oint). Default is 0.
So if you wanted the left margin to be an additional half inch larger,
you'd set C<< lm => 720 >> (since there's 1440 twips in an inch).
If you wanted it to be about 1.5cm larger, you'd set
C<< lw => 850 >> (since there's about 567 twips in a centimeter).
=item rm
Amount of I oint). Default is 0.
=item normal_halfpoint_size
This is the size of normal text in the document, in I...
>> text will be in 12.5 point text (in addition to being
underlined and in the heading font).
=item codeblock_halfpoint_size
This controls the font size (in half-points) of the text used for
C<< ...
>> text. By default, it is 18, meaning 9 point.
=item fontname_body
This option controls what font is to be used for the body of the
text -- that is, everything other than heading text and text in
pre/code/tt elements. The default value is currently "Times". Other
handy values I can suggest using are "Georgia" or "Bookman Old Style".
=item fontname_code
This option controls what font is to be used for text in pre/code/tt
elements. The default value is currently "Courier New".
=item fontname_headings
This option controls what font name is to be used for headings. You can
use the same font as fontname_body, but I prefer a sans-serif font, so
the default value is currently "Arial". Also consider
"Tahoma" and "Verdana".
=item document_language
This option controls what Microsoft language number will be specified as
the language for this document. The current default value is 1033, for
US English. Consult an RTF reference for other language numbers.
=item hr_width
This option controls how many underline characters will be used for
rendering a "
" tag. Its default value is currently 50. You can
usually leave this alone, but under some circumstances you might want to
use a smaller or larger number.
=item no_prolog
If this option is set to a true value, HTML::FormatRTF will make a point of