package HTML::FormWidgets::Table; # @(#)$Id: 26 2008-03-24 19:14:41Z pjf $ use strict; use warnings; use base qw(HTML::FormWidgets); use version; our $VERSION = qv( sprintf '0.1.%d', q$Rev: 26 $ =~ /\d+/gmx ); sub _render { my ($me, $ref) = @_; my ($fld, $r_no, $rows, $text, $text1, $tip, $val); my $cells = q(); my $c_no = 0; my $def_class = $me->class || q(small table); my $data = $me->data || { flds => [], values => [] }; my $htag = $me->elem; $me->select( q() ) unless (defined $me->select); if ($me->select eq q(left)) { $ref = { class => $def_class }; $ref->{class} .= $me->edit ? q( select) : q( minimal); $cells .= $htag->th( $ref, 'Select' ); } for $fld (@{ $data->{flds} }) { $ref = { class => $def_class }; if (exists $data->{hclass}->{ $fld }) { next if ($data->{hclass}->{ $fld } eq q(hide)); $ref->{class} .= q( ).$data->{hclass}->{ $fld }; } $ref->{class} .= q( nowrap) unless (exists $data->{wrap}->{ $fld }); $cells .= $htag->th( $ref, $data->{labels}->{ $fld } ); $c_no++; } if ($me->select eq q(right)) { $ref = { class => $def_class }; $ref->{class} .= $me->edit ? q( select) : q( minimal); $cells .= $htag->th( $ref, 'Select' ); } $rows = $htag->tr( $cells ); $r_no = 0; for $val (@{ $data->{values} }) { $cells = q(); $c_no = 0; if ($me->select eq q(left) and $data->{values}->[0]) { $cells .= $me->_checkBox( $r_no, $c_no, $val ); } for $fld (@{ $data->{flds} }) { if ($me->edit) { $ref = {}; $ref->{default } = $val->{ $fld }; $ref->{maxlength} = $data->{maxlengths}->{ $fld } if (exists $data->{maxlengths}->{ $fld }); $ref->{name } = $fld.$r_no; $ref->{size } = exists $data->{sizes}->{ $fld } ? $data->{sizes}->{ $fld } : 10; $text = $htag->textfield( $ref ); $ref = { class => q(dataValue) }; $ref->{class} .= q( nowrap) unless (exists $data->{wrap}->{ $fld }); $cells .= $htag->td( $ref, $text ); } else { next if ($data->{hclass}->{ $fld } and $data->{hclass}->{ $fld } eq q(hide)); $ref = {}; $ref->{align} = exists $data->{align}->{ $fld } ? $data->{align}->{ $fld } : q(left); if ($val->{class} and exists $val->{class}->{ $fld }) { $ref->{class} = $val->{class}->{ $fld }; } else { $ref->{class} = $c_no % 2 == 0 ? q(even) : q(odd); $ref->{class} .= q( ).($data->{class} || q(dataValue)); } $ref->{class} .= q( nowrap) unless (exists $data->{wrap}->{ $fld }); $cells .= $htag->td( $ref, $val->{ $fld } || q( ) )."\n"; } $c_no++; } if ($me->select eq q(right) and $data->{values}->[0]) { $cells .= $me->_checkBox( $r_no, $c_no, $val ); } $ref = { id => q(row).$me->name.$r_no }; $rows .= $htag->tr( $ref, $cells ); $r_no++; } push @{ $me->hide }, { name => q(nRows).$me->name, value => $r_no }; if ($me->edit) { $cells = q(); for $c_no (0 .. $#{ $data->{flds} }) { $fld = $data->{flds}->[ $c_no ]; $ref = { id => q(add).$me->name.$c_no }; $ref->{maxlength} = $data->{maxlengths}->{ $fld } if (exists $data->{maxlengths}->{ $fld }); $ref->{name } = $fld; $ref->{size } = exists $data->{sizes}->{ $fld } ? $data->{sizes}->{ $fld } : 10; $text = $htag->textfield( $ref ); $cells .= $htag->td( $text ); } $ref = {}; $ref->{class } = $ref->{name} = q(button); $ref->{onclick} = 'return tableObj.AddTableRow(\''.$me->name.'\', 1)'; $ref->{src } = $me->assets.'AddItem.png'; $ref->{value } = q(add).(ucfirst $me->name); $text = $htag->image_button( $ref ); $tip = 'Enter a new item into the adjacent text '; $tip .= 'fields and then click this button to add '; $tip .= 'it to the list'; $ref = { class => q(help tips), title => $tip }; $text = $htag->span( $ref, $text ); if ($me->select) { $ref = {}; $ref->{class } = $ref->{name} = q(button); $ref->{onclick} = 'return tableObj.RemoveTableRow(\''.$me->name.'\')'; $ref->{src } = $me->assets.'RemoveItem.png'; $ref->{value } = q(remove).(ucfirst $me->name); $text1 = $htag->image_button( $ref ); $tip = 'Select one or more items from the '; $tip .= 'above list and then click this button '; $tip .= 'to remove them'; $ref = { class => q(help tips), title => $tip }; $text .= $htag->span( $ref, $text1 ); } $cells .= $htag->td( $text ); $rows .= $htag->tr( { id => q(add).$me->name }, $cells ); } return $htag->table( { class => ($me->prompt ? q(form) : q(std))}, $rows ); } # Private methods sub _checkBox { my ($me, $r_no, $c_no, $val) = @_; my ($text, $ref); $ref = { name => 'select'.$me->name.$r_no }; $ref->{value} = $val->{id} if ($val->{id}); $text = $me->elem->checkbox( $ref ); $ref = { align => 'center', class => ($c_no % 2 == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd') }; return $me->elem->td( $ref, $text ); } 1; # Local Variables: # mode: perl # tab-width: 3 # End: