package HTML::Widget::Element::Block;
use warnings;
use strict;
use base 'HTML::Widget::Element::NullContainer';
use NEXT;
use Carp qw/croak/;
block_container_class => 'HTML::Widget::BlockContainer' );
__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw/type wrap_sub/);
=head1 NAME
HTML::Widget::Element::Block - Block Level Element
my $e = $widget->element( 'Block', 'div' );
Block Level Element. Base class for HTML::Widget::Element::Fieldset
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new
Returns a new Block element. Not usually required, use
$widget->element() or $block->element() to create a new Block element
within an existing widget or element.
sub new {
return shift->NEXT::new(@_)->type('div');
=head2 type
Default value is div, to create a
container. Can be changed to
create a tag of any type.
=head2 element
Add a new element, nested within this Block. See L
for full documentation.
=head2 push_content
Add previously-created elements to the end of this block's elements.
=head2 unshift_content
Add previously-created elements to the start of this block's elements.
=head2 block_container
Creates a new block container object of type $self->block_container_class.
Defaults to L.
sub block_container {
my ( $self, $attributes ) = @_;
my $class = $self->block_container_class
|| 'HTML::Widget::BlockContainer';
my $file = $class . ".pm";
$file =~ s{::}{/}g;
eval { require $file };
croak "Unable to load block container class $class: $@" if $@;
return $class->new( { passive => $self->passive, %$attributes } );
=head2 block_container_class
Sets the class to be used by $self->block_container. Can be called as a
class or instance method.
sub block_container_class {
my ($self) = shift;
if ( not $_[0] and @_ >= 1 ) {
delete $self->{block_container_class};
return $self->_block_container_class_accessor(@_);
=head2 containerize
Containerize the block and all its contained elements for later
rendering. Uses HTML::Widget::BlockContainer by default, but this can
be over-ridden on a class or instance basis via
sub containerize {
my ( $self, $w, $value, $error, $args ) = @_;
# NB: block-level HTML::Element generated here
my %attrs;
unless ( $self->{_anonymous} ) {
$attrs{id} = $self->id($w);
my $e = HTML::Element->new( $self->type, %attrs );
my @pre_content = $self->_pre_content_elements($w);
my @post_content = $self->_post_content_elements($w);
local $w->{attributes}->{id} = $self->id($w);
my @content = $w->_containerize_elements( $self->content, $args );
$e->attr( $_ => ${ $self->attributes }{$_} )
for ( keys %{ $self->attributes } );
return $self->block_container( {
element => $e,
content => \@content,
pre_content => \@pre_content,
post_content => \@post_content,
wrap_sub => $self->wrap_sub,
name => $self->name,
} );
sub _pre_content_elements { return (); }
sub _post_content_elements { return (); }
=head2 get_elements
my @elements = $self->get_elements;
my @elements = $self->get_elements( type => 'Textfield' );
my @elements = $self->get_elements( name => 'username' );
Returns a list of all elements added to the widget.
If a 'type' argument is given, only returns the elements of that type.
If a 'name' argument is given, only returns the elements with that name.
=head2 get_element
my $element = $self->get_element;
my $element = $self->get_element( type => 'Textfield' );
my $element = $self->get_element( name => 'username' );
Similar to get_elements(), but only returns the first element in the list.
Accepts the same arguments as get_elements().
=head2 find_elements
Similar to get_elements(), and has the same alternate forms, but performs a
recursive search through itself and child elements.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Michael Gray, C
=head1 LICENSE
This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.