package Jabber::NS; # $Id:,v 2001/09/21 17:20:54 dj Exp $ =head1 NAME Jabber::NS - Jabber namespaces =head1 SYNOPSIS use Jabber::NS qw(); print NS_AUTH; =head1 DESCRIPTION Jabber::NS is simply a load of constants that reflect Jabber namespace constants (and other things). These can be imported into your program with the C statement. These namespace constants are based on those specified in the lib/lib.h file in the Jabber server source. By default, nothing is imported - specify one or more tags or individual constants in the C statement as shown in the SYNOPSIS. =head1 TAGs The tags are: =over 4 =item stream Stream namespaces, such as B. =item iq IQ namespaces, such as B. =item x X namespaces, such as B. =item misc Miscellaneous namespaces, such as the w3c one for XHTML. =item flags Various flags, such as r_HANDLED, used by Jabber::Connection. =item all You can use this to bring in all the namespaces that this module offers. =back Don't forget to prefix these tag names with a colon, e.g.: use Jabber::NS qw(:iq :x); =cut use strict; # stream use constant NS_CLIENT => 'jabber:client'; use constant NS_SERVER => 'jabber:server'; use constant NS_ACCEPT => 'jabber:component:accept'; # iq use constant NS_AUTH => 'jabber:iq:auth'; use constant NS_REGISTER => 'jabber:iq:register'; use constant NS_ROSTER => 'jabber:iq:roster'; use constant NS_AGENT => 'jabber:iq:agent'; use constant NS_AGENTS => 'jabber:iq:agents'; use constant NS_VERSION => 'jabber:iq:version'; use constant NS_TIME => 'jabber:iq:time'; use constant NS_PRIVATE => 'jabber:iq:private'; use constant NS_SEARCH => 'jabber:iq:search'; use constant NS_OOB => 'jabber:iq:oob'; use constant NS_ADMIN => 'jabber:iq:admin'; use constant NS_FILTER => 'jabber:iq:filter'; use constant NS_AUTH_0K => 'jabber:iq:auth:0k'; use constant NS_BROWSE => 'jabber:iq:browse'; use constant NS_CONFERENCE => 'jabber:iq:conference'; use constant NS_GATEWAY => 'jabber:iq:gateway'; use constant NS_LAST => 'jabber:iq:last'; use constant NS_RPC => 'jabber:iq:rpc'; # x use constant NS_OFFLINE => 'jabber:x:offline'; use constant NS_DELAY => 'jabber:x:delay'; use constant NS_XOOB => 'jabber:x:oob'; use constant NS_EVENT => 'jabber:x:event'; use constant NS_SIGNED => 'jabber:x:signed'; use constant NS_ENCRYPTED => 'jabber:x:encrypted'; use constant NS_ENVELOPE => 'jabber:x:envelope'; use constant NS_EXPIRE => 'jabber:x:expire'; # misc use constant NS_VCARD => 'vcard-temp'; use constant NS_XHTML => ''; use constant IQ_GET => 'get'; use constant IQ_SET => 'set'; use constant IQ_ERROR => 'error'; use constant IQ_RESULT => 'result'; # flags use constant r_HANDLED => '!jabber-connection-handled!'; use Exporter; use vars qw/@ISA @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS/; @ISA=qw(Exporter); %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'stream' => [qw(NS_CLIENT NS_SERVER NS_ACCEPT)], 'iq' => [qw(NS_AUTH NS_REGISTER NS_ROSTER NS_AGENT NS_AGENTS NS_VERSION NS_TIME NS_PRIVATE NS_SEARCH NS_OOB NS_ADMIN NS_FILTER NS_AUTH_0K NS_BROWSE NS_CONFERENCE NS_GATEWAY NS_LAST NS_RPC)], 'x' => [qw(NS_OFFLINE NS_DELAY NS_XOOB NS_EVENT NS_SIGNED NS_ENCRYPTED NS_ENVELOPE NS_EXPIRE)], 'misc' => [qw(NS_VCARD NS_XHTML IQ_GET IQ_SET IQ_ERROR IQ_RESULT)], 'flags' => [qw(r_HANDLED)], ); my $con; push @EXPORT_OK, @$con while (undef, $con) = each %EXPORT_TAGS; $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} = \@EXPORT_OK; =head1 SEE ALSO Jabber::NodeFactory, Jabber::Connection =head1 AUTHOR DJ Adams =head1 VERSION early =head1 COPYRIGHT This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut 1;