package HTML::Widgets::NavMenu::Tree::Node;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'HTML::Widgets::NavMenu::Object';
use base 'Class::Accessor';
qw(CurrentlyActive expanded hide host role rec_url_type),
qw(separator show_always skip subs text title url url_is_abs url_type),
use HTML::Widgets::NavMenu::ExpandVal;
=head1 NAME
HTML::Widgets::NavMenu::Tree::Node - an iterator for HTML.
For internal use only.
=head1 METHODS
sub _init
my $self = shift;
$self->set("subs", []);
return $self;
=head2 $self->expand()
Expands the node.
sub expand
my $self = shift;
my $v = @_ ? (shift(@_)) :
HTML::Widgets::NavMenu::ExpandVal->new(capture => 1)
# Don't set it to something if it's already capture_expanded(),
# otherwise it can set as a non-capturing expansion.
if (! $self->capture_expanded())
return 0;
=head2 $self->mark_as_current()
Marks the node as the current node.
sub mark_as_current
my $self = shift;
return 0;
sub _process_new_sub
my $self = shift;
my $sub = shift;
=head2 $self->update_based_on_sub
Propagate changes.
sub update_based_on_sub
my $self = shift;
my $sub = shift;
if (my $expand_val = $sub->expanded())
=head2 $self->add_sub()
Adds a new subroutine.
sub add_sub
my $self = shift;
my $sub = shift;
push (@{$self->subs}, $sub);
return 0;
=head2 $self->get_nth_sub($idx)
Get the $idx sub.
sub get_nth_sub
my $self = shift;
my $idx = shift;
return $self->subs()->[$idx];
sub _num_subs
my $self = shift;
return scalar(@{$self->{'subs'}});
=head2 $self->list_regular_keys()
Customisation to list the regular keys.
sub list_regular_keys
my $self = shift;
return (qw(host rec_url_type role show_always text title url url_type));
=head2 $self->list_boolean_keys()
Customisation to list the boolean keys.
sub list_boolean_keys
my $self = shift;
return (qw(hide separator skip url_is_abs));
=head2 $self->set_values_from_hash_ref($hash)
Set the values from the hash ref.
sub set_values_from_hash_ref
my $self = shift;
my $sub_contents = shift;
foreach my $key ($self->list_regular_keys())
if (exists($sub_contents->{$key}))
$self->set($key, $sub_contents->{$key});
foreach my $key ($self->list_boolean_keys())
if ($sub_contents->{$key})
$self->set($key, 1);
=head2 my $bool = $self->capture_expanded()
Tests whether the node is expanded and in a capturing way.
sub capture_expanded
my $self = shift;
if (my $e = $self->expanded())
return $e->is_capturing();
Copyright 2006 Shlomi Fish, all rights reserved.
This program is released under the following license: MIT X11.