# AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY regops.perl package Imager::Regops; use strict; require Exporter; use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK %Attr $MaxOperands $PackCode); @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT_OK = qw(%Attr $MaxOperands $PackCode); use constant RBC_ADD => 0; use constant RBC_SUBTRACT => 1; use constant RBC_MULT => 2; use constant RBC_DIV => 3; use constant RBC_MOD => 4; use constant RBC_POW => 5; use constant RBC_UMINUS => 6; use constant RBC_MULTP => 7; use constant RBC_ADDP => 8; use constant RBC_SUBTRACTP => 9; use constant RBC_SIN => 10; use constant RBC_COS => 11; use constant RBC_ATAN2 => 12; use constant RBC_SQRT => 13; use constant RBC_DISTANCE => 14; use constant RBC_GETP1 => 15; use constant RBC_GETP2 => 16; use constant RBC_GETP3 => 17; use constant RBC_VALUE => 18; use constant RBC_HUE => 19; use constant RBC_SAT => 20; use constant RBC_HSV => 21; use constant RBC_RED => 22; use constant RBC_GREEN => 23; use constant RBC_BLUE => 24; use constant RBC_RGB => 25; use constant RBC_INT => 26; use constant RBC_IF => 27; use constant RBC_IFP => 28; use constant RBC_LE => 29; use constant RBC_LT => 30; use constant RBC_GE => 31; use constant RBC_GT => 32; use constant RBC_EQ => 33; use constant RBC_NE => 34; use constant RBC_AND => 35; use constant RBC_OR => 36; use constant RBC_NOT => 37; use constant RBC_ABS => 38; use constant RBC_RET => 39; use constant RBC_JUMP => 40; use constant RBC_JUMPZ => 41; use constant RBC_JUMPNZ => 42; use constant RBC_SET => 43; use constant RBC_SETP => 44; use constant RBC_PRINT => 45; use constant RBC_RGBA => 46; use constant RBC_HSVA => 47; use constant RBC_ALPHA => 48; use constant RBC_LOG => 49; use constant RBC_EXP => 50; use constant RBC_DET => 51; use constant RBC_OP_COUNT => 52; @EXPORT = qw(RBC_ADD RBC_SUBTRACT RBC_MULT RBC_DIV RBC_MOD RBC_POW RBC_UMINUS RBC_MULTP RBC_ADDP RBC_SUBTRACTP RBC_SIN RBC_COS RBC_ATAN2 RBC_SQRT RBC_DISTANCE RBC_GETP1 RBC_GETP2 RBC_GETP3 RBC_VALUE RBC_HUE RBC_SAT RBC_HSV RBC_RED RBC_GREEN RBC_BLUE RBC_RGB RBC_INT RBC_IF RBC_IFP RBC_LE RBC_LT RBC_GE RBC_GT RBC_EQ RBC_NE RBC_AND RBC_OR RBC_NOT RBC_ABS RBC_RET RBC_JUMP RBC_JUMPZ RBC_JUMPNZ RBC_SET RBC_SETP RBC_PRINT RBC_RGBA RBC_HSVA RBC_ALPHA RBC_LOG RBC_EXP RBC_DET RBC_OP_COUNT); %Attr = ( 'abs' => { 'func' => 1, 'opcode' => 38, 'parms' => 1, 'result' => 'r', 'types' => 'r', }, 'add' => { 'func' => 0, 'opcode' => 0, 'parms' => 2, 'result' => 'r', 'types' => 'rr', }, 'addp' => { 'func' => 0, 'opcode' => 8, 'parms' => 2, 'result' => 'p', 'types' => 'pp', }, 'alpha' => { 'func' => 1, 'opcode' => 48, 'parms' => 1, 'result' => 'r', 'types' => 'p', }, 'and' => { 'func' => 0, 'opcode' => 35, 'parms' => 2, 'result' => 'r', 'types' => 'rr', }, 'atan2' => { 'func' => 1, 'opcode' => 12, 'parms' => 2, 'result' => 'r', 'types' => 'rr', }, 'blue' => { 'func' => 1, 'opcode' => 24, 'parms' => 1, 'result' => 'r', 'types' => 'p', }, 'cos' => { 'func' => 1, 'opcode' => 11, 'parms' => 1, 'result' => 'r', 'types' => 'r', }, 'det' => { 'func' => 1, 'opcode' => 51, 'parms' => 4, 'result' => 'r', 'types' => 'rrrr', }, 'distance' => { 'func' => 1, 'opcode' => 14, 'parms' => 4, 'result' => 'r', 'types' => 'rrrr', }, 'div' => { 'func' => 0, 'opcode' => 3, 'parms' => 2, 'result' => 'r', 'types' => 'rr', }, 'eq' => { 'func' => 0, 'opcode' => 33, 'parms' => 2, 'result' => 'r', 'types' => 'rr', }, 'exp' => { 'func' => 1, 'opcode' => 50, 'parms' => 1, 'result' => 'r', 'types' => 'r', }, 'ge' => { 'func' => 0, 'opcode' => 31, 'parms' => 2, 'result' => 'r', 'types' => 'rr', }, 'getp1' => { 'func' => 1, 'opcode' => 15, 'parms' => 2, 'result' => 'p', 'types' => 'rr', }, 'getp2' => { 'func' => 1, 'opcode' => 16, 'parms' => 2, 'result' => 'p', 'types' => 'rr', }, 'getp3' => { 'func' => 1, 'opcode' => 17, 'parms' => 2, 'result' => 'p', 'types' => 'rr', }, 'green' => { 'func' => 1, 'opcode' => 23, 'parms' => 1, 'result' => 'r', 'types' => 'p', }, 'gt' => { 'func' => 0, 'opcode' => 32, 'parms' => 2, 'result' => 'r', 'types' => 'rr', }, 'hsv' => { 'func' => 1, 'opcode' => 21, 'parms' => 3, 'result' => 'p', 'types' => 'rrr', }, 'hsva' => { 'func' => 1, 'opcode' => 47, 'parms' => 4, 'result' => 'p', 'types' => 'rrrr', }, 'hue' => { 'func' => 1, 'opcode' => 19, 'parms' => 1, 'result' => 'r', 'types' => 'p', }, 'if' => { 'func' => 1, 'opcode' => 27, 'parms' => 3, 'result' => 'r', 'types' => 'rrr', }, 'ifp' => { 'func' => 1, 'opcode' => 28, 'parms' => 3, 'result' => 'p', 'types' => 'rpp', }, 'int' => { 'func' => 1, 'opcode' => 26, 'parms' => 1, 'result' => 'r', 'types' => 'r', }, 'jump' => { 'func' => 0, 'opcode' => 40, 'parms' => 0, 'result' => undef, 'types' => '', }, 'jumpnz' => { 'func' => 0, 'opcode' => 42, 'parms' => 1, 'result' => undef, 'types' => 'r', }, 'jumpz' => { 'func' => 0, 'opcode' => 41, 'parms' => 1, 'result' => undef, 'types' => 'r', }, 'le' => { 'func' => 0, 'opcode' => 29, 'parms' => 2, 'result' => 'r', 'types' => 'rr', }, 'log' => { 'func' => 1, 'opcode' => 49, 'parms' => 1, 'result' => 'r', 'types' => 'r', }, 'lt' => { 'func' => 0, 'opcode' => 30, 'parms' => 2, 'result' => 'r', 'types' => 'rr', }, 'mod' => { 'func' => 0, 'opcode' => 4, 'parms' => 2, 'result' => 'r', 'types' => 'rr', }, 'mult' => { 'func' => 0, 'opcode' => 2, 'parms' => 2, 'result' => 'r', 'types' => 'rr', }, 'multp' => { 'func' => 0, 'opcode' => 7, 'parms' => 2, 'result' => 'p', 'types' => 'pr', }, 'ne' => { 'func' => 0, 'opcode' => 34, 'parms' => 2, 'result' => 'r', 'types' => 'rr', }, 'not' => { 'func' => 0, 'opcode' => 37, 'parms' => 1, 'result' => 'r', 'types' => 'r', }, 'op_count' => { 'func' => 0, 'opcode' => 52, 'parms' => 0, 'result' => undef, 'types' => '', }, 'or' => { 'func' => 0, 'opcode' => 36, 'parms' => 2, 'result' => 'r', 'types' => 'rr', }, 'pow' => { 'func' => 0, 'opcode' => 5, 'parms' => 2, 'result' => 'r', 'types' => 'rr', }, 'print' => { 'func' => 1, 'opcode' => 45, 'parms' => 1, 'result' => 'r', 'types' => 'r', }, 'red' => { 'func' => 1, 'opcode' => 22, 'parms' => 1, 'result' => 'r', 'types' => 'p', }, 'ret' => { 'func' => 0, 'opcode' => 39, 'parms' => 1, 'result' => undef, 'types' => 'p', }, 'rgb' => { 'func' => 1, 'opcode' => 25, 'parms' => 3, 'result' => 'p', 'types' => 'rrr', }, 'rgba' => { 'func' => 1, 'opcode' => 46, 'parms' => 4, 'result' => 'p', 'types' => 'rrrr', }, 'sat' => { 'func' => 1, 'opcode' => 20, 'parms' => 1, 'result' => 'r', 'types' => 'p', }, 'set' => { 'func' => 0, 'opcode' => 43, 'parms' => 1, 'result' => 'r', 'types' => 'r', }, 'setp' => { 'func' => 0, 'opcode' => 44, 'parms' => 1, 'result' => 'p', 'types' => 'p', }, 'sin' => { 'func' => 1, 'opcode' => 10, 'parms' => 1, 'result' => 'r', 'types' => 'r', }, 'sqrt' => { 'func' => 1, 'opcode' => 13, 'parms' => 1, 'result' => 'r', 'types' => 'r', }, 'subtract' => { 'func' => 0, 'opcode' => 1, 'parms' => 2, 'result' => 'r', 'types' => 'rr', }, 'subtractp' => { 'func' => 0, 'opcode' => 9, 'parms' => 2, 'result' => 'p', 'types' => 'pp', }, 'uminus' => { 'func' => 0, 'opcode' => 6, 'parms' => 1, 'result' => 'r', 'types' => 'r', }, 'value' => { 'func' => 1, 'opcode' => 18, 'parms' => 1, 'result' => 'r', 'types' => 'p', }, ); $MaxOperands = 4; $PackCode = "i"; 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Imager::Regops - generated information about the register based VM =head1 SYNOPSIS use Imager::Regops; $Imager::Regops::Attr{$opname}->{opcode} # opcode for given operator $Imager::Regops::Attr{$opname}->{parms} # number of parameters $Imager::Regops::Attr{$opname}->{types} # types of parameters $Imager::Regops::Attr{$opname}->{func} # operator is a function $Imager::Regops::Attr{$opname}->{result} # r for numeric, p for pixel result $Imager::Regops::MaxOperands; # maximum number of operands =head1 DESCRIPTION This module is generated automatically from regmach.h so we don't need to maintain the same information in at least one extra place. At least that's the idea. =head1 AUTHOR Tony Cook, tony@develop-help.com =head1 SEE ALSO perl(1), Imager(3), http://imager.perl.org/ =cut