# $Id: SimpleLinkExtor.pm,v 1.14 2007/01/03 04:44:01 comdog Exp $ package HTML::SimpleLinkExtor; use strict; use subs qw(); use vars qw($VERSION @ISA %AUTO_METHODS $AUTOLOAD $DEBUG); use AutoLoader; use Carp qw(carp); use HTML::LinkExtor; use URI; $VERSION = sprintf "%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.14 $ =~ m/ (\d+) \. (\d+) /xg; $DEBUG = 0; @ISA = qw(HTML::LinkExtor); %AUTO_METHODS = qw( background attribute href attribute src attribute a tag area tag base tag body tag img tag frame tag iframe tag script tag ); sub new { my $class = shift; my $base = shift; my $self = new HTML::LinkExtor; bless $self, $class; $self->{'_SimpleLinkExtor_base'} = $base; $self->_init_links; return $self; } sub DESTROY { 1 }; sub add_attributes { my $self = shift; my $attr = lc shift; $AUTO_METHODS{ $attr } = 'attribute'; } sub add_tags { my $self = shift; my $tag = lc shift; $AUTO_METHODS{ $tag } = 'tag'; } sub remove_attributes { my $self = shift; my $attr = lc shift; delete $AUTO_METHODS{ $attr }; } sub remove_tags { my $self = shift; my $tag = lc shift; delete $AUTO_METHODS{ $tag }; } sub attribute_list { my $self = shift; grep { $AUTO_METHODS{ $_ } eq 'attribute' } keys %AUTO_METHODS; } sub tag_list { my $self = shift; grep { $AUTO_METHODS{ $_ } eq 'tag' } keys %AUTO_METHODS; } sub clear_links { $_[0]->_init_links } sub links { my $self = shift; return map { $$_[2] } $self->_link_refs; } sub frames { ( $_[0]->frame, $_[0]->iframe ) } sub AUTOLOAD { my $self = shift; my $method = $AUTOLOAD; $method =~ s/.*:://; print STDERR "AUTOLOAD: method is $method\n" if $DEBUG; unless( exists $AUTO_METHODS{$method} ) { carp __PACKAGE__ . ": method $method unknown"; return; } print STDERR "AUTOLOAD: calling _extract\n" if $DEBUG; $self->_extract( $method ); } sub _init_links { my $self = shift; my $links = shift; do { delete $self->{'_SimpleLinkExtor_links'}; return } unless UNIVERSAL::isa( $links, 'ARRAY' ); $self->{'_SimpleLinkExtor_links'} = $links; $self; } sub _link_refs { my $self = shift; my @link_refs; # XXX: this is a bad way to do this. I should check if the # value is a reference. If I want to reset the links, for # instance, I can't just set it to [] because it then goes # through this branch. In _init_links I have to use a delete # which I really don't like. I don't have time to rewrite this # right now though --brian, 20050816 if( ref $self->{'_SimpleLinkExtor_links'} ) { @link_refs = @{$self->{'_SimpleLinkExtor_links'}}; } else { @link_refs = $self->SUPER::links(); $self->_init_links( \@link_refs ); } # defined() so that an empty string means "do not resolve" unless( defined $self->{'_SimpleLinkExtor_base'} ) { my $count = -1; my $found = 0; foreach my $link ( @link_refs ) { $count++; next unless $link->[0] eq 'base' and $link->[1] eq 'href'; $found = 1; $self->{'_SimpleLinkExtor_base'} = $link->[-1]; last; } #remove the BASE HREF link - Good idea, bad idea? #splice @link_refs, $count, 1, () if $found; } $self->_add_base(\@link_refs) if $self->{'_SimpleLinkExtor_base'}; print "_link_refs: there are $#link_refs + 1 links\n" if $DEBUG; return @link_refs; } sub _extract { my $self = shift; my $method = shift; my $position = $AUTO_METHODS{$method} eq 'tag' ? 0 : 1; print "_extract: Position is $position\n" if $DEBUG; my @links = map { $$_[2] } grep { $_->[$position] eq $method } $self->_link_refs; print "_extract: There are $#links + 1 links\n" if $DEBUG; return @links; } sub _add_base { my $self = shift; my $array_ref = shift; my $base = $self->{'_SimpleLinkExtor_base'}; next unless $base; foreach my $tuple ( @$array_ref ) { foreach my $index ( 1 .. $#$tuple ) { next unless exists $AUTO_METHODS{ $tuple->[$index] }; my $url = URI->new( $tuple->[$index + 1] ); next unless ref $url; $tuple->[$index + 1] = $url->abs($base); } } } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME HTML::SimpleLinkExtor - Extract links from HTML =head1 SYNOPSIS use HTML::SimpleLinkExtor; my $extor = HTML::SimpleLinkExtor->new(); $extor->parse_file($filename); #--or-- $extor->parse($html); $extor->parse_file($other_file); # get more links $extor->clear_links; # reset the link list #extract all of the links @all_links = $extor->links; #extract the img links @img_srcs = $extor->img; #extract the frame links @frame_srcs = $extor->frame; #extract the hrefs @area_hrefs = $extor->area; @a_hrefs = $extor->a; @base_hrefs = $extor->base; @hrefs = $extor->href; #extract the body background link @body_bg = $extor->body; @background = $extor->background; =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a simple HTML link extractor designed for the person who does not want to deal with the intricacies of C or the de-referencing needed to get links out of C. You can extract all the links or some of the links (based on the HTML tag name or attribute name). If a EBASE HREFE tag is found, all of the relative URLs will be resolved according to that reference. This module is simply a subclass around C, so it can only parse what that module can handle. Invalid HTML or XHTML may cause problems. If you parse multiple files, the link list grows and contains the aggregate list of links for all of the files parsed. If you want to reset the link list between files, use the clear_links method. =head2 Class Methods =over =item $extor = HTML::SimpleLinkExtor->new() Create the link extractor object. =item $extor = HTML::SimpleLinkExtor->new($base) Create the link extractor object and resolve the relative URLs accoridng to the supplied base URL. The supplied base URL overrides any other base URL found in the HTML. =item $extor = HTML::SimpleLinkExtor->new('') Create the link extractor object and do not resolve relative links. =item HTML::SimpleLinkExtor->add_tags( TAG [, TAG ] ) C keeps an internal list of HTML tags (such as 'a' and 'img') that have URLs as values. If you run into another tag that this module doesn't handle, please send it to me and I'll add it. Until then you can add that tag to the internal list. This affects the entire class, including previously created objects. =item HTML::SimpleLinkExtor->add_attributes( ATTR [, ATTR] ) C keeps an internal list of HTML tag attributes (such as 'href' and 'src') that have URLs as values. If you run into another attribute that this module doesn't handle, please send it to me and I'll add it. Until then you can add that attribute to the internal list. This affects the entire class, including previously created objects. =item HTML::SimpleLinkExtor->remove_tags( TAG [, TAG ] ) Take tags out of the internal list that C uses to extract URLs. This affects the entire class, including previously created objects. =item HTML::SimpleLinkExtor->remove_attributes( ATTR [, ATTR] ) Takes attributes out of the internal list that C uses to extract URLs. This affects the entire class, including previously created objects. =item HTML::SimpleLinkExtor->attribute_list Returns a list of the attributes C pays attention to. =item HTML::SimpleLinkExtor->tag_list Returns a list of the tags C pays attention to. =back =head2 Object methods =over 4 =item $extor->parse_file( $filename ) Parse the file for links. =item $extor->parse( $data ) Parse the HTML in C<$data>. =item $extor->clear_links Clear the link list. This way, you can use the same parser for another file. =item $extor->links Return a list of the links. =item $extor->img Return a list of the links from all the SRC attributes of the IMG. =item $extor->frame Return a list of all the links from all the SRC attributes of the FRAME. =item $extor->iframe Return a list of all the links from all the SRC attributes of the IFRAME. =item $extor->frames Returns the combined list from frame and iframe. =item $extor->src Return a list of the links from all the SRC attributes of any tag. =item $extor->a Return a list of the links from all the HREF attributes of the A tags. =item $extor->area Return a list of the links from all the HREF attributes of the AREA tags. =item $extor->base Return a list of the links from all the HREF attributes of the BASE tags. There should only be one. =item $extor->href Return a list of the links from all the HREF attributes of any tag. =item $extor->body, $extor->background Return the link from the BODY tag's BACKGROUND attribute. =item $extor->script Return the link from the SCRIPT tag's SRC attribute =back =head1 TO DO This module doesn't handle all of the HTML tags that might have links. If someone wants those, I'll add them, or you can edit %AUTO_METHODS in the source. =head1 CREDITS Will Crain who identified a problem with IMG links that had a USEMAP attribute. =head1 SOURCE AVAILABILITY This source is part of a SourceForge project which always has the latest sources in CVS, as well as all of the previous releases. http://sourceforge.net/projects/brian-d-foy/ If, for some reason, I disappear from the world, one of the other members of the project can shepherd this module appropriately. =head1 AUTHORS brian d foy, C<< >> =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2004-2007 brian d foy. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 LICENSE You may use HTML::SimpleLinkExtor under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut 1;