require 5; package HTML::FormatPS; =head1 NAME HTML::FormatPS - Format HTML as PostScript =head1 SYNOPSIS use HTML::TreeBuilder; $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new->parse_file("test.html"); use HTML::FormatPS; $formatter = HTML::FormatPS->new( FontFamily => 'Helvetica', PaperSize => 'Letter', ); print $formatter->format($tree); Or, for short: use HTML::FormatPS; print HTML::FormatPS->format_file( "test.html", 'FontFamily' => 'Helvetica', 'PaperSize' => 'Letter', ); =head1 DESCRIPTION The HTML::FormatPS is a formatter that outputs PostScript code. Formatting of HTML tables and forms is not implemented. You might specify the following parameters when constructing the formatter object (or when calling format_file or format_string): =over 4 =item PaperSize What kind of paper should we format for. The value can be one of these: A3, A4, A5, B4, B5, Letter, Legal, Executive, Tabloid, Statement, Folio, 10x14, Quarto. The default is "A4". =item PaperWidth The width of the paper, in points. Setting PaperSize also defines this value. =item PaperHeight The height of the paper, in points. Setting PaperSize also defines this value. =item LeftMargin The left margin, in points. =item RightMargin The right margin, in points. =item HorizontalMargin Both left and right margin at the same time. The default value is 4 cm. =item TopMargin The top margin, in points. =item BottomMargin The bottom margin, in points. =item VerticalMargin Both top and bottom margin at the same time. The default value is 2 cm, =item PageNo This parameter determines if we should put page numbers on the pages. The default value is true; so you have to set this value to 0 in order to suppress page numbers. (The "No" in "PageNo" means number/numero!) =item FontFamily This parameter specifies which family of fonts to use for the formatting. Legal values are "Courier", "Helvetica" and "Times". The default is "Times". =item FontScale This is a scaling factor for all the font sizes. The default value is 1. For example, if you want everything to be almost three times as large, you could set this to 2.7. If you wanted things just a bit smaller than normal, you could set it to .92. =item Leading This option (pronounced "ledding", not "leeding") controls how much is space between lines. This is a factor of the font size used for that line. Default is 0.1 -- so between two 12-point lines, there will be 1.2 points of space. =item StartPage Assuming you have PageNo on, StartPage controls what the page number of the first page will be. By default, it is 1. So if you set this to 87, the first page would say "87" on it, the next "88", and so on. =item NoProlog If this option is set to a true value, HTML::FormatPS will make a point of I emitting the PostScript prolog before the document. By default, this is off, meaning that HTML::FormatPS I emit the prolog. This option is of interest only to advanced users. =item NoTrailer If this option is set to a true value, HTML::FormatPS will make a point of I emitting the PostScript trailer at the end of the document. By default, this is off, meaning that HTML::FormatPS I emit the bit of PostScript that ends the document. This option is of interest only to advanced users. =back =head1 SEE ALSO L =head1 TO DO =over =item * Support for some more character styles, notably including: strike-through, underlining, superscript, and subscript. =item * Support for Unicode. =item * Support for Win-1252 encoding, since that's what most people mean when they use characters in the range 0x80-0x9F in HTML. =item * And, if it's ever even reasonably possible, support for tables. =back I would welcome email from people who can help me out or advise me on the above. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 1995-2002 Gisle Aas, and 2002- Sean M. Burke. All rights reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. =head1 AUTHOR Current maintainer: Sean M. Burke Original author: Gisle Aas =cut use Carp; use strict; use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION); use HTML::Formatter (); BEGIN { *DEBUG = \&HTML::Formatter::DEBUG unless defined &DEBUG } @ISA = qw(HTML::Formatter); $VERSION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 2.04 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/); use vars qw(%PaperSizes %FontFamilies @FontSizes %param $DEBUG); # A few routines that convert lengths into points sub mm { $_[0] * 72 / 25.4; } sub in { $_[0] * 72; } %PaperSizes = ( A3 => [mm(297), mm(420)], A4 => [mm(210), mm(297)], A5 => [mm(148), mm(210)], B4 => [729, 1032 ], B5 => [516, 729 ], Letter => [in(8.5), in(11) ], Legal => [in(8.5), in(14) ], Executive => [in(7.5), in(10) ], Tabloid => [in(11), in(17) ], Statement => [in(5.5), in(8.5)], Folio => [in(8.5), in(13) ], "10x14" => [in(10), in(14) ], Quarto => [610, 780 ], ); %FontFamilies = ( Courier => [qw(Courier Courier-Bold Courier-Oblique Courier-BoldOblique)], Helvetica => [qw(Helvetica Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-BoldOblique)], Times => [qw(Times-Roman Times-Bold Times-Italic Times-BoldItalic)], ); # size 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 @FontSizes = ( 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 32); sub BOLD () { 0x01; } sub ITALIC () { 0x02; } %param = ( papersize => 'papersize', paperwidth => 'paperwidth', paperheight => 'paperheigth', leftmargin => 'lmW', rightmargin => 'rmW', horizontalmargin => 'mW', topmargin => 'tmH', bottommargin => 'bmH', verticalmargin => 'mH', no_prolog => 'no_prolog', no_trailer => 'no_trailer', pageno => 'printpageno', startpage => 'startpage', fontfamily => 'family', fontscale => 'fontscale', leading => 'leading', ); sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_); # Obtained from the element $self->{title} = ""; # The font ID last sent to the PostScript output (this may be # temporarily different from the "current font" as read from # the HTML input). Initially none. $self->{psfontid} = ""; # Pending horizontal space. A list [ " ", $fontid, $width ], # or undef if no space is pending. $self->{hspace} = undef; $self; } sub default_values { ( shift->SUPER::default_values(), family => "Times", mH => mm(40), mW => mm(20), printpageno => 1, startpage => 1, # yes, you can start numbering at 10, or whatever. fontscale => 1, leading => 0.1, papersize => 'A4', paperwidth => mm(210), paperheight => mm(297), ) } sub configure { my($self, $hash) = @_; my($key,$val); while (($key, $val) = each %$hash) { $key = lc $key; croak "Illegal parameter ($key => $val)" unless exists $param{$key}; $key = $param{$key}; { $key eq "family" && do { $val = "\u\L$val"; croak "Unknown font family ($val)" unless exists $FontFamilies{$val}; $self->{family} = $val; last; }; $key eq "papersize" && do { $self->papersize($val) || croak sprintf "Unknown papersize '%s'.\nThe knowns are: %s.\nAborting", $val, join(', ', sort keys %PaperSizes) ; last; }; $self->{$key} = lc $val; } } } sub papersize { my($self, $val) = @_; $val = "\u\L$val"; my($width, $height) = @{$PaperSizes{$val} || return 0}; return 0 unless defined $width; $self->{papersize} = $val; $self->{paperwidth} = $width; $self->{paperheight} = $height; 1; } sub fontsize { my $self = shift; my $size = $self->{font_size}[-1]; $size = 8 if $size > 8; $size = 3 if $size < 0; $FontSizes[$size] * $self->{fontscale}; } # Determine the current font and set font-related members. # If $plain_with_size is given (a number), use a plain font # of that size. Otherwise, use the font specified by the # HTML context. Returns the "font ID" of the current font. sub setfont { my($self, $plain_with_size) = @_; my $index = 0; my $family = $self->{family} || 'Times'; my $size = $plain_with_size; unless ($plain_with_size) { $index |= BOLD if $self->{bold}; $index |= ITALIC if $self->{italic} || $self->{underline}; $family = 'Courier' if $self->{teletype}; $size = $self->fontsize; } my $font = $FontFamilies{$family}[$index]; my $font_with_size = "$font-$size"; if ($self->{currentfont} eq $font_with_size) { return $self->{currentfontid}; } $self->{currentfont} = $font_with_size; $self->{pointsize} = $size; my $fontmod = "Font::Metrics::$font"; $fontmod =~ s/-//g; my $fontfile = $fontmod . ".pm"; $fontfile =~ s,::,/,g; require $fontfile; { no strict 'refs'; $self->{wx} = \@{ "${fontmod}::wx" }; } $font = $self->{fonts}{$font_with_size} || do { my $fontID = "F" . ++$self->{fno}; $self->{fonts}{$font_with_size} = $fontID; $fontID; }; $self->{currentfontid} = $font; return $font; } # Construct PostScript code for setting the current font according # to $fontid, or an empty string if no font change is needed. # Assumes the return string will always be output as PostScript if # nonempty, so that our notion of the current PostScript font # stays in sync with that of the PostScript interpreter. sub switchfont { my($self, $fontid) = @_; if ($self->{psfontid} eq $fontid) { return ""; } else { $self->{psfontid} = $fontid; return "$fontid SF"; } } # Like setfont + switchfont. sub findfont { my($self, $plain_with_size) = @_; return $self->switchfont($self->setfont($plain_with_size)); } sub width { my $self = shift; my $w = 0; my $wx = $self->{wx}; my $sz = $self->{pointsize}; for (unpack("C*", $_[0])) { $w += $wx->[$_] * $sz # unless $_ eq 0xAD; # optional hyphen } $w; } sub begin { my $self = shift; $self->SUPER::begin; # Margins are in points $self->{lm} = $self->{lmW} || $self->{mW}; $self->{rm} = $self->{paperwidth} - ($self->{rmW} || $self->{mW}); $self->{tm} = $self->{paperheight} - ($self->{tmH} || $self->{mH}); $self->{bm} = $self->{bmH} || $self->{mH}; $self->{'orig_margins'} = # used only by the debug-mode print-area marker [ map { sprintf "%.1f", $_} @{$self}{qw(lm bm rm tm)} ]; # Font setup $self->{fno} = 0; $self->{fonts} = {}; $self->{en} = 0.55 * $self->fontsize(3); # Initial position $self->{xpos} = $self->{lm}; # top of the current line $self->{ypos} = $self->{tm}; $self->{pageno} = 1; $self->{visible_page_number} = $self->{startpage}; $self->{line} = ""; $self->{showstring} = ""; $self->{currentfont} = ""; $self->{prev_currentfont} = ""; $self->{largest_pointsize} = 0; $self->newpage; } sub end { my $self = shift; $self->showline; $self->endpage if $self->{'out'}; my $pages = $self->{pageno} - 1; my @prolog = (); push(@prolog, "%!PS-Adobe-3.0\n"); #push(@prolog,"%%Title: No title\n"); # should look for the <title> element push(@prolog, "%%Creator: " . $self->version_tag . "\n"); push(@prolog, "%%CreationDate: " . localtime() . "\n"); push(@prolog, "%%Pages: $pages\n"); push(@prolog, "%%PageOrder: Ascend\n"); push(@prolog, "%%Orientation: Portrait\n"); my($pw, $ph) = map { int($_); } @{$self}{qw(paperwidth paperheight)}; push(@prolog, "%%DocumentMedia: Plain $pw $ph 0 white ()\n"); push(@prolog, "%%DocumentNeededResources: \n"); my($full, %seenfont); for $full (sort keys %{$self->{fonts}}) { $full =~ s/-\d+$//; next if $seenfont{$full}++; push(@prolog, "%%+ font $full\n"); } push(@prolog, "%%DocumentSuppliedResources: procset newencode 1.0 0\n"); push(@prolog, "%%+ encoding ISOLatin1Encoding\n"); push(@prolog, "%%EndComments\n"); push(@prolog, <<'EOT'); %%BeginProlog /S/show load def /M/moveto load def /SF/setfont load def %%BeginResource: encoding ISOLatin1Encoding systemdict /ISOLatin1Encoding known not { /ISOLatin1Encoding [ /space /space /space /space /space /space /space /space /space /space /space /space /space /space /space /space /space /space /space /space /space /space /space /space /space /space /space /space /space /space /space /space /space /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign /dollar /percent /ampersand /quoteright /parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /minus /period /slash /zero /one /two /three /four /five /six /seven /eight /nine /colon /semicolon /less /equal /greater /question /at /A /B /C /D /E /F /G /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O /P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W /X /Y /Z /bracketleft /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore /quoteleft /a /b /c /d /e /f /g /h /i /j /k /l /m /n /o /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w /x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /asciitilde /space /space /space /space /space /space /space /space /space /space /space /space /space /space /space /space /space /dotlessi /grave /acute /circumflex /tilde /macron /breve /dotaccent /dieresis /space /ring /cedilla /space /hungarumlaut /ogonek /caron /space /exclamdown /cent /sterling /currency /yen /brokenbar /section /dieresis /copyright /ordfeminine /guillemotleft /logicalnot /hyphen /registered /macron /degree /plusminus /twosuperior /threesuperior /acute /mu /paragraph /periodcentered /cedillar /onesuperior /ordmasculine /guillemotright /onequarter /onehalf /threequarters /questiondown /Agrave /Aacute /Acircumflex /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla /Egrave /Eacute /Ecircumflex /Edieresis /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis /Eth /Ntilde /Ograve /Oacute /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /multiply /Oslash /Ugrave /Uacute /Ucircumflex /Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /germandbls /agrave /aacute /acircumflex /atilde /adieresis /aring /ae /ccedilla /egrave /eacute /ecircumflex /edieresis /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis /eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /divide /oslash /ugrave /uacute /ucircumflex /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis ] def } if %%EndResource %%BeginResource: procset newencode 1.0 0 /NE { %def findfont begin currentdict dup length dict begin { %forall 1 index/FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse } forall /FontName exch def /Encoding exch def currentdict dup end end /FontName get exch definefont pop } bind def %%EndResource %%EndProlog EOT push(@prolog, "\n%%BeginSetup\n"); for $full (sort keys %{$self->{fonts}}) { my $short = $self->{fonts}{$full}; $full =~ s/-(\d+)$//; my $size = $1; push(@prolog, "ISOLatin1Encoding/$full-ISO/$full NE\n"); push(@prolog, "/$short/$full-ISO findfont $size scalefont def\n"); } push(@prolog, "%%EndSetup\n"); $self->collect("\n%%Trailer\n%%EOF\n") unless $self->{'no_trailer'}; unshift(@{$self->{output}}, @prolog) unless $self->{'no_prolog'}; } sub header_start { my($self, $level, $node) = @_; # If we are close enough to be bottom of the page, start a new page # instead of this: DEBUG > 1 and print " Heading of level $level\n"; $self->vspace(1 + (6-$level) * 0.4); $self->{bold}++; push(@{$self->{font_size}}, 8 - $level); 1; } sub header_end { my($self, $level, $node) = @_; $self->vspace(1); $self->{bold}--; pop(@{$self->{font_size}}); 1; } sub hr_start { my $self = shift; DEBUG > 1 and print " Making an HR.\n"; $self->showline; $self->vspace(0.5); $self->skip_vspace; my $lm = $self->{lm}; my $rm = $self->{rm}; my $y = $self->{ypos}; $self->collect(sprintf "newpath %.1f %.1f M %.1f %.1f lineto stroke\n", $lm, $y, $rm, $y); $self->vspace(0.5); } sub skip_vspace { my $self = shift; DEBUG > 2 and print " Skipping some amount of vspace.\n"; if (defined $self->{vspace}) { $self->showline; if ($self->{'out'}) { $self->{ypos} -= $self->{vspace} * 10 * $self->{fontscale}; if ($self->{ypos} < $self->{bm}) { DEBUG > 2 and printf " Skipping %s bits of vspace meant moving y down by %.1f to %.1f (via fontscale %s), forcing a pagebreak.\n", $self->{'vspace'}, $self->{'ypos'}, $self->{'vspace'} * 10 * $self->{fontscale}, $self->{'fontscale'}, ; $self->newpage; } else { DEBUG > 2 and printf " Skipping %s bits of vspace meant moving y down by %.1f to %.1f up.\n", $self->{vspace}, $self->{'ypos'}, $self->{vspace} * 10 * $self->{fontscale}, $self->{'fontscale'}, ; } } else { DEBUG > 2 and printf " Would skip $$self{vspace} bits of vspace, but 'out' is false.\n", $$self{'ypos'}; } $self->{xpos} = $self->{lm}; $self->{vspace} = undef; $self->{hspace} = undef; } else { DEBUG > 2 and print " (But no vspace to skip.)\n"; } DEBUG > 3 and print " Done skipping that vspace.\n"; return; } sub show { my $self = shift; my $str = $self->{showstring}; $str =~ tr/\x01//d; return unless length $str; $str =~ s/[^\x00-\xff]/\xA4/g; # replace any Unicode characters with the otherwise useless # International Communist Conspiracy money logo! $str =~ s/([\(\)\\])/\\$1/g; # must escape parentheses and backslash $self->{line} .= "($str)S\n"; $self->{showstring} = ""; } sub showline { my $self = shift; $self->show; my $line = $self->{line}; unless( length $line ) { DEBUG > 2 and print " Showline is a no-op because line buffer is empty\n"; return; } if( DEBUG > 2 ) { my $l = $line; $l =~ tr/\n/\xB6/; print " Showline is going to emit <$l>\n"; } $self->{ypos} -= $self->{largest_pointsize} || $self->{pointsize}; if ($self->{ypos} < $self->{bm}) { DEBUG > 2 and print " Showline has to start a new page first.\n"; DEBUG > 2 and print " vspace value before newpage: ", defined($self->{vspace}) ? $self->{vspace} : 'undef', "\n"; DEBUG > 10 and $self->dump_state; $self->newpage; # newpage might alter currentfont! DEBUG > 2 and print " vspace value after newpage: ", defined($self->{vspace}) ? $self->{vspace} : 'undef', "\n"; DEBUG > 2 and printf " Moving y from %.1f down to %.f because of pointsize %s\n", $self->{ypos}, $self->{ypos} - $self->{pointsize}, $self->{pointsize}, ; $self->{ypos} -= $self->{pointsize}; DEBUG > 2 and printf " Newpage's (x,y) is (%.1f, %.1f).\n", @$self{'xpos', 'ypos'}; # must set current font again my $font = $self->{prev_currentfont}; if ($font) { $self->collect("$self->{fonts}{$font} SF\n\n"); } DEBUG > 10 and $self->dump_state; DEBUG > 2 and print " End of doing newpage.\n"; } #DEBUG > 2 and $self->dump_state; my $lm = $self->{lm}; my $x = $lm; if ($self->{center}) { # Unfortunately, the center attribute is gone when we get here, # so this code is never activated my $linewidth = $self->{xpos} - $lm; $x += ($self->{rm} - $lm - $linewidth) / 2; } $self->collect(sprintf "%.1f %.1f M\n", $x, $self->{ypos}); # moveto $line =~ s/\s\)S$/)S/; # many lines will end uselessly with space $self->collect($line); $self->{'out'}++; if( DEBUG > 3 ) { my $l = $line; $l =~ tr/\n/\xB6/; print " Showline has just emitted <$l>\n"; } DEBUG > 3 and print " vspace value after collection: ", defined($self->{vspace}) ? $self->{vspace} : 'undef', "\n"; if ($self->{bullet}) { # Putting this behind the first line of the list item # makes it more likely that we get the right font. We should # really set the font that we want to use. my $bullet = $self->{bullet}; if ($bullet eq '*') { # There is no character that is really suitable. Let's make # a medium-sized filled cirle ourself. my $radius = $self->{pointsize} / 8; DEBUG > 2 and print " Adding code for a '*' bullet for that line.\n"; $self->collect(sprintf "newpath %.1f %.1f %.1f 0 360 arc fill\n", $self->{bullet_pos} + $radius, $self->{ypos} + $radius * 2, $radius, ); } else { DEBUG > 2 and print " Adding code for a '$bullet' bullet for that line.\n"; $self->collect(sprintf "%.1f (%s) stringwidth pop sub %.1f add %.1f M\n", # moveto $self->{bullet_pos}, $bullet, $self->{pointsize} * 0.62, $self->{ypos}, ); $self->collect("($bullet)S\n"); } $self->{bullet} = ''; } $self->{prev_currentfont} = $self->{currentfont}; $self->{largest_pointsize} = 0; $self->{line} = ""; $self->{xpos} = $lm; # Additional linespacing DEBUG > 2 and printf " Leading makes me move down from (%.1f, %.1f) by (%.1f * %.1f = %.1f).\n", @$self{'xpos', 'ypos'}, $self->{leading}, $self->{pointsize} , $self->{leading} * $self->{pointsize}; $self->{ypos} -= $self->{leading} * $self->{pointsize}; DEBUG > 2 and printf " Showline ends by setting (x,y) to (%.1f, %.1f).\n", @$self{'xpos', 'ypos'}; return; } sub endpage { my $self = shift; DEBUG > 1 and print " Ending page $$self{pageno}\n"; # End previous page $self->collect("showpage\n"); $self->{visible_page_number}++; $self->{pageno}++; } sub newpage { my $self = shift; local $self->{'pointsize'} = $self->{'pointsize'}; # That's needed for protecting against one bit of the # potential side-effects from from page-numbering code if ($self->{'out'}) { # whether we've sent anything to the current page so far. DEBUG > 2 and print " Newpage sees that 'out' is true ($$self{'out'}), so calls endpage.\n"; $self->endpage; $self->collect( sprintf "%% %s has sent %s write-events to the above page.\n", ref($self), $self->{'out'}, ); } $self->{'out'} = 0; my $pageno = $self->{pageno}; my $visible_page_number = $self->{visible_page_number}; $self->collect("\n%%Page: $pageno $pageno\n"); DEBUG and print " Starting page $pageno\n"; # Print area marker (just for debugging) if ($DEBUG or DEBUG > 5) { my($llx, $lly, $urx, $ury) = @{ $self->{'orig_margins'} }; $self->collect("gsave 0.1 setlinewidth\n"); $self->collect("clippath 0.9 setgray fill 1 setgray\n"); $self->collect("$llx $lly moveto $urx $lly lineto $urx $ury lineto $llx $ury lineto closepath fill\n"); $self->collect("grestore\n"); } # Print page number if ($self->{printpageno}) { DEBUG > 2 and print " Printing page number $visible_page_number (really page $pageno).\n"; $self->collect("%% Title and pageno\n"); my $f = $self->findfont(8); $self->collect("$f\n") if $f; my $x = $self->{paperwidth}; if ($x) { $x -= 30; } else { $x = 30; } $self->collect(sprintf "%.1f 30.0 M($visible_page_number)S\n", $x); $x = $self->{lm}; $self->{title} =~ tr/\x01//d; $self->collect(sprintf "%.1f 30.0 M($self->{title})S\n", $x); } else { DEBUG > 2 and print " Pointedly not printing page number.\n"; } $self->collect("\n"); DEBUG > 2 and printf " Newpage ends by setting (x,y) to (%.1f across, %.1f up)\n", @$self{'lm','tm'}; $self->{xpos} = $self->{lm}; $self->{ypos} = $self->{tm}; } sub out # Output a word { my($self, $text) = @_; $text =~ tr/\xA0\xAD/ /d; DEBUG > 3 and print " Trapping new word <$text>\n"; if ($self->{collectingTheTitle}) { # Both collect and print the title $text =~ s/([\(\)\\])/\\$1/g; # Escape parens and the backslash $self->{title} .= $text; return; } my $fontid = $self->setfont(); my $w = $self->width($text); if ($text =~ /^\s*$/) { $self->{hspace} = [ " ", $fontid, $w ]; return; } $self->skip_vspace; # determine spacing / line breaks needed before text if ($self->{hspace}) { my ($stext, $sfont, $swidth) = @{$self->{hspace}}; if ($self->{xpos} + $swidth + $w > $self->{rm}) { # line break $self->showline; } else { # no line break; output a space $self->show_with_font($stext, $sfont, $swidth); } $self->{hspace} = undef; } # output the text $self->show_with_font($text, $fontid, $w); } sub show_with_font { my ($self, $text, $fontid, $w) = @_; my $fontps = $self->switchfont($fontid); if (length $fontps) { $self->show; $self->{line} .= "$fontps\n"; } $self->{xpos} += $w; $self->{showstring} .= $text; DEBUG > 4 and print " Appending to string buffer: \"$text\" with font $fontid\n"; DEBUG > 4 and printf " xpos is now %.1f across.\n", ${$self}{'xpos'}; $self->{largest_pointsize} = $self->{pointsize} if $self->{largest_pointsize} < $self->{pointsize}; $self->{'out'}++; } sub pre_out { my($self, $text) = @_; $self->skip_vspace; $self->tt_start; my $font = $self->findfont(); if (length $font) { $self->show; $self->{line} .= "$font\n"; } while ($text =~ s/(.*)\n//) { $self->{'out'}++; $self->{showstring} .= $1; $self->showline; } $self->{showstring} .= $text; $self->tt_end; 1; } sub bullet { my($self, $bullet) = @_; $self->{bullet} = $bullet; $self->{bullet_pos} = $self->{lm}; } sub adjust_lm { my $self = shift; DEBUG > 1 and printf " Adjusting lm by %s, called by %s line %s\n", $_[0], (caller(1))[3,2]; $self->showline; DEBUG > 2 and printf " ^=Changing lm from %.1f to %.1f, because en=%.1f\n", $self->{lm}, $self->{lm} + $_[0] * $self->{en}, $self->{en}, ; $self->{lm} += $_[0] * $self->{en}; 1; } sub adjust_rm { my $self = shift; DEBUG > 1 and printf " Adjusting rm by %s, called by %s line %s\n", $_[0], (caller(1))[3,2]; $self->showline; DEBUG > 2 and printf " ^ Changing rm from %.1f to %.1f, because en=%.1f\n", $self->{lm}, $self->{lm} + $_[0] * $self->{en}, $self->{en}, ; $self->{rm} += $_[0] * $self->{en}; } sub head_start { 1; } sub head_end { 1; } sub title_start { my($self) = @_; $self->{collectingTheTitle} = 1; 1; } sub title_end { my($self) = @_; $self->{collectingTheTitle} = 0; 1; } #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ my($counter, $last_state_filename); # For use in circumstances of total desperation: sub dump_state { my $self = shift; require Data::Dumper; ++$counter; my $filename = sprintf("state%04d.txt", $counter); open(STATE, ">$filename") or die "Can't write-open $filename: $!"; printf STATE "%s line %s\n", (caller(1) )[3,2]; { local( $self->{'wx'} ) = '<SUPPRESSED>' ; local( $self->{'output'} ) = '<SUPPRESSED>' ; print STATE Data::Dumper::Dumper($self); } close(STATE); sleep 0; if( $last_state_filename ) { system("perl -S diff.bat $last_state_filename $filename > $filename.diff"); } $last_state_filename = $filename; return 1; } #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1;