BEGIN { *DEBUG = sub(){0} unless defined &DEBUG }
use HTML::Element 3.15 ();
use strict;
use Carp;
use UNIVERSAL qw(can);
use vars qw($VERSION @Size_magic_numbers);
$VERSION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 2.04 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
# A typical formatter will not use all of the features of this
# class. But it will use some, as best fits the mapping
# of HTML to the particular output format.
sub new
my($class,%arg) = @_;
my $self = bless { $class->default_values }, $class;
$self->configure(\%arg) if keys %arg;
sub default_values
sub configure
my($self, $arg) = @_;
for (keys %$arg) {
warn "Unknown configure argument '$_'" if $^W;
sub massage_tree {
my($self, $html) = @_;
return if $html->tag eq 'p'; # sanity
DEBUG > 4 and print("Before massaging:\n"), $html->dump();
# Does anything else need doing?
DEBUG > 4 and print("After massaging:\n"), $html->dump();
# forgiving aliases
sub format_from_file { shift->format_file(@_) }
sub format_from_string { shift->format_string(@_) }
sub format_file {
my($self, $filename, @params) = @_;
$self = $self->new(@params) unless ref $self;
croak "What filename to format from?"
unless defined $filename and length $filename;
my $tree = $self->_default_tree();
my $out = $self->format($tree);
return $out;
sub format_string {
my($self, $content, @params) = @_;
$self = $self->new(@params) unless ref $self;
croak "What string to format?" unless defined $content;
my $tree = $self->_default_tree();
undef $content;
my $out = $self->format($tree);
return $out;
sub _default_tree {
require HTML::TreeBuilder;
my $t = HTML::TreeBuilder->new;
# If nothing else works, try using these parser options:s
return $t;
sub format
my($self, $html) = @_;
croak "Usage: \$formatter->format(\$tree)"
unless defined $html and ref $html and can($html, 'tag');
if( $self->DEBUG() > 4 ) {
print "Tree to format:\n";
# Per-iteration scratch:
my($node, $start, $depth, $tag, $func);
sub {
($node, $start, $depth) = @_;
if (ref $node) {
$tag = $node->tag;
$func = $tag . '_' . ($start ? "start" : "end");
# Use UNIVERSAL::can so that we can recover if
# a handler is not defined for the tag.
if (can($self, $func)) {
DEBUG > 3 and print ' ' x $depth, "Calling $func\n";
return $self->$func($node);
} else {
DEBUG > 3 and print ' ' x $depth,
"Skipping $func: no handler for it.\n";
return 1;
} else {
join('', @{$self->{output}});
sub begin
my $self = shift;
# Flags
$self->{anchor} = 0;
$self->{underline} = 0;
$self->{bold} = 0;
$self->{italic} = 0;
$self->{center} = 0;
$self->{superscript} = 0;
$self->{subscript} = 0;
$self->{strikethrough} = 0;
$self->{center_stack} = []; # push and pop 'center' states to it
$self->{nobr} = 0;
$self->{'font_size'} = [3]; # last element is current size
$self->{basefont_size} = [3];
$self->{vspace} = undef; # vertical space (dimension)
$self->{output} = [];
sub end
sub set_version_tag {
my($self, $html) = @_;
if($html) {
$self->{'version_tag'} = sprintf(
"%s (v%s, using %s v%s%s)",
ref($self), $self->VERSION || '?',
ref($html), $html->VERSION || '?',
? ", and HTML::Parser v$HTML::Parser::VERSION"
: ''
} elsif( $HTML::Parser::VERSION ) {
$self->{'version_tag'} = sprintf(
"%s (v%s, using %s)",
ref($self), $self->VERSION || "?",
"HTML::Parser v$HTML::Parser::VERSION",
} else {
$self->{'version_tag'} = sprintf(
"%s (v%s)",
ref($self), $self->VERSION || '?',
sub version_tag { shift->{'version_tag'} }
sub html_start { 1; } sub html_end {}
sub body_start { 1; } sub body_end {}
# some elements that we don't want to render anyway
sub head_start { 0; }
sub script_start { 0; }
sub style_start { 0; }
sub frameset_start { 0; }
sub header_start
my($self, $level, $node) = @_;
my $align = $node->attr('align');
if (defined($align) && lc($align) eq 'center') {
sub header_end
my($self, $level, $node) = @_;
my $align = $node->attr('align');
if (defined($align) && lc($align) eq 'center') {
sub h1_start { shift->header_start(1, @_) }
sub h2_start { shift->header_start(2, @_) }
sub h3_start { shift->header_start(3, @_) }
sub h4_start { shift->header_start(4, @_) }
sub h5_start { shift->header_start(5, @_) }
sub h6_start { shift->header_start(6, @_) }
sub h1_end { shift->header_end(1, @_) }
sub h2_end { shift->header_end(2, @_) }
sub h3_end { shift->header_end(3, @_) }
sub h4_end { shift->header_end(4, @_) }
sub h5_end { shift->header_end(5, @_) }
sub h6_end { shift->header_end(6, @_) }
sub br_start
my $self = shift;
$self->vspace(0, 1);
# add one formatting newline, regardless of how many are there
sub hr_start
my $self = shift;
# assert one line's worth of vertical space
sub img_start
my($self,$node) = @_;
my $alt = $node->attr('alt');
$self->out( defined($alt) ? $alt : "[IMAGE]" );
sub a_start
sub a_end
sub u_start
sub u_end
sub b_start
sub b_end
sub tt_start
sub tt_end
sub i_start
sub i_end
sub center_start
sub center_end
sub div_start # interesting only for its 'align' attribute
my($self, $node) = @_;
my $align = $node->attr('align');
if (defined($align) && lc($align) eq 'center') {
return $self->center_start;
sub div_end
my($self, $node) = @_;
my $align = $node->attr('align');
if (defined($align) && lc($align) eq 'center') {
return $self->center_end;
sub nobr_start
sub nobr_end
sub wbr_start
# ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
sub font_start
my($self, $elem) = @_;
my $size = $elem->attr('size');
return 1 unless defined $size;
if ($size =~ /^\s*[+\-]/) {
my $base = $self->{basefont_size}[-1];
# yes, base it on the most recent one
$size = $base + $size;
push @{$self->{'font_size'}}, $size;
$self->new_font_size( $size );
sub font_end
my($self, $elem) = @_;
my $size = $elem->attr('size');
return unless defined $size;
pop @{$self->{'font_size'}};
$self->restore_font_size( $self->{'font_size'}[-1] );
sub big_start
my $self = $_[0];
push @{$self->{'font_size'}},
$self->{basefont_size}[-1] + 1; # same as font size="+1"
$self->new_font_size( $self->{'font_size'}[ -1 ] );
sub small_start
my $self = $_[0];
push @{$self->{'font_size'}},
$self->{basefont_size}[-1] - 1, # same as font size="-1"
$self->new_font_size( $self->{'font_size'}[ -1 ] );
sub big_end
my $self = $_[0];
pop @{ $self->{'font_size'} };
$self->restore_font_size( $self->{'font_size'}[-1] );
sub small_end
my $self = $_[0];
pop @{ $self->{'font_size'} };
$self->restore_font_size( $self->{'font_size'}[-1] );
# ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
sub basefont_start
my($self, $elem) = @_;
my $size = $elem->attr('size');
return unless defined $size;
push(@{$self->{basefont_size}}, $size);
sub basefont_end
my($self, $elem) = @_;
my $size = $elem->attr('size');
return unless defined $size;
# Override in subclasses, if you like.
sub new_font_size {
#my( $self, $font_size_number ) = @_;
sub restore_font_size {
#my( $self, $font_size_number ) = @_;
sub q_start { shift->out( q<"> ); 1; }
sub q_end { shift->out( q<"> ); 1; }
sub sup_start { shift->{superscript}++; 1; }
sub sup_end { shift->{superscript}--; 1; }
sub sub_start { shift->{subscript} ++; 1; }
sub sub_end { shift->{subscript} --; 1; }
sub strike_start { shift->{strikethrough}++; 1; }
sub strike_end { shift->{strikethrough}--; 1; }
# Alias:
sub s_start { shift->strike_start(@_) }
sub s_end { shift->strike_end( @_) }
## No actual appearance change, so no point in defining:
# sub dfn_start { 1; }
# sub dfn_end { 1; }
# sub abbr_start { 1; }
# sub abbr_end { 1; }
# sub acronym_start { 1; }
# sub acronym_end { 1; }
# sub span_start { 1; }
# sub span_end { 1; }
# sub div_start { 1; }
# sub div_end { 1; }
# sub ins_start { 1; }
# sub ins_end { 1; }
sub del_start { 0; } # Don't render the del'd bits
sub del_end { 0; }
@Size_magic_numbers = (
.60, .75, .89, 1, 1.20, 1.50, 2.00, 3.00
# #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7
#________________ - | + _________________________
# -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4
sub scale_font_for {
my($self, $reference_size) = @_;
# Mozilla's source, at
# http://lxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/content/html/style/src/nsStyleUtil.cpp#299
# says:
# static PRInt32 sFontSizeFactors[8] = { 60,75,89,100,120,150,200,300 };
# For comparison, Gisle's earlier HTML::FormatPS has:
# | # size 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
# | @FontSizes = ( 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 32);
# ...and gets different sizing via just a scaling factor.
my $size_number = int( defined($_[2]) ? $_[2] : $self->{'font_size'}[-1] );
# force the size_number into range:
$size_number =
( $size_number < 0 ) ? 0
: ( $size_number > $#Size_magic_numbers ) ? $#Size_magic_numbers
: int( $size_number )
my $result = int( .5 + $reference_size * $Size_magic_numbers[ $size_number ] );
$self->DEBUG() > 1
and printf " Turning reference size %s and size number %s into %s.\n",
$reference_size, $size_number, $result,
return $result;
# Aliases for logical markup:
sub strong_start { shift-> b_start( @_) }
sub strong_end { shift-> b_end( @_) }
sub cite_start { shift-> i_start( @_) }
sub cite_end { shift-> i_end( @_) }
sub em_start { shift-> i_start( @_) }
sub em_end { shift-> i_end( @_) }
sub code_start { shift->tt_start( @_) }
sub code_end { shift->tt_end( @_) }
sub kbd_start { shift->tt_start( @_) }
sub kbd_end { shift->tt_end( @_) }
sub samp_start { shift->tt_start( @_) }
sub samp_end { shift->tt_end( @_) }
sub var_start { shift->tt_start( @_) }
sub var_end { shift->tt_end( @_) }
sub p_start
my $self = shift;
#$self->adjust_lm(0); # assert new paragraph
# assert one line's worth of vertical space at para-start
sub p_end
# assert one line's worth of vertical space at para-end
sub pre_start
my $self = shift;
# assert one line's worth of vertical space at pre-start
sub pre_end
my $self = shift;
# assert one line's worth of vertical space at pre-end
sub listing_start { shift->pre_start( @_ ) }
sub listing_end { shift->pre_end( @_ ) }
sub xmp_start { shift->pre_start( @_ ) }
sub xmp_end { shift->pre_end( @_ ) }
sub blockquote_start
my $self = shift;
# assert one line's worth of vertical space at blockquote-start
$self->adjust_lm( +2 );
$self->adjust_rm( -2 );
sub blockquote_end
my $self = shift;
# assert one line's worth of vertical space at blockquote-end
$self->adjust_lm( -2 );
$self->adjust_rm( +2 );
sub address_start
my $self = shift;
# assert one line's worth of vertical space at address-para-start
sub address_end
my $self = shift;
# assert one line's worth of vertical space at address-para-end
# Handling of list elements
sub ul_start
my $self = shift;
# assert one line's worth of vertical space at ul-start
$self->adjust_lm( +2 );
sub ul_end
my $self = shift;
$self->adjust_lm( -2 );
# assert one line's worth of vertical space at ul-end
sub li_start
my $self = shift;
$self->bullet( shift->attr('_bullet') || '' );
sub bullet
sub li_end
my $self = shift;
$self->adjust_lm( -2);
sub menu_start { shift->ul_start(@_) }
sub menu_end { shift->ul_end(@_) }
sub dir_start { shift->ul_start(@_) }
sub dir_end { shift->ul_end(@_) }
sub ol_start
my $self = shift;
sub ol_end
my $self = shift;
sub dl_start
my $self = shift;
# $self->adjust_lm(+2);
# assert one line's worth of vertical space at dl-start
sub dl_end
my $self = shift;
# $self->adjust_lm(-2);
# assert one line's worth of vertical space at dl-end
sub dt_start
my $self = shift;
# assert one line's worth of vertical space at dt-start
sub dt_end
sub dd_start
my $self = shift;
# hm, what's that do? nothing?
sub dd_end
my $self = shift;
# assert one line's worth of vertical space at dd-end
# And now some things that are basically sane fall-throughs for classes
# that don't really handle tables or forms specially...
# Things not formatted at all
sub input_start { 0; }
sub textarea_start { 0; }
sub select_start { 0; }
sub option_start { 0; }
sub td_start {
my $self = shift;
push @{$self->{'center_stack'}}, $self->{'center'};
$self->{center} = 0;
sub td_end {
my $self = shift;
$self->{'center'} = pop @{$self->{'center_stack'}};
sub th_start {
my $self = shift;
push @{$self->{'center_stack'}}, $self->{'center'};
$self->{center} = 0;
sub th_end {
my $self = shift;
$self->{'center'} = pop @{$self->{'center_stack'}};
# But if you wanted to just SKIP tables and forms, you'd do this:
# sub table_start { shift->out('[TABLE NOT SHOWN]'); 0; }
# sub form_start { shift->out('[FORM NOT SHOWN]'); 0; }
sub textflow
my $self = shift;
if ($self->{pre}) {
# Strip one leading and one trailing newline so that a
# tag can be placed on a line of its own without causing extra
# vertical space as part of the preformatted text.
$_[0] =~ s/\n$//;
$_[0] =~ s/^\n//;
$self->pre_out( $_[0] );
} else {
for (split(/(\s+)/, $_[0])) {
next unless length $_;
sub vspace
# This method sets the vspace attribute. When vspace is
# defined, then a new line should be started. If vspace
# is a nonzero value, then that should be taken as the
# number of lines to be skipped before following text
# is written out.
# You may think it odd to conflate the two concepts of
# ending this paragraph, and asserting how much space should
# follow; but it happens to work out pretty well.
my($self, $min, $add) = @_;
my $old = $self->{vspace};
if (defined $old) {
my $new = $old;
$new += $add || 0;
$new = $min if $new < $min;
$self->{vspace} = $new;
} else {
$self->{vspace} = $min;
DEBUG > 1 and print " vspace not set, so setting to $min\n";
#my $new = $add || 0;
#$new = $min if $new < $min;
#$self->{vspace} = $new;
DEBUG > 1 and print " vspace now set to $min\n";
sub collect
push(@{shift->{output}}, @_);
sub out # Output a word
# my($self, $text) = @_;
# $text =~ tr/\xA0\xAD/ /d;
# The 0xAD-killing is if you don't support anything like a soft hyphen
# in your destination format
confess "Must be overridden by subclass";
sub pre_out
confess "Must be overridden by subclass";
sub adjust_lm
confess "Must be overridden by subclass";
sub adjust_rm
confess "Must be overridden by subclass";