package HTML::ReplaceForm;
use base 'Exporter';
use Carp;
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = '0.52';
=head1 NAME
HTML::ReplaceForm - easily replace HTML form fields with corresponding values
use HTML::ReplaceForm;
$modified_html = replace_form($html,$data_href);
This is useful for creating an HTML email message from a web form, while sharing
a single template that is used for both purposes.
Keep the form in an include file that is used both on the web and in an email template.
The real, regular HTML in the form will automatically have the form fields replaced with
corresponding values by the C function, which you can then use to send
the HTML email.
=head2 replace_form
$modified_html = replace_form($html,$data_href);
Replace form elements with with a hashref of corresponding data.
B For now, replace radio and checkboxes with an X if they are marked.
They are troublesome because there are multiple inputs with the same name, and
they have labels next to them.
$html - Any kind of HTML data structure that HTML::TokeParser::Simple accepts
$data_href a hashref of data that corresponds to the form
sub replace_form {
my $html = shift;
my $data = shift;
require HTML::TokeParser::Simple;
my $p = HTML::TokeParser::Simple->new( $html ) || croak $!;
my $new_html;
while ( my $token = $p->get_token ) {
if ($token->is_tag(qr/(input|textarea|select)/)) {
no warnings; # 'type' may be undefined. That's OK.
if ($token->return_attr('type') =~ m/^checkbox$/ ) {
# If we have a match from the data that matches this value
if ($token->return_attr('value') eq $data->{ $token->return_attr('name') } ) {
# XXX This should be customizable.
$new_html .= '[X]';
else {
# delete unchecked elements through neglect
$new_html .= '[ ] '
elsif ($token->return_attr('type') =~ m/^radio$/ ) {
# If we have a match from the data that matches this value
if ($token->return_attr('value') eq $data->{ $token->return_attr('name') } ) {
# XXX This should be customizable.
$new_html .= '(X)';
else {
# delete unchecked elements through neglect
$new_html .= '( ) '
# XXX, there's a probably a bug where the contents of