package HTML::FormWidgets::File; # @(#)$Id: 33 2008-05-17 23:36:47Z pjf $ use strict; use warnings; use base qw(HTML::FormWidgets); use English qw(-no_match_vars); use IO::File; use Readonly; use Syntax::Highlight::Perl; use Text::ParseWords; use Text::Tabs; use version; our $VERSION = qv( sprintf '0.1.%d', q$Rev: 33 $ =~ /\d+/gmx ); Readonly my %SCHEME => ( Variable_Scalar => [ '', '' ], Variable_Array => [ '', '' ], Variable_Hash => [ '', '' ], Variable_Typeglob => [ '', '' ], Subroutine => [ '', '' ], Quote => [ '', '' ], String => [ '', '' ], Comment_Normal => [ '', '' ], Comment_POD => [ '', '' ], Bareword => [ '', '' ], Package => [ '', '' ], Number => [ '', '' ], Operator => [ '', '' ], Symbol => [ '', '' ], Keyword => [ '', '' ], Builtin_Operator => [ '', '' ], Builtin_Function => [ '', '' ], Character => [ '', '' ], Directive => [ '', '' ], Label => [ '', '' ], Line => [ '', '' ], ); sub _render { # Subtypes: file, csv, html, source, and logfile my ($me, $ref) = @_; my ($attr, $box, $cells, $c_no, $fld, $fmt, $htag, $key, $line); my ($pat, $path, $r_no, $rdr, $rows, $span, $text); $me->header( [] ) unless (defined $me->header); $me->select( -1 ) unless (defined $me->select); $me->subtype( q(file) ) unless (defined $me->subtype); $htag = $me->elem; $path = $me->path; if ($me->subtype eq q(html)) { $pat = $me->root; if ($path =~ m{ \A $pat }msx) { $path = $me->base.($path =~ s{ \A $pat }{/}msx); } $path = $path =~ m{ \A http: }msx ? $path : $me->base.$path; $text = 'border: 0px; bottom: 0px; position: absolute; '; $text .= 'top: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%; '.$me->style; return $htag->iframe( { src => $path, scrolling => q(auto), style => $text }, q( ) ); } return 'Not found '.$path unless (-f $path); return 'Cannot read '.$path unless ($rdr = IO::File->new( $path, q(r) )); $text = do { local $RS = undef; <$rdr> }; $rdr->close(); if ($me->subtype eq q(source)) { $fmt = Syntax::Highlight::Perl->new(); $fmt->set_format( \%SCHEME ); $fmt->define_substitution( q(<) => q(<), q(>) => q(>), q(&) => q(&) ); $tabstop = $me->tabstop; $text = expand( $text ); $text = $fmt->format_string( $text ); return $htag->pre( { class => $me->subtype }, $text ); } $r_no = 0; $rows = q(); $span = 1; if ($me->subtype eq q(logfile)) { # TODO: Add Prev and next links to append div for $line (split m { \n }mx, $text) { $line = $htag->escape_html( $line, 0 ); $line = $htag->pre( { class => $me->subtype }, $line ); $cells = $htag->td( { class => $me->subtype }, $line ); $rows .= $htag->tr( { class => $me->subtype }, $cells )."\n"; $r_no++; } $text = $htag->hidden( { name => q(nRows), value => $r_no } ); push @{ $me->hide }, $text; return $htag->table( { cellpadding => 0, cellspacing => 0 }, $rows ); } for $line (split m { \n }mx, $text) { $line = $htag->escape_html( $line, 0 ); $cells = q(); $c_no = 0; if ($me->subtype eq q(csv)) { for $fld (parse_line( q(,), 0, $line )) { if ($r_no == 0 && $line =~ m{ \A \# }mx) { $fld = substr $fld, 1 if ($c_no == 0); $me->header->[ $c_no ] = $fld unless ($me->header->[ $c_no ]); } else { $attr = { class => $me->subtype.q( ).($c_no % 2 == 0 ? q(even) : q(odd)) }; $cells .= $htag->td( $attr, $fld ); } $key = $fld if ($c_no == $me->select); $c_no++; } next if ($r_no == 0 && $line =~ m{ \A \# }msx); } else { $cells .= $htag->td( { class => $me->subtype }, $line ); $c_no++; } if ($me->select >= 0) { $box = $htag->checkbox( { label => q(), name => q(select).$r_no, value => $key } ); $cells = $htag->td( { class => q(odd) }, $box ).$cells; $attr = { class => q(lineNumber even) }; $c_no++; } else { $attr = { class => q(lineNumber odd) } } $cells = $htag->td( $attr, $r_no+1 ).$cells; $c_no++; $span = $c_no if ($c_no > $span); $rows .= $htag->tr( { class => $me->subtype }, $cells ); $r_no++; } $cells = $htag->th( { class => q(small table minimal) }, chr 35 ); $c_no = 1; if ($me->select >= 0) { $cells .= $htag->th( { class => q(small table minimal) }, q(M) ); $c_no++; } if ($me->subtype eq q(csv)) { if ($me->header->[0]) { for $text (@{ $me->header }) { $cells .= $htag->th( { class => q(small table) }, $text ); last if (++$c_no >= $span); } } else { for $text ('A' .. 'Z') { $cells .= $htag->th( { class => q(small table) }, $text ); last if (++$c_no >= $span); } } } else { $cells .= $htag->th( { class => q(small table) }, 'Lines' ) } $rows = $htag->tr( $cells ).$rows; push @{ $me->hide }, $htag->hidden( { name => q(nRows), value => $r_no } ); return $htag->table( $rows ); } 1; # Local Variables: # mode: perl # tab-width: 3 # End: