# File: WriteXMP.pl
# Description: Write XMP meta information
# Revisions: 12/19/2004 - P. Harvey Created
# Notes: - The x-default entry is not currently handled automatically in
# Bags of lang-alt lists as it is in normal lang-alt lists
# (ie. XMP-plus:Custom tags)
package Image::ExifTool::XMP;
use strict;
use Image::ExifTool qw(:DataAccess :Utils);
sub CheckXMP($$$);
sub SetPropertyPath($$;$$);
sub CaptureXMP($$$;$);
my $debug = 0;
my $numPadLines = 24; # number of blank padding lines
# when writing extended XMP, resources bigger than this get placed in their own
# rdf:Description so they can be moved to the extended segements if necessary
my $newDescThresh = 10000; # 10 kB
# individual resources and namespaces to place last inseparate rdf:Description's
# so they can be moved to extended XMP segments if required (see Oct. 2008 XMP spec)
my %extendedRes = (
'photoshop:History' => 1,
'xap:Thumbnails' => 1,
'xmp:Thumbnails' => 1,
'crs' => 1,
'crss' => 1,
# XMP structures (each structure is similar to a tag table so we can
# recurse through them in SetPropertyPath() as if they were tag tables)
# There are two special members of the structure:
# NAMESPACE - namespace prefix used for elements of this structure
# TYPE - [optional] resource rdf:type to be included in XMP
# Note: User-defined structures defined in Image::ExifTool::UserDefined::xmpStruct
my %xmpStruct = (
ResourceRef => {
NAMESPACE => 'stRef',
documentID => { },
instanceID => { },
manager => { },
managerVariant => { },
manageTo => { },
manageUI => { },
renditionClass => { },
renditionParams => { },
versionID => { },
# added Oct 2008
alternatePaths => { List => 'Seq' },
filePath => { },
fromPart => { },
lastModifyDate => { },
maskMarkers => { },
partMapping => { },
toPart => { },
ResourceEvent => {
NAMESPACE => 'stEvt',
action => { },
instanceID => { },
parameters => { },
softwareAgent => { },
when => { },
# added Oct 2008
changed => { },
JobRef => {
NAMESPACE => 'stJob',
id => { },
name => { },
url => { },
Version => {
NAMESPACE => 'stVer',
comments => { },
event => { Struct => 'ResourceEvent' },
modifier => { },
modifyDate => { },
version => { },
Thumbnail => {
NAMESPACE => 'xapGImg',
height => { },
width => { },
'format' => { },
image => { },
IdentifierScheme => {
NAMESPACE => 'xmpidq',
Scheme => { }, # qualifier for xmp:Identifier only
Dimensions => {
NAMESPACE => 'stDim',
w => { },
h => { },
unit => { },
Colorant => {
NAMESPACE => 'xapG',
swatchName => { },
mode => { },
type => { },
cyan => { },
magenta => { },
yellow => { },
black => { },
red => { },
green => { },
blue => { },
L => { },
A => { },
B => { },
Font => {
NAMESPACE => 'stFnt',
fontName => { },
fontFamily => { },
fontFace => { },
fontType => { },
versionString => { },
composite => { },
fontFileName=> { },
childFontFiles=> { List => 'Seq' },
# the following stuctures are different: They don't have
# their own namespaces -- instead they use the parent namespace
Flash => {
NAMESPACE => 'exif',
Fired => { },
Return => { },
Mode => { },
Function => { },
RedEyeMode => { },
OECF => {
NAMESPACE => 'exif',
Columns => { },
Rows => { },
Names => { },
Values => { },
CFAPattern => {
NAMESPACE => 'exif',
Columns => { },
Rows => { },
Values => { },
DeviceSettings => {
NAMESPACE => 'exif',
Columns => { },
Rows => { },
Settings => { },
# Iptc4xmpCore structures
ContactInfo => {
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpCore',
CiAdrCity => { },
CiAdrCtry => { },
CiAdrExtadr => { },
CiAdrPcode => { },
CiAdrRegion => { },
CiEmailWork => { },
CiTelWork => { },
CiUrlWork => { },
# Dynamic Media structures
BeatSpliceStretch => {
riseInDecibel => { },
riseInTimeDuration => { Struct => 'Time' },
useFileBeatsMarker => { },
CuePointParam => {
key => { },
value => { },
Marker => {
comment => { },
duration => { },
location => { },
name => { },
startTime => { },
target => { },
type => { },
# added Oct 2008
cuePointParams => { Struct => 'CuePointParam', List => 'Seq' },
cuePointType=> { },
probability => { },
speaker => { },
Media => {
duration => { Struct => 'Time' },
managed => { },
path => { },
startTime => { Struct => 'Time' },
track => { },
webStatement=> { },
ProjectLink => {
path => { },
type => { },
ResampleStretch => {
quality => { },
Time => {
scale => { },
value => { },
Timecode => {
timeFormat => { },
timeValue => { },
value => { },
TimeScaleStretch => {
frameOverlappingPercentage => { },
frameSize => { },
quality => { },
Track => {
frameRate => { },
markers => { Struct => 'Marker', List => 'Seq' },
trackName => { },
trackType => { },
# PLUS License Data Format 1.2.0 structures
# (this seems crazy to me -- why did they define different ID/Name structures
# for each element rather than just re-using the same structure?)
Licensee => {
NAMESPACE => 'plus',
TYPE => 'plus:LicenseeDetail',
LicenseeID => { },
LicenseeName=> { },
EndUser => {
NAMESPACE => 'plus',
TYPE => 'plus:EndUserDetail',
EndUserID => { },
EndUserName => { },
Licensor => {
NAMESPACE => 'plus',
TYPE => 'plus:LicensorDetail',
LicensorID => { },
LicensorName => { },
LicensorStreetAddress => { },
LicensorExtendedAddress => { },
LicensorCity => { },
LicensorRegion => { },
LicensorPostalCode => { },
LicensorCountry => { },
LicensorTelephoneType1 => { },
LicensorTelephone1 => { },
LicensorTelephoneType2 => { },
LicensorTelephone2 => { },
LicensorEmail => { },
LicensorURL => { },
CopyrightOwner => {
NAMESPACE => 'plus',
TYPE => 'plus:CopyrightOwnerDetail',
CopyrightOwnerID => { },
CopyrightOwnerName => { },
ImageCreator => {
NAMESPACE => 'plus',
TYPE => 'plus:ImageCreatorDetail',
ImageCreatorID => { },
ImageCreatorName => { },
ImageSupplier => {
NAMESPACE => 'plus',
TYPE => 'plus:ImageSupplierDetail',
ImageSupplierID => { },
ImageSupplierName => { },
# new LR2 crs structures (PH)
Correction => {
NAMESPACE => 'crs',
What => { },
CorrectionMasks => {
Struct => 'CorrectionMask',
List => 'Seq',
CorrectionMask => {
NAMESPACE => 'crs',
What => { },
MaskValue => { },
Radius => { },
Flow => { },
CenterWeight => { },
Dabs => { List => 'Seq' },
ZeroX => { },
ZeroY => { },
FullX => { },
FullY => { },
# IPTC Extension 1.0 structures
ArtworkOrObjectDetails => {
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
AOCopyrightNotice => { },
AOCreator => { List => 'Seq' },
AODateCreated=> { },
AOSource => { },
AOSourceInvNo=> { },
AOTitle => { },
RegistryEntryDetails => {
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
RegItemId => { },
RegOrgId => { },
LocationDetails => {
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
City => { },
CountryCode => { },
CountryName => { },
ProvinceState=> { },
Sublocation => { },
WorldRegion => { },
my $rdfDesc = 'rdf:Description';
# packet/xmp/rdf headers and trailers
my $pktOpen = "\n";
my $xmlOpen = "\n";
my $xmpOpenPrefix = "\n";
my $rdfClose = "\n";
my $xmpClose = "\n";
my $pktCloseW = ""; # writable by default
my $pktCloseR = "";
# Update XMP tag tables when this library is loaded:
# - generate all TagID's (required when writing)
# - generate PropertyPath for structure elements
# - add necessary inverse conversion routines
# - process NAMESPACE entries and add new namespaces to our %nsURI lookup
my ($mainTag, $ns, $tag);
# add user-defined structure namespaces
if (%Image::ExifTool::UserDefined::xmpStruct) {
foreach $tag (keys %Image::ExifTool::UserDefined::xmpStruct) {
my $struct = $Image::ExifTool::UserDefined::xmpStruct{$tag};
next unless ref $$struct{NAMESPACE};
# add new namespace
my $nsRef = $$struct{NAMESPACE};
# recognize as either a list or hash
if (ref $nsRef eq 'ARRAY') {
$ns = $$nsRef[0];
$nsURI{$ns} = $$nsRef[1];
} else { # must be a hash
($ns) = keys %$nsRef;
$nsURI{$ns} = $$nsRef{$ns};
$$struct{NAMESPACE} = $ns;
# update XMP tag tables
my $mainTable = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::XMP::Main');
foreach $mainTag (keys %$mainTable) {
my $mainInfo = $mainTable->{$mainTag};
next unless ref $mainInfo eq 'HASH' and $mainInfo->{SubDirectory};
my $table = GetTagTable($mainInfo->{SubDirectory}->{TagTable});
# add new namespace if NAMESPACE is ns/uri pair
if (ref $$table{NAMESPACE}) {
my $nsRef = $$table{NAMESPACE};
# recognize as either a list or hash
if (ref $nsRef eq 'ARRAY') {
$ns = $$nsRef[0];
$nsURI{$ns} = $$nsRef[1];
} else { # must be a hash
($ns) = keys %$nsRef;
$nsURI{$ns} = $$nsRef{$ns};
$$table{NAMESPACE} = $ns;
$$table{WRITE_PROC} = \&WriteXMP; # set WRITE_PROC for all tables
$table->{CHECK_PROC} = \&CheckXMP; # add our write check routine
foreach $tag (TagTableKeys($table)) {
my $tagInfo = $$table{$tag};
next unless ref $tagInfo eq 'HASH';
# must set PropertyPath now for all tags that are Struct elements
# (normal tags will get set later if they are actually written)
SetPropertyPath($table, $tag) if $$tagInfo{Struct};
my $format = $$tagInfo{Writable};
# Get XMP opening tag (and set x:xmptk appropriately)
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object ref
# Returns: x:xmpmeta opening tag
sub XMPOpen($)
my $exifTool = shift;
my $nv = $exifTool->{NEW_VALUE}->{$Image::ExifTool::XMP::x{xmptk}};
my $tk;
if (defined $nv) {
$tk = Image::ExifTool::GetNewValues($nv);
$exifTool->VPrint(1, $tk ? " + XMP-x:XMPToolkit = '$tk'\n" : " - XMP-x:XMPToolkit\n");
} else {
$tk = "Image::ExifTool $Image::ExifTool::VERSION";
my $str = $tk ? (" x:xmptk='" . EscapeXML($tk) . "'") : '';
return "$xmpOpenPrefix$str>\n";
# Validate XMP packet and set read or read/write mode
# Inputs: 0) XMP data reference, 1) 'r' = read only, 'w' or undef = read/write
# Returns: true if XMP is good (and adds packet header/trailer if necessary)
sub ValidateXMP($;$)
my ($xmpPt, $mode) = @_;
unless ($$xmpPt =~ /^\0*<\0*\?\0*x\0*p\0*a\0*c\0*k\0*e\0*t/) {
return '' unless $$xmpPt =~ /^)/$1$mode$3/;
substr($$xmpPt, -32, 32) = $end if $2 ne $mode;
return 1;
# Check XMP date values for validity and format accordingly
# Inputs: 1) date string
# Returns: XMP date/time string (or undef on error)
sub FormatXMPDate($)
my $val = shift;
my ($y, $m, $d, $t, $tz);
if ($val =~ /(\d{4}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}) (\d{2}:\d{2}(?::\d{2}(?:\.\d*)?)?)(.*)/) {
($y, $m, $d, $t, $tz) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5);
$val = "$y-$m-${d}T$t";
} elsif ($val =~ /^\s*\d{4}(:\d{2}){0,2}\s*$/) {
# this is just a date (YYYY, YYYY-MM or YYYY-MM-DD)
$val =~ tr/:/-/;
} elsif ($val =~ /^\s*(\d{2}:\d{2}(?::\d{2}(?:\.\d*)?)?)(.*)\s*$/) {
# this is just a time
($t, $tz) = ($1, $2);
$val = $t;
} else {
return undef;
if ($tz) {
$tz =~ /^(Z|[+-]\d{2}:\d{2})$/ or return undef;
$val .= $tz;
return $val;
# Check XMP values for validity and format accordingly
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) tagInfo hash reference,
# 2) raw value reference
# Returns: error string or undef (and may change value) on success
sub CheckXMP($$$)
my ($exifTool, $tagInfo, $valPtr) = @_;
# convert value from Latin if necessary
if ($exifTool->{OPTIONS}->{Charset} eq 'Latin' and $$valPtr =~ /[\x80-\xff]/) {
# convert from Latin to UTF-8
my $val = Image::ExifTool::Latin2Unicode($$valPtr,'n');
$$valPtr = Image::ExifTool::Unicode2UTF8($val,'n');
my $format = $tagInfo->{Writable};
# if no format specified, value is a simple string
return undef unless $format and $format ne 'string';
if ($format eq 'rational' or $format eq 'real') {
# make sure the value is a valid floating point number
Image::ExifTool::IsFloat($$valPtr) or return 'Not a floating point number';
if ($format eq 'rational') {
$$valPtr = join('/', Image::ExifTool::Rationalize($$valPtr));
} elsif ($format eq 'integer') {
# make sure the value is integer
if (Image::ExifTool::IsInt($$valPtr)) {
# no conversion required (converting to 'int' would remove leading '+')
} elsif (Image::ExifTool::IsHex($$valPtr)) {
$$valPtr = hex($$valPtr);
} else {
return 'Not an integer';
} elsif ($format eq 'date') {
my $newDate = FormatXMPDate($$valPtr);
return "Invalid date/time (use YYYY:MM:DD HH:MM:SS[.SS][+/-HH:MM|Z])" unless $newDate;
$$valPtr = $newDate;
} elsif ($format eq 'lang-alt') {
# nothing to do
} elsif ($format eq 'boolean') {
if (not $$valPtr or $$valPtr =~ /false/i or $$valPtr =~ /^no$/i) {
$$valPtr = 'False';
} else {
$$valPtr = 'True';
} elsif ($format eq '1') {
# this is the entire XMP data block
return 'Invalid XMP data' unless ValidateXMP($valPtr);
} else {
return "Unknown XMP format: $format";
return undef; # success!
# Get PropertyPath for specified tagInfo
# Inputs: 0) tagInfo reference
# Returns: PropertyPath string
sub GetPropertyPath($)
my $tagInfo = shift;
unless ($$tagInfo{PropertyPath}) {
SetPropertyPath($$tagInfo{Table}, $$tagInfo{TagID});
return $$tagInfo{PropertyPath};
# Set PropertyPath for specified tag (also for any structure elements)
# Inputs: 0) tagTable reference, 1) tagID, 2) structure reference (or undef),
# 3) property list up to this point (or undef)
sub SetPropertyPath($$;$$)
my ($tagTablePtr, $tagID, $structPtr, $propList) = @_;
my $table = $structPtr || $tagTablePtr;
my $tagInfo = $$table{$tagID};
my $ns = $$table{NAMESPACE};
# don't override existing main table entry if already set by a Struct
return if not $structPtr and $$tagInfo{PropertyPath};
$ns or warn("No namespace for $tagID\n"), return;
my (@propList, $listType);
$propList and @propList = @$propList;
push @propList, "$ns:$tagID";
# lang-alt lists are handled specially, signified by Writable='lang-alt'
if ($$tagInfo{Writable} and $$tagInfo{Writable} eq 'lang-alt') {
$listType = 'Alt';
# remove language code from property path if it exists
$propList[-1] =~ s/-$$tagInfo{LangCode}$// if $$tagInfo{LangCode};
# handle lists of lang-alt lists (ie. XMP-plus:Custom tags)
if ($$tagInfo{List} and $$tagInfo{List} ne '1') {
push @propList, "rdf:$$tagInfo{List}", 'rdf:li 000';
} else {
$listType = $$tagInfo{List};
# add required properties if this is a list
push @propList, "rdf:$listType", 'rdf:li 000' if $listType and $listType ne '1';
# set PropertyPath for all elements of this structure if necessary
my $structName = $$tagInfo{Struct};
if ($structName) {
my $struct = $xmpStruct{$structName} ||
$struct or warn("No XMP $$tagInfo{Struct} structure!\n"), return;
my $tag;
foreach $tag (keys %$struct) {
next if $tag eq 'NAMESPACE' or $tag eq 'TYPE';
SetPropertyPath($tagTablePtr, $tag, $struct, \@propList);
# use tagInfo for combined tag name if this was a Struct
if ($structPtr) {
my $tagName = GetXMPTagID(\@propList);
$$tagTablePtr{$tagName} or warn("Tag $tagName not found!\n"), return;
$tagInfo = $$tagTablePtr{$tagName};
# save structure TYPE in tagInfo if necessary
$$tagInfo{StructType} = $$structPtr{TYPE} if $$structPtr{TYPE};
# must check again for List's at this level
if ($$tagInfo{Writable} and $$tagInfo{Writable} eq 'lang-alt') {
$listType = 'Alt';
} else {
$listType = $$tagInfo{List};
push @propList, "rdf:$listType", 'rdf:li 000' if $listType and $listType ne '1';
# set property path for tagInfo in main table
$$tagInfo{PropertyPath} = join '/', @propList;
# Save XMP property name/value for rewriting
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference
# 1) reference to array of XMP property path (last is current property)
# 2) property value, 3) optional reference to hash of property attributes
sub CaptureXMP($$$;$)
my ($exifTool, $propList, $val, $attrs) = @_;
return unless defined $val and @$propList > 2;
if ($$propList[0] =~ /^x:x[ma]pmeta$/ and
$$propList[1] eq 'rdf:RDF' and
$$propList[2] =~ /$rdfDesc( |$)/)
# no properties to save yet if this is just the description
return unless @$propList > 3;
# save information about this property
my $capture = $exifTool->{XMP_CAPTURE};
my $path = join('/', @$propList[3..$#$propList]);
if (defined $$capture{$path}) {
$exifTool->{XMP_ERROR} = "Duplicate XMP property: $path";
} else {
$$capture{$path} = [$val, $attrs || { }];
} elsif ($$propList[0] eq 'rdf:RDF' and
$$propList[1] =~ /$rdfDesc( |$)/)
# set flag so we don't write x:xmpmeta element
$exifTool->{XMP_NO_XMPMETA} = 1;
# add missing x:xmpmeta element and try again
unshift @$propList, 'x:xmpmeta';
CaptureXMP($exifTool, $propList, $val, $attrs);
} else {
$exifTool->{XMP_ERROR} = 'Improperly enclosed XMP property: ' . join('/',@$propList);
# Save information about resource containing blank node with nodeID
# Inputs: 0) reference to blank node information hash
# 1) reference to property list
# 2) property value
# 3) [optional] reference to attribute hash
# Notes: This routine and ProcessBlankInfo() are also used for reading information, but
# are uncommon so are put in this file to reduce compile time for the common case
sub SaveBlankInfo($$$;$)
my ($blankInfo, $propListPt, $val, $attrs) = @_;
my $propPath = join '/', @$propListPt;
my @ids = ($propPath =~ m{ #([^ /]*)}g);
my $id;
# split the property path at each nodeID
foreach $id (@ids) {
my ($pre, $prop, $post) = ($propPath =~ m{^(.*?)/([^/]*) #$id((/.*)?)$});
defined $pre or warn("internal error parsing nodeID's"), next;
# the element with the nodeID should be in the path prefix for subject
# nodes and the path suffix for object nodes
unless ($prop eq $rdfDesc) {
if ($post) {
$post = "/$prop$post";
} else {
$pre = "$pre/$prop";
$blankInfo->{Prop}->{$id}->{Pre}->{$pre} = 1;
if ((defined $post and length $post) or (defined $val and length $val)) {
# save the property value and attributes for each unique path suffix
$blankInfo->{Prop}->{$id}->{Post}->{$post} = [ $val, $attrs, $propPath ];
# Process blank-node information
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object ref, 1) tag table ref,
# 2) blank node information hash ref, 3) flag set for writing
sub ProcessBlankInfo($$$;$)
my ($exifTool, $tagTablePtr, $blankInfo, $isWriting) = @_;
$exifTool->VPrint(1, " [Elements with nodeID set:]\n") unless $isWriting;
my ($id, $pre, $post);
# handle each nodeID separately
foreach $id (sort keys %{$$blankInfo{Prop}}) {
my $path = $blankInfo->{Prop}->{$id};
# flag all resource names so we can warn later if some are unused
my %unused;
foreach $post (keys %{$path->{Post}}) {
$unused{$post} = 1;
# combine property paths for all possible paths through this node
foreach $pre (sort keys %{$path->{Pre}}) {
# there will be no description for the object of a blank node
next unless $pre =~ m{/$rdfDesc/};
foreach $post (sort keys %{$path->{Post}}) {
my @propList = split m{/}, "$pre$post";
my ($val, $attrs) = @{$path->{Post}->{$post}};
if ($isWriting) {
CaptureXMP($exifTool, \@propList, $val, $attrs);
} else {
FoundXMP($exifTool, $tagTablePtr, \@propList, $val);
delete $unused{$post};
# save information from unused properties (if RDF is malformed like f-spot output)
if (%unused) {
$exifTool->Options('Verbose') and $exifTool->Warn('An XMP resource is about nothing');
foreach $post (sort keys %unused) {
my ($val, $attrs, $propPath) = @{$path->{Post}->{$post}};
my @propList = split m{/}, $propPath;
if ($isWriting) {
CaptureXMP($exifTool, \@propList, $val, $attrs);
} else {
FoundXMP($exifTool, $tagTablePtr, \@propList, $val);
# Convert path to namespace used in file (this is a pain, but the XMP
# spec only suggests 'preferred' namespace prefixes...)
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) property path
# Returns: conforming property path
sub ConformPathToNamespace($$)
my ($exifTool, $path) = @_;
my @propList = split('/',$path);
my ($prop, $newKey);
my $nsUsed = $exifTool->{XMP_NS};
foreach $prop (@propList) {
my ($ns, $tag) = $prop =~ /(.+?):(.*)/;
next if $$nsUsed{$ns};
my $uri = $nsURI{$ns};
unless ($uri) {
warn "No URI for namepace prefix $ns!\n";
my $ns2;
foreach $ns2 (keys %$nsUsed) {
next unless $$nsUsed{$ns2} eq $uri;
# use the existing namespace prefix instead of ours
$prop = "$ns2:$tag";
return join('/',@propList);
# Utility routine to encode data in base64
# Inputs: 0) binary data string
# Returns: base64-encoded string
sub EncodeBase64($)
# encode the data in 45-byte chunks
my $chunkSize = 45;
my $len = length $_[0];
my $str = '';
my $i;
for ($i=0; $i<$len; $i+=$chunkSize) {
my $n = $len - $i;
$n = $chunkSize if $n > $chunkSize;
# add uuencoded data to output (minus size byte, but including trailing newline)
$str .= substr(pack('u', substr($_[0], $i, $n)), 1);
# convert to base64 (remember that "\0" may be encoded as ' ' or '`')
$str =~ tr/` -_/AA-Za-z0-9+\//;
# convert pad characters at the end (remember to account for trailing newline)
my $pad = 3 - ($len % 3);
substr($str, -$pad-1, $pad) = ('=' x $pad) if $pad < 3;
return $str;
# sort tagInfo hash references by tag name
sub ByTagName
return $$a{Name} cmp $$b{Name};
# sort alphabetically, but with rdf:type first in the structure
sub TypeFirst
if ($a =~ /rdf:type$/) {
return substr($a, 0, -8) cmp $b unless $b =~ /rdf:type$/;
} elsif ($b =~ /rdf:type$/) {
return $a cmp substr($b, 0, -8);
return $a cmp $b;
# Limit size of XMP
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object ref, 1) XMP data ref (written up to start of $rdfClose),
# 2) max XMP len, 3) rdf:about string, 4) list ref for description start offsets
# 5) start offset of first description recommended for extended XMP
# Returns: 0) extended XMP ref, 1) GUID and updates $$dataPt (or undef if no extended XMP)
sub LimitXMPSize($$$$$$)
my ($exifTool, $dataPt, $maxLen, $about, $startPt, $extStart) = @_;
# return straight away if it isn't too big
return undef if length($$dataPt) < $maxLen;
push @$startPt, length($$dataPt); # add end offset to list
my $newData = substr($$dataPt, 0, $$startPt[0]);
my $guid = '0' x 32;
# write the required xmpNote:HasExtendedXMP property
$newData .= "\n <$rdfDesc rdf:about='$about'\n xmlns:xmpNote='$nsURI{xmpNote}'>\n" .
" $guid\n" .
" $rdfDesc>\n";
my ($i, %descSize, $start);
# calculate all description block sizes
for ($i=1; $i<@$startPt; ++$i) {
$descSize{$$startPt[$i-1]} = $$startPt[$i] - $$startPt[$i-1];
pop @$startPt; # remove end offset
# write the descriptions from smallest to largest, as many in main XMP as possible
my @descStart = sort { $descSize{$a} <=> $descSize{$b} } @$startPt;
my $extData = XMPOpen($exifTool) . $rdfOpen;
for ($i=0; $i<2; ++$i) {
foreach $start (@descStart) {
# write main XMP first (in order of size), then extended XMP afterwards (in order)
next if $i xor $start >= $extStart;
my $pt = (length($newData) + $descSize{$start} > $maxLen) ? \$extData : \$newData;
$$pt .= substr($$dataPt, $start, $descSize{$start});
$extData .= $rdfClose . $xmpClose; # close rdf:RDF and x:xmpmeta
# calculate GUID from MD5 of extended XMP data
if (eval 'require Digest::MD5') {
$guid = uc unpack('H*', Digest::MD5::md5($extData));
$newData =~ s/0{32}/$guid/; # update GUID in main XMP segment
$exifTool->VPrint(1, " + XMP-xmpNote:HasExtendedXMP = '$guid'\n");
$$dataPt = $newData; # return main XMP block
return (\$extData, $guid); # return extended XMP and its GUID
# Write XMP information
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) source dirInfo reference,
# 2) [optional] tag table reference
# Returns: with tag table: new XMP data (may be empty if no XMP data) or undef on error
# without tag table: 1 on success, 0 if not valid XMP file, -1 on write error
# Notes: May set dirInfo InPlace flag to rewrite with specified DirLen
# May set dirInfo ReadOnly flag to write as read-only XMP ('r' mode and no padding)
# May set dirInfo MaxDataLen to limit output data length -- this causes ExtendedXMP
# and ExtendedGUID to be returned in dirInfo if extended XMP was required
sub WriteXMP($$;$)
my ($exifTool, $dirInfo, $tagTablePtr) = @_;
$exifTool or return 1; # allow dummy access to autoload this package
my $dataPt = $$dirInfo{DataPt};
my $dirStart = $$dirInfo{DirStart} || 0;
my (%capture, %nsUsed, $xmpErr, $tagInfo, $about);
my $changed = 0;
my $xmpFile = (not $tagTablePtr); # this is an XMP data file if no $tagTablePtr
# write XMP as preferred if this is an XMP file or a GIF file
my $preferred = $xmpFile || ($$exifTool{FILE_TYPE} and $$exifTool{FILE_TYPE} eq 'GIF');
my $verbose = $exifTool->Options('Verbose');
# extract existing XMP information into %capture hash
# define hash in ExifTool object to capture XMP information (also causes
# CaptureXMP() instead of FoundXMP() to be called from ParseXMPElement())
# The %capture hash is keyed on the complete property path beginning after
# rdf:RDF/rdf:Description/. The values are array references with the
# following entries: 0) value, 1) attribute hash reference.
$exifTool->{XMP_CAPTURE} = \%capture;
$exifTool->{XMP_NS} = \%nsUsed;
delete $exifTool->{XMP_NO_XMPMETA};
delete $exifTool->{XMP_NO_XPACKET};
delete $exifTool->{XMP_IS_XML};
delete $exifTool->{XMP_IS_SVG};
if ($xmpFile or ($dataPt and length $$dataPt)) {
delete $exifTool->{XMP_ERROR};
delete $exifTool->{XMP_ABOUT};
# extract all existing XMP information (to the XMP_CAPTURE hash)
my $success = ProcessXMP($exifTool, $dirInfo, $tagTablePtr);
# don't continue if there is nothing to parse or if we had a parsing error
unless ($success and not $exifTool->{XMP_ERROR}) {
my $err = $exifTool->{XMP_ERROR} || 'Error parsing XMP';
# may ignore this error only if we were successful
if ($xmpFile) {
my $raf = $$dirInfo{RAF};
# allow empty XMP data so we can create something from nothing
if ($success or not $raf->Seek(0,2) or $raf->Tell()) {
# no error message if not an XMP file
return 0 unless $exifTool->{XMP_ERROR};
if ($exifTool->Error($err, $success)) {
delete $exifTool->{XMP_CAPTURE};
return 0;
} else {
if ($exifTool->Warn($err, $success)) {
delete $exifTool->{XMP_CAPTURE};
return undef;
$tagInfo = $Image::ExifTool::XMP::rdf{about};
if (defined $exifTool->{NEW_VALUE}->{$tagInfo}) {
$about = Image::ExifTool::GetNewValues($exifTool->{NEW_VALUE}->{$tagInfo}) || '';
if ($verbose > 1) {
my $wasAbout = $exifTool->{XMP_ABOUT};
$exifTool->VPrint(1, " - XMP-rdf:About = '", UnescapeXML($wasAbout), "'\n") if defined $wasAbout;
$exifTool->VPrint(1, " + XMP-rdf:About = '$about'\n");
$about = EscapeXML($about); # must escape for XML
} else {
$about = $exifTool->{XMP_ABOUT} || '';
delete $exifTool->{XMP_ERROR};
delete $exifTool->{XMP_ABOUT};
} else {
$about = '';
# handle writing XMP as a block to XMP file
if ($xmpFile) {
$tagInfo = $Image::ExifTool::Extra{XMP};
if ($tagInfo and $exifTool->{NEW_VALUE}->{$tagInfo}) {
my $rtnVal = 1;
my $newVal = Image::ExifTool::GetNewValues($exifTool->{NEW_VALUE}->{$tagInfo});
if (defined $newVal and length $newVal) {
$exifTool->VPrint(0, " Writing XMP as a block\n");
Write($$dirInfo{OutFile}, $newVal) or $rtnVal = -1;
} else {
$exifTool->Error("Can't delete all XMP from an XMP file");
delete $exifTool->{XMP_CAPTURE};
return $rtnVal;
# delete groups in family 1 if requested
if (%{$exifTool->{DEL_GROUP}} and (grep /^XMP-.+$/, keys %{$exifTool->{DEL_GROUP}} or
# (logic is a bit more complex for group names in exiftool XML files)
grep m{^http://ns.exiftool.ca/}, values %nsUsed))
my $del = $exifTool->{DEL_GROUP};
my $path;
foreach $path (keys %capture) {
my @propList = split('/',$path); # get property list
my ($tag, $ns) = GetXMPTagID(\@propList);
# translate namespace if necessary
$ns = $$xlatNamespace{$ns} if $$xlatNamespace{$ns};
my ($grp, @g);
# no "XMP-" added to most groups in exiftool RDF/XML output file
if ($nsUsed{$ns} and (@g = ($nsUsed{$ns} =~ m{^http://ns.exiftool.ca/(.*?)/(.*?)/}))) {
if ($g[1] =~ /^\d/) {
$grp = "XML-$g[0]";
#(all XML-* groups stored as uppercase DEL_GROUP key)
my $ucg = uc $grp;
next unless $$del{$ucg} or ($$del{'XML-*'} and not $$del{"-$ucg"});
} else {
$grp = $g[1];
next unless $$del{$grp} or ($$del{$g[0]} and not $$del{"-$grp"});
} else {
$grp = "XMP-$ns";
my $ucg = uc $grp;
next unless $$del{$ucg} or ($$del{'XMP-*'} and not $$del{"-$ucg"});
if ($verbose > 1) {
my $val = $capture{$path}->[0];
$exifTool->VPrint(1, " - $grp:$tag = '$val'\n");
delete $capture{$path};
# delete HasExtendedXMP tag (we create it as needed)
my $hasExtTag = 'xmpNote:HasExtendedXMP';
if ($capture{$hasExtTag}) {
if ($verbose > 1) {
my $val = $capture{$hasExtTag}->[0];
$exifTool->VPrint(1, " - XMP-$hasExtTag = '$val'\n");
delete $capture{$hasExtTag};
# set $xmpOpen now to to handle xmptk tag first
my $xmpOpen = $exifTool->{XMP_NO_XMPMETA} ? '' : XMPOpen($exifTool);
# add, delete or change information as specified
# get hash of all information we want to change
# (sorted by tag name so alternate languages come last)
my @tagInfoList = sort ByTagName $exifTool->GetNewTagInfoList();
foreach $tagInfo (@tagInfoList) {
next unless $exifTool->GetGroup($tagInfo, 0) eq 'XMP';
my $tag = $tagInfo->{TagID};
my $path = GetPropertyPath($tagInfo);
unless ($path) {
$exifTool->Warn("Can't write XMP:$tag (namespace unknown)");
# skip tags that were handled specially
if ($path eq 'rdf:about' or $path eq 'x:xmptk') {
# change our property path namespace prefixes to conform
# to the ones used in this file
$path = ConformPathToNamespace($exifTool, $path);
# find existing property
my $capList = $capture{$path};
# MicrosoftPhoto screws up the case of some tags, so test for this
unless ($capList) {
my ($path2) = grep /^\Q$path\E$/i, keys %capture;
$path2 and $capList = $capture{$path = $path2};
my $newValueHash = $exifTool->GetNewValueHash($tagInfo);
my $overwrite = Image::ExifTool::IsOverwriting($newValueHash);
my $writable = $$tagInfo{Writable} || '';
my (%attrs, $deleted, $added);
# delete existing entry if necessary
if ($capList) {
# take attributes from old values if they exist
%attrs = %{$capList->[1]};
if ($overwrite) {
my ($delPath, @matchingPaths, $oldLang, $delLang);
# check to see if this is an indexed list item
if ($path =~ / /) {
my $pathPattern;
($pathPattern = $path) =~ s/ 000/ \\d\{3\}/g;
@matchingPaths = sort grep(/^$pathPattern$/, keys %capture);
} else {
push @matchingPaths, $path;
foreach $path (@matchingPaths) {
my ($val, $attrs) = @{$capture{$path}};
if ($overwrite < 0) {
# only overwrite specific values
next unless Image::ExifTool::IsOverwriting($newValueHash, UnescapeXML($val));
if ($writable eq 'lang-alt') {
# get original language code (lc for comparisons)
$oldLang = lc($$attrs{'xml:lang'} || 'x-default');
# delete all if deleting "x-default" or writing with no LangCode
# (XMP spec requires x-default language exist and be first in list)
if ($oldLang eq 'x-default' and not ($newValueHash->{Value} or
($$tagInfo{LangCode} and $$tagInfo{LangCode} ne 'x-default')))
$delLang = 1; # delete all languages
$overwrite = 1; # force overwrite
if ($$tagInfo{LangCode} and not $delLang) {
# only overwrite specified language
next unless lc($$tagInfo{LangCode}) eq $oldLang;
if ($verbose > 1) {
my $grp = $exifTool->GetGroup($tagInfo, 1);
my $tagName = $$tagInfo{Name};
$tagName =~ s/-$$tagInfo{LangCode}$// if $$tagInfo{LangCode};
$tagName .= '-' . $$attrs{'xml:lang'} if $$attrs{'xml:lang'};
$exifTool->VPrint(1, " - $grp:$tagName = '$val'\n");
# save attributes and path from first deleted property
# so we can replace it exactly
unless ($delPath) {
%attrs = %$attrs;
$delPath = $path;
# delete this tag
delete $capture{$path};
# delete rdf:type tag if it is the only thing left in this structure
if ($path =~ /^(.*)\// and $capture{"$1/rdf:type"}) {
my $pp = $1;
my @a = grep /^\Q$pp\E\/[^\/]+/, keys %capture;
delete $capture{"$pp/rdf:type"} if @a == 1;
next unless $delPath or $$tagInfo{List} or $oldLang;
if ($delPath) {
$path = $delPath;
$deleted = 1;
} else {
# don't change tag if we couldn't delete old copy
# unless this is a list or an lang-alt tag
next unless $$tagInfo{List} or $oldLang;
# (match last index to put in same lang-alt list for Bag of lang-alt items)
$path =~ m/.* (\d{3})/g or warn "Internal error: no list index!\n", next;
$added = $1;
} elsif ($path =~ m/.* (\d{3})/g) { # (match last index)
$added = $1;
if (defined $added) {
# add to end of list
my $pos = pos($path) - 3;
for (;;) {
substr($path, $pos, 3) = ++$added;
last unless $capture{$path};
# check to see if we want to create this tag
# (create non-avoided tags in XMP data files by default)
my $isCreating = (Image::ExifTool::IsCreating($newValueHash) or
($preferred and not $$tagInfo{Avoid} and
not defined $$newValueHash{Shift}));
# don't add new values unless...
# ...tag existed before and was deleted, or we added it to a list
next unless $deleted or defined $added or
# ...tag didn't exist before and we are creating it
(not $capList and $isCreating);
# get list of new values (all done if no new values specified)
my @newValues = Image::ExifTool::GetNewValues($newValueHash) or next;
# set language attribute for lang-alt lists
if ($writable eq 'lang-alt') {
$attrs{'xml:lang'} = $$tagInfo{LangCode} || 'x-default';
# must generate x-default entry as first entry if it didn't exist
unless ($capList or lc($attrs{'xml:lang'}) eq 'x-default') {
my $newValue = EscapeXML($newValues[0]);
$capture{$path} = [ $newValue, { %attrs, 'xml:lang' => 'x-default' } ];
if ($verbose > 1) {
my $tagName = $$tagInfo{Name};
$tagName =~ s/-$$tagInfo{LangCode}$/-x-default/;
my $grp = $exifTool->GetGroup($tagInfo, 1);
$exifTool->VPrint(1, " + $grp:$tagName = '$newValue'\n");
$path =~ s/(.*) 000/$1 001/ or warn "Internal error: no list index!\n", next;
# add new value(s) to %capture hash
for (;;) {
my $newValue = EscapeXML(shift @newValues);
if ($$tagInfo{Resource}) {
$capture{$path} = [ '', { %attrs, 'rdf:resource' => $newValue } ];
} else {
$capture{$path} = [ $newValue, \%attrs ];
if ($verbose > 1) {
my $grp = $exifTool->GetGroup($tagInfo, 1);
$exifTool->VPrint(1, " + $grp:$$tagInfo{Name} = '$newValue'\n");
# add rdf:type if necessary
if ($$tagInfo{StructType} and $path =~ /^(.*)\// and not $capture{"$1/rdf:type"}) {
$capture{"$1/rdf:type"} = [ '', { 'rdf:resource' => $$tagInfo{StructType} } ];
last unless @newValues;
# (match first index to put in different lang-alt list for Bag of lang-alt items)
$path =~ m/ (\d{3})/g or warn("Internal error: no list index!\n"), next;
my $listIndex = $1;
my $pos = pos($path) - 3;
for (;;) {
substr($path, $pos, 3) = ++$listIndex;
last unless $capture{$path};
$capture{$path} and warn("Too many entries in XMP list!\n"), next;
# remove the ExifTool members we created
delete $exifTool->{XMP_CAPTURE};
delete $exifTool->{XMP_NS};
# return now if we didn't change anything
my $maxDataLen = $$dirInfo{MaxDataLen};
unless ($changed or ($maxDataLen and length($$dirInfo{DataPt}) > $maxDataLen)) {
return undef unless $xmpFile; # just rewrite original XMP
# get DataPt again because it may have been set by ProcessXMP
$dataPt = $$dirInfo{DataPt};
unless (defined $dataPt) {
$exifTool->Error("Nothing to write");
return 1;
Write($$dirInfo{OutFile}, $$dataPt) or return -1;
return 1;
# write out the new XMP information
# start writing the XMP data
my $newData = '';
if ($$exifTool{XMP_NO_XPACKET}) {
# write BOM if flag is set
$newData .= "\xef\xbb\xbf" if $$exifTool{XMP_NO_XPACKET} == 2;
} else {
$newData .= $pktOpen;
$newData .= $xmlOpen if $$exifTool{XMP_IS_XML};
$newData .= $xmpOpen . $rdfOpen;
# initialize current property path list
my (@curPropList, @writeLast, @descStart, $extStart);
my (%nsCur, $prop, $n, $lastDesc, $path);
my @pathList = sort TypeFirst keys %capture;
# order properties to write large values last if we have a MaxDataLen limit
if ($maxDataLen and @pathList) {
my @pathTmp;
my ($lastProp, $lastNS, $propSize) = ('', '', 0);
my @pathLoop = (@pathList, ''); # add empty path to end of list for loop
undef @pathList;
foreach $path (@pathLoop) {
$path =~ /^((\w*)[^\/]*)/; # get path element ($1) and ns ($2)
if ($1 eq $lastProp) {
push @pathTmp, $path; # accumulate all paths with same root
} else {
# put in list to write last if recommended or values are too large
if ($extendedRes{$lastProp} or $extendedRes{$lastNS} or
$propSize > $newDescThresh)
push @writeLast, @pathTmp;
} else {
push @pathList, @pathTmp;
last unless $path; # all done if we hit empty path
@pathTmp = ( $path );
($lastProp, $lastNS, $propSize) = ($1, $2, 0);
$propSize += length $capture{$path}->[0];
# write out all properties
for (;;) {
my (%nsNew, $newDesc);
unless (@pathList) {
last unless @writeLast;
@pathList = @writeLast;
undef @writeLast;
$extStart = length $newData;
$newDesc = 1; # start with a new description
$path = shift @pathList;
my @propList = split('/',$path); # get property list
# must open/close rdf:Description too
unshift @propList, $rdfDesc;
# make sure we have defined all necessary namespaces
foreach $prop (@propList) {
$prop =~ /(.*):/ or next;
$1 eq 'rdf' and next; # rdf namespace already defined
my $nsNew = $nsUsed{$1};
unless ($nsNew) {
$nsNew = $nsURI{$1}; # we must have added a namespace
unless ($nsNew) {
$xmpErr = "Undefined XMP namespace: $1";
$nsNew{$1} = $nsNew;
# need a new description if any new namespaces
$newDesc = 1 unless $nsCur{$1};
my $closeTo = 0;
if ($newDesc) {
# look forward to see if we will want to also open other namespaces
# (this is necessary to keep lists from being broken if a property
# introduces a new namespace; plus it improves formatting)
my ($path2, $ns2);
foreach $path2 (@pathList) {
my @ns2s = ($path2 =~ m{(?:^|/)([^/]+?):}g);
my $opening = 0;
foreach $ns2 (@ns2s) {
next if $ns2 eq 'rdf';
$nsNew{$ns2} and ++$opening, next;
last unless $opening and $nsURI{$ns2};
# also open this namespace
$nsNew{$ns2} = $nsURI{$ns2};
last unless $opening;
} else {
# find first property where the current path differs from the new path
for ($closeTo=0; $closeTo<@curPropList; ++$closeTo) {
last unless $closeTo < @propList;
last unless $propList[$closeTo] eq $curPropList[$closeTo];
# close out properties down to the common base path
while (@curPropList > $closeTo) {
($prop = pop @curPropList) =~ s/ .*//;
$newData .= (' ' x scalar(@curPropList)) . " $prop>\n";
if ($newDesc) {
# save rdf:Description start positions so we can reorder them if necessary
push @descStart, length($newData) if $maxDataLen;
# open the new description
$prop = $rdfDesc;
%nsCur = %nsNew; # save current namespaces
$newData .= "\n <$prop rdf:about='$about'";
my @ns = sort keys %nsCur;
# generate et:toolkit attribute if this is an exiftool RDF/XML output file
if (@ns and $nsCur{$ns[0]} =~ m{^http://ns.exiftool.ca/}) {
$newData .= "\n xmlns:et='http://ns.exiftool.ca/1.0/'" .
" et:toolkit='Image::ExifTool $Image::ExifTool::VERSION'";
foreach (@ns) {
$newData .= "\n xmlns:$_='$nsCur{$_}'";
$newData .= ">\n";
push @curPropList, $prop;
# loop over all values for this new property
my $capList = $capture{$path};
my ($val, $attrs) = @$capList;
$debug and print "$path = $val\n";
# open new properties
my $attr;
for ($n=@curPropList; $n<$#propList; ++$n) {
$prop = $propList[$n];
push @curPropList, $prop;
# remove list index if it exists
$prop =~ s/ .*//;
$attr = '';
if ($prop ne $rdfDesc and ($propList[$n+1] !~ /^rdf:/ or
($propList[$n+1] eq 'rdf:type' and $n+1 == $#propList)))
# need parseType='Resource' to avoid new 'rdf:Description'
$attr = " rdf:parseType='Resource'";
$newData .= (' ' x scalar(@curPropList)) . "<$prop$attr>\n";
my $prop2 = pop @propList; # get new property name
$prop2 =~ s/ .*//; # remove list index if it exists
$newData .= (' ' x scalar(@curPropList)) . " <$prop2";
# print out attributes
foreach $attr (sort keys %$attrs) {
my $attrVal = $$attrs{$attr};
my $quot = ($attrVal =~ /'/) ? '"' : "'";
$newData .= " $attr=$quot$attrVal$quot";
$newData .= length $val ? ">$val$prop2>\n" : "/>\n";
# close off any open elements
while ($prop = pop @curPropList) {
$prop =~ s/ .*//; # remove list index if it exists
$newData .= (' ' x scalar(@curPropList)) . " $prop>\n";
# limit XMP length and re-arrange if necessary to fit inside specified size
my $compact = $exifTool->Options('Compact');
if ($maxDataLen) {
# adjust maxDataLen to allow room for closing elements
$maxDataLen -= length($rdfClose) + length($xmpClose) + length($pktCloseW);
$extStart or $extStart = length $newData;
my @rtn = LimitXMPSize($exifTool, \$newData, $maxDataLen, $about, \@descStart, $extStart);
# return extended XMP information in $dirInfo
$$dirInfo{ExtendedXMP} = $rtn[0];
$$dirInfo{ExtendedGUID} = $rtn[1];
# compact if necessary to fit
$compact = 1 if length($newData) + 101 * $numPadLines > $maxDataLen;
# close out the XMP, clean up, and return our data
$newData .= $rdfClose;
$newData .= $xmpClose unless $exifTool->{XMP_NO_XMPMETA};
# remove the ExifTool members we created
delete $exifTool->{XMP_CAPTURE};
delete $exifTool->{XMP_NS};
delete $exifTool->{XMP_NO_XMPMETA};
# (the XMP standard recommends writing 2k-4k of white space before the
# packet trailer, with a newline every 100 characters)
unless ($$exifTool{XMP_NO_XPACKET}) {
my $pad = (' ' x 100) . "\n";
if ($$dirInfo{InPlace}) {
# pad to specified DirLen
my $dirLen = $$dirInfo{DirLen} || length $$dataPt;
my $len = length($newData) + length($pktCloseW);
if ($len > $dirLen) {
$exifTool->Warn('Not enough room to edit XMP in place');
return undef;
my $num = int(($dirLen - $len) / length($pad));
if ($num) {
$newData .= $pad x $num;
$len += length($pad) * $num;
$len < $dirLen and $newData .= (' ' x ($dirLen - $len - 1)) . "\n";
} elsif (not $compact and not $xmpFile and not $$dirInfo{ReadOnly}) {
$newData .= $pad x $numPadLines;
$newData .= ($$dirInfo{ReadOnly} ? $pktCloseR : $pktCloseW);
# return empty data if no properties exist
$newData = '' unless %capture or $$dirInfo{InPlace};
if ($xmpErr) {
if ($xmpFile) {
return -1;
return undef;
$exifTool->{CHANGED} += $changed;
$debug > 1 and $newData and print $newData,"\n";
return $newData unless $xmpFile;
Write($$dirInfo{OutFile}, $newData) or return -1;
return 1;
1; # end
=head1 NAME
Image::ExifTool::WriteXMP.pl - Write XMP meta information
These routines are autoloaded by Image::ExifTool::XMP.
This file contains routines to write XMP metadata.
=head1 AUTHOR
Copyright 2003-2008, Phil Harvey (phil at owl.phy.queensu.ca)
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 SEE ALSO