package HTML::FormWidgets::Freelist; # @(#)$Id: 23 2008-03-13 21:45:18Z pjf $ use strict; use warnings; use base qw(HTML::FormWidgets); use version; our $VERSION = qv( sprintf '0.1.%d', q$Rev: 23 $ =~ /\d+/gmx ); sub _render { my ($me, $ref) = @_; my ($htag, $html, $rNo, $text, $text1, $tip, $val); $htag = $me->elem; $ref->{name } = q(new).$me->name; $ref->{size } = $me->width || 20; $html = $htag->div( { class => q(container) }, $htag->textfield( $ref ) ); $html .= $htag->div( { class => q(separator) }, q( ) ); $ref = {}; $ref->{class } = $ref->{name} = q(button); $ref->{onclick } = 'return freeListObj.AddItem(\''.$me->name.'\')'; $ref->{src } = $me->assets.'AddItem.png'; $ref->{value } = q(add).(ucfirst $me->name); $text = $htag->image_button( $ref ); $tip = 'Enter a new item into the adjacent text field '; $tip .= 'and then click this button to add it to the list'; $ref = { class => q(help tips), title => $tip }; $text1 = $htag->span( $ref, $text ).$htag->br(); $ref = {}; $ref->{class } = $ref->{name} = q(button); $ref->{onclick } = 'return freeListObj.RemoveItem(\''.$me->name.'\')'; $ref->{src } = $me->assets.'RemoveItem.png'; $ref->{value } = q(remove).(ucfirst $me->name); $text = $htag->image_button( $ref ); $tip = 'Select one or more items from the adjacent list '; $tip .= 'and then click this button to remove them'; $ref = { class => q(help tips), title => $tip }; $text1 .= $htag->span( $ref, $text ); $html .= $htag->div( { class => q(container) }, $text1 ); $ref = {}; $ref->{labels } = $me->labels if ($me->labels); $ref->{multiple} = q(true); $ref->{name } = q(cur).$me->name; $ref->{size } = $me->height; $ref->{values } = $me->values; $html .= $htag->scrolling_list( $ref ); $rNo = 0; for $val (@{ $ref->{values} }) { $ref = {}; $ref->{id } = $me->name.$rNo++; $ref->{name } = $me->name; $ref->{value} = $val; $html .= $htag->hidden( $ref ); } $ref = {}; $ref->{name } = q(nRows).$me->name; $ref->{value } = $rNo; $html .= $htag->hidden( $ref ); return $html; } 1; # Local Variables: # mode: perl # tab-width: 3 # End: