package Font::TTF::Kern::Subtable; =head1 NAME Font::TTF::Kern::Subtable - Kern Subtable superclass for AAT =head1 METHODS =cut use strict; use Font::TTF::Utils; use Font::TTF::AATutils; use IO::File; require Font::TTF::Kern::OrderedList; require Font::TTF::Kern::StateTable; require Font::TTF::Kern::ClassArray; require Font::TTF::Kern::CompactClassArray; sub new { my ($class) = @_; my ($self) = {}; $class = ref($class) || $class; bless $self, $class; } sub create { my ($class, $type, $coverage, $length) = @_; $class = ref($class) || $class; my $subclass; if ($type == 0) { $subclass = 'Font::TTF::Kern::OrderedList'; } elsif ($type == 1) { $subclass = 'Font::TTF::Kern::StateTable'; } elsif ($type == 2) { $subclass = 'Font::TTF::Kern::ClassArray'; } elsif ($type == 3) { $subclass = 'Font::TTF::Kern::CompactClassArray'; } my @options; push @options,'vertical' if ($coverage & 0x8000) != 0; push @options,'crossStream' if ($coverage & 0x4000) != 0; push @options,'variation' if ($coverage & 0x2000) != 0; my ($subTable) = $subclass->new(@options); map { $subTable->{$_} = 1 } @options; $subTable->{'type'} = $type; $subTable->{'length'} = $length; $subTable; } =head2 $t->out($fh) Writes the table to a file =cut sub out { my ($self, $fh) = @_; my $subtableStart = $fh->tell(); my $type = $self->{'type'}; my $coverage = $type; $coverage += 0x4000 if $self->{'direction'} eq 'RL'; $coverage += 0x2000 if $self->{'orientation'} eq 'VH'; $coverage += 0x8000 if $self->{'orientation'} eq 'V'; $fh->print(TTF_Pack("SSL", 0, $coverage, $self->{'subFeatureFlags'})); # placeholder for length $self->out_sub($fh); my $length = $fh->tell() - $subtableStart; my $padBytes = (4 - ($length & 3)) & 3; $fh->print(pack("C*", (0) x $padBytes)); $length += $padBytes; $fh->seek($subtableStart, IO::File::SEEK_SET); $fh->print(pack("n", $length)); $fh->seek($subtableStart + $length, IO::File::SEEK_SET); } =head2 $t->print($fh) Prints a human-readable representation of the table =cut sub post { my ($self) = @_; my $post = $self->{' PARENT'}{' PARENT'}{'post'}; if (defined $post) { $post->read; } else { $post = {}; } return $post; } sub print { my ($self, $fh) = @_; my $post = $self->post(); $fh = 'STDOUT' unless defined $fh; } =head2 $t->print_classes($fh) Prints a human-readable representation of the table =cut sub print_classes { my ($self, $fh) = @_; my $post = $self->post(); my $classes = $self->{'classes'}; foreach (0 .. $#$classes) { my $class = $classes->[$_]; if (defined $class) { $fh->printf("\t\tClass %d:\t%s\n", $_, join(", ", map { $_ . " [" . $post->{'VAL'}[$_] . "]" } @$class)); } } } sub dumpClasses { my ($self, $classes, $fh) = @_; my $post = $self->post(); foreach (0 .. $#$classes) { my $c = $classes->[$_]; if ($#$c > -1) { $fh->printf("\n", $_); foreach (@$c) { $fh->printf("\n", $_, $post->{'VAL'}[$_]); } $fh->printf("\n"); } } } 1; =head1 BUGS None known =head1 AUTHOR Jonathan Kew L. See L for copyright and licensing. =cut