package HTML::MobileConverter; use strict; use HTML::Parser; use URI; our $VERSION = '0.011'; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {@_}; bless $self, $class; $self->init; return $self; } sub init { my $self = shift; $self->{maxlength} ||= 50000; $self->{maxpctagcount} ||= 10; $self->{maxpctagrate} ||= 0.1; $self->{baseuri} or warn 'baseuri is not specified.'; $self->{hrefhandler} ||= sub { my $href = shift; return URI->new_abs($href, $self->{baseuri}); }; $self->{mobiletag} ||= { a => 'name|accesskey|href|cti|ijam|utn|subject|body|telbook|kana|email|ista|ilet|iswf|irst', base => 'href', blink => '', blockquote => '', body => 'bgcolor|text|link|alink|vlink', br => 'clear', center => '', dd => '', dir => 'type', div => 'align', dl => '', dt => '', font => 'color|size', form => 'action|method|utn', head => '', h1 => 'align', h2 => 'align', h3 => 'align', h4 => 'align', h5 => 'align', h6 => 'align', hr => 'align|size|width|noshade|color', html => '', img => 'src|align|width|height|hspace|vspace|alt', input => 'type|name|size|maxlength|accesskey|value|istyle|checked', li => 'type|value', marquee => 'behavior|direction|loop|height|width|scrollmount|scrolldelay|bgcolor', menu => 'type', meta => 'http\-equiv|content', object => 'declare|id|data|type|width|height', ol => 'type|start', option => 'selected|value', p => 'align', param => 'name|value|valuetype', plaintext => '', pre => '', select => 'name|size|multiple', textarea => 'name|accesskey|rows|cols|istyle', title => '', ul => 'type', }; $self->{codetag} = 'script|style'; $self->{ignoretag} = 'form|input|select|option|textarea'; $self->{html} = ''; } sub _initparser { my $self = shift; $self->{html2} = ''; $self->{mhtml} = ''; $self->{tagcount} = 0; $self->{mtagcount} = 0; $self->{ismobilecontent} = ''; $self->{iscode} = 0; $self->{parser} = HTML::Parser->new( api_version => 3, handlers => { start => [$self->starthandler, 'text, tagname, attr'], end => [$self->endhandler, 'text, tagname'], text => [$self->texthandler, 'text'], default => [$self->defaulthandler, 'event, text'], }, ); } sub starthandler { my $self = shift; return sub { my ($text, $tag, $attr) = @_; $self->{tagcount}++; if ($tag =~ /^($self->{codetag})$/i) { $self->{iscode}++; } if (defined $self->{mobiletag}->{$tag}) { $self->{mtagcount}++; if ($tag =~ /^($self->{ignoretag})$/i) { return; } else { $self->{mhtml} .= $self->_makestartm($tag,$attr); $self->{html2} .= $self->_makestart2($tag,$attr); } } }; } sub _makestartm { my $self = shift; my $tag = shift or return; my $attr = shift or return; if ($tag eq 'img') { my ($w,$h) = @$attr{'width', 'height'}; unless ($w && $h && $w < 100 && $h < 100) { my $text = 'img:'; $text .= $attr->{alt} || $attr->{title} || ''; return $text; } } my $attrpat = $self->{mobiletag}->{$tag}; my $text = qq|<$tag|; for my $key (keys %$attr) { if ($key =~ /^(href|action)$/) { $text .= qq| $key="| . $self->{hrefhandler}($attr->{$key}) . '"'; } elsif ($key eq 'src') { $text .= qq| $key="|. URI->new_abs($attr->{$key}, $self->{baseuri}) . '"'; } elsif ($key =~ /^($attrpat)$/i) { $text .= qq| $key="$attr->{$key}"|; } } $text .= '>'; return $text; } sub _makestart2 { my $self = shift; my $tag = shift or return; my $attr = shift or return; my $text = qq|<$tag|; for my $key (keys %$attr) { if ($key =~ /^(href|action)$/) { $text .= qq| $key="| . $self->{hrefhandler}($attr->{$key}) . '"'; } elsif ($key eq 'src') { $text .= qq| $key="|. URI->new_abs($attr->{$key}, $self->{baseuri}) . '"'; } else { $text .= qq| $key="$attr->{$key}"|; } } $text .= '>'; return $text; } sub endhandler { my $self = shift; return sub { my ($text, $tag) = @_; if ($tag =~ /^($self->{codetag})$/i) { $self->{iscode}--; } if (defined $self->{mobiletag}->{$tag}) { if ($tag =~ /^($self->{ignoretag})$/i) { $text = ''; } else { $self->{mhtml} .= $text; } $self->{html2} .= $text; } }; } sub texthandler { my $self = shift; return sub { my ($text) = @_; if (!$self->{iscode}) { $self->{mhtml} .= $text; } $self->{html2} .= $text; }; } sub defaulthandler { my $self = shift; return sub {}; } sub convert { my $self = shift; $self->{html} = shift or return; $self->_initparser; $self->{parser}->parse($self->{html}); if ($self->_checkmobile) { return $self->{html2}; } else { return $self->{mhtml}; } } sub _checkmobile { my $self = shift; if ($self->{maxlength} && (length($self->{html}) > $self->{maxlength})) { return; # over max size } elsif (($self->{tagcount} - $self->{mtagcount}) > $self->{maxpctagcount}) { return; # includes many pc tags } elsif (!$self->{tagcount}) { # do nothing } elsif (($self->{mtagcount} / $self->{tagcount}) < (1 - $self->{maxpctagrate})) { return; # includes many pc tags } $self->{ismobilecontent} = 1; return $self->ismobilecontent; } sub ismobilecontent { my $self = shift; return $self->{ismobilecontent}; } sub param { $_[0]->{$_[1]}; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME HTML::MobileConverter - HTML Converter for mobile agent =head1 SYNOPSIS use HTML::MobileConverter; my $baseuri = ''; my $c = HTML::MobileConverter->new(baseuri => $baseuri); my $html =<title
my link END print $c->convert($html); # get html with abs-uri. use URI; $html = < title
my link END $c = HTML::MobileConverter->new( baseuri => $baseuri, hrefhandler => sub { my $href = shift; return URI->new_abs($href, ''); }, ); print $c->convert($html); # get html without iframe. # create a proxy my $q = CGI->new; my $html = $c->convert(LWP::Simple:get($q->param('uri'))); print Jcode->new($html)->sjis; =head1 DESCRIPTION HTML::MobileConverter parses HTML and returns new HTML for mobile agent (mainly for DoCoMo i-mode). If the original HTML doesn't contain so many pc tags, it returns the original HTML strings with absolute uri (href,src...). If the original was guessed as a content for PC, it returns new HTML for mobile agent. =head1 METHODS Here are common methods of HTML::MobileConverter. =over 4 =item new $c = HTML::MobileConverter->new; $c = HTML::MobileConverter->new(baseuri => ''); $c = HTML::MobileConverter->new( baseuri => '', hrefhandler => sub { my $href = shift; $href = URI->new_abs($href, ''); return qq|/browse?uri=$href|; }, ); creates a instance of HTML::MobileConverter. If you specify C, C attributes will be replaced with absolute uris. If you specify C with some function, href attribute will be handled with the handler. =item convert my $mhtml = $c->convert($html); returns HTML strings for mobile. =item ismobilecontent print "is mobile" if $c->ismobilecontent; returns which the original HTML was guessed as mobile content or not. =back =head1 AUTHOR Junya Kondo, =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2005 by Junya Kondo This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 SEE ALSO L (Japanese) =cut