift; _debug("Starting process..."); # Go! $self->{connection}->start; } sub _debug { print STDERR "DEBUG: @_\n"; } 1;