package Imager; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS %formats $DEBUG %filters %DSOs $ERRSTR $fontstate %OPCODES $I2P $FORMATGUESS $warn_obsolete); use IO::File; use Imager::Color; use Imager::Font; @EXPORT_OK = qw( init init_log DSO_open DSO_close DSO_funclist DSO_call load_plugin unload_plugin i_list_formats i_has_format i_color_new i_color_set i_color_info i_img_empty i_img_empty_ch i_img_exorcise i_img_destroy i_img_info i_img_setmask i_img_getmask i_line i_line_aa i_box i_box_filled i_arc i_circle_aa i_bezier_multi i_poly_aa i_poly_aa_cfill i_copyto i_rubthru i_scaleaxis i_scale_nn i_haar i_count_colors i_gaussian i_conv i_convert i_map i_img_diff i_init_fonts i_t1_new i_t1_destroy i_t1_set_aa i_t1_cp i_t1_text i_t1_bbox i_tt_set_aa i_tt_cp i_tt_text i_tt_bbox i_readjpeg_wiol i_writejpeg_wiol i_readtiff_wiol i_writetiff_wiol i_writetiff_wiol_faxable i_readpng_wiol i_writepng_wiol i_readgif i_readgif_wiol i_readgif_callback i_writegif i_writegifmc i_writegif_gen i_writegif_callback i_readpnm_wiol i_writeppm_wiol i_readraw_wiol i_writeraw_wiol i_contrast i_hardinvert i_noise i_bumpmap i_postlevels i_mosaic i_watermark malloc_state list_formats i_gifquant newfont newcolor newcolour NC NF NCF ); @EXPORT=qw( init_log i_list_formats i_has_format malloc_state i_color_new i_img_empty i_img_empty_ch ); %EXPORT_TAGS= (handy => [qw( newfont newcolor NF NC NCF )], all => [@EXPORT_OK], default => [qw( load_plugin unload_plugin )]); # registered file readers my %readers; # registered file writers my %writers; # modules we attempted to autoload my %attempted_to_load; # library keys that are image file formats my %file_formats = map { $_ => 1 } qw/tiff pnm gif png jpeg raw bmp tga/; # image pixel combine types my @combine_types = qw/none normal multiply dissolve add subtract diff lighten darken hue saturation value color/; my %combine_types; @combine_types{@combine_types} = 0 .. $#combine_types; $combine_types{mult} = $combine_types{multiply}; $combine_types{'sub'} = $combine_types{subtract}; $combine_types{sat} = $combine_types{saturation}; # this will be used to store global defaults at some point my %defaults; BEGIN { require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); $VERSION = '0.67'; eval { require XSLoader; XSLoader::load(Imager => $VERSION); 1; } or do { require DynaLoader; push @ISA, 'DynaLoader'; bootstrap Imager $VERSION; } } BEGIN { Imager::Font::__init(); for(i_list_formats()) { $formats{$_}++; } if (!$formats{'t1'} and !$formats{'tt'} && !$formats{'ft2'} && !$formats{'w32'}) { $fontstate='no font support'; } %OPCODES=(Add=>[0],Sub=>[1],Mult=>[2],Div=>[3],Parm=>[4],'sin'=>[5],'cos'=>[6],'x'=>[4,0],'y'=>[4,1]); $DEBUG=0; # the members of the subhashes under %filters are: # callseq - a list of the parameters to the underlying filter in the # order they are passed # callsub - a code ref that takes a named parameter list and calls the # underlying filter # defaults - a hash of default values # names - defines names for value of given parameters so if the names # field is foo=> { bar=>1 }, and the user supplies "bar" as the # foo parameter, the filter will receive 1 for the foo # parameter $filters{contrast}={ callseq => ['image','intensity'], callsub => sub { my %hsh=@_; i_contrast($hsh{image},$hsh{intensity}); } }; $filters{noise} ={ callseq => ['image', 'amount', 'subtype'], defaults => { amount=>3,subtype=>0 }, callsub => sub { my %hsh=@_; i_noise($hsh{image},$hsh{amount},$hsh{subtype}); } }; $filters{hardinvert} ={ callseq => ['image'], defaults => { }, callsub => sub { my %hsh=@_; i_hardinvert($hsh{image}); } }; $filters{autolevels} ={ callseq => ['image','lsat','usat','skew'], defaults => { lsat=>0.1,usat=>0.1,skew=>0.0 }, callsub => sub { my %hsh=@_; i_autolevels($hsh{image},$hsh{lsat},$hsh{usat},$hsh{skew}); } }; $filters{turbnoise} ={ callseq => ['image'], defaults => { xo=>0.0,yo=>0.0,scale=>10.0 }, callsub => sub { my %hsh=@_; i_turbnoise($hsh{image},$hsh{xo},$hsh{yo},$hsh{scale}); } }; $filters{radnoise} ={ callseq => ['image'], defaults => { xo=>100,yo=>100,ascale=>17.0,rscale=>0.02 }, callsub => sub { my %hsh=@_; i_radnoise($hsh{image},$hsh{xo},$hsh{yo},$hsh{rscale},$hsh{ascale}); } }; $filters{conv} ={ callseq => ['image', 'coef'], defaults => { }, callsub => sub { my %hsh=@_; i_conv($hsh{image},$hsh{coef}); } }; $filters{gradgen} = { callseq => ['image', 'xo', 'yo', 'colors', 'dist'], defaults => { dist => 0 }, callsub => sub { my %hsh=@_; my @colors = @{$hsh{colors}}; $_ = _color($_) for @colors; i_gradgen($hsh{image}, $hsh{xo}, $hsh{yo}, \@colors, $hsh{dist}); } }; $filters{nearest_color} = { callseq => ['image', 'xo', 'yo', 'colors', 'dist'], defaults => { }, callsub => sub { my %hsh=@_; # make sure the segments are specified with colors my @colors; for my $color (@{$hsh{colors}}) { my $new_color = _color($color) or die $Imager::ERRSTR."\n"; push @colors, $new_color; } i_nearest_color($hsh{image}, $hsh{xo}, $hsh{yo}, \@colors, $hsh{dist}) or die Imager->_error_as_msg() . "\n"; }, }; $filters{gaussian} = { callseq => [ 'image', 'stddev' ], defaults => { }, callsub => sub { my %hsh = @_; i_gaussian($hsh{image}, $hsh{stddev}); }, }; $filters{mosaic} = { callseq => [ qw(image size) ], defaults => { size => 20 }, callsub => sub { my %hsh = @_; i_mosaic($hsh{image}, $hsh{size}) }, }; $filters{bumpmap} = { callseq => [ qw(image bump elevation lightx lighty st) ], defaults => { elevation=>0, st=> 2 }, callsub => sub { my %hsh = @_; i_bumpmap($hsh{image}, $hsh{bump}{IMG}, $hsh{elevation}, $hsh{lightx}, $hsh{lighty}, $hsh{st}); }, }; $filters{bumpmap_complex} = { callseq => [ qw(image bump channel tx ty Lx Ly Lz cd cs n Ia Il Is) ], defaults => { channel => 0, tx => 0, ty => 0, Lx => 0.2, Ly => 0.4, Lz => -1.0, cd => 1.0, cs => 40, n => 1.3, Ia => Imager::Color->new(rgb=>[0,0,0]), Il => Imager::Color->new(rgb=>[255,255,255]), Is => Imager::Color->new(rgb=>[255,255,255]), }, callsub => sub { my %hsh = @_; i_bumpmap_complex($hsh{image}, $hsh{bump}{IMG}, $hsh{channel}, $hsh{tx}, $hsh{ty}, $hsh{Lx}, $hsh{Ly}, $hsh{Lz}, $hsh{cd}, $hsh{cs}, $hsh{n}, $hsh{Ia}, $hsh{Il}, $hsh{Is}); }, }; $filters{postlevels} = { callseq => [ qw(image levels) ], defaults => { levels => 10 }, callsub => sub { my %hsh = @_; i_postlevels($hsh{image}, $hsh{levels}); }, }; $filters{watermark} = { callseq => [ qw(image wmark tx ty pixdiff) ], defaults => { pixdiff=>10, tx=>0, ty=>0 }, callsub => sub { my %hsh = @_; i_watermark($hsh{image}, $hsh{wmark}{IMG}, $hsh{tx}, $hsh{ty}, $hsh{pixdiff}); }, }; $filters{fountain} = { callseq => [ qw(image xa ya xb yb ftype repeat combine super_sample ssample_param segments) ], names => { ftype => { linear => 0, bilinear => 1, radial => 2, radial_square => 3, revolution => 4, conical => 5 }, repeat => { none => 0, sawtooth => 1, triangle => 2, saw_both => 3, tri_both => 4, }, super_sample => { none => 0, grid => 1, random => 2, circle => 3, }, combine => { none => 0, normal => 1, multiply => 2, mult => 2, dissolve => 3, add => 4, subtract => 5, 'sub' => 5, diff => 6, lighten => 7, darken => 8, hue => 9, sat => 10, value => 11, color => 12, }, }, defaults => { ftype => 0, repeat => 0, combine => 0, super_sample => 0, ssample_param => 4, segments=>[ [ 0, 0.5, 1, Imager::Color->new(0,0,0), Imager::Color->new(255, 255, 255), 0, 0, ], ], }, callsub => sub { my %hsh = @_; # make sure the segments are specified with colors my @segments; for my $segment (@{$hsh{segments}}) { my @new_segment = @$segment; $_ = _color($_) or die $Imager::ERRSTR."\n" for @new_segment[3,4]; push @segments, \@new_segment; } i_fountain($hsh{image}, $hsh{xa}, $hsh{ya}, $hsh{xb}, $hsh{yb}, $hsh{ftype}, $hsh{repeat}, $hsh{combine}, $hsh{super_sample}, $hsh{ssample_param}, \@segments) or die Imager->_error_as_msg() . "\n"; }, }; $filters{unsharpmask} = { callseq => [ qw(image stddev scale) ], defaults => { stddev=>2.0, scale=>1.0 }, callsub => sub { my %hsh = @_; i_unsharp_mask($hsh{image}, $hsh{stddev}, $hsh{scale}); }, }; $FORMATGUESS=\&def_guess_type; $warn_obsolete = 1; } # # Non methods # # initlize Imager # NOTE: this might be moved to an import override later on sub import { my $i = 1; while ($i < @_) { if ($_[$i] eq '-log-stderr') { init_log(undef, 4); splice(@_, $i, 1); } else { ++$i; } } goto &Exporter::import; } sub init_log { i_init_log($_[0],$_[1]); i_log_entry("Imager $VERSION starting\n", 1); } sub init { my %parms=(loglevel=>1,@_); if ($parms{'log'}) { init_log($parms{'log'},$parms{'loglevel'}); } if (exists $parms{'warn_obsolete'}) { $warn_obsolete = $parms{'warn_obsolete'}; } # if ($parms{T1LIB_CONFIG}) { $ENV{T1LIB_CONFIG}=$parms{T1LIB_CONFIG}; } # if ( $ENV{T1LIB_CONFIG} and ( $fontstate eq 'missing conf' )) { # i_init_fonts(); # $fontstate='ok'; # } if (exists $parms{'t1log'}) { i_init_fonts($parms{'t1log'}); } } END { if ($DEBUG) { print "shutdown code\n"; # for(keys %instances) { $instances{$_}->DESTROY(); } malloc_state(); # how do decide if this should be used? -- store something from the import print "Imager exiting\n"; } } # Load a filter plugin sub load_plugin { my ($filename)=@_; my $i; my ($DSO_handle,$str)=DSO_open($filename); if (!defined($DSO_handle)) { $Imager::ERRSTR="Couldn't load plugin '$filename'\n"; return undef; } my %funcs=DSO_funclist($DSO_handle); if ($DEBUG) { print "loading module $filename\n"; $i=0; for(keys %funcs) { printf(" %2d: %s\n",$i++,$_); } } $i=0; for(keys %funcs) { if ($filters{$_}) { $ERRSTR="filter '$_' already exists\n"; DSO_close($DSO_handle); return undef; } } $DSOs{$filename}=[$DSO_handle,\%funcs]; for(keys %funcs) { my $evstr="\$filters{'".$_."'}={".$funcs{$_}.'};'; $DEBUG && print "eval string:\n",$evstr,"\n"; eval $evstr; print $@ if $@; } return 1; } # Unload a plugin sub unload_plugin { my ($filename)=@_; if (!$DSOs{$filename}) { $ERRSTR="plugin '$filename' not loaded."; return undef; } my ($DSO_handle,$funcref)=@{$DSOs{$filename}}; for(keys %{$funcref}) { delete $filters{$_}; $DEBUG && print "unloading: $_\n"; } my $rc=DSO_close($DSO_handle); if (!defined($rc)) { $ERRSTR="unable to unload plugin '$filename'."; return undef; } return 1; } # take the results of i_error() and make a message out of it sub _error_as_msg { return join(": ", map $_->[0], i_errors()); } # this function tries to DWIM for color parameters # color objects are used as is # simple scalars are simply treated as single parameters to Imager::Color->new # hashrefs are treated as named argument lists to Imager::Color->new # arrayrefs are treated as list arguments to Imager::Color->new iff any # parameter is > 1 # other arrayrefs are treated as list arguments to Imager::Color::Float sub _color { my $arg = shift; # perl 5.6.0 seems to do weird things to $arg if we don't make an # explicitly stringified copy # I vaguely remember a bug on this on p5p, but couldn't find it # through (I had trouble getting it to find any bugs) my $copy = $arg . ""; my $result; if (ref $arg) { if (UNIVERSAL::isa($arg, "Imager::Color") || UNIVERSAL::isa($arg, "Imager::Color::Float")) { $result = $arg; } else { if ($copy =~ /^HASH\(/) { $result = Imager::Color->new(%$arg); } elsif ($copy =~ /^ARRAY\(/) { $result = Imager::Color->new(@$arg); } else { $Imager::ERRSTR = "Not a color"; } } } else { # assume Imager::Color::new knows how to handle it $result = Imager::Color->new($arg); } return $result; } sub _combine { my ($self, $combine, $default) = @_; if (!defined $combine && ref $self) { $combine = $self->{combine}; } defined $combine or $combine = $defaults{combine}; defined $combine or $combine = $default; if (exists $combine_types{$combine}) { $combine = $combine_types{$combine}; } return $combine; } sub _valid_image { my ($self) = @_; $self->{IMG} and return 1; $self->_set_error('empty input image'); return; } # # Methods to be called on objects. # # Create a new Imager object takes very few parameters. # usually you call this method and then call open from # the resulting object sub new { my $class = shift; my $self ={}; my %hsh=@_; bless $self,$class; $self->{IMG}=undef; # Just to indicate what exists $self->{ERRSTR}=undef; # $self->{DEBUG}=$DEBUG; $self->{DEBUG} && print "Initialized Imager\n"; if (defined $hsh{xsize} && defined $hsh{ysize}) { unless ($self->img_set(%hsh)) { $Imager::ERRSTR = $self->{ERRSTR}; return; } } return $self; } # Copy an entire image with no changes # - if an image has magic the copy of it will not be magical sub copy { my $self = shift; unless ($self->{IMG}) { $self->{ERRSTR}='empty input image'; return undef; } unless (defined wantarray) { my @caller = caller; warn "copy() called in void context - copy() returns the copied image at $caller[1] line $caller[2]\n"; return; } my $newcopy=Imager->new(); $newcopy->{IMG} = i_copy($self->{IMG}); return $newcopy; } # Paste a region sub paste { my $self = shift; unless ($self->{IMG}) { $self->_set_error('empty input image'); return; } my %input=(left=>0, top=>0, src_minx => 0, src_miny => 0, @_); my $src = $input{img} || $input{src}; unless($src) { $self->_set_error("no source image"); return; } $input{left}=0 if $input{left} <= 0; $input{top}=0 if $input{top} <= 0; my($r,$b)=i_img_info($src->{IMG}); my ($src_left, $src_top) = @input{qw/src_minx src_miny/}; my ($src_right, $src_bottom); if ($input{src_coords}) { ($src_left, $src_top, $src_right, $src_bottom) = @{$input{src_coords}} } else { if (defined $input{src_maxx}) { $src_right = $input{src_maxx}; } elsif (defined $input{width}) { if ($input{width} <= 0) { $self->_set_error("paste: width must me positive"); return; } $src_right = $src_left + $input{width}; } else { $src_right = $r; } if (defined $input{src_maxy}) { $src_bottom = $input{src_maxy}; } elsif (defined $input{height}) { if ($input{height} < 0) { $self->_set_error("paste: height must be positive"); return; } $src_bottom = $src_top + $input{height}; } else { $src_bottom = $b; } } $src_right > $r and $src_right = $r; $src_bottom > $b and $src_bottom = $b; if ($src_right <= $src_left || $src_bottom < $src_top) { $self->_set_error("nothing to paste"); return; } i_copyto($self->{IMG}, $src->{IMG}, $src_left, $src_top, $src_right, $src_bottom, $input{left}, $input{top}); return $self; # What should go here?? } # Crop an image - i.e. return a new image that is smaller sub crop { my $self=shift; unless ($self->{IMG}) { $self->{ERRSTR}='empty input image'; return undef; } unless (defined wantarray) { my @caller = caller; warn "crop() called in void context - crop() returns the cropped image at $caller[1] line $caller[2]\n"; return; } my %hsh=@_; my ($w, $h, $l, $r, $b, $t) = @hsh{qw(width height left right bottom top)}; # work through the various possibilities if (defined $l) { if (defined $w) { $r = $l + $w; } elsif (!defined $r) { $r = $self->getwidth; } } elsif (defined $r) { if (defined $w) { $l = $r - $w; } else { $l = 0; } } elsif (defined $w) { $l = int(0.5+($self->getwidth()-$w)/2); $r = $l + $w; } else { $l = 0; $r = $self->getwidth; } if (defined $t) { if (defined $h) { $b = $t + $h; } elsif (!defined $b) { $b = $self->getheight; } } elsif (defined $b) { if (defined $h) { $t = $b - $h; } else { $t = 0; } } elsif (defined $h) { $t=int(0.5+($self->getheight()-$h)/2); $b=$t+$h; } else { $t = 0; $b = $self->getheight; } ($l,$r)=($r,$l) if $l>$r; ($t,$b)=($b,$t) if $t>$b; $l < 0 and $l = 0; $r > $self->getwidth and $r = $self->getwidth; $t < 0 and $t = 0; $b > $self->getheight and $b = $self->getheight; if ($l == $r || $t == $b) { $self->_set_error("resulting image would have no content"); return; } if( $r < $l or $b < $t ) { $self->_set_error("attempting to crop outside of the image"); return; } my $dst = $self->_sametype(xsize=>$r-$l, ysize=>$b-$t); i_copyto($dst->{IMG},$self->{IMG},$l,$t,$r,$b,0,0); return $dst; } sub _sametype { my ($self, %opts) = @_; $self->{IMG} or return $self->_set_error("Not a valid image"); my $x = $opts{xsize} || $self->getwidth; my $y = $opts{ysize} || $self->getheight; my $channels = $opts{channels} || $self->getchannels; my $out = Imager->new; if ($channels == $self->getchannels) { $out->{IMG} = i_sametype($self->{IMG}, $x, $y); } else { $out->{IMG} = i_sametype_chans($self->{IMG}, $x, $y, $channels); } unless ($out->{IMG}) { $self->{ERRSTR} = $self->_error_as_msg; return; } return $out; } # Sets an image to a certain size and channel number # if there was previously data in the image it is discarded sub img_set { my $self=shift; my %hsh=(xsize=>100, ysize=>100, channels=>3, bits=>8, type=>'direct', @_); if (defined($self->{IMG})) { # let IIM_DESTROY destroy it, it's possible this image is # referenced from a virtual image (like masked) #i_img_destroy($self->{IMG}); undef($self->{IMG}); } if ($hsh{type} eq 'paletted' || $hsh{type} eq 'pseudo') { $self->{IMG} = i_img_pal_new($hsh{xsize}, $hsh{ysize}, $hsh{channels}, $hsh{maxcolors} || 256); } elsif ($hsh{bits} eq 'double') { $self->{IMG} = i_img_double_new($hsh{xsize}, $hsh{ysize}, $hsh{channels}); } elsif ($hsh{bits} == 16) { $self->{IMG} = i_img_16_new($hsh{xsize}, $hsh{ysize}, $hsh{channels}); } else { $self->{IMG}=Imager::ImgRaw::new($hsh{'xsize'}, $hsh{'ysize'}, $hsh{'channels'}); } unless ($self->{IMG}) { $self->{ERRSTR} = Imager->_error_as_msg(); return; } $self; } # created a masked version of the current image sub masked { my $self = shift; $self or return undef; my %opts = (left => 0, top => 0, right => $self->getwidth, bottom => $self->getheight, @_); my $mask = $opts{mask} ? $opts{mask}{IMG} : undef; my $result = Imager->new; $result->{IMG} = i_img_masked_new($self->{IMG}, $mask, $opts{left}, $opts{top}, $opts{right} - $opts{left}, $opts{bottom} - $opts{top}); # keep references to the mask and base images so they don't # disappear on us $result->{DEPENDS} = [ $self->{IMG}, $mask ]; $result; } # convert an RGB image into a paletted image sub to_paletted { my $self = shift; my $opts; if (@_ != 1 && !ref $_[0]) { $opts = { @_ }; } else { $opts = shift; } unless (defined wantarray) { my @caller = caller; warn "to_paletted() called in void context - to_paletted() returns the converted image at $caller[1] line $caller[2]\n"; return; } my $result = Imager->new; $result->{IMG} = i_img_to_pal($self->{IMG}, $opts); #print "Type ", i_img_type($result->{IMG}), "\n"; if ($result->{IMG}) { return $result; } else { $self->{ERRSTR} = $self->_error_as_msg; return; } } # convert a paletted (or any image) to an 8-bit/channel RGB images sub to_rgb8 { my $self = shift; my $result; unless (defined wantarray) { my @caller = caller; warn "to_rgb8() called in void context - to_rgb8() returns the converted image at $caller[1] line $caller[2]\n"; return; } if ($self->{IMG}) { $result = Imager->new; $result->{IMG} = i_img_to_rgb($self->{IMG}) or undef $result; } return $result; } # convert a paletted (or any image) to an 8-bit/channel RGB images sub to_rgb16 { my $self = shift; my $result; unless (defined wantarray) { my @caller = caller; warn "to_rgb16() called in void context - to_rgb8() returns the converted image at $caller[1] line $caller[2]\n"; return; } if ($self->{IMG}) { $result = Imager->new; $result->{IMG} = i_img_to_rgb16($self->{IMG}) or undef $result; } return $result; } sub addcolors { my $self = shift; my %opts = (colors=>[], @_); unless ($self->{IMG}) { $self->_set_error("empty input image"); return; } my @colors = @{$opts{colors}} or return undef; for my $color (@colors) { $color = _color($color); unless ($color) { $self->_set_error($Imager::ERRSTR); return; } } return i_addcolors($self->{IMG}, @colors); } sub setcolors { my $self = shift; my %opts = (start=>0, colors=>[], @_); unless ($self->{IMG}) { $self->_set_error("empty input image"); return; } my @colors = @{$opts{colors}} or return undef; for my $color (@colors) { $color = _color($color); unless ($color) { $self->_set_error($Imager::ERRSTR); return; } } return i_setcolors($self->{IMG}, $opts{start}, @colors); } sub getcolors { my $self = shift; my %opts = @_; if (!exists $opts{start} && !exists $opts{count}) { # get them all $opts{start} = 0; $opts{count} = $self->colorcount; } elsif (!exists $opts{count}) { $opts{count} = 1; } elsif (!exists $opts{start}) { $opts{start} = 0; } $self->{IMG} and return i_getcolors($self->{IMG}, $opts{start}, $opts{count}); } sub colorcount { i_colorcount($_[0]{IMG}); } sub maxcolors { i_maxcolors($_[0]{IMG}); } sub findcolor { my $self = shift; my %opts = @_; $opts{color} or return undef; $self->{IMG} and i_findcolor($self->{IMG}, $opts{color}); } sub bits { my $self = shift; my $bits = $self->{IMG} && i_img_bits($self->{IMG}); if ($bits && $bits == length(pack("d", 1)) * 8) { $bits = 'double'; } $bits; } sub type { my $self = shift; if ($self->{IMG}) { return i_img_type($self->{IMG}) ? "paletted" : "direct"; } } sub virtual { my $self = shift; $self->{IMG} and i_img_virtual($self->{IMG}); } sub is_bilevel { my ($self) = @_; $self->{IMG} or return; return i_img_is_monochrome($self->{IMG}); } sub tags { my ($self, %opts) = @_; $self->{IMG} or return; if (defined $opts{name}) { my @result; my $start = 0; my $found; while (defined($found = i_tags_find($self->{IMG}, $opts{name}, $start))) { push @result, (i_tags_get($self->{IMG}, $found))[1]; $start = $found+1; } return wantarray ? @result : $result[0]; } elsif (defined $opts{code}) { my @result; my $start = 0; my $found; while (defined($found = i_tags_findn($self->{IMG}, $opts{code}, $start))) { push @result, (i_tags_get($self->{IMG}, $found))[1]; $start = $found+1; } return @result; } else { if (wantarray) { return map { [ i_tags_get($self->{IMG}, $_) ] } 0.. i_tags_count($self->{IMG})-1; } else { return i_tags_count($self->{IMG}); } } } sub addtag { my $self = shift; my %opts = @_; return -1 unless $self->{IMG}; if ($opts{name}) { if (defined $opts{value}) { if ($opts{value} =~ /^\d+$/) { # add as a number return i_tags_addn($self->{IMG}, $opts{name}, 0, $opts{value}); } else { return i_tags_add($self->{IMG}, $opts{name}, 0, $opts{value}, 0); } } elsif (defined $opts{data}) { # force addition as a string return i_tags_add($self->{IMG}, $opts{name}, 0, $opts{data}, 0); } else { $self->{ERRSTR} = "No value supplied"; return undef; } } elsif ($opts{code}) { if (defined $opts{value}) { if ($opts{value} =~ /^\d+$/) { # add as a number return i_tags_addn($self->{IMG}, $opts{code}, 0, $opts{value}); } else { return i_tags_add($self->{IMG}, $opts{code}, 0, $opts{value}, 0); } } elsif (defined $opts{data}) { # force addition as a string return i_tags_add($self->{IMG}, $opts{code}, 0, $opts{data}, 0); } else { $self->{ERRSTR} = "No value supplied"; return undef; } } else { return undef; } } sub deltag { my $self = shift; my %opts = @_; return 0 unless $self->{IMG}; if (defined $opts{'index'}) { return i_tags_delete($self->{IMG}, $opts{'index'}); } elsif (defined $opts{name}) { return i_tags_delbyname($self->{IMG}, $opts{name}); } elsif (defined $opts{code}) { return i_tags_delbycode($self->{IMG}, $opts{code}); } else { $self->{ERRSTR} = "Need to supply index, name, or code parameter"; return 0; } } sub settag { my ($self, %opts) = @_; if ($opts{name}) { $self->deltag(name=>$opts{name}); return $self->addtag(name=>$opts{name}, value=>$opts{value}); } elsif (defined $opts{code}) { $self->deltag(code=>$opts{code}); return $self->addtag(code=>$opts{code}, value=>$opts{value}); } else { return undef; } } sub _get_reader_io { my ($self, $input) = @_; if ($input->{io}) { return $input->{io}, undef; } elsif ($input->{fd}) { return io_new_fd($input->{fd}); } elsif ($input->{fh}) { my $fd = fileno($input->{fh}); unless (defined $fd) { $self->_set_error("Handle in fh option not opened"); return; } return io_new_fd($fd); } elsif ($input->{file}) { my $file = IO::File->new($input->{file}, "r"); unless ($file) { $self->_set_error("Could not open $input->{file}: $!"); return; } binmode $file; return (io_new_fd(fileno($file)), $file); } elsif ($input->{data}) { return io_new_buffer($input->{data}); } elsif ($input->{callback} || $input->{readcb}) { if (!$input->{seekcb}) { $self->_set_error("Need a seekcb parameter"); } if ($input->{maxbuffer}) { return io_new_cb($input->{writecb}, $input->{callback} || $input->{readcb}, $input->{seekcb}, $input->{closecb}, $input->{maxbuffer}); } else { return io_new_cb($input->{writecb}, $input->{callback} || $input->{readcb}, $input->{seekcb}, $input->{closecb}); } } else { $self->_set_error("file/fd/fh/data/callback parameter missing"); return; } } sub _get_writer_io { my ($self, $input, $type) = @_; if ($input->{io}) { return $input->{io}; } elsif ($input->{fd}) { return io_new_fd($input->{fd}); } elsif ($input->{fh}) { my $fd = fileno($input->{fh}); unless (defined $fd) { $self->_set_error("Handle in fh option not opened"); return; } # flush it my $oldfh = select($input->{fh}); # flush anything that's buffered, and make sure anything else is flushed $| = 1; select($oldfh); return io_new_fd($fd); } elsif ($input->{file}) { my $fh = new IO::File($input->{file},"w+"); unless ($fh) { $self->_set_error("Could not open file $input->{file}: $!"); return; } binmode($fh) or die; return (io_new_fd(fileno($fh)), $fh); } elsif ($input->{data}) { return io_new_bufchain(); } elsif ($input->{callback} || $input->{writecb}) { if ($input->{maxbuffer}) { return io_new_cb($input->{callback} || $input->{writecb}, $input->{readcb}, $input->{seekcb}, $input->{closecb}, $input->{maxbuffer}); } else { return io_new_cb($input->{callback} || $input->{writecb}, $input->{readcb}, $input->{seekcb}, $input->{closecb}); } } else { $self->_set_error("file/fd/fh/data/callback parameter missing"); return; } } # Read an image from file sub read { my $self = shift; my %input=@_; if (defined($self->{IMG})) { # let IIM_DESTROY do the destruction, since the image may be # referenced from elsewhere #i_img_destroy($self->{IMG}); undef($self->{IMG}); } my ($IO, $fh) = $self->_get_reader_io(\%input) or return; unless ($input{'type'}) { $input{'type'} = i_test_format_probe($IO, -1); } unless ($input{'type'}) { $self->_set_error('type parameter missing and not possible to guess from extension'); return undef; } _reader_autoload($input{type}); if ($readers{$input{type}} && $readers{$input{type}}{single}) { return $readers{$input{type}}{single}->($self, $IO, %input); } unless ($formats{$input{'type'}}) { my $read_types = join ', ', sort Imager->read_types(); $self->_set_error("format '$input{'type'}' not supported - formats $read_types available for reading"); return; } # Setup data source if ( $input{'type'} eq 'jpeg' ) { ($self->{IMG},$self->{IPTCRAW}) = i_readjpeg_wiol( $IO ); if ( !defined($self->{IMG}) ) { $self->{ERRSTR}=$self->_error_as_msg(); return undef; } $self->{DEBUG} && print "loading a jpeg file\n"; return $self; } my $allow_incomplete = $input{allow_incomplete}; defined $allow_incomplete or $allow_incomplete = 0; if ( $input{'type'} eq 'tiff' ) { my $page = $input{'page'}; defined $page or $page = 0; $self->{IMG}=i_readtiff_wiol( $IO, $allow_incomplete, $page ); if ( !defined($self->{IMG}) ) { $self->{ERRSTR}=$self->_error_as_msg(); return undef; } $self->{DEBUG} && print "loading a tiff file\n"; return $self; } if ( $input{'type'} eq 'pnm' ) { $self->{IMG}=i_readpnm_wiol( $IO, $allow_incomplete ); if ( !defined($self->{IMG}) ) { $self->{ERRSTR}='unable to read pnm image: '._error_as_msg(); return undef; } $self->{DEBUG} && print "loading a pnm file\n"; return $self; } if ( $input{'type'} eq 'png' ) { $self->{IMG}=i_readpng_wiol( $IO, -1 ); # Fixme, check if that length parameter is ever needed if ( !defined($self->{IMG}) ) { $self->{ERRSTR} = $self->_error_as_msg(); return undef; } $self->{DEBUG} && print "loading a png file\n"; } if ( $input{'type'} eq 'bmp' ) { $self->{IMG}=i_readbmp_wiol( $IO, $allow_incomplete ); if ( !defined($self->{IMG}) ) { $self->{ERRSTR}=$self->_error_as_msg(); return undef; } $self->{DEBUG} && print "loading a bmp file\n"; } if ( $input{'type'} eq 'gif' ) { if ($input{colors} && !ref($input{colors})) { # must be a reference to a scalar that accepts the colour map $self->{ERRSTR} = "option 'colors' must be a scalar reference"; return undef; } if ($input{'gif_consolidate'}) { if ($input{colors}) { my $colors; ($self->{IMG}, $colors) =i_readgif_wiol( $IO ); if ($colors) { ${ $input{colors} } = [ map { NC(@$_) } @$colors ]; } } else { $self->{IMG} =i_readgif_wiol( $IO ); } } else { my $page = $input{'page'}; defined $page or $page = 0; $self->{IMG} = i_readgif_single_wiol( $IO, $page ); if ($self->{IMG} && $input{colors}) { ${ $input{colors} } = [ i_getcolors($self->{IMG}, 0, i_colorcount($self->{IMG})) ]; } } if ( !defined($self->{IMG}) ) { $self->{ERRSTR}=$self->_error_as_msg(); return undef; } $self->{DEBUG} && print "loading a gif file\n"; } if ( $input{'type'} eq 'tga' ) { $self->{IMG}=i_readtga_wiol( $IO, -1 ); # Fixme, check if that length parameter is ever needed if ( !defined($self->{IMG}) ) { $self->{ERRSTR}=$self->_error_as_msg(); return undef; } $self->{DEBUG} && print "loading a tga file\n"; } if ( $input{'type'} eq 'raw' ) { my %params=(datachannels=>3,storechannels=>3,interleave=>1,%input); if ( !($params{xsize} && $params{ysize}) ) { $self->{ERRSTR}='missing xsize or ysize parameter for raw'; return undef; } $self->{IMG} = i_readraw_wiol( $IO, $params{xsize}, $params{ysize}, $params{datachannels}, $params{storechannels}, $params{interleave}); if ( !defined($self->{IMG}) ) { $self->{ERRSTR}=$self->_error_as_msg(); return undef; } $self->{DEBUG} && print "loading a raw file\n"; } return $self; } sub register_reader { my ($class, %opts) = @_; defined $opts{type} or die "register_reader called with no type parameter\n"; my $type = $opts{type}; defined $opts{single} || defined $opts{multiple} or die "register_reader called with no single or multiple parameter\n"; $readers{$type} = { }; if ($opts{single}) { $readers{$type}{single} = $opts{single}; } if ($opts{multiple}) { $readers{$type}{multiple} = $opts{multiple}; } return 1; } sub register_writer { my ($class, %opts) = @_; defined $opts{type} or die "register_writer called with no type parameter\n"; my $type = $opts{type}; defined $opts{single} || defined $opts{multiple} or die "register_writer called with no single or multiple parameter\n"; $writers{$type} = { }; if ($opts{single}) { $writers{$type}{single} = $opts{single}; } if ($opts{multiple}) { $writers{$type}{multiple} = $opts{multiple}; } return 1; } sub read_types { my %types = ( map { $_ => 1 } keys %readers, grep($file_formats{$_}, keys %formats), qw(ico sgi), # formats not handled directly, but supplied with Imager ); return keys %types; } sub write_types { my %types = ( map { $_ => 1 } keys %writers, grep($file_formats{$_}, keys %formats), qw(ico sgi), # formats not handled directly, but supplied with Imager ); return keys %types; } # probes for an Imager::File::whatever module sub _reader_autoload { my $type = shift; return if $formats{$type} || $readers{$type}; return unless $type =~ /^\w+$/; my $file = "Imager/File/\U$type\"; unless ($attempted_to_load{$file}) { eval { ++$attempted_to_load{$file}; require $file; }; if ($@) { # try to get a reader specific module my $file = "Imager/File/\U$type\"; unless ($attempted_to_load{$file}) { eval { ++$attempted_to_load{$file}; require $file; }; } } } } # probes for an Imager::File::whatever module sub _writer_autoload { my $type = shift; return if $formats{$type} || $readers{$type}; return unless $type =~ /^\w+$/; my $file = "Imager/File/\U$type\"; unless ($attempted_to_load{$file}) { eval { ++$attempted_to_load{$file}; require $file; }; if ($@) { # try to get a writer specific module my $file = "Imager/File/\U$type\"; unless ($attempted_to_load{$file}) { eval { ++$attempted_to_load{$file}; require $file; }; } } } } sub _fix_gif_positions { my ($opts, $opt, $msg, @imgs) = @_; my $positions = $opts->{'gif_positions'}; my $index = 0; for my $pos (@$positions) { my ($x, $y) = @$pos; my $img = $imgs[$index++]; $img->settag(name=>'gif_left', value=>$x); $img->settag(name=>'gif_top', value=>$y) if defined $y; } $$msg .= "replaced with the gif_left and gif_top tags"; } my %obsolete_opts = ( gif_each_palette=>'gif_local_map', interlace => 'gif_interlace', gif_delays => 'gif_delay', gif_positions => \&_fix_gif_positions, gif_loop_count => 'gif_loop', ); # options that should be converted to colors my %color_opts = map { $_ => 1 } qw/i_background/; sub _set_opts { my ($self, $opts, $prefix, @imgs) = @_; for my $opt (keys %$opts) { my $tagname = $opt; if ($obsolete_opts{$opt}) { my $new = $obsolete_opts{$opt}; my $msg = "Obsolete option $opt "; if (ref $new) { $new->($opts, $opt, \$msg, @imgs); } else { $msg .= "replaced with the $new tag "; $tagname = $new; } $msg .= "line ".(caller(2))[2]." of file ".(caller(2))[1]; warn $msg if $warn_obsolete && $^W; } next unless $tagname =~ /^\Q$prefix/; my $value = $opts->{$opt}; if ($color_opts{$opt}) { $value = _color($value); unless ($value) { $self->_set_error($Imager::ERRSTR); return; } } if (ref $value) { if (UNIVERSAL::isa($value, "Imager::Color")) { my $tag = sprintf("color(%d,%d,%d,%d)", $value->rgba); for my $img (@imgs) { $img->settag(name=>$tagname, value=>$tag); } } elsif (ref($value) eq 'ARRAY') { for my $i (0..$#$value) { my $val = $value->[$i]; if (ref $val) { if (UNIVERSAL::isa($val, "Imager::Color")) { my $tag = sprintf("color(%d,%d,%d,%d)", $value->rgba); $i < @imgs and $imgs[$i]->settag(name=>$tagname, value=>$tag); } else { $self->_set_error("Unknown reference type " . ref($value) . " supplied in array for $opt"); return; } } else { $i < @imgs and $imgs[$i]->settag(name=>$tagname, value=>$val); } } } else { $self->_set_error("Unknown reference type " . ref($value) . " supplied for $opt"); return; } } else { # set it as a tag for every image for my $img (@imgs) { $img->settag(name=>$tagname, value=>$value); } } } return 1; } # Write an image to file sub write { my $self = shift; my %input=(jpegquality=>75, gifquant=>'mc', lmdither=>6.0, lmfixed=>[], idstring=>"", compress=>1, wierdpack=>0, fax_fine=>1, @_); my $rc; $self->_set_opts(\%input, "i_", $self) or return undef; unless ($self->{IMG}) { $self->{ERRSTR}='empty input image'; return undef; } if (!$input{'type'} and $input{file}) { $input{'type'}=$FORMATGUESS->($input{file}); } if (!$input{'type'}) { $self->{ERRSTR}='type parameter missing and not possible to guess from extension'; return undef; } _writer_autoload($input{type}); my ($IO, $fh); if ($writers{$input{type}} && $writers{$input{type}}{single}) { ($IO, $fh) = $self->_get_writer_io(\%input, $input{'type'}) or return undef; $writers{$input{type}}{single}->($self, $IO, %input) or return undef; } else { if (!$formats{$input{'type'}}) { my $write_types = join ', ', sort Imager->write_types(); $self->_set_error("format '$input{'type'}' not supported - formats $write_types available for writing"); return undef; } ($IO, $fh) = $self->_get_writer_io(\%input, $input{'type'}) or return undef; if ($input{'type'} eq 'tiff') { $self->_set_opts(\%input, "tiff_", $self) or return undef; $self->_set_opts(\%input, "exif_", $self) or return undef; if (defined $input{class} && $input{class} eq 'fax') { if (!i_writetiff_wiol_faxable($self->{IMG}, $IO, $input{fax_fine})) { $self->{ERRSTR} = $self->_error_as_msg(); return undef; } } else { if (!i_writetiff_wiol($self->{IMG}, $IO)) { $self->{ERRSTR} = $self->_error_as_msg(); return undef; } } } elsif ( $input{'type'} eq 'pnm' ) { $self->_set_opts(\%input, "pnm_", $self) or return undef; if ( ! i_writeppm_wiol($self->{IMG},$IO) ) { $self->{ERRSTR} = $self->_error_as_msg(); return undef; } $self->{DEBUG} && print "writing a pnm file\n"; } elsif ( $input{'type'} eq 'raw' ) { $self->_set_opts(\%input, "raw_", $self) or return undef; if ( !i_writeraw_wiol($self->{IMG},$IO) ) { $self->{ERRSTR} = $self->_error_as_msg(); return undef; } $self->{DEBUG} && print "writing a raw file\n"; } elsif ( $input{'type'} eq 'png' ) { $self->_set_opts(\%input, "png_", $self) or return undef; if ( !i_writepng_wiol($self->{IMG}, $IO) ) { $self->{ERRSTR}='unable to write png image'; return undef; } $self->{DEBUG} && print "writing a png file\n"; } elsif ( $input{'type'} eq 'jpeg' ) { $self->_set_opts(\%input, "jpeg_", $self) or return undef; $self->_set_opts(\%input, "exif_", $self) or return undef; if ( !i_writejpeg_wiol($self->{IMG}, $IO, $input{jpegquality})) { $self->{ERRSTR} = $self->_error_as_msg(); return undef; } $self->{DEBUG} && print "writing a jpeg file\n"; } elsif ( $input{'type'} eq 'bmp' ) { $self->_set_opts(\%input, "bmp_", $self) or return undef; if ( !i_writebmp_wiol($self->{IMG}, $IO) ) { $self->{ERRSTR} = $self->_error_as_msg; return undef; } $self->{DEBUG} && print "writing a bmp file\n"; } elsif ( $input{'type'} eq 'tga' ) { $self->_set_opts(\%input, "tga_", $self) or return undef; if ( !i_writetga_wiol($self->{IMG}, $IO, $input{wierdpack}, $input{compress}, $input{idstring}) ) { $self->{ERRSTR}=$self->_error_as_msg(); return undef; } $self->{DEBUG} && print "writing a tga file\n"; } elsif ( $input{'type'} eq 'gif' ) { $self->_set_opts(\%input, "gif_", $self) or return undef; # compatibility with the old interfaces if ($input{gifquant} eq 'lm') { $input{make_colors} = 'addi'; $input{translate} = 'perturb'; $input{perturb} = $input{lmdither}; } elsif ($input{gifquant} eq 'gen') { # just pass options through } else { $input{make_colors} = 'webmap'; # ignored $input{translate} = 'giflib'; } if (!i_writegif_wiol($IO, \%input, $self->{IMG})) { $self->{ERRSTR} = $self->_error_as_msg; return; } } } if (exists $input{'data'}) { my $data = io_slurp($IO); if (!$data) { $self->{ERRSTR}='Could not slurp from buffer'; return undef; } ${$input{data}} = $data; } return $self; } sub write_multi { my ($class, $opts, @images) = @_; my $type = $opts->{type}; if (!$type && $opts->{'file'}) { $type = $FORMATGUESS->($opts->{'file'}); } unless ($type) { $class->_set_error('type parameter missing and not possible to guess from extension'); return; } # translate to ImgRaw if (grep !UNIVERSAL::isa($_, 'Imager') || !$_->{IMG}, @images) { $class->_set_error('Usage: Imager->write_multi({ options }, @images)'); return 0; } $class->_set_opts($opts, "i_", @images) or return; my @work = map $_->{IMG}, @images; _writer_autoload($type); my ($IO, $file); if ($writers{$type} && $writers{$type}{multiple}) { ($IO, $file) = $class->_get_writer_io($opts, $type) or return undef; $writers{$type}{multiple}->($class, $IO, $opts, @images) or return undef; } else { if (!$formats{$type}) { my $write_types = join ', ', sort Imager->write_types(); $class->_set_error("format '$type' not supported - formats $write_types available for writing"); return undef; } ($IO, $file) = $class->_get_writer_io($opts, $type) or return undef; if ($type eq 'gif') { $class->_set_opts($opts, "gif_", @images) or return; my $gif_delays = $opts->{gif_delays}; local $opts->{gif_delays} = $gif_delays; if ($opts->{gif_delays} && !ref $opts->{gif_delays}) { # assume the caller wants the same delay for each frame $opts->{gif_delays} = [ ($gif_delays) x @images ]; } unless (i_writegif_wiol($IO, $opts, @work)) { $class->_set_error($class->_error_as_msg()); return undef; } } elsif ($type eq 'tiff') { $class->_set_opts($opts, "tiff_", @images) or return; $class->_set_opts($opts, "exif_", @images) or return; my $res; $opts->{fax_fine} = 1 unless exists $opts->{fax_fine}; if ($opts->{'class'} && $opts->{'class'} eq 'fax') { $res = i_writetiff_multi_wiol_faxable($IO, $opts->{fax_fine}, @work); } else { $res = i_writetiff_multi_wiol($IO, @work); } unless ($res) { $class->_set_error($class->_error_as_msg()); return undef; } } else { if (@images == 1) { unless ($images[0]->write(%$opts, io => $IO, type => $type)) { return 1; } } else { $ERRSTR = "Sorry, write_multi doesn't support $type yet"; return 0; } } } if (exists $opts->{'data'}) { my $data = io_slurp($IO); if (!$data) { Imager->_set_error('Could not slurp from buffer'); return undef; } ${$opts->{data}} = $data; } return 1; } # read multiple images from a file sub read_multi { my ($class, %opts) = @_; my ($IO, $file) = $class->_get_reader_io(\%opts, $opts{'type'}) or return; my $type = $opts{'type'}; unless ($type) { $type = i_test_format_probe($IO, -1); } if ($opts{file} && !$type) { # guess the type $type = $FORMATGUESS->($opts{file}); } unless ($type) { $ERRSTR = "No type parameter supplied and it couldn't be guessed"; return; } _reader_autoload($type); if ($readers{$type} && $readers{$type}{multiple}) { return $readers{$type}{multiple}->($IO, %opts); } if ($type eq 'gif') { my @imgs; @imgs = i_readgif_multi_wiol($IO); if (@imgs) { return map { bless { IMG=>$_, DEBUG=>$DEBUG, ERRSTR=>undef }, 'Imager' } @imgs; } else { $ERRSTR = _error_as_msg(); return; } } elsif ($type eq 'tiff') { my @imgs = i_readtiff_multi_wiol($IO, -1); if (@imgs) { return map { bless { IMG=>$_, DEBUG=>$DEBUG, ERRSTR=>undef }, 'Imager' } @imgs; } else { $ERRSTR = _error_as_msg(); return; } } else { my $img = Imager->new; if ($img->read(%opts, io => $IO, type => $type)) { return ( $img ); } Imager->_set_error($img->errstr); } return; } # Destroy an Imager object sub DESTROY { my $self=shift; # delete $instances{$self}; if (defined($self->{IMG})) { # the following is now handled by the XS DESTROY method for # Imager::ImgRaw object # Re-enabling this will break virtual images # tested for in t/t020masked.t # i_img_destroy($self->{IMG}); undef($self->{IMG}); } else { # print "Destroy Called on an empty image!\n"; # why did I put this here?? } } # Perform an inplace filter of an image # that is the image will be overwritten with the data sub filter { my $self=shift; my %input=@_; my %hsh; unless ($self->{IMG}) { $self->{ERRSTR}='empty input image'; return undef; } if (!$input{'type'}) { $self->{ERRSTR}='type parameter missing'; return undef; } if ( (grep { $_ eq $input{'type'} } keys %filters) != 1) { $self->{ERRSTR}='type parameter not matching any filter'; return undef; } if ($filters{$input{'type'}}{names}) { my $names = $filters{$input{'type'}}{names}; for my $name (keys %$names) { if (defined $input{$name} && exists $names->{$name}{$input{$name}}) { $input{$name} = $names->{$name}{$input{$name}}; } } } if (defined($filters{$input{'type'}}{defaults})) { %hsh=( image => $self->{IMG}, imager => $self, %{$filters{$input{'type'}}{defaults}}, %input ); } else { %hsh=( image => $self->{IMG}, imager => $self, %input ); } my @cs=@{$filters{$input{'type'}}{callseq}}; for(@cs) { if (!defined($hsh{$_})) { $self->{ERRSTR}="missing parameter '$_' for filter ".$input{'type'}; return undef; } } eval { local $SIG{__DIE__}; # we don't want this processed by confess, etc &{$filters{$input{'type'}}{callsub}}(%hsh); }; if ($@) { chomp($self->{ERRSTR} = $@); return; } my @b=keys %hsh; $self->{DEBUG} && print "callseq is: @cs\n"; $self->{DEBUG} && print "matching callseq is: @b\n"; return $self; } sub register_filter { my $class = shift; my %hsh = ( defaults => {}, @_ ); defined $hsh{type} or die "register_filter() with no type\n"; defined $hsh{callsub} or die "register_filter() with no callsub\n"; defined $hsh{callseq} or die "register_filter() with no callseq\n"; exists $filters{$hsh{type}} and return; $filters{$hsh{type}} = \%hsh; return 1; } sub scale_calculate { my $self = shift; my %opts = ('type'=>'max', @_); # none of these should be references for my $name (qw/xpixels ypixels xscalefactor yscalefactor width height/) { if (defined $opts{$name} && ref $opts{$name}) { $self->_set_error("scale_calculate: $name parameter cannot be a reference"); return; } } my ($x_scale, $y_scale); my $width = $opts{width}; my $height = $opts{height}; if (ref $self) { defined $width or $width = $self->getwidth; defined $height or $height = $self->getheight; } else { unless (defined $width && defined $height) { $self->_set_error("scale_calculate: width and height parameters must be supplied when called as a class method"); return; } } if ($opts{'xscalefactor'} && $opts{'yscalefactor'}) { $x_scale = $opts{'xscalefactor'}; $y_scale = $opts{'yscalefactor'}; } elsif ($opts{'xscalefactor'}) { $x_scale = $opts{'xscalefactor'}; $y_scale = $opts{'scalefactor'} || $x_scale; } elsif ($opts{'yscalefactor'}) { $y_scale = $opts{'yscalefactor'}; $x_scale = $opts{'scalefactor'} || $y_scale; } else { $x_scale = $y_scale = $opts{'scalefactor'} || 0.5; } # work out the scaling if ($opts{xpixels} and $opts{ypixels} and $opts{'type'}) { my ($xpix, $ypix)=( $opts{xpixels} / $width , $opts{ypixels} / $height ); if ($opts{'type'} eq 'min') { $x_scale = $y_scale = _min($xpix,$ypix); } elsif ($opts{'type'} eq 'max') { $x_scale = $y_scale = _max($xpix,$ypix); } elsif ($opts{'type'} eq 'nonprop' || $opts{'type'} eq 'non-proportional') { $x_scale = $xpix; $y_scale = $ypix; } else { $self->_set_error('invalid value for type parameter'); return; } } elsif ($opts{xpixels}) { $x_scale = $y_scale = $opts{xpixels} / $width; } elsif ($opts{ypixels}) { $x_scale = $y_scale = $opts{ypixels}/$height; } elsif ($opts{constrain} && ref $opts{constrain} && $opts{constrain}->can('constrain')) { # we've been passed an Image::Math::Constrain object or something # that looks like one my $scalefactor; (undef, undef, $scalefactor) = $opts{constrain}->constrain($self->getwidth, $self->getheight); unless ($scalefactor) { $self->_set_error('constrain method failed on constrain parameter'); return; } $x_scale = $y_scale = $scalefactor; } my $new_width = int($x_scale * $width + 0.5); $new_width > 0 or $new_width = 1; my $new_height = int($y_scale * $height + 0.5); $new_height > 0 or $new_height = 1; return ($x_scale, $y_scale, $new_width, $new_height); } # Scale an image to requested size and return the scaled version sub scale { my $self=shift; my %opts = (qtype=>'normal' ,@_); my $img = Imager->new(); my $tmp = Imager->new(); unless (defined wantarray) { my @caller = caller; warn "scale() called in void context - scale() returns the scaled image at $caller[1] line $caller[2]\n"; return; } unless ($self->{IMG}) { $self->_set_error('empty input image'); return undef; } my ($x_scale, $y_scale, $new_width, $new_height) = $self->scale_calculate(%opts) or return; if ($opts{qtype} eq 'normal') { $tmp->{IMG} = i_scaleaxis($self->{IMG}, $x_scale, 0); if ( !defined($tmp->{IMG}) ) { $self->{ERRSTR} = 'unable to scale image: ' . $self->_error_as_msg; return undef; } $img->{IMG}=i_scaleaxis($tmp->{IMG}, $y_scale, 1); if ( !defined($img->{IMG}) ) { $self->{ERRSTR}='unable to scale image: ' . $self->_error_as_msg; return undef; } return $img; } elsif ($opts{'qtype'} eq 'preview') { $img->{IMG} = i_scale_nn($self->{IMG}, $x_scale, $y_scale); if ( !defined($img->{IMG}) ) { $self->{ERRSTR}='unable to scale image'; return undef; } return $img; } elsif ($opts{'qtype'} eq 'mixing') { $img->{IMG} = i_scale_mixing($self->{IMG}, $new_width, $new_height); unless ($img->{IMG}) { $self->_set_error(Imager->_error_as_msg); return; } return $img; } else { $self->_set_error('invalid value for qtype parameter'); return undef; } } # Scales only along the X axis sub scaleX { my $self = shift; my %opts = ( scalefactor=>0.5, @_ ); unless (defined wantarray) { my @caller = caller; warn "scaleX() called in void context - scaleX() returns the scaled image at $caller[1] line $caller[2]\n"; return; } unless ($self->{IMG}) { $self->{ERRSTR} = 'empty input image'; return undef; } my $img = Imager->new(); my $scalefactor = $opts{scalefactor}; if ($opts{pixels}) { $scalefactor = $opts{pixels} / $self->getwidth(); } unless ($self->{IMG}) { $self->{ERRSTR}='empty input image'; return undef; } $img->{IMG} = i_scaleaxis($self->{IMG}, $scalefactor, 0); if ( !defined($img->{IMG}) ) { $self->{ERRSTR} = 'unable to scale image'; return undef; } return $img; } # Scales only along the Y axis sub scaleY { my $self = shift; my %opts = ( scalefactor => 0.5, @_ ); unless (defined wantarray) { my @caller = caller; warn "scaleY() called in void context - scaleY() returns the scaled image at $caller[1] line $caller[2]\n"; return; } unless ($self->{IMG}) { $self->{ERRSTR}='empty input image'; return undef; } my $img = Imager->new(); my $scalefactor = $opts{scalefactor}; if ($opts{pixels}) { $scalefactor = $opts{pixels} / $self->getheight(); } unless ($self->{IMG}) { $self->{ERRSTR} = 'empty input image'; return undef; } $img->{IMG}=i_scaleaxis($self->{IMG}, $scalefactor, 1); if ( !defined($img->{IMG}) ) { $self->{ERRSTR} = 'unable to scale image'; return undef; } return $img; } # Transform returns a spatial transformation of the input image # this moves pixels to a new location in the returned image. # NOTE - should make a utility function to check transforms for # stack overruns sub transform { my $self=shift; unless ($self->{IMG}) { $self->{ERRSTR}='empty input image'; return undef; } my %opts=@_; my (@op,@ropx,@ropy,$iop,$or,@parm,$expr,@xt,@yt,@pt,$numre); # print Dumper(\%opts); # xopcopdes if ( $opts{'xexpr'} and $opts{'yexpr'} ) { if (!$I2P) { eval ("use Affix::Infix2Postfix;"); print $@; if ( $@ ) { $self->{ERRSTR}='transform: expr given and Affix::Infix2Postfix is not avaliable.'; return undef; } $I2P=Affix::Infix2Postfix->new('ops'=>[{op=>'+',trans=>'Add'}, {op=>'-',trans=>'Sub'}, {op=>'*',trans=>'Mult'}, {op=>'/',trans=>'Div'}, {op=>'-','type'=>'unary',trans=>'u-'}, {op=>'**'}, {op=>'func','type'=>'unary'}], 'grouping'=>[qw( \( \) )], 'func'=>[qw( sin cos )], 'vars'=>[qw( x y )] ); } @xt=$I2P->translate($opts{'xexpr'}); @yt=$I2P->translate($opts{'yexpr'}); $numre=$I2P->{'numre'}; @pt=(0,0); for(@xt) { if (/$numre/) { push(@pt,$_); push(@{$opts{'xopcodes'}},'Parm',$#pt); } else { push(@{$opts{'xopcodes'}},$_); } } for(@yt) { if (/$numre/) { push(@pt,$_); push(@{$opts{'yopcodes'}},'Parm',$#pt); } else { push(@{$opts{'yopcodes'}},$_); } } @{$opts{'parm'}}=@pt; } # print Dumper(\%opts); if ( !exists $opts{'xopcodes'} or @{$opts{'xopcodes'}}==0) { $self->{ERRSTR}='transform: no xopcodes given.'; return undef; } @op=@{$opts{'xopcodes'}}; for $iop (@op) { if (!defined ($OPCODES{$iop}) and ($iop !~ /^\d+$/) ) { $self->{ERRSTR}="transform: illegal opcode '$_'."; return undef; } push(@ropx,(exists $OPCODES{$iop}) ? @{$OPCODES{$iop}} : $iop ); } # yopcopdes if ( !exists $opts{'yopcodes'} or @{$opts{'yopcodes'}}==0) { $self->{ERRSTR}='transform: no yopcodes given.'; return undef; } @op=@{$opts{'yopcodes'}}; for $iop (@op) { if (!defined ($OPCODES{$iop}) and ($iop !~ /^\d+$/) ) { $self->{ERRSTR}="transform: illegal opcode '$_'."; return undef; } push(@ropy,(exists $OPCODES{$iop}) ? @{$OPCODES{$iop}} : $iop ); } #parameters if ( !exists $opts{'parm'}) { $self->{ERRSTR}='transform: no parameter arg given.'; return undef; } # print Dumper(\@ropx); # print Dumper(\@ropy); # print Dumper(\@ropy); my $img = Imager->new(); $img->{IMG}=i_transform($self->{IMG},\@ropx,\@ropy,$opts{'parm'}); if ( !defined($img->{IMG}) ) { $self->{ERRSTR}='transform: failed'; return undef; } return $img; } sub transform2 { my ($opts, @imgs) = @_; require "Imager/"; $opts->{variables} = [ qw(x y) ]; my ($width, $height) = @{$opts}{qw(width height)}; if (@imgs) { $width ||= $imgs[0]->getwidth(); $height ||= $imgs[0]->getheight(); my $img_num = 1; for my $img (@imgs) { $opts->{constants}{"w$img_num"} = $img->getwidth(); $opts->{constants}{"h$img_num"} = $img->getheight(); $opts->{constants}{"cx$img_num"} = $img->getwidth()/2; $opts->{constants}{"cy$img_num"} = $img->getheight()/2; ++$img_num; } } if ($width) { $opts->{constants}{w} = $width; $opts->{constants}{cx} = $width/2; } else { $Imager::ERRSTR = "No width supplied"; return; } if ($height) { $opts->{constants}{h} = $height; $opts->{constants}{cy} = $height/2; } else { $Imager::ERRSTR = "No height supplied"; return; } my $code = Imager::Expr->new($opts); if (!$code) { $Imager::ERRSTR = Imager::Expr::error(); return; } my $channels = $opts->{channels} || 3; unless ($channels >= 1 && $channels <= 4) { return Imager->_set_error("channels must be an integer between 1 and 4"); } my $img = Imager->new(); $img->{IMG} = i_transform2($opts->{width}, $opts->{height}, $channels, $code->code(), $code->nregs(), $code->cregs(), [ map { $_->{IMG} } @imgs ]); if (!defined $img->{IMG}) { $Imager::ERRSTR = Imager->_error_as_msg(); return; } return $img; } sub rubthrough { my $self=shift; my %opts= @_; unless ($self->{IMG}) { $self->{ERRSTR}='empty input image'; return undef; } unless ($opts{src} && $opts{src}->{IMG}) { $self->{ERRSTR}='empty input image for src'; return undef; } %opts = (src_minx => 0, src_miny => 0, src_maxx => $opts{src}->getwidth(), src_maxy => $opts{src}->getheight(), %opts); my $tx = $opts{tx}; defined $tx or $tx = $opts{left}; defined $tx or $tx = 0; my $ty = $opts{ty}; defined $ty or $ty = $opts{top}; defined $ty or $ty = 0; unless (i_rubthru($self->{IMG}, $opts{src}->{IMG}, $tx, $ty, $opts{src_minx}, $opts{src_miny}, $opts{src_maxx}, $opts{src_maxy})) { $self->_set_error($self->_error_as_msg()); return undef; } return $self; } sub compose { my $self = shift; my %opts = ( opacity => 1.0, mask_left => 0, mask_top => 0, @_ ); unless ($self->{IMG}) { $self->_set_error("compose: empty input image"); return; } unless ($opts{src}) { $self->_set_error("compose: src parameter missing"); return; } unless ($opts{src}{IMG}) { $self->_set_error("compose: src parameter empty image"); return; } my $src = $opts{src}; my $left = $opts{left}; defined $left or $left = $opts{tx}; defined $left or $left = 0; my $top = $opts{top}; defined $top or $top = $opts{ty}; defined $top or $top = 0; my $src_left = $opts{src_left}; defined $src_left or $src_left = $opts{src_minx}; defined $src_left or $src_left = 0; my $src_top = $opts{src_top}; defined $src_top or $src_top = $opts{src_miny}; defined $src_top or $src_top = 0; my $width = $opts{width}; if (!defined $width && defined $opts{src_maxx}) { $width = $opts{src_maxx} - $src_left; } defined $width or $width = $src->getwidth() - $src_left; my $height = $opts{height}; if (!defined $height && defined $opts{src_maxy}) { $height = $opts{src_maxy} - $src_top; } defined $height or $height = $src->getheight() - $src_top; my $combine = $self->_combine($opts{combine}, 'normal'); if ($opts{mask}) { unless ($opts{mask}{IMG}) { $self->_set_error("compose: mask parameter empty image"); return; } my $mask_left = $opts{mask_left}; defined $mask_left or $mask_left = $opts{mask_minx}; defined $mask_left or $mask_left = 0; my $mask_top = $opts{mask_top}; defined $mask_top or $mask_top = $opts{mask_miny}; defined $mask_top or $mask_top = 0; i_compose_mask($self->{IMG}, $src->{IMG}, $opts{mask}{IMG}, $left, $top, $src_left, $src_top, $mask_left, $mask_top, $width, $height, $combine, $opts{opacity}) or return; } else { i_compose($self->{IMG}, $src->{IMG}, $left, $top, $src_left, $src_top, $width, $height, $combine, $opts{opacity}) or return; } return $self; } sub flip { my $self = shift; my %opts = @_; my %xlate = (h=>0, v=>1, hv=>2, vh=>2); my $dir; return () unless defined $opts{'dir'} and defined $xlate{$opts{'dir'}}; $dir = $xlate{$opts{'dir'}}; return $self if i_flipxy($self->{IMG}, $dir); return (); } sub rotate { my $self = shift; my %opts = @_; unless (defined wantarray) { my @caller = caller; warn "rotate() called in void context - rotate() returns the rotated image at $caller[1] line $caller[2]\n"; return; } if (defined $opts{right}) { my $degrees = $opts{right}; if ($degrees < 0) { $degrees += 360 * int(((-$degrees)+360)/360); } $degrees = $degrees % 360; if ($degrees == 0) { return $self->copy(); } elsif ($degrees == 90 || $degrees == 180 || $degrees == 270) { my $result = Imager->new(); if ($result->{IMG} = i_rotate90($self->{IMG}, $degrees)) { return $result; } else { $self->{ERRSTR} = $self->_error_as_msg(); return undef; } } else { $self->{ERRSTR} = "Parameter 'right' must be a multiple of 90 degrees"; return undef; } } elsif (defined $opts{radians} || defined $opts{degrees}) { my $amount = $opts{radians} || $opts{degrees} * 3.1415926535 / 180; my $back = $opts{back}; my $result = Imager->new; if ($back) { $back = _color($back); unless ($back) { $self->_set_error(Imager->errstr); return undef; } $result->{IMG} = i_rotate_exact($self->{IMG}, $amount, $back); } else { $result->{IMG} = i_rotate_exact($self->{IMG}, $amount); } if ($result->{IMG}) { return $result; } else { $self->{ERRSTR} = $self->_error_as_msg(); return undef; } } else { $self->{ERRSTR} = "Only the 'right', 'radians' and 'degrees' parameters are available"; return undef; } } sub matrix_transform { my $self = shift; my %opts = @_; unless (defined wantarray) { my @caller = caller; warn "copy() called in void context - copy() returns the copied image at $caller[1] line $caller[2]\n"; return; } if ($opts{matrix}) { my $xsize = $opts{xsize} || $self->getwidth; my $ysize = $opts{ysize} || $self->getheight; my $result = Imager->new; if ($opts{back}) { $result->{IMG} = i_matrix_transform($self->{IMG}, $xsize, $ysize, $opts{matrix}, $opts{back}) or return undef; } else { $result->{IMG} = i_matrix_transform($self->{IMG}, $xsize, $ysize, $opts{matrix}) or return undef; } return $result; } else { $self->{ERRSTR} = "matrix parameter required"; return undef; } } # blame Leolo :) *yatf = \&matrix_transform; # These two are supported for legacy code only sub i_color_new { return Imager::Color->new(@_); } sub i_color_set { return Imager::Color::set(@_); } # Draws a box between the specified corner points. sub box { my $self=shift; unless ($self->{IMG}) { $self->{ERRSTR}='empty input image'; return undef; } my $dflcl=i_color_new(255,255,255,255); my %opts=(color=>$dflcl,xmin=>0,ymin=>0,xmax=>$self->getwidth()-1,ymax=>$self->getheight()-1,@_); if (exists $opts{'box'}) { $opts{'xmin'} = _min($opts{'box'}->[0],$opts{'box'}->[2]); $opts{'xmax'} = _max($opts{'box'}->[0],$opts{'box'}->[2]); $opts{'ymin'} = _min($opts{'box'}->[1],$opts{'box'}->[3]); $opts{'ymax'} = _max($opts{'box'}->[1],$opts{'box'}->[3]); } if ($opts{filled}) { my $color = _color($opts{'color'}); unless ($color) { $self->{ERRSTR} = $Imager::ERRSTR; return; } i_box_filled($self->{IMG},$opts{xmin},$opts{ymin},$opts{xmax}, $opts{ymax}, $color); } elsif ($opts{fill}) { unless (UNIVERSAL::isa($opts{fill}, 'Imager::Fill')) { # assume it's a hash ref require 'Imager/'; unless ($opts{fill} = Imager::Fill->new(%{$opts{fill}})) { $self->{ERRSTR} = $Imager::ERRSTR; return undef; } } i_box_cfill($self->{IMG},$opts{xmin},$opts{ymin},$opts{xmax}, $opts{ymax},$opts{fill}{fill}); } else { my $color = _color($opts{'color'}); unless ($color) { $self->{ERRSTR} = $Imager::ERRSTR; return; } i_box($self->{IMG},$opts{xmin},$opts{ymin},$opts{xmax},$opts{ymax}, $color); } return $self; } sub arc { my $self=shift; unless ($self->{IMG}) { $self->{ERRSTR}='empty input image'; return undef; } my $dflcl=i_color_new(255,255,255,255); my %opts=(color=>$dflcl, 'r'=>_min($self->getwidth(),$self->getheight())/3, 'x'=>$self->getwidth()/2, 'y'=>$self->getheight()/2, 'd1'=>0, 'd2'=>361, @_); if ($opts{aa}) { if ($opts{fill}) { unless (UNIVERSAL::isa($opts{fill}, 'Imager::Fill')) { # assume it's a hash ref require 'Imager/'; unless ($opts{fill} = Imager::Fill->new(%{$opts{fill}})) { $self->{ERRSTR} = $Imager::ERRSTR; return; } } i_arc_aa_cfill($self->{IMG},$opts{'x'},$opts{'y'},$opts{'r'},$opts{'d1'}, $opts{'d2'}, $opts{fill}{fill}); } else { my $color = _color($opts{'color'}); unless ($color) { $self->{ERRSTR} = $Imager::ERRSTR; return; } if ($opts{d1} == 0 && $opts{d2} == 361 && $opts{aa}) { i_circle_aa($self->{IMG}, $opts{'x'}, $opts{'y'}, $opts{'r'}, $color); } else { i_arc_aa($self->{IMG},$opts{'x'},$opts{'y'},$opts{'r'}, $opts{'d1'}, $opts{'d2'}, $color); } } } else { if ($opts{fill}) { unless (UNIVERSAL::isa($opts{fill}, 'Imager::Fill')) { # assume it's a hash ref require 'Imager/'; unless ($opts{fill} = Imager::Fill->new(%{$opts{fill}})) { $self->{ERRSTR} = $Imager::ERRSTR; return; } } i_arc_cfill($self->{IMG},$opts{'x'},$opts{'y'},$opts{'r'},$opts{'d1'}, $opts{'d2'}, $opts{fill}{fill}); } else { my $color = _color($opts{'color'}); unless ($color) { $self->{ERRSTR} = $Imager::ERRSTR; return; } i_arc($self->{IMG},$opts{'x'},$opts{'y'},$opts{'r'}, $opts{'d1'}, $opts{'d2'}, $color); } } return $self; } # Draws a line from one point to the other # the endpoint is set if the endp parameter is set which it is by default. # to turn of the endpoint being set use endp=>0 when calling line. sub line { my $self=shift; my $dflcl=i_color_new(0,0,0,0); my %opts=(color=>$dflcl, endp => 1, @_); unless ($self->{IMG}) { $self->{ERRSTR}='empty input image'; return undef; } unless (exists $opts{x1} and exists $opts{y1}) { $self->{ERRSTR}='missing begining coord'; return undef; } unless (exists $opts{x2} and exists $opts{y2}) { $self->{ERRSTR}='missing ending coord'; return undef; } my $color = _color($opts{'color'}); unless ($color) { $self->{ERRSTR} = $Imager::ERRSTR; return; } $opts{antialias} = $opts{aa} if defined $opts{aa}; if ($opts{antialias}) { i_line_aa($self->{IMG},$opts{x1}, $opts{y1}, $opts{x2}, $opts{y2}, $color, $opts{endp}); } else { i_line($self->{IMG},$opts{x1}, $opts{y1}, $opts{x2}, $opts{y2}, $color, $opts{endp}); } return $self; } # Draws a line between an ordered set of points - It more or less just transforms this # into a list of lines. sub polyline { my $self=shift; my ($pt,$ls,@points); my $dflcl=i_color_new(0,0,0,0); my %opts=(color=>$dflcl,@_); unless ($self->{IMG}) { $self->{ERRSTR}='empty input image'; return undef; } if (exists($opts{points})) { @points=@{$opts{points}}; } if (!exists($opts{points}) and exists($opts{'x'}) and exists($opts{'y'}) ) { @points=map { [ $opts{'x'}->[$_],$opts{'y'}->[$_] ] } (0..(scalar @{$opts{'x'}}-1)); } # print Dumper(\@points); my $color = _color($opts{'color'}); unless ($color) { $self->{ERRSTR} = $Imager::ERRSTR; return; } $opts{antialias} = $opts{aa} if defined $opts{aa}; if ($opts{antialias}) { for $pt(@points) { if (defined($ls)) { i_line_aa($self->{IMG},$ls->[0],$ls->[1],$pt->[0],$pt->[1],$color, 1); } $ls=$pt; } } else { for $pt(@points) { if (defined($ls)) { i_line($self->{IMG},$ls->[0],$ls->[1],$pt->[0],$pt->[1],$color,1); } $ls=$pt; } } return $self; } sub polygon { my $self = shift; my ($pt,$ls,@points); my $dflcl = i_color_new(0,0,0,0); my %opts = (color=>$dflcl, @_); unless ($self->{IMG}) { $self->{ERRSTR}='empty input image'; return undef; } if (exists($opts{points})) { $opts{'x'} = [ map { $_->[0] } @{$opts{points}} ]; $opts{'y'} = [ map { $_->[1] } @{$opts{points}} ]; } if (!exists $opts{'x'} or !exists $opts{'y'}) { $self->{ERRSTR} = 'no points array, or x and y arrays.'; return undef; } if ($opts{'fill'}) { unless (UNIVERSAL::isa($opts{'fill'}, 'Imager::Fill')) { # assume it's a hash ref require 'Imager/'; unless ($opts{'fill'} = Imager::Fill->new(%{$opts{'fill'}})) { $self->{ERRSTR} = $Imager::ERRSTR; return undef; } } i_poly_aa_cfill($self->{IMG}, $opts{'x'}, $opts{'y'}, $opts{'fill'}{'fill'}); } else { my $color = _color($opts{'color'}); unless ($color) { $self->{ERRSTR} = $Imager::ERRSTR; return; } i_poly_aa($self->{IMG}, $opts{'x'}, $opts{'y'}, $color); } return $self; } # this the multipoint bezier curve # this is here more for testing that actual usage since # this is not a good algorithm. Usually the curve would be # broken into smaller segments and each done individually. sub polybezier { my $self=shift; my ($pt,$ls,@points); my $dflcl=i_color_new(0,0,0,0); my %opts=(color=>$dflcl,@_); unless ($self->{IMG}) { $self->{ERRSTR}='empty input image'; return undef; } if (exists $opts{points}) { $opts{'x'}=map { $_->[0]; } @{$opts{'points'}}; $opts{'y'}=map { $_->[1]; } @{$opts{'points'}}; } unless ( @{$opts{'x'}} and @{$opts{'x'}} == @{$opts{'y'}} ) { $self->{ERRSTR}='Missing or invalid points.'; return; } my $color = _color($opts{'color'}); unless ($color) { $self->{ERRSTR} = $Imager::ERRSTR; return; } i_bezier_multi($self->{IMG},$opts{'x'},$opts{'y'},$color); return $self; } sub flood_fill { my $self = shift; my %opts = ( color=>Imager::Color->new(255, 255, 255), @_ ); my $rc; unless (exists $opts{'x'} && exists $opts{'y'}) { $self->{ERRSTR} = "missing seed x and y parameters"; return undef; } if ($opts{border}) { my $border = _color($opts{border}); unless ($border) { $self->_set_error($Imager::ERRSTR); return; } if ($opts{fill}) { unless (UNIVERSAL::isa($opts{fill}, 'Imager::Fill')) { # assume it's a hash ref require Imager::Fill; unless ($opts{fill} = Imager::Fill->new(%{$opts{fill}})) { $self->{ERRSTR} = $Imager::ERRSTR; return; } } $rc = i_flood_cfill_border($self->{IMG}, $opts{'x'}, $opts{'y'}, $opts{fill}{fill}, $border); } else { my $color = _color($opts{'color'}); unless ($color) { $self->{ERRSTR} = $Imager::ERRSTR; return; } $rc = i_flood_fill_border($self->{IMG}, $opts{'x'}, $opts{'y'}, $color, $border); } if ($rc) { return $self; } else { $self->{ERRSTR} = $self->_error_as_msg(); return; } } else { if ($opts{fill}) { unless (UNIVERSAL::isa($opts{fill}, 'Imager::Fill')) { # assume it's a hash ref require 'Imager/'; unless ($opts{fill} = Imager::Fill->new(%{$opts{fill}})) { $self->{ERRSTR} = $Imager::ERRSTR; return; } } $rc = i_flood_cfill($self->{IMG}, $opts{'x'}, $opts{'y'}, $opts{fill}{fill}); } else { my $color = _color($opts{'color'}); unless ($color) { $self->{ERRSTR} = $Imager::ERRSTR; return; } $rc = i_flood_fill($self->{IMG}, $opts{'x'}, $opts{'y'}, $color); } if ($rc) { return $self; } else { $self->{ERRSTR} = $self->_error_as_msg(); return; } } } sub setpixel { my $self = shift; my %opts = ( color=>$self->{fg} || NC(255, 255, 255), @_); unless (exists $opts{'x'} && exists $opts{'y'}) { $self->{ERRSTR} = 'missing x and y parameters'; return undef; } my $x = $opts{'x'}; my $y = $opts{'y'}; my $color = _color($opts{color}) or return undef; if (ref $x && ref $y) { unless (@$x == @$y) { $self->{ERRSTR} = 'length of x and y mismatch'; return; } my $set = 0; if ($color->isa('Imager::Color')) { for my $i (0..$#{$opts{'x'}}) { i_ppix($self->{IMG}, $x->[$i], $y->[$i], $color) or ++$set; } } else { for my $i (0..$#{$opts{'x'}}) { i_ppixf($self->{IMG}, $x->[$i], $y->[$i], $color) or ++$set; } } $set or return; return $set; } else { if ($color->isa('Imager::Color')) { i_ppix($self->{IMG}, $x, $y, $color) and return; } else { i_ppixf($self->{IMG}, $x, $y, $color) and return; } } $self; } sub getpixel { my $self = shift; my %opts = ( "type"=>'8bit', @_); unless (exists $opts{'x'} && exists $opts{'y'}) { $self->{ERRSTR} = 'missing x and y parameters'; return undef; } my $x = $opts{'x'}; my $y = $opts{'y'}; if (ref $x && ref $y) { unless (@$x == @$y) { $self->{ERRSTR} = 'length of x and y mismatch'; return undef; } my @result; if ($opts{"type"} eq '8bit') { for my $i (0..$#{$opts{'x'}}) { push(@result, i_get_pixel($self->{IMG}, $x->[$i], $y->[$i])); } } else { for my $i (0..$#{$opts{'x'}}) { push(@result, i_gpixf($self->{IMG}, $x->[$i], $y->[$i])); } } return wantarray ? @result : \@result; } else { if ($opts{"type"} eq '8bit') { return i_get_pixel($self->{IMG}, $x, $y); } else { return i_gpixf($self->{IMG}, $x, $y); } } $self; } sub getscanline { my $self = shift; my %opts = ( type => '8bit', x=>0, @_); $self->_valid_image or return; defined $opts{width} or $opts{width} = $self->getwidth - $opts{x}; unless (defined $opts{'y'}) { $self->_set_error("missing y parameter"); return; } if ($opts{type} eq '8bit') { return i_glin($self->{IMG}, $opts{x}, $opts{x}+$opts{width}, $opts{'y'}); } elsif ($opts{type} eq 'float') { return i_glinf($self->{IMG}, $opts{x}, $opts{x}+$opts{width}, $opts{'y'}); } elsif ($opts{type} eq 'index') { unless (i_img_type($self->{IMG})) { $self->_set_error("type => index only valid on paletted images"); return; } return i_gpal($self->{IMG}, $opts{x}, $opts{x} + $opts{width}, $opts{'y'}); } else { $self->_set_error("invalid type parameter - must be '8bit' or 'float'"); return; } } sub setscanline { my $self = shift; my %opts = ( x=>0, @_); $self->_valid_image or return; unless (defined $opts{'y'}) { $self->_set_error("missing y parameter"); return; } if (!$opts{type}) { if (ref $opts{pixels} && @{$opts{pixels}}) { # try to guess the type if ($opts{pixels}[0]->isa('Imager::Color')) { $opts{type} = '8bit'; } elsif ($opts{pixels}[0]->isa('Imager::Color::Float')) { $opts{type} = 'float'; } else { $self->_set_error("missing type parameter and could not guess from pixels"); return; } } else { # default $opts{type} = '8bit'; } } if ($opts{type} eq '8bit') { if (ref $opts{pixels}) { return i_plin($self->{IMG}, $opts{x}, $opts{'y'}, @{$opts{pixels}}); } else { return i_plin($self->{IMG}, $opts{x}, $opts{'y'}, $opts{pixels}); } } elsif ($opts{type} eq 'float') { if (ref $opts{pixels}) { return i_plinf($self->{IMG}, $opts{x}, $opts{'y'}, @{$opts{pixels}}); } else { return i_plinf($self->{IMG}, $opts{x}, $opts{'y'}, $opts{pixels}); } } elsif ($opts{type} eq 'index') { if (ref $opts{pixels}) { return i_ppal($self->{IMG}, $opts{x}, $opts{'y'}, @{$opts{pixels}}); } else { return i_ppal_p($self->{IMG}, $opts{x}, $opts{'y'}, $opts{pixels}); } } else { $self->_set_error("invalid type parameter - must be '8bit' or 'float'"); return; } } sub getsamples { my $self = shift; my %opts = ( type => '8bit', x=>0, offset => 0, @_); defined $opts{width} or $opts{width} = $self->getwidth - $opts{x}; unless (defined $opts{'y'}) { $self->_set_error("missing y parameter"); return; } unless ($opts{channels}) { $opts{channels} = [ 0 .. $self->getchannels()-1 ]; } if ($opts{target}) { my $target = $opts{target}; my $offset = $opts{offset}; if ($opts{type} eq '8bit') { my @samples = i_gsamp($self->{IMG}, $opts{x}, $opts{x}+$opts{width}, $opts{y}, @{$opts{channels}}) or return; @{$target}{$offset .. $offset + @samples - 1} = @samples; return scalar(@samples); } elsif ($opts{type} eq 'float') { my @samples = i_gsampf($self->{IMG}, $opts{x}, $opts{x}+$opts{width}, $opts{y}, @{$opts{channels}}); @{$target}{$offset .. $offset + @samples - 1} = @samples; return scalar(@samples); } elsif ($opts{type} =~ /^(\d+)bit$/) { my $bits = $1; my @data; my $count = i_gsamp_bits($self->{IMG}, $opts{x}, $opts{x}+$opts{width}, $opts{y}, $bits, $target, $offset, @{$opts{channels}}); unless (defined $count) { $self->_set_error(Imager->_error_as_msg); return; } return $count; } else { $self->_set_error("invalid type parameter - must be '8bit' or 'float'"); return; } } else { if ($opts{type} eq '8bit') { return i_gsamp($self->{IMG}, $opts{x}, $opts{x}+$opts{width}, $opts{y}, @{$opts{channels}}); } elsif ($opts{type} eq 'float') { return i_gsampf($self->{IMG}, $opts{x}, $opts{x}+$opts{width}, $opts{y}, @{$opts{channels}}); } elsif ($opts{type} =~ /^(\d+)bit$/) { my $bits = $1; my @data; i_gsamp_bits($self->{IMG}, $opts{x}, $opts{x}+$opts{width}, $opts{y}, $bits, \@data, 0, @{$opts{channels}}) or return; return @data; } else { $self->_set_error("invalid type parameter - must be '8bit' or 'float'"); return; } } } sub setsamples { my $self = shift; my %opts = ( x => 0, offset => 0, @_ ); unless ($self->{IMG}) { $self->_set_error('setsamples: empty input image'); return; } unless(defined $opts{data} && ref $opts{data}) { $self->_set_error('setsamples: data parameter missing or invalid'); return; } unless ($opts{channels}) { $opts{channels} = [ 0 .. $self->getchannels()-1 ]; } unless ($opts{type} && $opts{type} =~ /^(\d+)bit$/) { $self->_set_error('setsamples: type parameter missing or invalid'); return; } my $bits = $1; unless (defined $opts{width}) { $opts{width} = $self->getwidth() - $opts{x}; } my $count = i_psamp_bits($self->{IMG}, $opts{x}, $opts{y}, $bits, $opts{channels}, $opts{data}, $opts{offset}, $opts{width}); unless (defined $count) { $self->_set_error(Imager->_error_as_msg); return; } return $count; } # make an identity matrix of the given size sub _identity { my ($size) = @_; my $matrix = [ map { [ (0) x $size ] } 1..$size ]; for my $c (0 .. ($size-1)) { $matrix->[$c][$c] = 1; } return $matrix; } # general function to convert an image sub convert { my ($self, %opts) = @_; my $matrix; unless (defined wantarray) { my @caller = caller; warn "convert() called in void context - convert() returns the converted image at $caller[1] line $caller[2]\n"; return; } # the user can either specify a matrix or preset # the matrix overrides the preset if (!exists($opts{matrix})) { unless (exists($opts{preset})) { $self->{ERRSTR} = "convert() needs a matrix or preset"; return; } else { if ($opts{preset} eq 'gray' || $opts{preset} eq 'grey') { # convert to greyscale, keeping the alpha channel if any if ($self->getchannels == 3) { $matrix = [ [ 0.222, 0.707, 0.071 ] ]; } elsif ($self->getchannels == 4) { # preserve the alpha channel $matrix = [ [ 0.222, 0.707, 0.071, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 0, 1 ] ]; } else { # an identity $matrix = _identity($self->getchannels); } } elsif ($opts{preset} eq 'noalpha') { # strip the alpha channel if ($self->getchannels == 2 or $self->getchannels == 4) { $matrix = _identity($self->getchannels); pop(@$matrix); # lose the alpha entry } else { $matrix = _identity($self->getchannels); } } elsif ($opts{preset} eq 'red' || $opts{preset} eq 'channel0') { # extract channel 0 $matrix = [ [ 1 ] ]; } elsif ($opts{preset} eq 'green' || $opts{preset} eq 'channel1') { $matrix = [ [ 0, 1 ] ]; } elsif ($opts{preset} eq 'blue' || $opts{preset} eq 'channel2') { $matrix = [ [ 0, 0, 1 ] ]; } elsif ($opts{preset} eq 'alpha') { if ($self->getchannels == 2 or $self->getchannels == 4) { $matrix = [ [ (0) x ($self->getchannels-1), 1 ] ]; } else { # the alpha is just 1 $matrix = [ [ (0) x $self->getchannels, 1 ] ]; } } elsif ($opts{preset} eq 'rgb') { if ($self->getchannels == 1) { $matrix = [ [ 1 ], [ 1 ], [ 1 ] ]; } elsif ($self->getchannels == 2) { # preserve the alpha channel $matrix = [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 1, 0 ], [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 1 ] ]; } else { $matrix = _identity($self->getchannels); } } elsif ($opts{preset} eq 'addalpha') { if ($self->getchannels == 1) { $matrix = _identity(2); } elsif ($self->getchannels == 3) { $matrix = _identity(4); } else { $matrix = _identity($self->getchannels); } } else { $self->{ERRSTR} = "Unknown convert preset $opts{preset}"; return undef; } } } else { $matrix = $opts{matrix}; } my $new = Imager->new; $new->{IMG} = i_convert($self->{IMG}, $matrix); unless ($new->{IMG}) { # most likely a bad matrix $self->{ERRSTR} = _error_as_msg(); return undef; } return $new; } # general function to map an image through lookup tables sub map { my ($self, %opts) = @_; my @chlist = qw( red green blue alpha ); if (!exists($opts{'maps'})) { # make maps from channel maps my $chnum; for $chnum (0..$#chlist) { if (exists $opts{$chlist[$chnum]}) { $opts{'maps'}[$chnum] = $opts{$chlist[$chnum]}; } elsif (exists $opts{'all'}) { $opts{'maps'}[$chnum] = $opts{'all'}; } } } if ($opts{'maps'} and $self->{IMG}) { i_map($self->{IMG}, $opts{'maps'} ); } return $self; } sub difference { my ($self, %opts) = @_; defined $opts{mindist} or $opts{mindist} = 0; defined $opts{other} or return $self->_set_error("No 'other' parameter supplied"); defined $opts{other}{IMG} or return $self->_set_error("No image data in 'other' image"); $self->{IMG} or return $self->_set_error("No image data"); my $result = Imager->new; $result->{IMG} = i_diff_image($self->{IMG}, $opts{other}{IMG}, $opts{mindist}) or return $self->_set_error($self->_error_as_msg()); return $result; } # destructive border - image is shrunk by one pixel all around sub border { my ($self,%opts)=@_; my($tx,$ty)=($self->getwidth()-1,$self->getheight()-1); $self->polyline('x'=>[0,$tx,$tx,0,0],'y'=>[0,0,$ty,$ty,0],%opts); } # Get the width of an image sub getwidth { my $self = shift; if (!defined($self->{IMG})) { $self->{ERRSTR} = 'image is empty'; return undef; } return (i_img_info($self->{IMG}))[0]; } # Get the height of an image sub getheight { my $self = shift; if (!defined($self->{IMG})) { $self->{ERRSTR} = 'image is empty'; return undef; } return (i_img_info($self->{IMG}))[1]; } # Get number of channels in an image sub getchannels { my $self = shift; if (!defined($self->{IMG})) { $self->{ERRSTR} = 'image is empty'; return undef; } return i_img_getchannels($self->{IMG}); } # Get channel mask sub getmask { my $self = shift; if (!defined($self->{IMG})) { $self->{ERRSTR} = 'image is empty'; return undef; } return i_img_getmask($self->{IMG}); } # Set channel mask sub setmask { my $self = shift; my %opts = @_; if (!defined($self->{IMG})) { $self->{ERRSTR} = 'image is empty'; return undef; } unless (defined $opts{mask}) { $self->_set_error("mask parameter required"); return; } i_img_setmask( $self->{IMG} , $opts{mask} ); 1; } # Get number of colors in an image sub getcolorcount { my $self=shift; my %opts=('maxcolors'=>2**30,@_); if (!defined($self->{IMG})) { $self->{ERRSTR}='image is empty'; return undef; } my $rc=i_count_colors($self->{IMG},$opts{'maxcolors'}); return ($rc==-1? undef : $rc); } # Returns a reference to a hash. The keys are colour named (packed) and the # values are the number of pixels in this colour. sub getcolorusagehash { my $self = shift; my %opts = ( maxcolors => 2**30, @_ ); my $max_colors = $opts{maxcolors}; unless (defined $max_colors && $max_colors > 0) { $self->_set_error('maxcolors must be a positive integer'); return; } unless (defined $self->{IMG}) { $self->_set_error('empty input image'); return; } my $channels= $self->getchannels; # We don't want to look at the alpha channel, because some gifs using it # doesn't define it for every colour (but only for some) $channels -= 1 if $channels == 2 or $channels == 4; my %color_use; my $height = $self->getheight; for my $y (0 .. $height - 1) { my $colors = $self->getsamples('y' => $y, channels => [ 0 .. $channels - 1 ]); while (length $colors) { $color_use{ substr($colors, 0, $channels, '') }++; } keys %color_use > $max_colors and return; } return \%color_use; } # This will return a ordered array of the colour usage. Kind of the sorted # version of the values of the hash returned by getcolorusagehash. # You might want to add safety checks and change the names, etc... sub getcolorusage { my $self = shift; my %opts = ( maxcolors => 2**30, @_ ); my $max_colors = $opts{maxcolors}; unless (defined $max_colors && $max_colors > 0) { $self->_set_error('maxcolors must be a positive integer'); return; } unless (defined $self->{IMG}) { $self->_set_error('empty input image'); return undef; } return i_get_anonymous_color_histo($self->{IMG}, $max_colors); } # draw string to an image sub string { my $self = shift; unless ($self->{IMG}) { $self->{ERRSTR}='empty input image'; return undef; } my %input=('x'=>0, 'y'=>0, @_); defined($input{string}) or $input{string} = $input{text}; unless(defined $input{string}) { $self->{ERRSTR}="missing required parameter 'string'"; return; } unless($input{font}) { $self->{ERRSTR}="missing required parameter 'font'"; return; } unless ($input{font}->draw(image=>$self, %input)) { return; } return $self; } sub align_string { my $self = shift; my $img; if (ref $self) { unless ($self->{IMG}) { $self->{ERRSTR}='empty input image'; return; } $img = $self; } else { $img = undef; } my %input=('x'=>0, 'y'=>0, @_); $input{string}||=$input{text}; unless(exists $input{string}) { $self->_set_error("missing required parameter 'string'"); return; } unless($input{font}) { $self->_set_error("missing required parameter 'font'"); return; } my @result; unless (@result = $input{font}->align(image=>$img, %input)) { return; } return wantarray ? @result : $result[0]; } my @file_limit_names = qw/width height bytes/; sub set_file_limits { shift; my %opts = @_; my %values; if ($opts{reset}) { @values{@file_limit_names} = (0) x @file_limit_names; } else { @values{@file_limit_names} = i_get_image_file_limits(); } for my $key (keys %values) { defined $opts{$key} and $values{$key} = $opts{$key}; } i_set_image_file_limits($values{width}, $values{height}, $values{bytes}); } sub get_file_limits { i_get_image_file_limits(); } # Shortcuts that can be exported sub newcolor { Imager::Color->new(@_); } sub newfont { Imager::Font->new(@_); } sub NCF { Imager::Color::Float->new(@_) } *NC=*newcolour=*newcolor; *NF=*newfont; *open=\&read; *circle=\&arc; #### Utility routines sub errstr { ref $_[0] ? $_[0]->{ERRSTR} : $ERRSTR } sub _set_error { my ($self, $msg) = @_; if (ref $self) { $self->{ERRSTR} = $msg; } else { $ERRSTR = $msg; } return; } # Default guess for the type of an image from extension sub def_guess_type { my $name=lc(shift); my $ext; $ext=($name =~ m/\.([^\.]+)$/)[0]; return 'tiff' if ($ext =~ m/^tiff?$/); return 'jpeg' if ($ext =~ m/^jpe?g$/); return 'pnm' if ($ext =~ m/^p[pgb]m$/); return 'png' if ($ext eq "png"); return 'bmp' if ($ext eq "bmp" || $ext eq "dib"); return 'tga' if ($ext eq "tga"); return 'sgi' if ($ext eq "rgb" || $ext eq "bw" || $ext eq "sgi" || $ext eq "rgba"); return 'gif' if ($ext eq "gif"); return 'raw' if ($ext eq "raw"); return lc $ext; # best guess return (); } sub combines { return @combine_types; } # get the minimum of a list sub _min { my $mx=shift; for(@_) { if ($_<$mx) { $mx=$_; }} return $mx; } # get the maximum of a list sub _max { my $mx=shift; for(@_) { if ($_>$mx) { $mx=$_; }} return $mx; } # string stuff for iptc headers sub _clean { my($str)=$_[0]; $str = substr($str,3); $str =~ s/[\n\r]//g; $str =~ s/\s+/ /g; $str =~ s/^\s//; $str =~ s/\s$//; return $str; } # A little hack to parse iptc headers. sub parseiptc { my $self=shift; my(@sar,$item,@ar); my($caption,$photogr,$headln,$credit); my $str=$self->{IPTCRAW}; defined $str or return; @ar=split(/8BIM/,$str); my $i=0; foreach (@ar) { if (/^\004\004/) { @sar=split(/\034\002/); foreach $item (@sar) { if ($item =~ m/^x/) { $caption = _clean($item); $i++; } if ($item =~ m/^P/) { $photogr = _clean($item); $i++; } if ($item =~ m/^i/) { $headln = _clean($item); $i++; } if ($item =~ m/^n/) { $credit = _clean($item); $i++; } } } } return (caption=>$caption,photogr=>$photogr,headln=>$headln,credit=>$credit); } sub Inline { my ($lang) = @_; $lang eq 'C' or die "Only C language supported"; require Imager::ExtUtils; return Imager::ExtUtils->inline_config; } 1; __END__ # Below is the stub of documentation for your module. You better edit it! =head1 NAME Imager - Perl extension for Generating 24 bit Images =head1 SYNOPSIS # Thumbnail example #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Imager; die "Usage: filename\n" if !-f $ARGV[0]; my $file = shift; my $format; my $img = Imager->new(); # see Imager::Files for information on the read() method $img->read(file=>$file) or die $img->errstr(); $file =~ s/\.[^.]*$//; # Create smaller version # documented in Imager::Transformations my $thumb = $img->scale(scalefactor=>.3); # Autostretch individual channels $thumb->filter(type=>'autolevels'); # try to save in one of these formats SAVE: for $format ( qw( png gif jpg tiff ppm ) ) { # Check if given format is supported if ($Imager::formats{$format}) { $file.="_low.$format"; print "Storing image as: $file\n"; # documented in Imager::Files $thumb->write(file=>$file) or die $thumb->errstr; last SAVE; } } =head1 DESCRIPTION Imager is a module for creating and altering images. It can read and write various image formats, draw primitive shapes like lines,and polygons, blend multiple images together in various ways, scale, crop, render text and more. =head2 Overview of documentation =over =item * Imager - This document - Synopsis, Example, Table of Contents and Overview. =item * L - a brief introduction to Imager. =item * L - how to do various things with Imager. =item * L - Basics of constructing image objects with C: Direct type/virtual images, RGB(A)/paletted images, 8/16/double bits/channel, color maps, channel masks, image tags, color quantization. Also discusses basic image information methods. =item * L - IO interaction, reading/writing images, format specific tags. =item * L - Drawing Primitives, lines, boxes, circles, arcs, flood fill. =item * L - Color specification. =item * L - Fill pattern specification. =item * L - General font rendering, bounding boxes and font metrics. =item * L - Copying, scaling, cropping, flipping, blending, pasting, convert and map. =item * L - Programmable transformations through C, C and C. =item * L - Filters, sharpen, blur, noise, convolve etc. and filter plugins. =item * L - Expressions for evaluation engine used by transform2(). =item * L - Helper class for affine transformations. =item * L - Helper for making gradient profiles. =item * L - using Imager's C API =item * L - API function reference =item * L - using Imager's C API from Inline::C =item * L - tools to get access to Imager's C API. =back =head2 Basic Overview An Image object is created with C<$img = Imager-Enew()>. Examples: $img=Imager->new(); # create empty image $img->read(file=>'lena.png',type=>'png') or # read image from file die $img->errstr(); # give an explanation # if something failed or if you want to create an empty image: $img=Imager->new(xsize=>400,ysize=>300,channels=>4); This example creates a completely black image of width 400 and height 300 and 4 channels. =head1 ERROR HANDLING In general a method will return false when it fails, if it does use the errstr() method to find out why: =over =item errstr Returns the last error message in that context. If the last error you received was from calling an object method, such as read, call errstr() as an object method to find out why: my $image = Imager->new; $image->read(file => 'somefile.gif') or die $image->errstr; If it was a class method then call errstr() as a class method: my @imgs = Imager->read_multi(file => 'somefile.gif') or die Imager->errstr; Note that in some cases object methods are implemented in terms of class methods so a failing object method may set both. =back The Cnew> method is described in detail in L. =head1 METHOD INDEX Where to find information on methods for Imager class objects. addcolors() - L addtag() - L - add image tags align_string() - L arc() - L bits() - L - number of bits per sample for the image box() - L circle() - L colorcount() - L combines() - L compose() - L convert() - L - transform the color space copy() - L crop() - L - extract part of an image def_guess_type() - L deltag() - L - delete image tags difference() - L errstr() - L<"Basic Overview"> filter() - L findcolor() - L - search the image palette, if it has one flip() - L flood_fill() - L getchannels() - L getcolorcount() - L getcolors() - L - get colors from the image palette, if it has one getcolorusage() - L getcolorusagehash() - L get_file_limits() - L getheight() - L getmask() - L getpixel() - L getsamples() - L getscanline() - L getwidth() - L img_set() - L init() - L is_bilevel() - L line() - L load_plugin() - L map() - L - remap color channel values masked() - L - make a masked image matrix_transform() - L maxcolors() - L NC() - L NCF() - L new() - L newcolor() - L newcolour() - L newfont() - L NF() - L open() - L - an alias for read() parseiptc() - L - parse IPTC data from a JPEG image paste() - L - draw an image onto an image polygon() - L polyline() - L read() - L - read a single image from an image file read_multi() - L - read multiple images from an image file read_types() - L - list image types Imager can read. register_filter() - L register_reader() - L register_writer() - L rotate() - L rubthrough() - L - draw an image onto an image and use the alpha channel scale() - L scale_calculate() - L scaleX() - L scaleY() - L setcolors() - L - set palette colors in a paletted image set_file_limits() - L setmask() - L setpixel() - L setsamples() - L setscanline() - L settag() - L string() - L - draw text on an image tags() - L - fetch image tags to_paletted() - L to_rgb16() - L to_rgb8() - L transform() - L transform2() - L type() - L - type of image (direct vs paletted) unload_plugin() - L virtual() - L - whether the image has it's own data write() - L - write an image to a file write_multi() - L - write multiple image to an image file. write_types() - L - list image types Imager can write. =head1 CONCEPT INDEX animated GIF - L aspect ratio - L, L, L blend - alpha blending one image onto another L blur - L, L boxes, drawing - L changes between image - L color - L color names - L, L combine modes - L compare images - L contrast - L, L convolution - L cropping - L CUR files - L C images - L dpi - L, L drawing boxes - L drawing lines - L drawing text - L, L error message - L<"Basic Overview"> files, font - L files, image - L filling, types of fill - L filling, boxes - L filling, flood fill - L flood fill - L fonts - L fonts, drawing with - L, L, L fonts, metrics - L, L fonts, multiple master - L fountain fill - L, L, L, L GIF files - L GIF files, animated - L gradient fill - L, L, L, L grayscale, convert image to - L guassian blur - L hatch fills - L ICO files - L invert image - L JPEG - L limiting image sizes - L lines, drawing - L matrix - L, L, L metadata, image - L mosaic - L noise, filter - L noise, rendered - L, L paste - L, L pseudo-color image - L, L posterize - L png files - L, L pnm - L rectangles, drawing - L resizing an image - L, L RGB (SGI) files - L saving an image - L scaling - L SGI files - L sharpen - L, L size, image - L, L size, text - L tags, image metadata - L text, drawing - L, L, L text, wrapping text in an area - L text, measuring - L, L tiles, color - L unsharp mask - L watermark - L writing an image to a file - L =head1 SUPPORT The best place to get help with Imager is the mailing list. To subscribe send a message with C in the body to: or use the form at: =over L =back where you can also find the mailing list archive. You can report bugs by pointing your browser at: =over L =back or by sending an email to: =over =back Please remember to include the versions of Imager, perl, supporting libraries, and any relevant code. If you have specific images that cause the problems, please include those too. If you don't want to publish your email address on a mailing list you can use CPAN::Forum: You will need to register to post. =head1 CONTRIBUTING TO IMAGER =head2 Feedback I like feedback. If you like or dislike Imager, you can add a public review of Imager at CPAN Ratings: This requires a Bitcard Account ( You can also send email to the maintainer below. If you send me a bug report via email, it will be copied to RT. =head2 Patches I accept patches, preferably against the main branch in subversion. You should include an explanation of the reason for why the patch is needed or useful. Your patch should include regression tests where possible, otherwise it will be delayed until I get a chance to write them. =head1 AUTHOR Tony Cook is the current maintainer for Imager. Arnar M. Hrafnkelsson is the original author of Imager. Many others have contributed to Imager, please see the README for a complete list. =head1 SEE ALSO L(1), L(3), L(3), L(3), L(3), L(3), L(3), L(3), L(3), L(3), L(3), L(3), L(3) L L(3), L(3) Other perl imaging modules include: L(3), L(3), L(3). =cut