package HTML::Widget::Result;
use warnings;
use strict;
use base qw/HTML::Widget::Accessor/;
use HTML::Widget::Container;
use HTML::Widget::Error;
use HTML::Element;
use Storable 'dclone';
use Carp qw/carp croak/;
qw/attributes container subcontainer strict submitted
element_container_class implicit_subcontainer/
__PACKAGE__->mk_attr_accessors(qw/action enctype id method empty_errors/);
use overload '""' => sub { return shift->as_xml }, fallback => 1;
*attrs = \&attributes;
*name = \&id;
*error = \&errors;
*has_error = \&has_errors;
*have_errors = \&has_errors;
*element = \&elements;
*parameters = \¶ms;
*tag = \&container;
*subtag = \&subcontainer;
*is_submitted = \&submitted;
=head1 NAME
HTML::Widget::Result - Result Class
see L
Result Class.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 action
Arguments: $action
Return Value: $action
Contains the form action.
=head2 as_xml
Return Value: $xml
Returns xml.
sub as_xml {
my $self = shift;
my $element_container_class = $self->{element_container_class};
my $c = HTML::Element->new( $self->container );
$c->attr( $_ => ${ $self->attributes }{$_} )
for ( keys %{ $self->attributes } );
my $params = dclone $self->{_params};
for my $element (
$self->{_elements}, $params, $element_container_class
) )
$c->push_content( $element->as_list ) unless $element->passive;
return $c->as_XML;
=head2 container
Arguments: $tag
Return Value: $tag
Contains the container tag.
=head2 enctype
Arguments: $enctype
Return Value: $enctype
Contains the form encoding type.
=head2 errors
=head2 error
Arguments: $name, $type
Return Value: @errors
Returns a list of L objects.
my @errors = $form->errors;
my @errors = $form->errors('foo');
my @errors = $form->errors( 'foo', 'ASCII' );
L is an alias for L.
sub errors {
my ( $self, $name, $type ) = @_;
return 0 if $name && !$self->{_errors}->{$name};
my $errors = [];
my @names = $name || keys %{ $self->{_errors} };
for my $n (@names) {
for my $error ( @{ $self->{_errors}->{$n} } ) {
next if $type && $error->{type} ne $type;
push @$errors, $error;
return @$errors;
=head2 elements
=head2 element
Arguments: $name (optional)
Return Value: @elements
If C<$name> argument is supplied, returns a L
object for the first element matching C<$name>. Otherwise, returns a list
of L objects for all elements.
my @form = $f->elements;
my $age = $f->elements('age');
L is an alias for L.
sub elements {
my ( $self, $name ) = @_;
my $params = dclone $self->{_params};
if ( $self->implicit_subcontainer ) {
return $self->_get_elements(
$self->{_elements}->[0]->content, $params,
$self->{element_container_class}, $name
return $self->_get_elements( $self->{_elements}, $params,
$self->{element_container_class}, $name );
=head2 elements_ref
Arguments: $name (optional)
Return Value: \@elements
Accepts the same arguments as L, but returns an arrayref
of results instead of a list.
sub elements_ref {
my $self = shift;
return [ $self->elements(@_) ];
=head2 find_result_element
Arguments: $name
Return Value: @elements
Looks for the named element and returns a L
object for it if found.
sub find_result_element {
my ( $self, $name ) = @_;
my @elements = $self->find_elements( name => $name );
return unless @elements;
my $params = dclone $self->{_params};
return $self->_get_elements( [ $elements[0] ],
$params, $self->{element_container_class}, $name );
=head2 elements_for
Arguments: $name
Return Value: @elements
If the named element is a Block or NullContainer element, return a list
of L objects for the contents of that element.
sub elements_for {
my ( $self, $name ) = @_;
my @elements = $self->find_elements( name => $name );
return unless @elements;
my $ble = $elements[0];
return unless $ble->isa('HTML::Widget::Element::NullContainer');
my $params = dclone $self->{_params};
return $self->_get_elements( $ble->content, $params,
$self->{element_container_class} );
# code reuse++
sub _get_elements {
my ( $self, $elements, $params, $element_container_class, $name ) = @_;
my %javascript;
for my $js_callback ( @{ $self->{_js_callbacks} } ) {
my $javascript = $js_callback->( $self->name );
for my $key ( keys %$javascript ) {
$javascript{$key} .= $javascript->{$key} if $javascript->{$key};
# the hashref of args is carried through - recursively as necessary
# - to _containerize_elements().
return $self->_containerize_elements(
{ name => $name,
params => $params,
element_container_class => $element_container_class,
javascript => \%javascript,
toplevel => 1,
submitted => $self->submitted,
} );
# also called by HTML::Element::Block, so code reuse++ again
sub _containerize_elements {
my ( $self, $elements, $argsref ) = @_;
my $args = dclone $argsref; # make copy to pass on
my ( $element_container_class, $javascript, $name, $params, $toplevel )
= @$args{qw(element_container_class javascript name params toplevel)};
delete $args->{toplevel};
my @content;
for my $element (@$elements) {
local $element->{container_class} = $element_container_class
if $element_container_class;
local $element->{_anonymous} = 1
if ( $self->implicit_subcontainer and $toplevel );
my ( $value, $error ) = ( undef, undef );
my $ename = $element->{name};
$value = $params->{$ename} if ( defined($ename) && $params );
next if ( defined($name) && defined($ename) && ( $ename ne $name ) );
$value = $params->{$ename} if ( defined($ename) && $params );
$error = $self->{_errors}->{$ename} if defined $ename;
my $container = $element->containerize( $self, $value, $error, $args );
$container->{javascript} ||= '';
$container->{javascript} .= $javascript->{$ename}
if ( $ename and $javascript->{$ename} );
return $container if defined $name;
push @content, $container;
return @content;
=head2 find_elements
Return Value: @elements
Exactly the same as L
sub find_elements {
# WARNING: Not safe for subclassing
return shift->HTML::Widget::find_elements(@_);
=head2 empty_errors
Arguments: $bool
Return Value: $bool
Create spans for errors even when there's no errors.. (For AJAX validation validation)
=head2 has_errors
=head2 has_error
=head2 have_errors
Arguments: $name
Return Value: $bool
Returns a list of element names.
my @names = $form->has_errors;
my $error = $form->has_errors($name);
L and L are aliases for L.
sub has_errors {
my ( $self, $name ) = @_;
my @names = keys %{ $self->{_errors} };
return @names unless $name;
return 1 if grep {/$name/} @names;
return 0;
=head2 id
Arguments: $id
Return Value: $id
Contains the widget id.
=head2 legend
Arguments: $legend
Return Value: $legend
Contains the legend.
=head2 method
Arguments: $method
Return Value: $method
Contains the form method.
=head2 param
Arguments: $name
Return Value (scalar context): $value or \@values
Return Value (list context): @values
Returns valid parameters with a param method. (read-only)
sub param {
my $self = shift;
carp 'param method is readonly' if @_ > 1;
if ( @_ == 1 ) {
my $param = shift;
my $valid = $self->valid($param);
if ( !$valid || ( !exists $self->{_params}->{$param} ) ) {
return wantarray ? () : undef;
if ( ref $self->{_params}->{$param} eq 'ARRAY' ) {
return (wantarray)
? @{ $self->{_params}->{$param} }
: $self->{_params}->{$param}->[0];
else {
return (wantarray)
? ( $self->{_params}->{$param} )
: $self->{_params}->{$param};
return $self->valid;
=head2 params
=head2 parameters
Return Value: \%params
Returns validated params as hashref.
L is an alias for L.
sub params {
my $self = shift;
my @names = $self->valid;
my %params;
for my $name (@names) {
my @values = $self->param($name);
if ( @values > 1 ) {
$params{$name} = \@values;
else {
$params{$name} = $values[0];
return \%params;
=head2 subcontainer
Arguments: $tag
Return Value: $tag
Contains the subcontainer tag.
=head2 strict
Arguments: $bool
Return Value: $bool
Only consider parameters that pass at least one constraint valid.
=head2 submitted
=head2 is_submitted
Return Value: $bool
Returns true if C<< $widget->process >> received a C<$query> object.
L is an alias for L.
=head2 valid
Return Value: @names
Arguments: $name
Return Value: $bool
Returns a list of element names. Returns true/false if a name is given.
my @names = $form->valid;
my $valid = $form->valid($name);
sub valid {
my ( $self, $name ) = @_;
my @errors = $self->has_errors;
my @names;
if ( $self->strict ) {
for my $constraint ( @{ $self->{_constraints} } ) {
my $names = $constraint->names;
push @names, @$names if $names;
else {
@names = keys %{ $self->{_params} };
my %valid;
CHECK: for my $name (@names) {
for my $error (@errors) {
next CHECK if $name eq $error;
my @valid = keys %valid;
return @valid unless $name;
return 1 if grep {/\Q$name/} @valid;
return 0;
=head2 add_valid
Arguments: $key, $value
Return Value: $value
Adds another valid value to the hash.
sub add_valid {
my ( $self, $key, $value ) = @_;
$self->{_params}->{$key} = $value;
return $value;
=head2 add_error
Arguments: \%attributes
Return Value: $error
$result->add_error({ name => 'foo' });
This allows you to add custom error messages after the widget has processed
the input params.
Accepts 'name', 'type' and 'message' arguments.
The 'name' argument is required. The default value for 'type' is 'Custom'.
The default value for 'message' is 'Invalid Input'.
An example of use.
if ( ! $result->has_errors ) {
my $user = $result->valid('username');
my $pass = $result->valid('password');
if ( ! $app->login( $user, $pass ) ) {
name => 'password',
message => 'Incorrect Password',
In this example, the C<$result> initially contains no errors. If the login()
is unsuccessful though, add_error() is used to add an error to the password
Element. If the user is shown the form again using C<< $result->as_xml >>,
they will be shown an appropriate error message alongside the password
sub add_error {
my ( $self, $args ) = @_;
croak "name argument required" unless defined $args->{name};
$args->{type} = 'Custom' if not exists $args->{type};
$args->{message} = 'Invalid Input' if not exists $args->{message};
my $error = HTML::Widget::Error->new($args);
push @{ $self->{_errors}->{ $args->{name} } }, $error;
return $error;
=head1 AUTHOR
Sebastian Riedel, C
=head1 LICENSE
This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.