package Imager::Plot::Axis; use strict; use vars qw(); use Imager; use Imager::Plot::Util; use Imager::Plot::DataSet; ############################################ # # #_ # # # #_ # # # #_ # # # #_ # # # #_ # # # #_ # # # # | | | | | | | | | | # ############################################ my $black = Imager::Color->new(0,0,0,255); my $blue = Imager::Color->new(0,0,70,255); my $white = Imager::Color->new(255,255,255,255); sub gfont { my $fname = shift; if (ref($fname)) { return $fname; } else { my $font = Imager::Font->new(file => $fname, size=>10,color=>$black); die "Unable to load font $fname for Axis labels\n" unless $font; return $font; } } sub new { my $proto = shift; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my %temp = @_; my $fname = $temp{'GlobalFont'}; my %opts=( Width => undef, # width includes axis drawing Height => undef, # height and the endpoints XRANGE => undef, YRANGE => undef, XDRANGE => undef, YDRANGE => undef, DATASETS => [], XGRIDLIST => [], YGRIDLIST => [], grid => 1, make_decor => \&make_decor, make_ranges => \&make_ranges, make_xrange => \&make_xrange, make_yrange => \&make_yrange, make_xticklist => \¬hing, make_yticklist => \¬hing, make_xgridlist => \&MakeXGridList, make_ygridlist => \&MakeYGridList, XtickFont => gfont($fname), YtickFont => gfont($fname), BackGround => $white, FrameColor => $black, XgridShow => 1, YgridShow => 1, YgridNum => 5, XgridNum => 5, XtickMargin => 3, YtickMargin => 3, Border => "lrtb", #rt", # left, right, top, bottom Xformat => \&myround, Yformat => \&myround, @_); my $self = \%opts; bless ($self, $class); return $self; } sub AddDataSet { my $self = shift; my $hint = @{$self->{DATASETS}}; my $dataset = Imager::Plot::DataSet->new(@_, hint=>$hint); push(@{$self->{DATASETS}}, $dataset); return $dataset; } sub setparm { my $self = shift; my %np=@_; for (keys %np) { $self->{$_}=$np{$_}; } } sub CheckValues { my $self = shift; } # gets the cumulative bounding box sub data_bbox { my $self = shift; my @tbox = map { [ $_->data_bbox() ] } @{$self->{DATASETS}}; my @bbox = @{shift @tbox}; for my $cb (@tbox) { $bbox[0]= $cb->[0] if $cb->[0]<$bbox[0]; $bbox[1]= $cb->[1] if $cb->[1]>$bbox[1]; $bbox[2]= $cb->[2] if $cb->[2]<$bbox[2]; $bbox[3]= $cb->[3] if $cb->[3]>$bbox[3]; } return @bbox; } sub MakeMap { my ($oldmin, $oldmax, $newmin, $newmax) = @_; return sub { map { ($_-$oldmin)/($oldmax-$oldmin)*($newmax-$newmin)+$newmin } @_; } } # Axis Rendering routines # Axis::render calls render_tick and RenderGrid # # render sub Render { my $self = shift; my %opts = (%{$self},@_); my ($xs, $ys, $xmin,$ymin,$xmax,$ymax); my $img = $opts{Image}; $xmin = $opts{Xoff}; $xmax = $opts{Xoff} + $self->{Width}; $ymin = $opts{Yoff} - $self->{Height}; $ymax = $opts{Yoff}; $self->{make_decor}->($self); my $Xmapper = MakeMap(@{$self->{XRANGE}}, $xmin+1, $xmax); my $Ymapper = MakeMap(@{$self->{YRANGE}}, $ymax, $ymin+1); if ($self->{BackGround}) { $img->box(color => $self->{BackGround}, xmin => $xmin, ymin => $ymin, xmax => $xmax, ymax => $ymax, filled=> 1); } $self->RenderGrid(Image => $img, Xmapper=> $Xmapper, Ymapper=> $Ymapper, Xoff => $opts{Xoff}, Yoff => $opts{Yoff}, XgridShow => $opts{XgridShow}, YgridShow => $opts{YgridShow}, ); # Draw the Axis edges if (index($self->{'Border'}, "l")>-1) { $img->line(color => $self->{FrameColor}, x1 => $xmin, y1 => $ymin, x2 => $xmin, y2 => $ymax); } if (index($self->{'Border'}, "r")>-1) { $img->line(color => $self->{FrameColor}, x1 => $xmax, y1 => $ymin, x2 => $xmax, y2 => $ymax+1); } if (index($self->{'Border'}, "b")>-1) { $img->line(color => $self->{FrameColor}, x1 => $xmin, y1 => $ymax, x2 => $xmax, y2 => $ymax); } if (index($self->{'Border'}, "t")>-1) { $img->line(color => $self->{FrameColor}, x1 => $xmin, y1 => $ymin, x2 => $xmax, y2 => $ymin); } for my $DataSet (@{$self->{DATASETS}}) { $DataSet->Draw(Image => $img, Xmapper => $Xmapper, Ymapper => $Ymapper, x1 => $xmin+1, y1 => $ymin, x2 => $xmax, y2 => $ymax ); } $self->RenderTickLabels(Image => $img, Xmapper=> $Xmapper, Ymapper=> $Ymapper, %opts, ); } sub trn { sprintf("%g",sprintf("%.0e",shift)); } sub RenderGrid { my $self = shift; my %opts = @_; my $xgridc; my $ygridc = $xgridc = i_color_new(140,140,140,0); my $img = $opts{Image}; my $ymin = $opts{Yoff} - $self->{Height}; my $ymax = $opts{Yoff}; my $xmin = $opts{Xoff}; my $xmax = $opts{Xoff} + $self->{Width}; if($opts{XgridShow}) { my @XGrid = $opts{Xmapper}->(@{$self->{XGRIDLIST}}); for my $xx (@XGrid) { $img->polyline(y=>[$ymin,$ymax],x=>[$xx,$xx],color=>$xgridc); } } if($opts{YgridShow}) { my @YGrid = $opts{Ymapper}->(@{$self->{YGRIDLIST}}); for my $yy (@YGrid) { $img->polyline(y=>[$yy,$yy],x=>[$xmin,$xmax],color=>$xgridc); } } } # now incorrectly uses the Grid points sub RenderTickLabels { my $self = shift; my %opts = @_; my $img = $opts{Image}; my $ymin = $opts{Yoff} - $self->{Height}; my $ymax = $opts{Yoff}; my $xmin = $opts{Xoff}; my $xmax = $opts{Xoff} + $self->{Width}; my @XGrid = $opts{Xmapper}->(@{$self->{XGRIDLIST}}); my @YGrid = $opts{Ymapper}->(@{$self->{YGRIDLIST}}); my $font = $self->{XtickFont}; for my $xi (0..@XGrid-1) { my $xx = $XGrid[$xi]; my $xv = $self->{XGRIDLIST}->[$xi]; my $string = $self->{Xformat}->($xv); my ($neg_width, $global_descent, $pos_width, $global_ascent, $descent, $ascent) = $font->bounding_box(string=>$string); my $x = $xx-($neg_width+$pos_width)/2; my $ay = 0; if(ref($opts{XtickMarker}) eq 'HASH') { my %style = %{$opts{XtickMarker}}; if($style{symbol} eq 'line') { my $ystart = $ymax; if($style{align} eq 'center') { $ystart -= int($style{size} / 2); $ay = int($style{size} / 2); } elsif($style{align} eq 'top') { $ystart -= $style{size}; } else { $ay = $style{size}; } my $mcolor = $style{color} || $self->{FrameColor}; $img->line(color => $mcolor, x1 => $xx, x2 => $xx, y1 => $ystart, y2 => $ystart + $style{size}, antialias => $style{antialias} ); } } $img->string(font => $font, text => $string, x => $xx-($neg_width+$pos_width)/2, y => $ymax+$global_ascent+3+$opts{XtickMargin} + $ay, aa => 1); } $font = $self->{YtickFont}; for my $yi (0..@YGrid-1) { my $yy = $YGrid[$yi]; my $yv = $self->{YGRIDLIST}->[$yi]; my $string = $self->{Yformat}->($yv); my ($neg_width, $global_descent, $pos_width, $global_ascent, $descent, $ascent) = $font->bounding_box(string=>$string); my $ax = 0; if(ref($opts{YtickMarker}) eq 'HASH') { my %style = %{$opts{XtickMarker}}; if($style{symbol} eq 'line') { my $xstart = $xmin - $style{size}; if($style{align} eq 'center') { $xstart += int($style{size} / 2); $ax = int($style{size} / 2); } elsif($style{align} eq 'left') { $xstart = $xmin; } else { $ax = $style{size}; } my $mcolor = $style{color} || $self->{FrameColor}; $img->line( color => $mcolor, x1 => $xstart, x2 => $xstart + $style{size}, y1 => $yy, y2 => $yy, antialias => $style{antialias} ); } } $img->string(font => $font, text => $string, x => $xmin-$pos_width-3 - $self->{YtickMargin} - $ax, y => $yy+($ascent+$descent)/2, aa => 1); } } # data set style description: # $style->{line}->{color=>$color, antialias=>0}; # $style->{marker}->{color=>$color, symbol=>"circle"}; # coderef decides if text goes with that point sub make_dranges { my $self = shift; my @bbox = $self->data_bbox(); $self->{XDRANGE} = [@bbox[0,1]]; $self->{YDRANGE} = [@bbox[2,3]]; } sub make_xrange { my $self = shift; $self->{XRANGE} = [@{$self->{XDRANGE}}]; } sub make_yrange { my $self = shift; $self->{YRANGE} = [@{$self->{YDRANGE}}]; } sub make_ranges { my $self = shift; $self->make_dranges(); # real member function $self->{make_xrange}->($self); $self->{make_yrange}->($self); } sub nothing {} sub MakeXGridList { my $self = shift; my ($min, $max) = @{$self->{XRANGE}}; my $d = ($max-$min)/$self->{XgridNum}; my $d2 = trn($d); my (@rc,$i); $i = sprintf("%.0f",$min/$d2)*$d2; while ( 1 ) { push(@rc,$i) if($i >= $min); $i+=$d2; last if $i > $max; } if (($rc[0]-$min) < 0.01*($max-$min)) { shift(@rc); } if ($max-($rc[-1]) < 0.01*($max-$min)) { # print "$min $max $rc[-1]\n"; pop(@rc); } $self->{XGRIDLIST} = \@rc; } sub MakeYGridList { my $self = shift; my ($min, $max) = @{$self->{YRANGE}}; my $d = ($max-$min)/$self->{YgridNum}; my $d2 = trn($d); my (@rc,$i); $i = sprintf("%.0f",$min/$d2)*$d2; while ( 1 ) { push(@rc,$i) if($i >= $min); $i+=$d2; last if $i > $max; } if (($rc[0]-$min) < 0.01*($max-$min)) { shift(@rc); } if ($max-($rc[-1]) < 0.01*($max-$min)) { pop(@rc); } $self->{YGRIDLIST} = \@rc; } sub make_decor { my $self = shift; $self->{make_ranges} ->($self); $self->{make_xticklist}->($self); $self->{make_yticklist}->($self); $self->{make_xgridlist}->($self); $self->{make_ygridlist}->($self); } 1; __END__ # Below is the stub of documentation for your module. You better edit it! =head1 NAME Imager::Plot::Axis - Axis handling of Imager::Plot. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Imager; use Imager::Plot::Axis; # Create our dummy data @X = 0..10; @Y = map { $_**3 } @X; # Create Axis object $Axis = Imager::Plot::Axis->new(Width => 200, Height => 180, GlobalFont=>"ImUgly.ttf"); $Axis->AddDataSet(X => \@X, Y => \@Y); $Axis->{XgridShow} = 1; # Xgrid enabled $Axis->{YgridShow} = 0; # Ygrid disabled $Axis->{Border} = "lrb"; # left right and bottom edges # See Imager::Color manpage for color specification $Axis->{BackGround} = "#cccccc"; # Override the default function that chooses the x range # of the graph, similar exists for y range $Axis->{make_xrange} = sub { $self = shift; my $min = $self->{XDRANGE}->[0]-1; my $max = $self->{XDRANGE}->[1]+1; $self->{XRANGE} = [$min, $max]; }; $img = Imager->new(xsize=>600, ysize => 400); $img->box(filled=>1, color=>"white"); $Axis->Render(Xoff=>50, Yoff=>370, Image=>$img); $img->write(file=>"foo.ppm") or die $img->errstr; =head1 DESCRIPTION This part of Imager::Plot takes care of managing the graph area itself. It handles the grid, tickmarks, background in axis area and the data sets of course. All the data sets have to be given to the Axis object before rendering it so that everything is only written only once and scaling of axis can be done automatically. This also helps in doing chartjunk tricks like shadows. The size of the Axis area is controlled by the Width and Height parameters of the C method. The border region/frame of the axis is considered to lie in the coordinate system. The default order of drawing is the following: Background image, grid, frame, ticks. Note that the Axis currently renders the ticklabels. This might change in the near future. =head1 AUTHOR Arnar M. Hrafnkelsson, =head1 SEE ALSO Imager, Imager::Plot, Imager::DataSet, Imager::Style perl(1). =cut