#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # File: Olympus.pm # # Description: Olympus/Epson EXIF maker notes tags # # Revisions: 12/09/2003 - P. Harvey Created # 11/11/2004 - P. Harvey Added Epson support # # References: 1) http://park2.wakwak.com/~tsuruzoh/Computer/Digicams/exif-e.html # 2) http://www.cybercom.net/~dcoffin/dcraw/ # 3) http://www.ozhiker.com/electronics/pjmt/jpeg_info/olympus_mn.html # 4) Markku HŠnninen private communication (tests with E-1) # 5) RŽmi Guyomarch from http://forums.dpreview.com/forums/read.asp?forum=1022&message=12790396 # 6) Frank Ledwon private communication (tests with E/C-series cameras) # 7) Michael Meissner private communication # 8) Shingo Noguchi, PhotoXP (http://www.daifukuya.com/photoxp/) # 9) Mark Dapoz private communication # 10) Lilo Huang private communication (E-330) # 11) http://olypedia.de/Olympus_Makernotes # 12) Ioannis Panagiotopoulos private communication (E-510) # 13) Chris Shaw private communication (E-3) # 14) Viktor Lushnikov private communication (E-400) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ package Image::ExifTool::Olympus; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION); use Image::ExifTool::Exif; use Image::ExifTool::APP12; $VERSION = '1.50'; my %offOn = ( 0 => 'Off', 1 => 'On' ); %Image::ExifTool::Olympus::Main = ( WRITE_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::Exif::WriteExif, CHECK_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::Exif::CheckExif, WRITABLE => 1, GROUPS => { 0 => 'MakerNotes', 2 => 'Camera' }, # # Tags 0x0000 through 0x0103 are the same as Konica/Minolta cameras (ref 3) # 0x0000 => { Name => 'MakerNoteVersion', Writable => 'undef', }, 0x0001 => { Name => 'MinoltaCameraSettingsOld', SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Minolta::CameraSettings', ByteOrder => 'BigEndian', }, }, 0x0003 => { Name => 'MinoltaCameraSettings', SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Minolta::CameraSettings', ByteOrder => 'BigEndian', }, }, 0x0040 => { Name => 'CompressedImageSize', Writable => 'int32u', }, 0x0081 => { Name => 'PreviewImageData', Binary => 1, Writable => 0, }, 0x0088 => { Name => 'PreviewImageStart', Flags => 'IsOffset', OffsetPair => 0x0089, # point to associated byte count DataTag => 'PreviewImage', Writable => 0, Protected => 2, }, 0x0089 => { Name => 'PreviewImageLength', OffsetPair => 0x0088, # point to associated offset DataTag => 'PreviewImage', Writable => 0, Protected => 2, }, 0x0100 => { Name => 'ThumbnailImage', Writable => 'undef', WriteCheck => '$self->CheckImage(\$val)', Binary => 1, }, 0x0101 => { Name => 'ColorMode', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Natural color', 1 => 'Black&white', 2 => 'Vivid color', 3 => 'Solarization', 4 => 'Adobe RGB', }, }, 0x0102 => { Name => 'MinoltaQuality', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Raw', 1 => 'Superfine', 2 => 'Fine', 3 => 'Normal', 4 => 'Economy', 5 => 'Extra fine', }, }, # (0x0103 is the same as 0x0102 above) 0x0103 => { Name => 'MinoltaQuality', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Raw', 1 => 'Superfine', 2 => 'Fine', 3 => 'Normal', 4 => 'Economy', 5 => 'Extra fine', }, }, 0x0104 => { #11 Name => 'BodyFirmwareVersion', Writable => 'string', }, # # end Konica/Minolta tags # 0x0200 => { Name => 'SpecialMode', Notes => q{ 3 numbers: 1. Shooting mode: 0=Normal, 2=Fast, 3=Panorama; 2. Sequence Number; 3. Panorama Direction: 1=Left-Right, 2=Right-Left, 3=Bottom-Top, 4=Top-Bottom }, Writable => 'int32u', Count => 3, PrintConv => sub { #3 my $val = shift; my @v = split ' ', $val; return $val unless @v >= 3; my @v0 = ('Normal','Unknown (1)','Fast','Panorama'); my @v2 = ('(none)','Left to Right','Right to Left','Bottom to Top','Top to Bottom'); $val = $v0[$v[0]] || "Unknown ($v[0])"; $val .= ", Sequence: $v[1]"; $val .= ', Panorama: ' . ($v2[$v[2]] || "Unknown ($v[2])"); return $val; }, }, 0x0201 => { Name => 'Quality', Writable => 'int16u', Notes => q{ Quality values are decoded based on the CameraType tag. All types represent SQ, HQ and SHQ as sequential integers, but in general SX-type cameras start with a value of 0 for SQ while others start with 1 }, # These values are different for different camera types # (can't have Condition based on CameraType because it isn't known # when this tag is extracted) PrintConv => sub { my ($val, $self) = @_; my %t1 = ( # all SX camera types except SX151 0 => 'SQ (Low)', 1 => 'HQ (Normal)', 2 => 'SHQ (Fine)', 6 => 'RAW', #PH - C5050WZ ); my %t2 = ( # all other types 1 => 'SQ (Low)', 2 => 'HQ (Normal)', 3 => 'SHQ (Fine)', 4 => 'RAW', 5 => 'Medium-Fine', #PH 6 => 'Small-Fine', #PH 33 => 'Uncompressed', #PH - C2100Z ); my $conv = $self->{CameraType} =~ /^SX(?!151\b)/ ? \%t1 : \%t2; return $$conv{$val} ? $$conv{$val} : "Unknown ($val)"; }, # (no PrintConvInv because we don't know CameraType at write time) }, 0x0202 => { Name => 'Macro', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Off', 1 => 'On', 2 => 'Super Macro', #6 }, }, 0x0203 => { #6 Name => 'BWMode', Description => 'Black & White Mode', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => \%offOn, }, 0x0204 => { Name => 'DigitalZoom', Writable => 'rational64u', PrintConv => '$val=~/\./ or $val.=".0"; $val', PrintConvInv => '$val', }, 0x0205 => { #6 Name => 'FocalPlaneDiagonal', Writable => 'rational64u', PrintConv => '"$val mm"', PrintConvInv => '$val=~s/\s*mm$//;$val', }, 0x0206 => { #6 Name => 'LensDistortionParams', Writable => 'int16s', Count => 6, }, 0x0207 => { #PH (was incorrectly FirmwareVersion, ref 1,3) Name => 'CameraType', Writable => 'string', DataMember => 'CameraType', RawConv => '$self->{CameraType} = $val', }, 0x0208 => { Name => 'TextInfo', SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Olympus::TextInfo', }, }, 0x0209 => { Name => 'CameraID', Format => 'string', # this really should have been a string }, 0x020b => { #PH Name => 'EpsonImageWidth', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x020c => { #PH Name => 'EpsonImageHeight', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x020d => { #PH Name => 'EpsonSoftware', Writable => 'string', }, 0x0280 => { #PH %Image::ExifTool::previewImageTagInfo, Notes => 'found in ERF and JPG images from some Epson models', Format => 'undef', Writable => 'int8u', }, 0x0300 => { #6 Name => 'PreCaptureFrames', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x0301 => { #11 Name => 'WhiteBoard', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x0302 => { #6 Name => 'OneTouchWB', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Off', 1 => 'On', 2 => 'On (Preset)', }, }, 0x0303 => { #11 Name => 'WhiteBalanceBracket', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x0304 => { #11 Name => 'WhiteBalanceBias', Writable => 'int16u', }, # 0x0305 => 'PrintMaching', ? #11 0x0403 => { #11 Name => 'SceneMode', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Normal', 1 => 'Standard', 2 => 'Auto', 4 => 'Portrait', 5 => 'Landscape+Portrait', 6 => 'Landscape', 7 => 'Night Scene', 8 => 'Night+Portrait', 9 => 'Sport', 10 => 'Self Portrait', 11 => 'Indoor', 12 => 'Beach & Snow', 13 => 'Beach', 14 => 'Snow', 15 => 'Self Portrait+Self Timer', 16 => 'Sunset', 17 => 'Cuisine', 18 => 'Documents', 19 => 'Candle', 20 => 'Fireworks', 21 => 'Available Light', 22 => 'Vivid', 23 => 'Underwater Wide1', 24 => 'Underwater Macro', 25 => 'Museum', 26 => 'Behind Glass', 27 => 'Auction', 28 => 'Shoot & Select1', 29 => 'Shoot & Select2', 30 => 'Underwater Wide2', 31 => 'Digital Image Stabilization', 32 => 'Face Portrait', 33 => 'Pet', 34 => 'Smile Shot', }, }, 0x0404 => { #PH (D595Z, C7070WZ) Name => 'SerialNumber', Writable => 'string', }, 0x0405 => { #11 Name => 'Firmware', Writable => 'string', }, 0x0e00 => { Name => 'PrintIM', Description => 'Print Image Matching', Writable => 0, SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::PrintIM::Main', }, }, 0x0f00 => { Name => 'DataDump', Writable => 0, Binary => 1, }, 0x0f01 => { #6 Name => 'DataDump2', Writable => 0, Binary => 1, }, 0x1000 => { #6 Name => 'ShutterSpeedValue', Writable => 'rational64s', Priority => 0, ValueConv => 'abs($val)<100 ? 1/(2**$val) : 0', ValueConvInv => '$val>0 ? -log($val)/log(2) : -100', PrintConv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::PrintExposureTime($val)', PrintConvInv => 'eval $val', }, 0x1001 => { #6 Name => 'ISOValue', Writable => 'rational64s', Priority => 0, ValueConv => '100 * 2 ** ($val - 5)', ValueConvInv => '$val>0 ? log($val/100)/log(2)+5 : 0', PrintConv => 'int($val * 100 + 0.5) / 100', PrintConvInv => '$val', }, 0x1002 => { #6 Name => 'ApertureValue', Writable => 'rational64s', Priority => 0, ValueConv => '2 ** ($val / 2)', ValueConvInv => '$val>0 ? 2*log($val)/log(2) : 0', PrintConv => 'sprintf("%.1f",$val)', PrintConvInv => '$val', }, 0x1003 => { #6 Name => 'BrightnessValue', Writable => 'rational64s', Priority => 0, }, 0x1004 => { #3 Name => 'FlashMode', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { 2 => 'On', #PH 3 => 'Off', #PH }, }, 0x1005 => { #6 Name => 'FlashDevice', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { 0 => 'None', 1 => 'Internal', 4 => 'External', 5 => 'Internal + External', }, }, 0x1006 => { #6 Name =>'ExposureCompensation', Writable => 'rational64s', }, 0x1007 => { #6 (E-10, E-20 and C2500L - numbers usually around 30-40) Name => 'SensorTemperature', Writable => 'int16s', }, 0x1008 => { #6 Name => 'LensTemperature', Writable => 'int16s', }, 0x1009 => { #11 Name => 'LightCondition', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x100a => { #11 Name => 'FocusRange', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Normal', 1 => 'Macro', }, }, 0x100b => { #6 Name => 'FocusMode', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Auto', 1 => 'Manual', }, }, 0x100c => { #6 Name => 'ManualFocusDistance', Writable => 'rational64u', PrintConv => '"$val mm"', #11 PrintConvInv => '$val=~s/\s*mm$//; $val', }, 0x100d => { #6 Name => 'ZoomStepCount', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x100e => { #6 Name => 'FocusStepCount', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x100f => { #6 Name => 'Sharpness', Writable => 'int16u', Priority => 0, PrintConv => { 0 => 'Normal', 1 => 'Hard', 2 => 'Soft', }, }, 0x1010 => { #6 Name => 'FlashChargeLevel', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x1011 => { #3 Name => 'ColorMatrix', Writable => 'int16u', Format => 'int16s', Count => 9, }, 0x1012 => { #3 Name => 'BlackLevel', Writable => 'int16u', Count => 4, }, 0x1013 => { #11 Name => 'ColorTemperatureBG', Writable => 'int16u', Unknown => 1, # (doesn't look like a temperature) }, 0x1014 => { #11 Name => 'ColorTemperatureRG', Writable => 'int16u', Unknown => 1, # (doesn't look like a temperature) }, 0x1015 => { #6 Name => 'WBMode', Writable => 'int16u', Count => 2, PrintConv => { '1' => 'Auto', '1 0' => 'Auto', '1 2' => 'Auto (2)', '1 4' => 'Auto (4)', '2 2' => '3000 Kelvin', '2 3' => '3700 Kelvin', '2 4' => '4000 Kelvin', '2 5' => '4500 Kelvin', '2 6' => '5500 Kelvin', '2 7' => '6500 Kelvin', '2 8' => '7500 Kelvin', '3 0' => 'One-touch', }, }, 0x1017 => { #2 Name => 'RedBalance', Writable => 'int16u', Count => 2, ValueConv => '$val=~s/ .*//; $val / 256', ValueConvInv => '$val*=256;"$val 64"', }, 0x1018 => { #2 Name => 'BlueBalance', Writable => 'int16u', Count => 2, ValueConv => '$val=~s/ .*//; $val / 256', ValueConvInv => '$val*=256;"$val 64"', }, 0x1019 => { #11 Name => 'ColorMatrixNumber', Writable => 'int16u', }, # 0x101a is same as CameraID ("OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA") for C2500L - PH 0x101a => { #3 Name => 'SerialNumber', Writable => 'string', }, 0x101b => { #11 Name => 'ExternalFlashAE1_0', Writable => 'int32u', Unknown => 1, # (what are these?) }, 0x101c => { #11 Name => 'ExternalFlashAE2_0', Writable => 'int32u', Unknown => 1, }, 0x101d => { #11 Name => 'InternalFlashAE1_0', Writable => 'int32u', Unknown => 1, }, 0x101e => { #11 Name => 'InternalFlashAE2_0', Writable => 'int32u', Unknown => 1, }, 0x101f => { #11 Name => 'ExternalFlashAE1', Writable => 'int32u', Unknown => 1, }, 0x1020 => { #11 Name => 'ExternalFlashAE2', Writable => 'int32u', Unknown => 1, }, 0x1021 => { #11 Name => 'InternalFlashAE1', Writable => 'int32u', Unknown => 1, }, 0x1022 => { #11 Name => 'InternalFlashAE2', Writable => 'int32u', Unknown => 1, }, 0x1023 => { #6 Name => 'FlashExposureComp', Writable => 'rational64s', }, 0x1024 => { #11 Name => 'InternalFlashTable', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x1025 => { #11 Name => 'ExternalFlashGValue', Writable => 'rational64s', }, 0x1026 => { #6 Name => 'ExternalFlashBounce', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { 0 => 'No', 1 => 'Yes', }, }, 0x1027 => { #6 Name => 'ExternalFlashZoom', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x1028 => { #6 Name => 'ExternalFlashMode', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x1029 => { #3 Name => 'Contrast', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { #PH (works with E1) 0 => 'High', 1 => 'Normal', 2 => 'Low', }, }, 0x102a => { #3 Name => 'SharpnessFactor', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x102b => { #3 Name => 'ColorControl', Writable => 'int16u', Count => 6, }, 0x102c => { #3 Name => 'ValidBits', Writable => 'int16u', Count => 2, }, 0x102d => { #3 Name => 'CoringFilter', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x102e => { #PH Name => 'OlympusImageWidth', Writable => 'int32u', }, 0x102f => { #PH Name => 'OlympusImageHeight', Writable => 'int32u', }, 0x1030 => { #11 Name => 'SceneDetect', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x1031 => { #11 Name => 'SceneArea', Writable => 'int32u', Count => 8, Unknown => 1, # (numbers don't make much sense?) }, # 0x1032 HAFFINAL? #11 0x1033 => { #11 Name => 'SceneDetectData', Writable => 'int32u', Count => 720, Binary => 1, Unknown => 1, # (but what does it mean?) }, 0x1034 => { #3 Name => 'CompressionRatio', Writable => 'rational64u', }, 0x1035 => { #6 Name => 'PreviewImageValid', Writable => 'int32u', PrintConv => { 0 => 'No', 1 => 'Yes' }, }, 0x1036 => { #6 Name => 'PreviewImageStart', Flags => 'IsOffset', OffsetPair => 0x1037, # point to associated byte count DataTag => 'PreviewImage', Writable => 'int32u', Protected => 2, }, 0x1037 => { #6 Name => 'PreviewImageLength', OffsetPair => 0x1036, # point to associated offset DataTag => 'PreviewImage', Writable => 'int32u', Protected => 2, }, 0x1038 => { #11 Name => 'AFResult', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x1039 => { #6 Name => 'CCDScanMode', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Interlaced', 1 => 'Progressive', }, }, 0x103a => { #6 Name => 'NoiseReduction', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => \%offOn, }, 0x103b => { #6 Name => 'InfinityLensStep', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x103c => { #6 Name => 'NearLensStep', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x103d => { #11 Name => 'LightValueCenter', Writable => 'rational64s', }, 0x103e => { #11 Name => 'LightValuePeriphery', Writable => 'rational64s', }, 0x103f => { #11 Name => 'FieldCount', Writable => 'int16u', Unknown => 1, # (but what does it mean?) }, # # Olympus really screwed up the format of the following subdirectories (for the # E-1 and E-300 anyway). Not only is the subdirectory value data not included in # the size, but also the count is 2 bytes short for the subdirectory itself # (presumably the Olympus programmers forgot about the 2-byte entry count at the # start of the subdirectory). This mess is straightened out and these subdirs # are written properly when ExifTool rewrites the file. (This problem has been # fixed in the new-style MakerNoteOlympus2 maker notes since a standard SubIFD # offset value is used.) - PH # 0x2010 => [ #PH { Name => 'Equipment', Condition => 'not $$self{OlympusType2}', SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Olympus::Equipment', ByteOrder => 'Unknown', }, }, { Name => 'Equipment2', Groups => { 1 => 'MakerNotes' }, # SubIFD needs group 1 set Flags => 'SubIFD', FixFormat => 'ifd', SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Olympus::Equipment', Start => '$val', }, }, ], 0x2020 => [ #PH { Name => 'CameraSettings', Condition => 'not $$self{OlympusType2}', SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Olympus::CameraSettings', ByteOrder => 'Unknown', }, }, { Name => 'CameraSettings2', Groups => { 1 => 'MakerNotes' }, Flags => 'SubIFD', FixFormat => 'ifd', SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Olympus::CameraSettings', Start => '$val', }, }, ], 0x2030 => [ #PH { Name => 'RawDevelopment', Condition => 'not $$self{OlympusType2}', SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Olympus::RawDevelopment', ByteOrder => 'Unknown', }, }, { Name => 'RawDevelopment2', Groups => { 1 => 'MakerNotes' }, Flags => 'SubIFD', FixFormat => 'ifd', SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Olympus::RawDevelopment', Start => '$val', }, }, ], 0x2031 => [ #11 { Name => 'RawDev2', Condition => 'not $$self{OlympusType2}', SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Olympus::RawDevelopment2', ByteOrder => 'Unknown', }, }, { Name => 'RawDev2_2', Groups => { 1 => 'MakerNotes' }, Flags => 'SubIFD', FixFormat => 'ifd', SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Olympus::RawDevelopment2', Start => '$val', }, }, ], 0x2040 => [ #PH { Name => 'ImageProcessing', Condition => 'not $$self{OlympusType2}', SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Olympus::ImageProcessing', ByteOrder => 'Unknown', }, }, { Name => 'ImageProcessing2', Groups => { 1 => 'MakerNotes' }, Flags => 'SubIFD', FixFormat => 'ifd', SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Olympus::ImageProcessing', Start => '$val', }, }, ], 0x2050 => [ #PH { Name => 'FocusInfo', Condition => 'not ($$self{OlympusType2} or $$self{OlympusCAMER})', SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Olympus::FocusInfo', ByteOrder => 'Unknown', }, }, { Name => 'FocusInfo2', Condition => 'not $$self{OlympusCAMER}', Groups => { 1 => 'MakerNotes' }, Flags => 'SubIFD', FixFormat => 'ifd', SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Olympus::FocusInfo', Start => '$val', }, }, { # ASCII-based camera parameters if makernotes starts with "CAMER\0" # (or for Sony models starting with "SONY PI\0" or "PREMI\0") Name => 'CameraParameters', Writable => 'undef', Binary => 1, }, ], 0x2100 => { #11 Name => 'Olympus2100', SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Olympus::FETags', ByteOrder => 'Unknown', }, }, 0x2200 => { #11 Name => 'Olympus2200', SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Olympus::FETags', ByteOrder => 'Unknown', }, }, 0x2300 => { #11 Name => 'Olympus2300', SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Olympus::FETags', ByteOrder => 'Unknown', }, }, 0x2400 => { #11 Name => 'Olympus2400', SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Olympus::FETags', ByteOrder => 'Unknown', }, }, 0x2500 => { #11 Name => 'Olympus2500', SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Olympus::FETags', ByteOrder => 'Unknown', }, }, 0x2600 => { #11 Name => 'Olympus2600', SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Olympus::FETags', ByteOrder => 'Unknown', }, }, 0x2700 => { #11 Name => 'Olympus2700', SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Olympus::FETags', ByteOrder => 'Unknown', }, }, 0x2800 => { #11 Name => 'Olympus2800', SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Olympus::FETags', ByteOrder => 'Unknown', }, }, 0x2900 => { #11 Name => 'Olympus2900', SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Olympus::FETags', ByteOrder => 'Unknown', }, }, 0x3000 => [ { #6 Name => 'RawInfo', Condition => 'not $$self{OlympusType2}', SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Olympus::RawInfo', ByteOrder => 'Unknown', }, }, { #PH Name => 'RawInfo2', Groups => { 1 => 'MakerNotes' }, Flags => 'SubIFD', FixFormat => 'ifd', SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Olympus::RawInfo', Start => '$val', }, }, ], ); # TextInfo tags %Image::ExifTool::Olympus::TextInfo = ( PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::APP12::ProcessAPP12, NOTES => q{ This information is in text format (similar to APP12 information, but with spaces instead of linefeeds). Below are tags which have been observed, but any information found here will be extracted, even if the tag is not listed. }, GROUPS => { 0 => 'MakerNotes', 1 => 'Olympus', 2 => 'Image' }, Resolution => { }, Type => { Name => 'CameraType', Groups => { 2 => 'Camera' }, DataMember => 'CameraType', RawConv => '$self->{CameraType} = $val', }, ); # Olympus Equipment IFD %Image::ExifTool::Olympus::Equipment = ( WRITE_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::Exif::WriteExif, CHECK_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::Exif::CheckExif, WRITABLE => 1, GROUPS => { 0 => 'MakerNotes', 2 => 'Camera' }, 0x000 => { #PH Name => 'EquipmentVersion', Writable => 'undef', Count => 4, }, 0x100 => { #6 Name => 'CameraType2', Writable => 'string', Count => 6, }, 0x101 => { #PH Name => 'SerialNumber', Writable => 'string', Count => 32, PrintConv => '$val=~s/\s+$//;$val', PrintConvInv => 'pack("A31",$val)', # pad with spaces to 31 chars }, 0x102 => { #6 Name => 'InternalSerialNumber', Notes => '16 digits: 0-3=model, 4=year, 5-6=month, 8-12=unit number', Writable => 'string', Count => 32, }, 0x103 => { #6 Name => 'FocalPlaneDiagonal', Writable => 'rational64u', PrintConv => '"$val mm"', PrintConvInv => '$val=~s/\s*mm$//;$val', }, 0x104 => { #6 Name => 'BodyFirmwareVersion', Writable => 'int32u', PrintConv => '$val=sprintf("%x",$val);$val=~s/(.{3})$/\.$1/;$val', PrintConvInv => '$val=sprintf("%.3f",$val);$val=~s/\.//;hex($val)', }, 0x201 => { #6 Name => 'LensType', Writable => 'int8u', Count => 6, Notes => '6 numbers: 1. Make, 2. Unknown, 3. Model, 4. Release, 5-6. Unknown', PrintConv => 'Image::ExifTool::Olympus::PrintLensInfo($val,"Lens")', }, # apparently the first 3 digits of the lens s/n give the type (ref 4): # 010 = 50macro # 040 = EC-14 # 050 = 14-54 # 060 = 50-200 # 080 = EX-25 # 101 = FL-50 # 272 = EC-20 #7 0x202 => { #PH Name => 'LensSerialNumber', Writable => 'string', Count => 32, PrintConv => '$val=~s/\s+$//;$val', PrintConvInv => 'pack("A31",$val)', # pad with spaces to 31 chars }, 0x204 => { #6 Name => 'LensFirmwareVersion', Writable => 'int32u', PrintConv => '$val=sprintf("%x",$val);$val=~s/(.{3})$/\.$1/;$val', PrintConvInv => '$val=sprintf("%.3f",$val);$val=~s/\.//;hex($val)', }, 0x205 => { #11 Name => 'MaxApertureAtMinFocal', Writable => 'int16u', ValueConv => '$val ? sqrt(2)**($val/256) : 0', ValueConvInv => '$val>0 ? int(512*log($val)/log(2)+0.5) : 0', PrintConv => 'sprintf("%.1f",$val)', PrintConvInv => '$val', }, 0x206 => { #5 Name => 'MaxApertureAtMaxFocal', Writable => 'int16u', ValueConv => '$val ? sqrt(2)**($val/256) : 0', ValueConvInv => '$val>0 ? int(512*log($val)/log(2)+0.5) : 0', PrintConv => 'sprintf("%.1f",$val)', PrintConvInv => '$val', }, 0x207 => { #PH Name => 'MinFocalLength', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x208 => { #PH Name => 'MaxFocalLength', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x20a => { #9 Name => 'MaxApertureAtCurrentFocal', Writable => 'int16u', ValueConv => '$val ? sqrt(2)**($val/256) : 0', ValueConvInv => '$val>0 ? int(512*log($val)/log(2)+0.5) : 0', PrintConv => 'sprintf("%.1f",$val)', PrintConvInv => '$val', }, 0x20b => { #11 Name => 'LensProperties', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => 'sprintf("0x%x",$val)', PrintConvInv => '$val', }, 0x301 => { #6 Name => 'Extender', Writable => 'int8u', Count => 6, Notes => '6 numbers: 1. Make, 2. Unknown, 3. Model, 4. Release, 5-6. Unknown', PrintConv => 'Image::ExifTool::Olympus::PrintLensInfo($val,"Extender")', }, 0x302 => { #4 Name => 'ExtenderSerialNumber', Writable => 'string', Count => 32, }, 0x303 => { #9 Name => 'ExtenderModel', Writable => 'string', }, 0x304 => { #6 Name => 'ExtenderFirmwareVersion', Writable => 'int32u', PrintConv => '$val=sprintf("%x",$val);$val=~s/(.{3})$/\.$1/;$val', PrintConvInv => '$val=sprintf("%.3f",$val);$val=~s/\.//;hex($val)', }, 0x1000 => { #6 Name => 'FlashType', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { 0 => 'None', 2 => 'Simple E-System', 3 => 'E-System', }, }, 0x1001 => { #6 Name => 'FlashModel', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { 0 => 'None', 1 => 'FL-20', 2 => 'FL-50', # (or Metzblitz+SCA, ref 11) 3 => 'RF-11', 4 => 'TF-22', 5 => 'FL-36', 6 => 'FL-50R', #11 (or Metz mecablitz digital) 7 => 'FL-36R', #11 }, }, 0x1002 => { #6 Name => 'FlashFirmwareVersion', Writable => 'int32u', PrintConv => '$val=sprintf("%x",$val);$val=~s/(.{3})$/\.$1/;$val', PrintConvInv => '$val=sprintf("%.3f",$val);$val=~s/\.//;hex($val)', }, 0x1003 => { #4 Name => 'FlashSerialNumber', Writable => 'string', Count => 32, }, ); # Olympus camera settings IFD %Image::ExifTool::Olympus::CameraSettings = ( WRITE_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::Exif::WriteExif, CHECK_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::Exif::CheckExif, WRITABLE => 1, GROUPS => { 0 => 'MakerNotes', 2 => 'Camera' }, 0x000 => { #PH Name => 'CameraSettingsVersion', Writable => 'undef', Count => 4, }, 0x100 => { #6 Name => 'PreviewImageValid', Writable => 'int32u', PrintConv => { 0 => 'No', 1 => 'Yes' }, }, 0x101 => { #PH Name => 'PreviewImageStart', Flags => 'IsOffset', OffsetPair => 0x102, DataTag => 'PreviewImage', Writable => 'int32u', Protected => 2, }, 0x102 => { #PH Name => 'PreviewImageLength', OffsetPair => 0x101, DataTag => 'PreviewImage', Writable => 'int32u', Protected => 2, }, 0x200 => { #4 Name => 'ExposureMode', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { 1 => 'Manual', 2 => 'Program', #6 3 => 'Aperture-priority AE', 4 => 'Shutter speed priority AE', 5 => 'Program-shift', #6 } }, 0x201 => { #6 Name => 'AELock', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => \%offOn, }, 0x202 => { #PH/4 Name => 'MeteringMode', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { 2 => 'Center-weighted average', 3 => 'Spot', 5 => 'ESP', 261 => 'Pattern+AF', #6 515 => 'Spot+Highlight control', #6 1027 => 'Spot+Shadow control', #6 }, }, 0x300 => { #6 Name => 'MacroMode', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Off', 1 => 'On', 2 => 'Super Macro', #11 }, }, 0x301 => { #6 Name => 'FocusMode', Writable => 'int16u', Count => -1, Notes => '1 or 2 values', PrintConv => [{ 0 => 'Single AF', 1 => 'Sequential shooting AF', 2 => 'Continuous AF', 3 => 'Multi AF', 10 => 'MF', }, {}], # (E-520 writes 2 values, 2nd is unknown - PH) }, 0x302 => { #6 Name => 'FocusProcess', Writable => 'int16u', Count => -1, Notes => '1 or 2 values', PrintConv => [{ 0 => 'AF Not Used', 1 => 'AF Used', }, {}], # (E-520 writes 2 values, 2nd is unknown - PH) }, 0x303 => { #6 Name => 'AFSearch', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Not Ready', 1 => 'Ready', }, }, 0x304 => { #PH/4 Name => 'AFAreas', Format => 'int32u', Count => 64, PrintConv => 'Image::ExifTool::Olympus::PrintAFAreas($val)', }, 0x400 => { #6 Name => 'FlashMode', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Off', BITMASK => { 0 => 'On', 1 => 'Fill-in', 2 => 'Red-eye', 3 => 'Slow-sync', 4 => 'Forced On', 5 => '2nd Curtain', }, }, }, 0x401 => { #6 Name => 'FlashExposureComp', Writable => 'rational64s', }, 0x500 => { #6 Name => 'WhiteBalance2', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Auto', 16 => '7500K (Fine Weather with Shade)', 17 => '6000K (Cloudy)', 18 => '5300K (Fine Weather)', 20 => '3000K (Tungsten light)', 21 => '3600K (Tungsten light-like)', 33 => '6600K (Daylight fluorescent)', 34 => '4500K (Neutral white fluorescent)', 35 => '4000K (Cool white fluorescent)', 48 => '3600K (Tungsten light-like)', 256 => 'Custom WB 1', 257 => 'Custom WB 2', 258 => 'Custom WB 3', 259 => 'Custom WB 4', 512 => 'Custom WB 5400K', 513 => 'Custom WB 2900K', 514 => 'Custom WB 8000K', }, }, 0x501 => { #PH/4 Name => 'WhiteBalanceTemperature', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => '$val ? $val : "Auto"', PrintConvInv => '$val=~/^\d+$/ ? $val : 0', }, 0x502 => { #PH/4 Name => 'WhiteBalanceBracket', Writable => 'int16s', }, 0x503 => { #PH/4/6 Name => 'CustomSaturation', Writable => 'int16s', Count => 3, Notes => '3 numbers: 1. CS Value, 2. Min, 3. Max', PrintConv => q{ my ($a,$b,$c)=split ' ',$val; if ($self->{Model} =~ /^E-1\b/) { $a-=$b; $c-=$b; return "CS$a (min CS0, max CS$c)"; } else { return "$a (min $b, max $c)"; } }, }, 0x504 => { #PH/4 Name => 'ModifiedSaturation', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Off', 1 => 'CM1 (Red Enhance)', 2 => 'CM2 (Green Enhance)', 3 => 'CM3 (Blue Enhance)', 4 => 'CM4 (Skin Tones)', }, }, 0x505 => { #PH/4 Name => 'ContrastSetting', Writable => 'int16s', Count => 3, Notes => 'value, min, max', PrintConv => 'my @v=split " ",$val; "$v[0] (min $v[1], max $v[2])"', PrintConvInv => '$val=~tr/-0-9 //dc;$val', }, 0x506 => { #PH/4 Name => 'SharpnessSetting', Writable => 'int16s', Count => 3, Notes => 'value, min, max', PrintConv => 'my @v=split " ",$val; "$v[0] (min $v[1], max $v[2])"', PrintConvInv => '$val=~tr/-0-9 //dc;$val', }, 0x507 => { #PH/4 Name => 'ColorSpace', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { #6 0 => 'sRGB', 1 => 'Adobe RGB', 2 => 'Pro Photo RGB', }, }, 0x509 => { #6 Name => 'SceneMode', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Standard', 6 => 'Auto', #6 7 => 'Sport', 8 => 'Portrait', 9 => 'Landscape+Portrait', 10 => 'Landscape', 11 => 'Night Scene', 12 => 'Self Portrait', #11 13 => 'Panorama', #6 14 => '2 in 1', #11 15 => 'Movie', #11 16 => 'Landscape+Portrait', #6 17 => 'Night+Portrait', 18 => 'Indoor', #11 19 => 'Fireworks', 20 => 'Sunset', 22 => 'Macro', 23 => 'Super Macro', #11 24 => 'Food', #11 25 => 'Documents', 26 => 'Museum', 27 => 'Shoot & Select', #11 28 => 'Beach & Snow', 29 => 'Self Protrait+Timer', #11 30 => 'Candle', 31 => 'Available Light', #11 32 => 'Behind Glass', #11 33 => 'My Mode', #11 34 => 'Pet', #11 35 => 'Underwater Wide1', #6 36 => 'Underwater Macro', #6 37 => 'Shoot & Select1', #11 38 => 'Shoot & Select2', #11 39 => 'High Key', 40 => 'Digital Image Stabilization', #6 41 => 'Auction', #11 42 => 'Beach', #11 43 => 'Snow', #11 44 => 'Underwater Wide2', #6 45 => 'Low Key', #6 46 => 'Children', #6 47 => 'Vivid', #11 48 => 'Nature Macro', #6 49 => 'Underwater Snapshot', #11 50 => 'Shooting Guide', #11 }, }, 0x50a => { #PH/4/6 Name => 'NoiseReduction', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { BITMASK => { 0 => 'Noise Reduction', 1 => 'Noise Filter', 2 => 'Noise Filter (ISO Boost)', }, }, }, 0x50b => { #6 Name => 'DistortionCorrection', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => \%offOn, }, 0x50c => { #PH/4 Name => 'ShadingCompensation', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => \%offOn, }, 0x50d => { #PH/4 Name => 'CompressionFactor', Writable => 'rational64u', }, 0x50f => { #6 Name => 'Gradation', Writable => 'int16s', Notes => '3 or 4 values', Count => -1, Relist => [ [0..2], 3 ], # join values 0-2 for PrintConv PrintConv => [{ '-1 -1 1' => 'Low Key', '0 -1 1' => 'Normal', '1 -1 1' => 'High Key', },{ 0 => 'User-Selected', 1 => 'Auto-Override', }], }, 0x520 => { #6 Name => 'PictureMode', Writable => 'int16u', Notes => '1 or 2 values', Count => -1, PrintConv => [{ 1 => 'Vivid', 2 => 'Natural', 3 => 'Muted', 4 => 'Portrait', 256 => 'Monotone', 512 => 'Sepia', }], }, 0x521 => { #6 Name => 'PictureModeSaturation', Writable => 'int16s', Count => 3, Notes => 'value, min, max', PrintConv => 'my @v=split " ",$val; "$v[0] (min $v[1], max $v[2])"', PrintConvInv => '$val=~tr/-0-9 //dc;$val', }, 0x522 => { #6 Name => 'PictureModeHue', Writable => 'int16s', Unknown => 1, # (needs verification) }, 0x523 => { #6 Name => 'PictureModeContrast', Writable => 'int16s', Count => 3, Notes => 'value, min, max', PrintConv => 'my @v=split " ",$val; "$v[0] (min $v[1], max $v[2])"', PrintConvInv => '$val=~tr/-0-9 //dc;$val', }, 0x524 => { #6 Name => 'PictureModeSharpness', # verified as the Sharpness setting in the Picture Mode menu for the E-410 Writable => 'int16s', Count => 3, Notes => 'value, min, max', PrintConv => 'my @v=split " ",$val; "$v[0] (min $v[1], max $v[2])"', PrintConvInv => '$val=~tr/-0-9 //dc;$val', }, 0x525 => { #6 Name => 'PictureModeBWFilter', Writable => 'int16s', PrintConv => { 0 => 'n/a', 1 => 'Neutral', 2 => 'Yellow', 3 => 'Orange', 4 => 'Red', 5 => 'Green', }, }, 0x526 => { #6 Name => 'PictureModeTone', Writable => 'int16s', PrintConv => { 0 => 'n/a', 1 => 'Neutral', 2 => 'Sepia', 3 => 'Blue', 4 => 'Purple', 5 => 'Green', }, }, 0x527 => { #12 Name => 'NoiseFilter', Writable => 'int16s', Count => 3, PrintConv => { '-2 -2 1' => 'Off', '-1 -2 1' => 'Low', '0 -2 1' => 'Standard', '1 -2 1' => 'High', }, }, 0x600 => { #PH/4 Name => 'DriveMode', Writable => 'int16u', Count => -1, Notes => '2 or 3 numbers: 1. Mode, 2. Shot number, 3. Mode bits', PrintConv => q{ my ($a,$b,$c) = split ' ',$val; return 'Single Shot' unless $a; if ($a == 5 and defined $c) { $a = DecodeBits($c, { #6 0 => 'AE', 1 => 'WB', 2 => 'FL', 3 => 'MF', }) . ' Bracketing'; $a =~ s/, /+/g; } else { my %a = ( 1 => 'Continuous Shooting', 2 => 'Exposure Bracketing', 3 => 'White Balance Bracketing', 4 => 'Exposure+WB Bracketing', #6 ); $a = $a{$a} || "Unknown ($a)"; } return "$a, Shot $b"; }, }, 0x601 => { #6 Name => 'PanoramaMode', Writable => 'int16u', Notes => '2 numbers: 1. Mode, 2. Shot number', PrintConv => q{ my ($a,$b) = split ' ',$val; return 'Off' unless $a; my %a = ( 1 => 'Left to right', 2 => 'Right to left', 3 => 'Bottom to top', 4 => 'Top to bottom', ); return ($a{$a} || "Unknown ($a)") . ', Shot ' . $b; }, }, 0x603 => { #PH/4 Name => 'ImageQuality2', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { 1 => 'SQ', 2 => 'HQ', 3 => 'SHQ', 4 => 'RAW', }, }, 0x900 => { #11 Name => 'ManometerPressure', Writable => 'int16u', ValueConv => '$val / 10', ValueConvInv => '$val * 10', PrintConv => '"$val kPa"', PrintConvInv => '$val=~s/ ?kPa//i; $val', }, 0x901 => { #PH (u770SW) # 2 numbers: 1st looks like meters above sea level, 2nd is usually 3x the 1st (feet?) Name => 'ManometerReading', Writable => 'int32s', Count => 2, ValueConv => 'my @a=split(" ",$val); $_ /= 10 foreach @a; "@a"', ValueConvInv => 'my @a=split(" ",$val); $_ *= 10 foreach @a; "@a"', PrintConv => '$val=~s/(\S+) (\S+)/$1 m, $2 ft/; $val', PrintConvInv => '$val=~s/ ?(m|ft)//gi; $val', }, 0x902 => { #11 Name => 'ExtendedWBDetect', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => \%offOn, }, ); # Olympus RAW processing IFD (ref 6) %Image::ExifTool::Olympus::RawDevelopment = ( WRITE_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::Exif::WriteExif, CHECK_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::Exif::CheckExif, WRITABLE => 1, GROUPS => { 0 => 'MakerNotes', 2 => 'Camera' }, 0x000 => { #PH Name => 'RawDevVersion', Writable => 'undef', Count => 4, }, 0x100 => { Name => 'RawDevExposureBiasValue', Writable => 'rational64s', }, 0x101 => { Name => 'RawDevWhiteBalanceValue', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x102 => { Name => 'RawDevWBFineAdjustment', Writable => 'int16s', }, 0x103 => { Name => 'RawDevGrayPoint', Writable => 'int16u', Count => 3, }, 0x104 => { Name => 'RawDevSaturationEmphasis', Writable => 'int16s', Count => 3, }, 0x105 => { Name => 'RawDevMemoryColorEmphasis', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x106 => { Name => 'RawDevContrastValue', Writable => 'int16s', Count => 3, }, 0x107 => { Name => 'RawDevSharpnessValue', Writable => 'int16s', Count => 3, }, 0x108 => { Name => 'RawDevColorSpace', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { #11 0 => 'sRGB', 1 => 'Adobe RGB', 2 => 'Pro Photo RGB', }, }, 0x109 => { Name => 'RawDevEngine', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { #11 0 => 'High Speed', 1 => 'High Function', 2 => 'Advanced High Speed', 3 => 'Advanced High Function', }, }, 0x10a => { Name => 'RawDevNoiseReduction', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { #11 BITMASK => { 0 => 'Noise Reduction', 1 => 'Noise Filter', 2 => 'Noise Filter (ISO Boost)', }, }, }, 0x10b => { Name => 'RawDevEditStatus', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { #11 0 => 'Original', 1 => 'Edited (Landscape)', 6 => 'Edited (Portrait)', 8 => 'Edited (Portrait)', }, }, 0x10c => { Name => 'RawDevSettings', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { #11 BITMASK => { 0 => 'WB Color Temp', 2 => 'WB Gray Point', 3 => 'Saturation', 4 => 'Contrast', 5 => 'Sharpness', 6 => 'Color Space', 7 => 'High Function', 8 => 'Noise Reduction', }, }, }, ); # Olympus RAW processing B IFD (ref 11) %Image::ExifTool::Olympus::RawDevelopment2 = ( WRITE_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::Exif::WriteExif, CHECK_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::Exif::CheckExif, WRITABLE => 1, GROUPS => { 0 => 'MakerNotes', 2 => 'Camera' }, 0x000 => { Name => 'RawDevVersion', Writable => 'undef', Count => 4, }, 0x100 => { Name => 'RawDevExposureBiasValue', Writable => 'rational64s', }, 0x101 => { Name => 'RawDevWhiteBalance', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { 1 => 'Color Temperature', 2 => 'Gray Point', }, }, 0x102 => { Name => 'RawDevWhiteBalanceValue', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x103 => { Name => 'RawDevWBFineAdjustment', Writable => 'int16s', }, 0x104 => { Name => 'RawDevGrayPoint', Writable => 'int16u', Count => 3, }, 0x105 => { Name => 'RawDevContrastValue', Writable => 'int16s', Count => 3, }, 0x106 => { Name => 'RawDevSharpnessValue', Writable => 'int16s', Count => 3, }, 0x107 => { Name => 'RawDevSaturationEmphasis', Writable => 'int16s', Count => 3, }, 0x108 => { Name => 'RawDevMemoryColorEmphasis', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x109 => { Name => 'RawDevColorSpace', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { 0 => 'sRGB', 1 => 'Adobe RGB', 2 => 'Pro Photo RGB', }, }, 0x10a => { Name => 'RawDevNoiseReduction', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { BITMASK => { 0 => 'Noise Reduction', 1 => 'Noise Filter', 2 => 'Noise Filter (ISO Boost)', }, }, }, 0x10b => { Name => 'RawDevEngine', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { 0 => 'High Speed', 1 => 'High Function', }, }, 0x10c => { Name => 'RawDevPictureMode', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { 1 => 'Vivid', 2 => 'Natural', 3 => 'Muted', 256 => 'Monotone', 512 => 'Sepia', }, }, 0x10d => { Name => 'RawDevPMSaturation', Writable => 'int16s', Count => 3, }, 0x10e => { Name => 'RawDevPMContrast', Writable => 'int16s', Count => 3, }, 0x10f => { Name => 'RawDevPMSharpness', Writable => 'int16s', Count => 3, }, 0x110 => { Name => 'RawDevPM_BWFilter', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { 1 => 'Neutral', 2 => 'Yellow', 3 => 'Orange', 4 => 'Red', 5 => 'Green', }, }, 0x111 => { Name => 'RawDevPMPictureTone', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { 1 => 'Neutral', 2 => 'Sepia', 3 => 'Blue', 4 => 'Purple', 5 => 'Green', }, }, 0x112 => { Name => 'RawDevGradation', Writable => 'int16s', Count => 3, }, 0x113 => { Name => 'RawDevSaturation3', Writable => 'int16s', Count => 3, #(NC) }, 0x119 => { Name => 'RawDevAutoGradation', Writable => 'int16u', #(NC) PrintConv => \%offOn, }, 0x120 => { Name => 'RawDevPMNoiseFilter', Writable => 'int16u', #(NC) }, ); # Olympus Image processing IFD %Image::ExifTool::Olympus::ImageProcessing = ( WRITE_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::Exif::WriteExif, CHECK_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::Exif::CheckExif, WRITABLE => 1, GROUPS => { 0 => 'MakerNotes', 2 => 'Camera' }, 0x000 => { #PH Name => 'ImageProcessingVersion', Writable => 'undef', Count => 4, }, 0x100 => { #6 Name => 'WB_RBLevels', Writable => 'int16u', Count => 2, }, 0x102 => { #11 Name => 'WB_RBLevels3000K', Writable => 'int16u', Count => 2, }, 0x103 => { #11 Name => 'WB_RBLevels3300K', Writable => 'int16u', Count => 2, }, 0x104 => { #11 Name => 'WB_RBLevels3600K', Writable => 'int16u', Count => 2, }, 0x105 => { #11 Name => 'WB_RBLevels3900K', Writable => 'int16u', Count => 2, }, 0x106 => { #11 Name => 'WB_RBLevels4000K', Writable => 'int16u', Count => 2, }, 0x107 => { #11 Name => 'WB_RBLevels4300K', Writable => 'int16u', Count => 2, }, 0x108 => { #11 Name => 'WB_RBLevels4500K', Writable => 'int16u', Count => 2, }, 0x109 => { #11 Name => 'WB_RBLevels4800K', Writable => 'int16u', Count => 2, }, 0x10a => { #11 Name => 'WB_RBLevels5300K', Writable => 'int16u', Count => 2, }, 0x10b => { #11 Name => 'WB_RBLevels6000K', Writable => 'int16u', Count => 2, }, 0x10c => { #11 Name => 'WB_RBLevels6600K', Writable => 'int16u', Count => 2, }, 0x10d => { #11 Name => 'WB_RBLevels7500K', Writable => 'int16u', Count => 2, }, 0x10e => { #11 Name => 'WB_RBLevelsCWB1', Writable => 'int16u', Count => 2, }, 0x10f => { #11 Name => 'WB_RBLevelsCWB2', Writable => 'int16u', Count => 2, }, 0x110 => { #11 Name => 'WB_RBLevelsCWB3', Writable => 'int16u', Count => 2, }, 0x111 => { #11 Name => 'WB_RBLevelsCWB4', Writable => 'int16u', Count => 2, }, 0x113 => { #11 Name => 'WB_GLevel3000K', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x114 => { #11 Name => 'WB_GLevel3300K', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x115 => { #11 Name => 'WB_GLevel3600K', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x116 => { #11 Name => 'WB_GLevel3900K', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x117 => { #11 Name => 'WB_GLevel4000K', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x118 => { #11 Name => 'WB_GLevel4300K', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x119 => { #11 Name => 'WB_GLevel4500K', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x11a => { #11 Name => 'WB_GLevel4800K', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x11b => { #11 Name => 'WB_GLevel5300K', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x11c => { #11 Name => 'WB_GLevel6000K', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x11d => { #11 Name => 'WB_GLevel6600K', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x11e => { #11 Name => 'WB_GLevel7500K', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x11f => { #11 Name => 'WB_GLevel', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x200 => { #6 Name => 'ColorMatrix', Writable => 'int16u', Format => 'int16s', Count => 9, }, # color matrices (ref 11): # 0x0201-0x020d are sRGB color matrices # 0x020e-0x021a are Adobe RGB color matrices # 0x021b-0x0227 are ProPhoto RGB color matrices # 0x0228 and 0x0229 are ColorMatrix for E-330 # 0x0250-0x0252 are sRGB color matrices # 0x0253-0x0255 are Adobe RGB color matrices # 0x0256-0x0258 are ProPhoto RGB color matrices 0x300 => { #11 Name => 'Enhancer', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x301 => { #11 Name => 'EnhancerValues', Writable => 'int16u', Count => 7, }, 0x310 => { #11 Name => 'CoringFilter', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x0311 => { #11 Name => 'CoringValues', Writable => 'int16u', Count => 7, }, 0x600 => { #11 Name => 'BlackLevel2', Writable => 'int16u', Count => 4, }, 0x610 => { #11 Name => 'GainBase', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x611 => { #4/6 Name => 'ValidBits', Writable => 'int16u', Count => 2, }, 0x612 => { #11 Name => 'CropLeft', Writable => 'int16u', Count => 2, }, 0x613 => { #11 Name => 'CropTop', Writable => 'int16u', Count => 2, }, 0x614 => { #PH/11 Name => 'CropWidth', Writable => 'int32u', }, 0x615 => { #PH/11 Name => 'CropHeight', Writable => 'int32u', }, # 0x800 LensDistortionParams, float[9] (ref 11) # 0x801 LensShadingParams, int16u[16] (ref 11) # 0x1010-0x1012 are the processing options used in camera or in # Olympus software, which 0x050a-0x050c are in-camera only (ref 6) 0x1010 => { #PH/4 Name => 'NoiseReduction2', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { BITMASK => { 0 => 'Noise Reduction', 1 => 'Noise Filter', 2 => 'Noise Filter (ISO Boost)', }, }, }, 0x1011 => { #6 Name => 'DistortionCorrection2', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => \%offOn, }, 0x1012 => { #PH/4 Name => 'ShadingCompensation2', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => \%offOn, }, 0x1103 => { #PH Name => 'UnknownBlock', Writable => 'undef', Notes => 'unknown 142kB block in ORF images, not copied to JPEG images', # 'Drop' because too large for APP1 in JPEG images Flags => [ 'Unknown', 'Binary', 'Drop' ], }, 0x1200 => { #11 Name => 'FaceDetect', Writable => 'int32u', Count => -1, Notes => '2 or 3 values', Relist => [ [0, 1], 2 ], PrintConv => [{ '0 0' => 'Off', '1 0' => 'On', }, {}], }, 0x1201 => { #11 Name => 'FaceDetectArea', Writable => 'int16s', Count => 80, Binary => 1, }, ); # Olympus Focus Info IFD %Image::ExifTool::Olympus::FocusInfo = ( WRITE_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::Exif::WriteExif, CHECK_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::Exif::CheckExif, WRITABLE => 1, GROUPS => { 0 => 'MakerNotes', 2 => 'Camera' }, 0x000 => { #PH Name => 'FocusInfoVersion', Writable => 'undef', Count => 4, }, 0x209 => { #PH/4 Name => 'AutoFocus', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => \%offOn, Unknown => 1, #6 }, 0x210 => { #11 Name => 'SceneDetect', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x211 => { #11 Name => 'SceneArea', Writable => 'int32u', Count => 8, Unknown => 1, # (numbers don't make much sense?) }, 0x212 => { #11 Name => 'SceneDetectData', Writable => 'int32u', Count => 720, Binary => 1, Unknown => 1, # (but what does it mean?) }, 0x300 => { #6 Name => 'ZoomStepCount', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x301 => { #11 Name => 'FocusStepCount', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x303 => { #11 Name => 'FocusStepInfinity', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x304 => { #11 Name => 'FocusStepNear', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x305 => { #4 Name => 'FocusDistance', Writable => 'rational64u', # this rational value looks like it is in mm when the denominator is # 1 (E-1), and cm when denominator is 10 (E-300), so if we ignore the # denominator we are consistently in mm - PH Format => 'int32u', Count => 2, ValueConv => q{ my ($a,$b) = split ' ',$val; return 0 if $a == 0xffffffff; return $a / 1000; }, ValueConvInv => q{ return '4294967295 1' unless $val; $val = int($val * 1000 + 0.5); return "$val 1"; }, PrintConv => '$val ? "$val m" : "inf"', PrintConvInv => '$val eq "inf" ? 0 : $val=~s/\s*m$//, $val', }, 0x308 => [ { Name => 'AFPoint', Condition => '$$self{Model} =~ /E-3\b/', Writable => 'int16u', PrintHex => 1, # decoded by ref 6 Notes => q{ for E-3, the value is separated into 2 parts: low 5 bits give AP point, upper bits give AF target selection mode }, ValueConv => '($val & 0x1f) . " " . ($val & 0xffe0)', ValueConvInv => 'my @v=split(" ",$val); @v == 2 ? $v[0] + $v[1] : $val', PrintConv => [ { 0x00 => '(none)', 0x01 => 'Top-left (horizontal)', 0x02 => 'Top-center (horizontal)', 0x03 => 'Top-right (horizontal)', 0x04 => 'Left (horizontal)', 0x05 => 'Mid-left (horizontal)', 0x06 => 'Center (horizontal)', 0x07 => 'Mid-right (horizontal)', 0x08 => 'Right (horizontal)', 0x09 => 'Bottom-left (horizontal)', 0x0a => 'Bottom-center (horizontal)', 0x0b => 'Bottom-right (horizontal)', 0x0c => 'Top-left (vertical)', 0x0d => 'Top-center (vertical)', 0x0e => 'Top-right (vertical)', 0x0f => 'Left (vertical)', 0x10 => 'Mid-left (vertical)', 0x11 => 'Center (vertical)', 0x12 => 'Mid-right (vertical)', 0x13 => 'Right (vertical)', 0x14 => 'Bottom-left (vertical)', 0x15 => 'Bottom-center (vertical)', 0x16 => 'Bottom-right (vertical)', }, { 0x00 => 'Single Target', 0x40 => 'All Target', 0x80 => 'Dynamic Single Target', } ], },{ #11 Name => 'AFPoint', Writable => 'int16u', Notes => 'other models', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Left', 1 => 'Center (horizontal)', #6 (E-510) 2 => 'Right', 3 => 'Center (vertical)', #6 (E-510) 255 => 'None', }, } ], # 0x31a Continuous AF parameters? # 0x1200-0x1209 Flash information: 0x1201 => { #6 Name => 'ExternalFlash', Writable => 'int16u', Count => 2, PrintConv => { '0 0' => 'Off', '1 0' => 'On', }, }, 0x1203 => { #11 Name => 'ExternalFlashGuideNumber', Writable => 'rational64s', Unknown => 1, # (needs verification) }, 0x1204 => { #11(reversed)/7 Name => 'ExternalFlashBounce', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Bounce or Off', 1 => 'Direct', }, }, 0x1205 => { #11 (ref converts to mm using table) Name => 'ExternalFlashZoom', Writable => 'rational64u', }, 0x1208 => { #6 Name => 'InternalFlash', Writable => 'int16u', Count => -1, PrintConv => { '0' => 'Off', '1' => 'On', '0 0' => 'Off', '1 0' => 'On', }, }, 0x1209 => { #6 Name => 'ManualFlash', Writable => 'int16u', Count => 2, Notes => '2 numbers: 1. 0=Off, 1=On, 2. Flash strength', PrintConv => q{ my ($a,$b) = split ' ',$val; return 'Off' unless $a; $b = ($b == 1) ? 'Full' : "1/$b"; return "On ($b strength)"; }, }, 0x1500 => { #6 Name => 'SensorTemperature', Writable => 'int16s', Notes => q{ approximately Celsius for E-1, unknown calibration for E-3/410/420/510, and always zero for E-300/330/400/500 }, }, 0x1600 => { # ref http://fourthirdsphoto.com/vbb/showpost.php?p=107607&postcount=15 Name => 'ImageStabilization', Writable => 'undef', # if the first 4 bytes are non-zero, then bit 0x01 of byte 44 # gives the stabilization mode PrintConv => q{ $val =~ /^\0{4}/ ? 'Off' : 'On, ' . (unpack('x44C',$val) & 0x01 ? 'Mode 1' : 'Mode 2') }, }, # 0x102a same as Subdir4-0x300 ); # Olympus raw information tags (ref 6) %Image::ExifTool::Olympus::RawInfo = ( WRITE_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::Exif::WriteExif, CHECK_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::Exif::CheckExif, NOTES => 'These tags are found only in ORF images of some models (ie. C8080WZ).', GROUPS => { 0 => 'MakerNotes', 2 => 'Camera' }, 0x000 => { Name => 'RawInfoVersion', Writable => 'undef', Count => 4, }, 0x100 => { Name => 'WB_RBLevelsUsed', Writable => 'int16', Count => 2, }, 0x110 => { Name => 'WB_RBLevelsAuto', Writable => 'int16', Count => 2, }, 0x120 => { Name => 'WB_RBLevelsShade', Writable => 'int16', Count => 2, }, 0x121 => { Name => 'WB_RBLevelsCloudy', Writable => 'int16', Count => 2, }, 0x122 => { Name => 'WB_RBLevelsFineWeather', Writable => 'int16', Count => 2, }, 0x123 => { Name => 'WB_RBLevelsTungsten', Writable => 'int16', Count => 2, }, 0x124 => { Name => 'WB_RBLevelsEveningSunlight', Writable => 'int16', Count => 2, }, 0x130 => { Name => 'WB_RBLevelsDaylightFluor', Writable => 'int16', Count => 2, }, 0x131 => { Name => 'WB_RBLevelsDayWhiteFluor', Writable => 'int16', Count => 2, }, 0x132 => { Name => 'WB_RBLevelsCoolWhiteFluor', Writable => 'int16', Count => 2, }, 0x133 => { Name => 'WB_RBLevelsWhiteFluorescent', Writable => 'int16', Count => 2, }, 0x200 => { Name => 'ColorMatrix2', Format => 'int16s', Writable => 'int16u', Count => 9, }, # 0x240 => 'ColorMatrixDefault', ? # 0x250 => 'ColorMatrixSaturation', ? # 0x251 => 'ColorMatrixHue', ? # 0x252 => 'ColorMatrixContrast', ? # 0x300 => sharpness-related # 0x301 => list of sharpness-related values 0x310 => { Name => 'CoringFilter', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x311 => { Name => 'CoringValues', Writable => 'int16u', Count => 11, }, 0x600 => { Name => 'BlackLevel2', Writable => 'int16u', Count => 4, }, 0x601 => { Name => 'YCbCrCoefficients', Notes => 'stored as int16u[6], but extracted as rational32u[3]', Format => 'rational32u', }, 0x611 => { Name => 'ValidPixelDepth', Writable => 'int16u', Count => 2, }, 0x612 => { #11 Name => 'CropLeft', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x613 => { #11 Name => 'CropTop', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x614 => { Name => 'CropWidth', Writable => 'int32u', }, 0x615 => { Name => 'CropHeight', Writable => 'int32u', }, 0x1000 => { Name => 'LightSource', Writable => 'int16u', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Unknown', 16 => 'Shade', 17 => 'Cloudy', 18 => 'Fine Weather', 20 => 'Tungsten (incandescent)', 22 => 'Evening Sunlight', 33 => 'Daylight Fluorescent (D 5700 - 7100K)', 34 => 'Day White Fluorescent (N 4600 - 5400K)', 35 => 'Cool White Fluorescent (W 3900 - 4500K)', 36 => 'White Fluorescent (WW 3200 - 3700K)', 256 => 'One Touch White Balance', 512 => 'Custom 1-4', }, }, # the following 5 tags all have 3 values: val, min, max 0x1001 => { Name => 'WhiteBalanceComp', Writable => 'int16s', Count => 3, }, 0x1010 => { Name => 'SaturationSetting', Writable => 'int16s', Count => 3, }, 0x1011 => { Name => 'HueSetting', Writable => 'int16s', Count => 3, }, 0x1012 => { Name => 'ContrastSetting', Writable => 'int16s', Count => 3, }, 0x1013 => { Name => 'SharpnessSetting', Writable => 'int16s', Count => 3, }, # settings written by Camedia Master 4.x 0x2000 => { Name => 'CMExposureCompensation', Writable => 'rational64s', }, 0x2001 => { Name => 'CMWhiteBalance', Writable => 'int16u', }, 0x2002 => { Name => 'CMWhiteBalanceComp', Writable => 'int16s', }, 0x2010 => { Name => 'CMWhiteBalanceGrayPoint', Writable => 'int16u', Count => 3, }, 0x2020 => { Name => 'CMSaturation', Writable => 'int16s', Count => 3, }, 0x2021 => { Name => 'CMHue', Writable => 'int16s', Count => 3, }, 0x2022 => { Name => 'CMContrast', Writable => 'int16s', Count => 3, }, 0x2023 => { Name => 'CMSharpness', Writable => 'int16s', Count => 3, }, ); # Tags found only in some FE models %Image::ExifTool::Olympus::FETags = ( WRITE_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::Exif::WriteExif, CHECK_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::Exif::CheckExif, GROUPS => { 0 => 'MakerNotes', 2 => 'Camera' }, NOTES => q{ Some FE models write a large number of tags here, but most of this information remains unknown. }, 0x0100 => { Name => 'BodyFirmwareVersion', Writable => 'string', }, ); # tags in Olympus QuickTime videos (ref PH) # (similar information in Kodak,Minolta,Nikon,Olympus,Pentax and Sanyo videos) %Image::ExifTool::Olympus::MOV1 = ( PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessBinaryData, GROUPS => { 0 => 'MakerNotes', 2 => 'Camera' }, FIRST_ENTRY => 0, NOTES => q{ This information is found in MOV videos from Olympus models such as the D540Z, D595Z, FE100, FE110, FE115, FE170 and FE200. }, 0x00 => { Name => 'Make', Format => 'string[24]', }, 0x18 => { Name => 'Model', Format => 'string[8]', }, # (01 00 at offset 0x20) 0x26 => { Name => 'ExposureUnknown', Unknown => 1, Format => 'int32u', # this conversion doesn't work for all models (ie. gives "1/100000") ValueConv => '$val ? 10 / $val : 0', PrintConv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::PrintExposureTime($val)', }, 0x2a => { Name => 'FNumber', Format => 'rational64u', PrintConv => 'sprintf("%.1f",$val)', }, 0x32 => { #(NC) Name => 'ExposureCompensation', Format => 'rational64s', PrintConv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)', }, # 0x44 => WhiteBalance ? 0x48 => { Name => 'FocalLength', Format => 'rational64u', PrintConv => 'sprintf("%.1f mm",$val)', }, # 0xb1 => 'ISO', #(I don't think this works - PH) ); # tags in Olympus QuickTime videos (ref PH) # (similar information in Kodak,Minolta,Nikon,Olympus,Pentax and Sanyo videos) %Image::ExifTool::Olympus::MOV2 = ( PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessBinaryData, GROUPS => { 0 => 'MakerNotes', 2 => 'Camera' }, FIRST_ENTRY => 0, NOTES => q{ This information is found in MOV videos from Olympus models such as the FE120, FE140 and FE190. }, 0x00 => { Name => 'Make', Format => 'string[24]', }, 0x18 => { Name => 'Model', Format => 'string[24]', }, # (01 00 at offset 0x30) 0x36 => { Name => 'ExposureTime', Format => 'int32u', ValueConv => '$val ? 10 / $val : 0', PrintConv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::PrintExposureTime($val)', }, 0x3a => { Name => 'FNumber', Format => 'rational64u', PrintConv => 'sprintf("%.1f",$val)', }, 0x42 => { #(NC) Name => 'ExposureCompensation', Format => 'rational64s', PrintConv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)', }, 0x58 => { Name => 'FocalLength', Format => 'rational64u', PrintConv => 'sprintf("%.1f mm",$val)', }, 0xc1 => { Name => 'ISO', Format => 'int16u', }, ); # tags in Olympus AVI videos (ref PH) %Image::ExifTool::Olympus::AVI = ( PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessBinaryData, GROUPS => { 0 => 'MakerNotes', 2 => 'Camera' }, FIRST_ENTRY => 0, NOTES => 'This information is found in Olympus AVI videos.', 0x12 => { Name => 'Make', Format => 'string[24]', }, 0x2c => { Name => 'ModelType', Format => 'string[24]', }, 0x5e => { Name => 'FNumber', Format => 'rational64u', PrintConv => 'sprintf("%.1f",$val)', }, 0x83 => { Name => 'DateTime1', Format => 'string[24]', }, 0x9d => { Name => 'DateTime2', Format => 'string[24]', }, 0x12d => { Name => 'ThumbnailLength', Format => 'int32u', }, 0x131 => { Name => 'ThumbnailImage', Format => 'undef[$val{0x12d}]', Notes => '160x120 JPEG thumbnail image', RawConv => '$self->ValidateImage(\$val,$tag)', }, ); # Olympus composite tags %Image::ExifTool::Olympus::Composite = ( GROUPS => { 2 => 'Camera' }, ExtenderStatus => { Notes => q{ Olympus cameras have the quirk that they may retain the extender settings after the extender is removed until the camera is powered off. This tag is an attempt to represent the actual status of the extender. }, Require => { 0 => 'Olympus:Extender', 1 => 'Olympus:LensType', 2 => 'MaxApertureValue', }, ValueConv => 'Image::ExifTool::Olympus::ExtenderStatus($val[0],$prt[1],$val[2])', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Not attached', 1 => 'Attached', 2 => 'Removed', }, }, ); # add our composite tags Image::ExifTool::AddCompositeTags('Image::ExifTool::Olympus'); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Determine if the extender (EX-25/EC-14) was really attached (ref 9) # Inputs: 0) Extender, 1) LensType string, 2) MaxApertureAtMaxFocal # Returns: 0=not attached, 1=attached, 2=could have been removed # Notes: Olympus has a bug in the in-camera firmware which results in the # extender information being cached and written into the EXIF data even after # the extender has been removed. You must power cycle the camera to prevent it # from writing the cached extender information into the EXIF data. sub ExtenderStatus($$$) { my ($extender, $lensType, $maxAperture) = @_; my @info = split ' ', $extender; # validate that extender identifier is reasonable return 0 unless @info >= 4 and $info[2]; # if it's not an EC-14 (id 0 4) then assume it was really attached # (other extenders don't seem to affect the reported max aperture) return 1 if "$info[0] $info[2]" ne "0 4"; # get the maximum aperture for this lens (in $1) $lensType =~ / F(\d+(.\d+)?)/ or return 1; # If the maximum aperture at the maximum focal length is greater than the # known max/max aperture of the lens, then the extender must be attached return ($maxAperture - $1 > 0.2) ? 1 : 2; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Print lens information (ref 6) # Inputs: 0) Lens info (string of integers: Make, Unknown, Model, Release, ...) # 1) 'Lens' or 'Extender' sub PrintLensInfo($$) { my ($val, $type) = @_; my @info = split ' ', $val; return "Unknown ($val)" unless @info >= 4; return 'None' unless $info[2]; my %make = ( 0 => 'Olympus', 1 => 'Sigma', 2 => 'Leica', 3 => 'Leica', ); my %model = ( Lens => { # Olympus lenses (key is "make model" with optional "release") '0 1 0' => 'Zuiko Digital ED 50mm F2.0 Macro', '0 1 1' => 'Zuiko Digital 40-150mm F3.5-4.5', #8 '0 2' => 'Zuiko Digital ED 150mm F2.0', '0 3' => 'Zuiko Digital ED 300mm F2.8', '0 5 0' => 'Zuiko Digital 14-54mm F2.8-3.5', '0 5 1' => 'Zuiko Digital Pro ED 90-250mm F2.8', #9 '0 6 0' => 'Zuiko Digital ED 50-200mm F2.8-3.5', '0 6 1' => 'Zuiko Digital ED 8mm F3.5 Fisheye', #9 '0 7 0' => 'Zuiko Digital 11-22mm F2.8-3.5', '0 7 1' => 'Zuiko Digital 18-180mm F3.5-6.3', #6 '0 8' => 'Zuiko Digital 70-300mm F4.0-5.6', #7 '0 21' => 'Zuiko Digital ED 7-14mm F4.0', '0 23' => 'Zuiko Digital Pro ED 35-100mm F2.0', #7 '0 24' => 'Zuiko Digital 14-45mm F3.5-5.6', '0 32' => 'Zuiko Digital 35mm F3.5 Macro', #9 '0 34' => 'Zuiko Digital 17.5-45mm F3.5-5.6', #9 '0 35' => 'Zuiko Digital ED 14-42mm F3.5-5.6', #PH '0 36' => 'Zuiko Digital ED 40-150mm F4.0-5.6', #PH '0 48' => 'Zuiko Digital ED 50-200mm F2.8-3.5 SWD', #7 '0 49' => 'Zuiko Digital ED 12-60mm F2.8-4.0 SWD', #7 '0 50' => 'Zuiko Digital ED 14-35mm F2.0 SWD', #PH '0 51' => 'Zuiko Digital 25mm F2.8', #PH # Sigma lenses '1 1' => '18-50mm F3.5-5.6', #8 '1 2' => '55-200mm F4.0-5.6 DC', '1 3' => '18-125mm F3.5-5.6 DC', '1 4' => '18-125mm F3.5-5.6', #7 '1 5' => '30mm F1.4', #10 '1 6' => '50-500mm F4.0-6.3 EX DG APO HSM RF', #6 '1 7' => '105mm F2.8 DG', #PH '1 8' => '150mm F2.8 DG HSM', #PH '1 17' => '135-400mm F4.5-5.6 DG ASP APO RF', #11 '1 18' => '300-800mm F5.6 EX DG APO', #11 # Leica lenses (ref 11) '2 1' => 'D Vario Elmarit 14-50mm F2.8-3.5 Asph.', '2 2' => 'D Summilux 25mm F1.4 Asph.', '2 3 1' => 'D Vario Elmar 14-50mm F3.8-5.6 Asph.', #14 (L10 kit) '2 4' => 'D Vario Elmar 14-150mm F3.5-5.6', #13 '3 1' => 'D Vario Elmarit 14-50mm F2.8-3.5 Asph.', '3 2' => 'D Summilux 25mm F1.4 Asph.', }, Extender => { # Olympus extenders '0 4' => 'Zuiko Digital EC-14 1.4x Teleconverter', '0 8' => 'EX-25 Extension Tube', '0 16' => 'Zuiko Digital EC-20 2.0x Teleconverter', #7 }, ); my %release = ( 0 => '', # production 1 => ' (pre-release)', ); my $make = $make{$info[0]} || "Unknown Make ($info[0])"; my $str = "$info[0] $info[2]"; my $rel = $release{$info[3]}; my $model = $model{$type}->{"$str $info[3]"}; if ($model) { $rel = ''; # don't print release if it is used to differentiate models } else { $rel = " Unknown Release ($info[3])" unless defined $rel; $model = $model{$type}->{$str} || "Unknown Model ($str)"; } return "$make $model$rel"; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Print AF points # Inputs: 0) AF point data (string of integers) # Notes: I'm just guessing that the 2nd and 4th bytes are the Y coordinates, # and that more AF points will show up in the future (derived from E-1 images, # and the E-1 uses just one of 3 possible AF points, all centered in Y) - PH sub PrintAFAreas($) { my $val = shift; my @points = split ' ', $val; my %afPointNames = ( 0x36794285 => 'Left', 0x79798585 => 'Center', 0xBD79C985 => 'Right', ); $val = ''; my $pt; foreach $pt (@points) { next unless $pt; $val and $val .= ', '; $afPointNames{$pt} and $val .= $afPointNames{$pt} . ' '; my @coords = unpack('C4',pack('N',$pt)); $val .= "($coords[0],$coords[1])-($coords[2],$coords[3])"; } $val or $val = 'none'; return $val; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Process ORF file # Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) directory information reference # Returns: 1 if this looked like a valid ORF file, 0 otherwise sub ProcessORF($$) { my ($exifTool, $dirInfo) = @_; return $exifTool->ProcessTIFF($dirInfo); } 1; # end __END__ =head1 NAME Image::ExifTool::Olympus - Olympus/Epson maker notes tags =head1 SYNOPSIS This module is loaded automatically by Image::ExifTool when required. =head1 DESCRIPTION This module contains definitions required by Image::ExifTool to interpret Olympus or Epson maker notes in EXIF information. =head1 AUTHOR Copyright 2003-2008, Phil Harvey (phil at owl.phy.queensu.ca) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 REFERENCES =over 4 =item L =item L =item L =item L =back =head1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks to Markku Hanninen, Remi Guyomarch, Frank Ledwon, Michael Meissner, Mark Dapoz and Ioannis Panagiotopoulos for their help figuring out some Olympus tags, and Lilo Huang, Chris Shaw and Viktor Lushnikov for adding to the LensType list. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L =cut