# # Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Ken MacLeod # Frontier::RPC is free software; you can redistribute it # and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # # $Id: RPC2.pm,v 1.18 2002/08/02 18:35:21 ivan420 Exp $ # # NOTE: see Storable for marshalling. use strict; package Frontier::RPC2; use XML::Parser; use vars qw{%scalars %char_entities}; %char_entities = ( '&' => '&', '<' => '<', '>' => '>', '"' => '"', ); # FIXME I need a list of these %scalars = ( 'base64' => 1, 'boolean' => 1, 'dateTime.iso8601' => 1, 'double' => 1, 'int' => 1, 'i4' => 1, 'string' => 1, ); sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = ($#_ == 0) ? { %{ (shift) } } : { @_ }; bless $self, $class; if (defined $self->{'encoding'}) { $self->{'encoding_'} = " encoding=\"$self->{'encoding'}\""; } else { $self->{'encoding_'} = ""; } return $self; } sub encode_call { my $self = shift; my $proc = shift; my @text; push @text, <{'encoding_'}?> $proc EOF push @text, $self->_params([@_]); push @text, < EOF return join('', @text); } sub encode_response { my $self = shift; my @text; push @text, <{'encoding_'}?> EOF push @text, $self->_params([@_]); push @text, < EOF return join('', @text); } sub encode_fault { my $self = shift; my $code = shift; my $message = shift; my @text; push @text, <{'encoding_'}?> EOF push @text, $self->_item({faultCode => $code, faultString => $message}); push @text, < EOF return join('', @text); } sub serve { my $self = shift; my $xml = shift; my $methods = shift; my $call; # FIXME bug in Frontier's XML $xml =~ s/(<\?XML\s+VERSION)/\L$1\E/; eval { $call = $self->decode($xml) }; if ($@) { return $self->encode_fault(1, "error decoding RPC.\n" . $@); } if ($call->{'type'} ne 'call') { return $self->encode_fault(2,"expected RPC \`methodCall', got \`$call->{'type'}'\n"); } my $method = $call->{'method_name'}; if (!defined $methods->{$method}) { return $self->encode_fault(3, "no such method \`$method'\n"); } my $result; my $eval = eval { $result = &{ $methods->{$method} }(@{ $call->{'value'} }) }; if ($@) { return $self->encode_fault(4, "error executing RPC \`$method'.\n" . $@); } my $response_xml = $self->encode_response($result); return $response_xml; } sub _params { my $self = shift; my $array = shift; my @text; my $item; foreach $item (@$array) { push (@text, "", $self->_item($item), "\n"); } return @text; } sub _item { my $self = shift; my $item = shift; my @text; my $ref = ref($item); if (!$ref) { push (@text, $self->_scalar ($item)); } elsif ($ref eq 'ARRAY') { push (@text, $self->_array($item)); } elsif ($ref eq 'HASH') { push (@text, $self->_hash($item)); } elsif ($ref eq 'Frontier::RPC2::Boolean') { push @text, "", $item->repr, "\n"; } elsif ($ref eq 'Frontier::RPC2::String') { push @text, "", $item->repr, "\n"; } elsif ($ref eq 'Frontier::RPC2::Integer') { push @text, "", $item->repr, "\n"; } elsif ($ref eq 'Frontier::RPC2::Double') { push @text, "", $item->repr, "\n"; } elsif ($ref eq 'Frontier::RPC2::DateTime::ISO8601') { push @text, "", $item->repr, "\n"; } elsif ($ref eq 'Frontier::RPC2::Base64') { push @text, "", $item->repr, "\n"; } elsif ($ref =~ /=HASH\(/) { push @text, $self->_hash($item); } elsif ($ref =~ /=ARRAY\(/) { push @text, $self->_array($item); } else { die "can't convert \`$item' to XML\n"; } return @text; } sub _hash { my $self = shift; my $hash = shift; my @text = "\n"; my ($key, $value); while (($key, $value) = each %$hash) { push (@text, "$key", $self->_item($value), "\n"); } push @text, "\n"; return @text; } sub _array { my $self = shift; my $array = shift; my @text = "\n"; my $item; foreach $item (@$array) { push @text, $self->_item($item); } push @text, "\n"; return @text; } sub _scalar { my $self = shift; my $value = shift; # these are from `perldata(1)' if ($value =~ /^[+-]?\d+$/) { return ("$value"); } elsif ($value =~ /^(-?(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)|([+-]?)(?=\d|\.\d)\d*(\.\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\d+))?)$/) { return ("$value"); } else { $value =~ s/([&<>\"])/$char_entities{$1}/ge; return ("$value"); } } sub decode { my $self = shift; my $string = shift; $self->{'parser'} = XML::Parser->new( Style => ref($self), 'use_objects' => $self->{'use_objects'} ); return $self->{'parser'}->parsestring($string); } # shortcuts sub base64 { my $self = shift; return Frontier::RPC2::Base64->new(@_); } sub boolean { my $self = shift; my $elem = shift; if($elem == 0 or $elem == 1) { return Frontier::RPC2::Boolean->new($elem); } else { die "error in rendering RPC type \`$elem\' not a boolean\n"; } } sub double { my $self = shift; my $elem = shift; # this is from `perldata(1)' if($elem =~ /^([+-]?)(?=\d|\.\d)\d*(\.\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\d+))?$/) { return Frontier::RPC2::Double->new($elem); } else { die "error in rendering RPC type \`$elem\' not a double\n"; } } sub int { my $self = shift; my $elem = shift; # this is from `perldata(1)' if($elem =~ /^[+-]?\d+$/) { return Frontier::RPC2::Integer->new($elem); } else { die "error in rendering RPC type \`$elem\' not an int\n"; } } sub string { my $self = shift; return Frontier::RPC2::String->new(@_); } sub date_time { my $self = shift; return Frontier::RPC2::DateTime::ISO8601->new(@_); } ###################################################################### ### ### XML::Parser callbacks ### sub die { my $expat = shift; my $message = shift; die $message . "at line " . $expat->current_line . " column " . $expat->current_column . "\n"; } sub init { my $expat = shift; $expat->{'rpc_state'} = []; $expat->{'rpc_container'} = [ [] ]; $expat->{'rpc_member_name'} = []; $expat->{'rpc_type'} = undef; $expat->{'rpc_args'} = undef; } # FIXME this state machine wouldn't be necessary if we had a DTD. sub start { my $expat = shift; my $tag = shift; my $state = $expat->{'rpc_state'}[-1]; if (!defined $state) { if ($tag eq 'methodCall') { $expat->{'rpc_type'} = 'call'; push @{ $expat->{'rpc_state'} }, 'want_method_name'; } elsif ($tag eq 'methodResponse') { push @{ $expat->{'rpc_state'} }, 'method_response'; } else { Frontier::RPC2::die($expat, "unknown RPC type \`$tag'\n"); } } elsif ($state eq 'want_method_name') { Frontier::RPC2::die($expat, "wanted \`methodName' tag, got \`$tag'\n") if ($tag ne 'methodName'); push @{ $expat->{'rpc_state'} }, 'method_name'; $expat->{'rpc_text'} = ""; } elsif ($state eq 'method_response') { if ($tag eq 'params') { $expat->{'rpc_type'} = 'response'; push @{ $expat->{'rpc_state'} }, 'params'; } elsif ($tag eq 'fault') { $expat->{'rpc_type'} = 'fault'; push @{ $expat->{'rpc_state'} }, 'want_value'; } } elsif ($state eq 'want_params') { Frontier::RPC2::die($expat, "wanted \`params' tag, got \`$tag'\n") if ($tag ne 'params'); push @{ $expat->{'rpc_state'} }, 'params'; } elsif ($state eq 'params') { Frontier::RPC2::die($expat, "wanted \`param' tag, got \`$tag'\n") if ($tag ne 'param'); push @{ $expat->{'rpc_state'} }, 'want_param_name_or_value'; } elsif ($state eq 'want_param_name_or_value') { if ($tag eq 'value') { $expat->{'may_get_cdata'} = 1; $expat->{'rpc_text'} = ""; push @{ $expat->{'rpc_state'} }, 'value'; } elsif ($tag eq 'name') { push @{ $expat->{'rpc_state'} }, 'param_name'; } else { Frontier::RPC2::die($expat, "wanted \`value' or \`name' tag, got \`$tag'\n"); } } elsif ($state eq 'param_name') { Frontier::RPC2::die($expat, "wanted parameter name data, got tag \`$tag'\n"); } elsif ($state eq 'want_value') { Frontier::RPC2::die($expat, "wanted \`value' tag, got \`$tag'\n") if ($tag ne 'value'); $expat->{'rpc_text'} = ""; $expat->{'may_get_cdata'} = 1; push @{ $expat->{'rpc_state'} }, 'value'; } elsif ($state eq 'value') { $expat->{'may_get_cdata'} = 0; if ($tag eq 'array') { push @{ $expat->{'rpc_container'} }, []; push @{ $expat->{'rpc_state'} }, 'want_data'; } elsif ($tag eq 'struct') { push @{ $expat->{'rpc_container'} }, {}; push @{ $expat->{'rpc_member_name'} }, undef; push @{ $expat->{'rpc_state'} }, 'struct'; } elsif ($scalars{$tag}) { $expat->{'rpc_text'} = ""; push @{ $expat->{'rpc_state'} }, 'cdata'; } else { Frontier::RPC2::die($expat, "wanted a data type, got \`$tag'\n"); } } elsif ($state eq 'want_data') { Frontier::RPC2::die($expat, "wanted \`data', got \`$tag'\n") if ($tag ne 'data'); push @{ $expat->{'rpc_state'} }, 'array'; } elsif ($state eq 'array') { Frontier::RPC2::die($expat, "wanted \`value' tag, got \`$tag'\n") if ($tag ne 'value'); $expat->{'rpc_text'} = ""; $expat->{'may_get_cdata'} = 1; push @{ $expat->{'rpc_state'} }, 'value'; } elsif ($state eq 'struct') { Frontier::RPC2::die($expat, "wanted \`member' tag, got \`$tag'\n") if ($tag ne 'member'); push @{ $expat->{'rpc_state'} }, 'want_member_name'; } elsif ($state eq 'want_member_name') { Frontier::RPC2::die($expat, "wanted \`name' tag, got \`$tag'\n") if ($tag ne 'name'); push @{ $expat->{'rpc_state'} }, 'member_name'; $expat->{'rpc_text'} = ""; } elsif ($state eq 'member_name') { Frontier::RPC2::die($expat, "wanted data, got tag \`$tag'\n"); } elsif ($state eq 'cdata') { Frontier::RPC2::die($expat, "wanted data, got tag \`$tag'\n"); } else { Frontier::RPC2::die($expat, "internal error, unknown state \`$state'\n"); } } sub end { my $expat = shift; my $tag = shift; my $state = pop @{ $expat->{'rpc_state'} }; if ($state eq 'cdata') { my $value = $expat->{'rpc_text'}; if ($tag eq 'base64') { $value = Frontier::RPC2::Base64->new($value); } elsif ($tag eq 'boolean') { $value = Frontier::RPC2::Boolean->new($value); } elsif ($tag eq 'dateTime.iso8601') { $value = Frontier::RPC2::DateTime::ISO8601->new($value); } elsif ($expat->{'use_objects'}) { if ($tag eq 'i4' or $tag eq 'int') { $value = Frontier::RPC2::Integer->new($value); } elsif ($tag eq 'float') { $value = Frontier::RPC2::Float->new($value); } elsif ($tag eq 'string') { $value = Frontier::RPC2::String->new($value); } } $expat->{'rpc_value'} = $value; } elsif ($state eq 'member_name') { $expat->{'rpc_member_name'}[-1] = $expat->{'rpc_text'}; $expat->{'rpc_state'}[-1] = 'want_value'; } elsif ($state eq 'method_name') { $expat->{'rpc_method_name'} = $expat->{'rpc_text'}; $expat->{'rpc_state'}[-1] = 'want_params'; } elsif ($state eq 'struct') { $expat->{'rpc_value'} = pop @{ $expat->{'rpc_container'} }; pop @{ $expat->{'rpc_member_name'} }; } elsif ($state eq 'array') { $expat->{'rpc_value'} = pop @{ $expat->{'rpc_container'} }; } elsif ($state eq 'value') { # the rpc_text is a string if no type tags were given if ($expat->{'may_get_cdata'}) { $expat->{'may_get_cdata'} = 0; if ($expat->{'use_objects'}) { $expat->{'rpc_value'} = Frontier::RPC2::String->new($expat->{'rpc_text'}); } else { $expat->{'rpc_value'} = $expat->{'rpc_text'}; } } my $container = $expat->{'rpc_container'}[-1]; if (ref($container) eq 'ARRAY') { push @$container, $expat->{'rpc_value'}; } elsif (ref($container) eq 'HASH') { $container->{ $expat->{'rpc_member_name'}[-1] } = $expat->{'rpc_value'}; } } } sub char { my $expat = shift; my $text = shift; $expat->{'rpc_text'} .= $text; } sub proc { } sub final { my $expat = shift; $expat->{'rpc_value'} = pop @{ $expat->{'rpc_container'} }; return { value => $expat->{'rpc_value'}, type => $expat->{'rpc_type'}, method_name => $expat->{'rpc_method_name'}, }; } package Frontier::RPC2::DataType; sub new { my $type = shift; my $value = shift; return bless \$value, $type; } # `repr' returns the XML representation of this data, which may be # different [in the future] from what is returned from `value' sub repr { my $self = shift; return $$self; } # sets or returns the usable value of this data sub value { my $self = shift; @_ ? ($$self = shift) : $$self; } package Frontier::RPC2::Base64; use vars qw{@ISA}; @ISA = qw{Frontier::RPC2::DataType}; package Frontier::RPC2::Boolean; use vars qw{@ISA}; @ISA = qw{Frontier::RPC2::DataType}; package Frontier::RPC2::Integer; use vars qw{@ISA}; @ISA = qw{Frontier::RPC2::DataType}; package Frontier::RPC2::String; use vars qw{@ISA}; @ISA = qw{Frontier::RPC2::DataType}; sub repr { my $self = shift; my $value = $$self; $value =~ s/([&<>\"])/$Frontier::RPC2::char_entities{$1}/ge; $value; } package Frontier::RPC2::Double; use vars qw{@ISA}; @ISA = qw{Frontier::RPC2::DataType}; package Frontier::RPC2::DateTime::ISO8601; use vars qw{@ISA}; @ISA = qw{Frontier::RPC2::DataType}; =head1 NAME Frontier::RPC2 - encode/decode RPC2 format XML =head1 SYNOPSIS use Frontier::RPC2; $coder = Frontier::RPC2->new; $xml_string = $coder->encode_call($method, @args); $xml_string = $coder->encode_response($result); $xml_string = $coder->encode_fault($code, $message); $call = $coder->decode($xml_string); $response_xml = $coder->serve($request_xml, $methods); $boolean_object = $coder->boolean($boolean); $date_time_object = $coder->date_time($date_time); $base64_object = $coder->base64($base64); $int_object = $coder->int(42); $float_object = $coder->float(3.14159); $string_object = $coder->string("Foo"); =head1 DESCRIPTION I encodes and decodes XML RPC calls. =over 4 =item $coder = Frontier::RPC2->new( I ) Create a new encoder/decoder. The following option is supported: =over 4 =item encoding The XML encoding to be specified in the XML declaration of encoded RPC requests or responses. Decoded results may have a different encoding specified; XML::Parser will convert decoded data to UTF-8. The default encoding is none, which uses XML 1.0's default of UTF-8. For example: $server = Frontier::RPC2->new( 'encoding' => 'ISO-8859-1' ); =item use_objects If set to a non-zero value will convert incoming Ei4E, EfloatE, and EstringE values to objects instead of scalars. See int(), float(), and string() below for more details. =back =item $xml_string = $coder->encode_call($method, @args) `C' converts a method name and it's arguments into an RPC2 `C' element, returning the XML fragment. =item $xml_string = $coder->encode_response($result) `C' converts the return value of a procedure into an RPC2 `C' element containing the result, returning the XML fragment. =item $xml_string = $coder->encode_fault($code, $message) `C' converts a fault code and message into an RPC2 `C' element containing a `C' element, returning the XML fragment. =item $call = $coder->decode($xml_string) `C' converts an XML string containing an RPC2 `C' or `C' element into a hash containing three members, `C', `C', and `C'. `C' is one of `C', `C', or `C'. `C' is array containing the parameters or result of the RPC. For a `C' type, `C' contains call's parameters and `C' contains the method being called. For a `C' type, the `C' array contains call's result. For a `C' type, the `C' array contains a hash with the two members `C' and `C'. =item $response_xml = $coder->serve($request_xml, $methods) `C' decodes `C<$request_xml>', looks up the called method name in the `C<$methods>' hash and calls it, and then encodes and returns the response as XML. =item $boolean_object = $coder->boolean($boolean); =item $date_time_object = $coder->date_time($date_time); =item $base64_object = $coder->base64($base64); These methods create and return XML-RPC-specific datatypes that can be passed to the encoder. The decoder may also return these datatypes. The corresponding package names (for use with `C', for example) are `C', `C', and `C'. You can change and retrieve the value of boolean, date/time, and base64 data using the `C' method of those objects, i.e.: $boolean = $boolean_object->value; $boolean_object->value(1); Note: `C' does I encode or decode base64 data for you, you must use MIME::Base64 or similar module for that. =item $int_object = $coder->int(42); =item $float_object = $coder->float(3.14159); =item $string_object = $coder->string("Foo"); By default, you may pass ordinary Perl values (scalars) to be encoded. RPC2 automatically converts them to XML-RPC types if they look like an integer, float, or as a string. This assumption causes problems when you want to pass a string that looks like "0096", RPC2 will convert that to an Ei4E because it looks like an integer. With these methods, you could now create a string object like this: $part_num = $coder->string("0096"); and be confident that it will be passed as an XML-RPC string. You can change and retrieve values from objects using value() as described above. =back =head1 SEE ALSO perl(1), Frontier::Daemon(3), Frontier::Client(3) =head1 AUTHOR Ken MacLeod =cut 1;