package Font::TTF::GrFeat; =head1 NAME Font::TTF::GrFeat - Graphite Font Features =head1 DESCRIPTION =head1 INSTANCE VARIABLES =over 4 =item version =item features An array of hashes of the following form =over 8 =item feature feature id number =item name name index in name table =item exclusive exclusive flag =item default the default setting number =item settings hash of setting number against name string index =back =back =head1 METHODS =cut use strict; use vars qw(@ISA); use Font::TTF::Utils; require Font::TTF::Table; @ISA = qw(Font::TTF::Table); =head2 $t->read Reads the features from the TTF file into memory =cut sub read { my ($self) = @_; my ($featureCount, $features); return $self if $self->{' read'}; $self->SUPER::read_dat or return $self; ($self->{'version'}, $featureCount) = TTF_Unpack("fS", $self->{' dat'}); $features = []; foreach (1 .. $featureCount) { my ($feature, $nSettings, $settingTable, $featureFlags, $nameIndex, $reserved); if ($self->{'version'} == 1) { ($feature, $nSettings, $settingTable, $featureFlags, $nameIndex) = TTF_Unpack("SSLSS", substr($self->{' dat'}, $_ * 12, 12)); #The version 1 Feat table ends with a feature (id 1) named NoName #with zero settings but with an offset to the last entry in the setting #array. This last setting has id 0 and an invalid name id. This last #feature is changed to have one setting. if ($_ == $featureCount && $nSettings == 0) {$nSettings = 1;} } else #version == 2 {($feature, $nSettings, $reserved, $settingTable, $featureFlags, $nameIndex) = TTF_Unpack("LSSLSS", substr($self->{' dat'}, 12 + ($_ - 1) * 16, 16))}; my $feature = { 'feature' => $feature, 'name' => $nameIndex, }; #interpret the featureFlags & store settings $feature->{'exclusive'} = (($featureFlags & 0x8000) != 0); my @settings = TTF_Unpack("S*", substr($self->{' dat'}, $settingTable, $nSettings * 4)); if ($featureFlags & 0x4000) {$feature->{'default'} = $featureFlags & 0x00FF;} else {$feature->{'default'} = @settings[0];} $feature->{'settings'} = {@settings}; push(@$features, $feature); } $self->{'features'} = $features; delete $self->{' dat'}; # no longer needed, and may become obsolete $self->{' read'} = 1; $self; } =head2 $t->out($fh) Writes the features to a TTF file =cut sub out { my ($self, $fh) = @_; my ($features, $numFeatures, $settings, $featureFlags, $featuresData, $settingsData); return $self->SUPER::out($fh) unless $self->{' read'}; $features = $self->{'features'}; $numFeatures = @$features; $featuresData, $settingsData = ('', ''); foreach (@$features) { $settings = $_->{'settings'}; $featureFlags = ($_->{'exclusive'} ? 0x8000 : 0x0000); # output default setting first instead of using the featureFlags (as done below) # $featureFlags = ($_->{'exclusive'} ? 0x8000 : 0x0000) | # ($_->{'default'} != 0 ? 0x4000 | ($_->{'default'} & 0x00FF) # : 0x0000); if ($self->{'version'} == 1) { $featuresData .= TTF_Pack("SSLSS", $_->{'feature'}, scalar keys %$settings, 12 + 12 * $numFeatures + length $settingsData, $featureFlags, $_->{'name'}); } else #version == 2 { $featuresData .= TTF_Pack("LSSLSS", $_->{'feature'}, scalar keys %$settings, 0, 12 + 16 * $numFeatures + length $settingsData, $featureFlags, $_->{'name'}); } #output default setting first #the settings may not be in their original order my $defaultSetting = $_->{'default'}; $settingsData .= TTF_Pack("SS", $defaultSetting, $settings->{$defaultSetting}); foreach (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %$settings) { if ($_ == $defaultSetting) {next;} #skip default setting $settingsData .= TTF_Pack("SS", $_, $settings->{$_}); } } $fh->print(TTF_Pack("fSSL", $self->{'version'}, $numFeatures, 0, 0)); $fh->print($featuresData); $fh->print($settingsData); $self; } =head2 $t->print($fh) Prints a human-readable representation of the table =cut sub print { my ($self, $fh) = @_; my ($names, $features, $settings); $self->read; $names = $self->{' PARENT'}->{'name'}; $names->read; $fh = 'STDOUT' unless defined $fh; $features = $self->{'features'}; foreach (@$features) { $fh->printf("Feature %d, %s, default: %d name %d # '%s'\n", $_->{'feature'}, ($_->{'exclusive'} ? "exclusive" : "additive"), $_->{'default'}, $_->{'name'}, $names->{'strings'}[$_->{'name'}][3][1]{1033}); $settings = $_->{'settings'}; foreach (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$settings) { $fh->printf("\tSetting %d, name %d # '%s'\n", $_, $settings->{$_}, $names->{'strings'}[$settings->{$_}][3][1]{1033}); } } $self; } sub settingName { my ($self, $feature, $setting) = @_; $self->read; my $names = $self->{' PARENT'}->{'name'}; $names->read; my $features = $self->{'features'}; my ($featureEntry) = grep { $_->{'feature'} == $feature } @$features; my $featureName = $names->{'strings'}[$featureEntry->{'name'}][3][1]{1033}; my $settingName = $featureEntry->{'exclusive'} ? $names->{'strings'}[$featureEntry->{'settings'}->{$setting}][3][1]{1033} : $names->{'strings'}[$featureEntry->{'settings'}->{$setting & ~1}][3][1]{1033} . (($setting & 1) == 0 ? " On" : " Off"); ($featureName, $settingName); } 1; =head1 BUGS The version 1 Feat table ends with a feature (id 1) named NoName with zero settings but with an offset to the last entry in the setting array. This last setting has id 0 and an invalid name id. This last feature is changed to have one setting. =head1 AUTHOR Alan Ward (derived from Jonathan Kew's See L<Font::TTF::Font> for copyright and licensing. =cut