#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # File: PICT.pm # # Description: Read PICT meta information # # Revisions: 10/10/2005 - P. Harvey Created # # Notes: Extraction of PICT opcodes is still experimental # # - size difference in PixPat color table?? (imagemagick reads only 1 long per entry) # - other differences in the way imagemagick reads 16-bit images # # References: 1) http://developer.apple.com/documentation/mac/QuickDraw/QuickDraw-2.html # 2) http://developer.apple.com/documentation/QuickTime/INMAC/QT/iqImageCompMgr.a.htm #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ package Image::ExifTool::PICT; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION); use Image::ExifTool qw(:DataAccess :Utils); $VERSION = '1.03'; sub ReadPictValue($$$;$); my ($vers, $extended); # PICT version number, and extended flag my ($verbose, $out, $indent); # used in verbose mode # ranges of reserved opcodes. # opcodes at the start of each range must be defined in the tag table my @reserved = ( 0x0017 => 0x0019, 0x0024 => 0x0027, 0x0035 => 0x0037, 0x003d => 0x003f, 0x0045 => 0x0047, 0x004d => 0x004f, 0x0055 => 0x0057, 0x005d => 0x005f, 0x0065 => 0x0067, 0x006d => 0x006f, 0x0075 => 0x0077, 0x007d => 0x007f, 0x0085 => 0x0087, 0x008d => 0x008f, 0x0092 => 0x0097, 0x00a2 => 0x00af, 0x00b0 => 0x00cf, 0x00d0 => 0x00fe, 0x0100 => 0x01ff, 0x0300 => 0x0bfe, 0x0c01 => 0x7eff, 0x7f00 => 0x7fff, 0x8000 => 0x80ff, 0x8100 => 0x81ff, 0x8201 => 0xffff, ); # Apple data structures in PICT images my %structs = ( Arc => [ rect => 'Rect', startAng => 'int16s', arcAng => 'int16s', ], BitMap => [ # (no baseAddr) rowBytes => 'int16u', bounds => 'Rect', ], # BitsRect data for PICT version 1 BitsRect1 => [ bitMap => 'BitMap', srcRect => 'Rect', dstRect => 'Rect', mode => 'int16u', dataSize => 'int16u', bitData => 'binary[$val{dataSize}]', ], # BitsRect data for PICT version 2 BitsRect2 => [ pixMap => 'PixMap', colorTable => 'ColorTable', srcRect => 'Rect', dstRect => 'Rect', mode => 'int16u', pixData => \ 'GetPixData($val{pixMap}, $raf)', ], # BitsRgn data for PICT version 1 BitsRgn1 => [ bitMap => 'BitMap', srcRect => 'Rect', dstRect => 'Rect', mode => 'int16u', maskRgn => 'Rgn', dataSize => 'int16u', bitData => 'binary[$val{dataSize}]', ], # BitsRgn data for PICT version 2 BitsRgn2 => [ pixMap => 'PixMap', colorTable => 'ColorTable', srcRect => 'Rect', dstRect => 'Rect', mode => 'int16u', maskRgn => 'Rgn', pixData => \ 'GetPixData($val{pixMap}, $raf)', ], ColorSpec => [ value => 'int16u', rgb => 'RGBColor', ], ColorTable => [ ctSeed => 'int32u', ctFlags => 'int16u', ctSize => 'int16u', ctTable => 'ColorSpec[$val{ctSize}+1]', ], # http://developer.apple.com/documentation/QuickTime/INMAC/QT/iqImageCompMgr.a.htm CompressedQuickTime => [ size => 'int32u', # size NOT including size word version => 'int16u', matrix => 'int32u[9]', matteSize => 'int32u', matteRect => 'Rect', mode => 'int16u', srcRect => 'Rect', accuracy => 'int32u', maskSize => 'int32u', matteDescr => 'Int32uData[$val{matteSize} ? 1 : 0]', matteData => 'int8u[$val{matteSize}]', maskRgn => 'int8u[$val{maskSize}]', imageDescr => 'ImageDescription', # size should be $val{imageDescr}->{dataSize}, but this is unreliable imageData => q{binary[$val{size} - 68 - $val{maskSize} - $val{imageDescr}->{size} - ($val{matteSize} ? $val{mattSize} + $val{matteDescr}->{size} : 0)] }, ], DirectBitsRect => [ baseAddr => 'int32u', pixMap => 'PixMap', srcRect => 'Rect', dstRect => 'Rect', mode => 'int16u', pixData => \ 'GetPixData($val{pixMap}, $raf)', ], DirectBitsRgn => [ baseAddr => 'int32u', pixMap => 'PixMap', srcRect => 'Rect', dstRect => 'Rect', mode => 'int16u', maskRgn => 'Rgn', pixData => \ 'GetPixData($val{pixMap}, $raf)', ], # http://developer.apple.com/technotes/qd/qd_01.html FontName => [ size => 'int16u', # size NOT including size word oldFontID => 'int16u', nameLen => 'int8u', fontName => 'string[$val{nameLen}]', padding => 'binary[$val{size} - $val{nameLen} - 3]', ], # http://developer.apple.com/documentation/QuickTime/APIREF/imagedescription.htm ImageDescription => [ size => 'int32u', # size INCLUDING size word cType => 'string[4]', res1 => 'int32u', res2 => 'int16u', dataRefIndex => 'int16u', version => 'int16u', revision => 'int16u', vendor => 'string[4]', temporalQuality => 'int32u', quality => 'int32u', width => 'int16u', height => 'int16u', hRes => 'fixed32u', vRes => 'fixed32u', dataSize => 'int32u', frameCount => 'int16u', nameLen => 'int8u', compressor => 'string[31]', depth => 'int16u', clutID => 'int16u', clutData => 'binary[$val{size}-86]', ], Int8uText => [ val => 'int8u', count => 'int8u', text => 'string[$val{count}]', ], Int8u2Text => [ val => 'int8u[2]', count => 'int8u', text => 'string[$val{count}]', ], Int16Data => [ size => 'int16u', # size NOT including size word data => 'int8u[$val{size}]', ], Int32uData => [ size => 'int32u', # size NOT including size word data => 'int8u[$val{size}]', ], LongComment => [ kind => 'int16u', size => 'int16u', # size of data only data => 'binary[$val{size}]', ], PixMap => [ # Note: does not contain baseAddr # (except for DirectBits opcodes in which it is loaded separately) rowBytes => 'int16u', bounds => 'Rect', pmVersion => 'int16u', packType => 'int16u', packSize => 'int32u', hRes => 'fixed32s', vRes => 'fixed32s', pixelType => 'int16u', pixelSize => 'int16u', cmpCount => 'int16u', cmpSize => 'int16u', planeBytes => 'int32u', pmTable => 'int32u', pmReserved => 'int32u', ], PixPat => [ patType => 'int16u', # 1 = non-dithered, 2 = dithered pat1Data => 'int8u[8]', # dithered PixPat has RGB entry RGB => 'RGBColor[$val{patType} == 2 ? 1 : 0]', # non-dithered PixPat has other stuff instead nonDithered=> 'PixPatNonDithered[$val{patType} == 2 ? 0 : 1]', ], PixPatNonDithered => [ pixMap => 'PixMap', colorTable => 'ColorTable', pixData => \ 'GetPixData($val{pixMap}, $raf)', ], Point => [ v => 'int16s', h => 'int16s', ], PointText => [ txLoc => 'Point', count => 'int8u', text => 'string[$val{count}]', ], Polygon => [ polySize => 'int16u', polyBBox => 'Rect', polyPoints => 'int16u[($val{polySize}-10)/2]', ], Rect => [ topLeft => 'Point', botRight => 'Point', ], RGBColor => [ red => 'int16u', green => 'int16u', blue => 'int16u', ], Rgn => [ rgnSize => 'int16u', rgnBBox => 'Rect', data => 'int8u[$val{rgnSize}-10]', ], ShortLine => [ pnLoc => 'Point', dh => 'int8s', dv => 'int8s', ], # http://developer.apple.com/documentation/QuickTime/INMAC/QT/iqImageCompMgr.a.htm UncompressedQuickTime => [ size => 'int32u', # size NOT including size word version => 'int16u', matrix => 'int32u[9]', matteSize => 'int32u', matteRect => 'Rect', matteDescr => 'Int32uData[$val{matteSize} ? 1 : 0]', matteData => 'binary[$val{matteSize}]', subOpcodeData => q{ binary[ $val{size} - 50 - ($val{matteSize} ? $val{mattSize} + $val{matteDescr}->{size} : 0)] }, ], ); # PICT image opcodes %Image::ExifTool::PICT::Main = ( PROCESS_PROC => 0, # set this to zero to omit tags from lookup NOTES => q{ The PICT format contains no true meta information, except for the possible exception of the LongComment opcode. By default, only ImageWidth, ImageHeight and X/YResolution are extracted from a PICT image. Tags in the following table represent image opcodes. Extraction of these tags is experimental, and is only enabled with the Verbose or Unknown options. }, 0x0000 => { Name => 'Nop', Description => 'No Operation', Format => 'null', }, 0x0001 => { Name => 'ClipRgn', Description => 'Clipping Region', Format => 'Rgn', }, 0x0002 => { Name => 'BkPat', Description => 'Background Pattern', Format => 'int8u[8]', }, 0x0003 => { Name => 'TxFont', Description => 'Font Number', Format => 'int16u', }, 0x0004 => { Name => 'TxFace', Description => 'Text Font Style', Format => 'int8u', }, 0x0005 => { Name => 'TxMode', Description => 'Text Source Mode', Format => 'int16u', }, 0x0006 => { Name => 'SpExtra', Description => 'Extra Space', Format => 'fixed32s', }, 0x0007 => { Name => 'PnSize', Description => 'Pen Size', Format => 'Point', }, 0x0008 => { Name => 'PnMode', Description => 'Pen Mode', Format => 'int16u', }, 0x0009 => { Name => 'PnPat', Description => 'Pen Pattern', Format => 'int8u[8]', }, 0x000a => { Name => 'FillPat', Description => 'Fill Pattern', Format => 'int8u[8]', }, 0x000b => { Name => 'OvSize', Description => 'Oval Size', Format => 'Point', }, 0x000c => { Name => 'Origin', Format => 'Point', }, 0x000d => { Name => 'TxSize', Description => 'Text Size', Format => 'int16u', }, 0x000e => { Name => 'FgColor', Description => 'Foreground Color', Format => 'int32u', }, 0x000f => { Name => 'BkColor', Description => 'Background Color', Format => 'int32u', }, 0x0010 => { Name => 'TxRatio', Description => 'Text Ratio', Format => 'Rect', }, 0x0011 => { Name => 'VersionOp', Description => 'Version', Format => 'int8u', }, 0x0012 => { Name => 'BkPixPat', Description => 'Background Pixel Pattern', Format => 'PixPat', }, 0x0013 => { Name => 'PnPixPat', Description => 'Pen Pixel Pattern', Format => 'PixPat', }, 0x0014 => { Name => 'FillPixPat', Description => 'Fill Pixel Pattern', Format => 'PixPat', }, 0x0015 => { Name => 'PnLocHFrac', Description => 'Fractional Pen Position', Format => 'int16u', }, 0x0016 => { Name => 'ChExtra', Description => 'Added Width for NonSpace Characters', Format => 'int16u', }, 0x0017 => { Name => 'Reserved', Format => 'Unknown', }, 0x001a => { Name => 'RGBFgCol', Description => 'Foreground Color', Format => 'RGBColor', }, 0x001b => { Name => 'RGBBkCol', Description => 'Background Color', Format => 'RGBColor', }, 0x001c => { Name => 'HiliteMode', Description => 'Highlight Mode Flag', Format => 'null', }, 0x001d => { Name => 'HiliteColor', Description => 'Highlight Color', Format => 'RGBColor', }, 0x001e => { Name => 'DefHilite', Description => 'Use Default Highlight Color', Format => 'null', }, 0x001f => { Name => 'OpColor', Format => 'RGBColor', }, 0x0020 => { Name => 'Line', Format => 'Rect', }, 0x0021 => { Name => 'LineFrom', Format => 'Point', }, 0x0022 => { Name => 'ShortLine', Format => 'ShortLine', }, 0x0023 => { Name => 'ShortLineFrom', Format => 'int8u[2]', }, 0x0024 => { Name => 'Reserved', Format => 'Int16Data', }, 0x0028 => { Name => 'LongText', Format => 'PointText', }, 0x0029 => { Name => 'DHText', Format => 'Int8uText', }, 0x002a => { Name => 'DVText', Format => 'Int8uText', }, 0x002b => { Name => 'DHDVText', Format => 'Int8u2Text', }, 0x002c => { Name => 'FontName', Format => 'FontName', }, 0x002d => { Name => 'LineJustify', Format => 'int8u[10]', }, 0x002e => { Name => 'GlyphState', Format => 'int8u[8]', }, 0x002f => { Name => 'Reserved', Format => 'Int16Data', }, 0x0030 => { Name => 'FrameRect', Format => 'Rect', }, 0x0031 => { Name => 'PaintRect', Format => 'Rect', }, 0x0032 => { Name => 'EraseRect', Format => 'Rect', }, 0x0033 => { Name => 'InvertRect', Format => 'Rect', }, 0x0034 => { Name => 'FillRect', Format => 'Rect', }, 0x0035 => { Name => 'Reserved', Format => 'Rect', }, 0x0038 => { Name => 'FrameSameRect', Format => 'null', }, 0x0039 => { Name => 'PaintSameRect', Format => 'null', }, 0x003a => { Name => 'EraseSameRect', Format => 'null', }, 0x003b => { Name => 'InvertSameRect', Format => 'null', }, 0x003c => { Name => 'FillSameRect', Format => 'null', }, 0x003d => { Name => 'Reserved', Format => 'null', }, 0x0040 => { Name => 'FrameRRect', Format => 'Rect', }, 0x0041 => { Name => 'PaintRRect', Format => 'Rect', }, 0x0042 => { Name => 'EraseRRect', Format => 'Rect', }, 0x0043 => { Name => 'InvertRRect', Format => 'Rect', }, 0x0044 => { Name => 'FillRRect', Format => 'Rect', }, 0x0045 => { Name => 'Reserved', Format => 'Rect', }, 0x0048 => { Name => 'FrameSameRRect', Format => 'null', }, 0x0049 => { Name => 'PaintSameRRect', Format => 'null', }, 0x004a => { Name => 'EraseSameRRect', Format => 'null', }, 0x004b => { Name => 'InvertSameRRect', Format => 'null', }, 0x004c => { Name => 'FillSameRRect', Format => 'null', }, 0x004d => { Name => 'Reserved', Format => 'null', }, 0x0050 => { Name => 'FrameOval', Format => 'Rect', }, 0x0051 => { Name => 'PaintOval', Format => 'Rect', }, 0x0052 => { Name => 'EraseOval', Format => 'Rect', }, 0x0053 => { Name => 'InvertOval', Format => 'Rect', }, 0x0054 => { Name => 'FillOval', Format => 'Rect', }, 0x0055 => { Name => 'Reserved', Format => 'Rect', }, 0x0058 => { Name => 'FrameSameOval', Format => 'null', }, 0x0059 => { Name => 'PaintSameOval', Format => 'null', }, 0x005a => { Name => 'EraseSameOval', Format => 'null', }, 0x005b => { Name => 'InvertSameOval', Format => 'null', }, 0x005c => { Name => 'FillSameOval', Format => 'null', }, 0x005d => { Name => 'Reserved', Format => 'null', }, 0x0060 => { Name => 'FrameArc', Format => 'Arc', }, 0x0061 => { Name => 'PaintArc', Format => 'Arc', }, 0x0062 => { Name => 'EraseArc', Format => 'Arc', }, 0x0063 => { Name => 'InvertArc', Format => 'Arc', }, 0x0064 => { Name => 'FillArc', Format => 'Arc', }, 0x0065 => { Name => 'Reserved', Format => 'Arc', }, 0x0068 => { Name => 'FrameSameArc', Format => 'Point', }, 0x0069 => { Name => 'PaintSameArc', Format => 'Point', }, 0x006a => { Name => 'EraseSameArc', Format => 'Point', }, 0x006b => { Name => 'InvertSameArc', Format => 'Point', }, 0x006c => { Name => 'FillSameArc', Format => 'Point', }, 0x006d => { Name => 'Reserved', Format => 'int32u', }, 0x0070 => { Name => 'FramePoly', Format => 'Polygon', }, 0x0071 => { Name => 'PaintPoly', Format => 'Polygon', }, 0x0072 => { Name => 'ErasePoly', Format => 'Polygon', }, 0x0073 => { Name => 'InvertPoly', Format => 'Polygon', }, 0x0074 => { Name => 'FillPoly', Format => 'Polygon', }, 0x0075 => { Name => 'Reserved', Format => 'Polygon', }, 0x0078 => { Name => 'FrameSamePoly', Format => 'null', }, 0x0079 => { Name => 'PaintSamePoly', Format => 'null', }, 0x007a => { Name => 'EraseSamePoly', Format => 'null', }, 0x007b => { Name => 'InvertSamePoly', Format => 'null', }, 0x007c => { Name => 'FillSamePoly', Format => 'null', }, 0x007d => { Name => 'Reserved', Format => 'null', }, 0x0080 => { Name => 'FrameRgn', Format => 'Rgn', }, 0x0081 => { Name => 'PaintRgn', Format => 'Rgn', }, 0x0082 => { Name => 'EraseRgn', Format => 'Rgn', }, 0x0083 => { Name => 'InvertRgn', Format => 'Rgn', }, 0x0084 => { Name => 'FillRgn', Format => 'Rgn', }, 0x0085 => { Name => 'Reserved', Format => 'Rgn', }, 0x0088 => { Name => 'FrameSameRgn', Format => 'null', }, 0x0089 => { Name => 'PaintSameRgn', Format => 'null', }, 0x008a => { Name => 'EraseSameRgn', Format => 'null', }, 0x008b => { Name => 'InvertSameRgn', Format => 'null', }, 0x008c => { Name => 'FillSameRgn', Format => 'null', }, 0x008d => { Name => 'Reserved', Format => 'null', }, 0x0090 => { Name => 'BitsRect', Description => 'CopyBits with Clipped Rectangle', Format => 'BitsRect#', # (version-dependent format) }, 0x0091 => { Name => 'BitsRgn', Description => 'CopyBits with Clipped Region', Format => 'BitsRgn#', # (version-dependent format) }, 0x0092 => { Name => 'Reserved', Format => 'Int16Data', }, 0x0098 => { Name => 'PackBitsRect', Description => 'Packed CopyBits with Clipped Rectangle', Format => 'BitsRect#', # (version-dependent format) }, 0x0099 => { Name => 'PackBitsRgn', Description => 'Packed CopyBits with Clipped Region', Format => 'BitsRgn#', # (version-dependent format) }, 0x009a => { Name => 'DirectBitsRect', Format => 'DirectBitsRect', }, 0x009b => { Name => 'DirectBitsRgn', Format => 'DirectBitsRgn', }, 0x009c => { Name => 'Reserved', Format => 'Int16Data', }, 0x009d => { Name => 'Reserved', Format => 'Int16Data', }, 0x009e => { Name => 'Reserved', Format => 'Int16Data', }, 0x009f => { Name => 'Reserved', Format => 'Int16Data', }, 0x00a0 => { Name => 'ShortComment', Format => 'int16u', }, 0x00a1 => [ # this list for documentation only [not currently extracted] { # (not actually a full Photohop IRB record it appears, but it does start # with '8BIM', and does contain resolution information at offset 0x0a) Name => 'LongComment', # kind = 498 Format => 'LongComment', SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Photoshop::Main' }, }, { Name => 'LongComment', # kind = 224 Format => 'LongComment', SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::ICC_Profile::Main', Start => '$valuePtr + 4', }, }, ], 0x00a2 => { Name => 'Reserved', Format => 'Int16Data', }, 0x00b0 => { Name => 'Reserved', Format => 'null', }, 0x00d0 => { Name => 'Reserved', Format => 'Int32uData', }, 0x00ff => { Name => 'OpEndPic', Description => 'End of picture', Format => 'null', # 2 for version 2!? }, 0x0100 => { Name => 'Reserved', Format => 'int16u', }, 0x0200 => { Name => 'Reserved', Format => 'int32u', }, 0x02ff => { Name => 'Version', Description => 'Version number of picture', Format => 'int16u', }, 0x0300 => { Name => 'Reserved', Format => 'int16u', }, 0x0bff => { Name => 'Reserved', Format => 'int8u[22]', }, 0x0c00 => { Name => 'HeaderOp', Format => 'int16u[12]', }, 0x0c01 => { Name => 'Reserved', Format => 'int8u[24]', }, 0x7f00 => { Name => 'Reserved', Format => 'int8u[254]', }, 0x8000 => { Name => 'Reserved', Format => 'null', }, 0x8100 => { Name => 'Reserved', Format => 'Int32uData', }, 0x8200 => { Name => 'CompressedQuickTime', Format => 'CompressedQuickTime', }, 0x8201 => { Name => 'UncompressedQuickTime', Format => 'Int32uData', }, 0xffff => { Name => 'Reserved', Format => 'Int32uData', }, ); # picture comment 'kind' codes # http://developer.apple.com/technotes/qd/qd_10.html my %commentKind = ( 150 => 'TextBegin', 151 => 'TextEnd', 152 => 'StringBegin', 153 => 'StringEnd', 154 => 'TextCenter', 155 => 'LineLayoutOff', 156 => 'LineLayoutOn', 157 => 'ClientLineLayout', 160 => 'PolyBegin', 161 => 'PolyEnd', 163 => 'PolyIgnore', 164 => 'PolySmooth', 165 => 'PolyClose', 180 => 'DashedLine', 181 => 'DashedStop', 182 => 'SetLineWidth', 190 => 'PostScriptBegin', 191 => 'PostScriptEnd', 192 => 'PostScriptHandle', 193 => 'PostScriptFile', 194 => 'TextIsPostScript', 195 => 'ResourcePS', 196 => 'PSBeginNoSave', 197 => 'SetGrayLevel', 200 => 'RotateBegin', 201 => 'RotateEnd', 202 => 'RotateCenter', 210 => 'FormsPrinting', 211 => 'EndFormsPrinting', 224 => '', 498 => '', 1000 => 'BitMapThinningOff', 1001 => 'BitMapThinningOn', ); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Get PixData data # Inputs: 0) reference to PixMap, 1) RAF reference # Returns: reference to PixData or undef on error sub GetPixData($$) { my ($pixMap, $raf) = @_; my $packType = $pixMap->{packType}; my $rowBytes = $pixMap->{rowBytes} & 0x3fff; # remove flags bits my $height = $pixMap->{bounds}->{botRight}->{v} - $pixMap->{bounds}->{topLeft}->{v}; my ($data, $size, $buff, $i); if ($packType == 1 or $rowBytes < 8) { # unpacked data $size = $rowBytes * $height; return undef unless $raf->Read($data, $size) == $size; } elsif ($packType == 2) { # pad byte dropped $size = int($rowBytes * $height * 3 / 4 + 0.5); return undef unless $raf->Read($data, $size) == $size; } else { $data = ''; for ($i=0; $i<$height; ++$i) { if ($rowBytes > 250) { $raf->Read($buff,2) == 2 or return undef; $size = unpack('n',$buff); } else { $raf->Read($buff,1) == 1 or return undef; $size = unpack('C',$buff); } $data .= $buff; $raf->Read($buff,$size) == $size or return undef; $data .= $buff; } } return \$data; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Read value from PICT file # Inputs: 0) RAF reference, 1) tag, 2) format, 3) optional count # Returns: value, reference to structure hash, or undef on error sub ReadPictValue($$$;$) { my ($raf, $tag, $format, $count) = @_; return undef unless $format; unless (defined $count) { if ($format =~ /(.+)\[(.+)\]/s) { $format = $1; $count = $2; } else { $count = 1; # count undefined: assume 1 } } my $cntStr = ($count == 1) ? '' : "[$count]"; # no size if count is 0 my $size = $count ? Image::ExifTool::FormatSize($format) : 0; if (defined $size or $format eq 'null') { my $val; if ($size) { my $buff; $size *= $count; $raf->Read($buff, $size) == $size or return undef; $val = ReadValue(\$buff, 0, $format, $count, $size); } else { $val = ''; } if ($verbose) { print $out "${indent}$tag ($format$cntStr)"; if ($size) { if (not defined $val) { print $out " = \n"; } elsif ($format eq 'binary') { print $out " = \n"; if ($verbose > 2) { my %parms = ( Out => $out ); $parms{MaxLen} = 96 if $verbose < 4; Image::ExifTool::HexDump(\$val, undef, %parms); } } else { print $out " = $val\n"; } } else { print $out "\n"; } } return \$val if $format eq 'binary' and defined $val; return $val; } $verbose and print $out "${indent}$tag ($format$cntStr):\n"; my $struct = $structs{$format} or return undef; my ($c, @vals); for ($c=0; $c<$count; ++$c) { my (%val, $i); for ($i=0; ; $i+=2) { my $tag = $$struct[$i] or last; my $fmt = $$struct[$i+1]; my ($cnt, $val); $indent .= ' '; if (ref $fmt) { $val = eval $$fmt; $@ and warn $@; if ($verbose and defined $val) { printf $out "${indent}$tag (binary[%d]) = \n",length($$val); if ($verbose > 2) { my %parms = ( Out => $out ); $parms{MaxLen} = 96 if $verbose < 4; Image::ExifTool::HexDump($val, undef, %parms); } } } elsif ($fmt =~ /(.+)\[(.+)\]/s) { $fmt = $1; $cnt = eval $2; $@ and warn $@; $val = ReadPictValue($raf, $tag, $fmt, $cnt); } else { $val = ReadPictValue($raf, $tag, $fmt); } $indent = substr($indent, 2); return undef unless defined $val; $val{$tag} = $val; } return \%val if $count == 1; push @vals, \%val; } return \@vals; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Extract meta information from a PICT image # Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) dirInfo reference # Returns: 1 on success, 0 if this wasn't a valid PICT image sub ProcessPICT($$) { my ($exifTool, $dirInfo) = @_; my $raf = $$dirInfo{RAF}; $verbose = $exifTool->Options('Verbose'); $out = $exifTool->Options('TextOut'); $indent = ''; my ($buff, $tried, @hdr, $op, $hRes, $vRes); # recognize both PICT files and PICT resources (PICT files have a # 512-byte header that we ignore, but PICT resources do not) for (;;) { $raf->Read($buff, 12) == 12 or return 0; @hdr = unpack('x2n5', $buff); $op = pop @hdr; # check for PICT version 1 format if ($op eq 0x1101) { $vers = 1; undef $extended; last; } # check for PICT version 2 format if ($op eq 0x0011) { $raf->Read($buff, 28) == 28 or return 0; if ($buff =~ /^\x02\xff\x0c\x00\xff\xff/) { $vers = 2; undef $extended; last; } if ($buff =~ /^\x02\xff\x0c\x00\xff\xfe/) { $vers = 2; $extended = 1; ($hRes, $vRes) = unpack('x8N2', $buff); last; } } return 0 if $tried; $tried = 1; $raf->Seek(512, 0) or return 0; } # make the bounding rect signed foreach (@hdr) { $_ >= 0x8000 and $_ -= 0x10000; } my $w = $hdr[3] - $hdr[1]; my $h = $hdr[2] - $hdr[0]; return 0 unless $w > 0 and $h > 0; SetByteOrder('MM'); if ($extended) { # extended version 2 pictures contain resolution information # and image bounds are in 72-dpi equivalent units $hRes = GetFixed32s(\$buff, 8); $vRes = GetFixed32s(\$buff, 12); return 0 unless $hRes and $vRes; $w = int($w * $hRes / 72 + 0.5); $h = int($h * $vRes / 72 + 0.5); } $exifTool->SetFileType(); $exifTool->FoundTag('ImageWidth', $w); $exifTool->FoundTag('ImageHeight', $h); $exifTool->FoundTag('XResolution', $hRes) if $hRes; $exifTool->FoundTag('YResolution', $vRes) if $vRes; # don't extract image opcodes unless verbose return 1 unless $verbose or $exifTool->Options('Unknown'); $verbose and printf $out "PICT version $vers%s\n", $extended ? ' extended' : ''; my $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::PICT::Main'); my $success; for (;;) { if ($vers == 1) { $raf->Read($buff, 1) == 1 or last; $op = ord($buff); } else { # must start version 2 opcode on an even byte $raf->Read($buff, 1) if $raf->Tell() & 0x01; $raf->Read($buff, 2) == 2 or last; $op = unpack('n', $buff); } my $tagInfo = $exifTool->GetTagInfo($tagTablePtr, $op); unless ($tagInfo) { my $i; # search for reserved tag info for ($i=0; $i= $reserved[$i]; last if $op > $reserved[$i+1]; $tagInfo = $exifTool->GetTagInfo($tagTablePtr, $reserved[$i]); last; } last unless $tagInfo; } if ($op eq 0xff) { $verbose and print $out "End of picture\n"; $success = 1; last; } my $format = $$tagInfo{Format}; unless ($format) { $exifTool->Warn("Missing format for $$tagInfo{Name}"); last; } # replace version number for version-dependent formats $format =~ s/#$/$vers/; my $wid = $vers * 2; $verbose and printf $out "Tag 0x%.${wid}x, ", $op; my $val = ReadPictValue($raf, $$tagInfo{Name}, $format); unless (defined $val) { $exifTool->Warn("Error reading $$tagInfo{Name} information"); last; } if (ref $val eq 'HASH') { # extract JPEG image from CompressedQuickTime imageData if ($$tagInfo{Name} eq 'CompressedQuickTime' and ref $val->{imageDescr} eq 'HASH' and $val->{imageDescr}->{compressor} and $val->{imageDescr}->{compressor} eq 'Photo - JPEG' and ref $val->{imageData} eq 'SCALAR' and $exifTool->ValidateImage($val->{imageData}, 'PreviewImage')) { $exifTool->FoundTag('PreviewImage', $val->{imageData}); } } else { # $exifTool->FoundTag($tagInfo, $val); } } $success or $exifTool->Warn('End of picture not found'); return 1; } 1; # end __END__ =head1 NAME Image::ExifTool::PICT - Read PICT meta information =head1 SYNOPSIS This module is used by Image::ExifTool =head1 DESCRIPTION This module contains routines required by Image::ExifTool to read PICT (Apple Picture) images. =head1 NOTES Extraction of PICT opcodes is experimental, and is only enabled with the Verbose or the Unknown option. =head1 AUTHOR Copyright 2003-2008, Phil Harvey (phil at owl.phy.queensu.ca) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 REFERENCES =over 4 =item L =item L =back =head1 SEE ALSO L, L =cut