package Font::TTF::Font;
=head1 NAME
Font::TTF::Font - Memory representation of a font
Here is the regression test (you provide your own font). Run it once and then
again on the output of the first run. There should be no differences between
the outputs of the two runs.
$f = Font::TTF::Font->open($ARGV[0]);
# force a read of all the tables
$f->tables_do(sub { $_[0]->read; });
# force read of all glyphs (use read_dat to use lots of memory!)
# $f->{'loca'}->glyphs_do(sub { $_[0]->read; });
$f->{'loca'}->glyphs_do(sub { $_[0]->read_dat; });
# NB. no need to $g->update since $f->{'glyf'}->out will do it for us
$f->release; # clear up memory forcefully!
A Truetype font consists of a header containing a directory of tables which
constitute the rest of the file. This class holds that header and directory and
also creates objects of the appropriate type for each table within the font.
Note that it does not read each table into memory, but creates a short reference
which can be read using the form:
Classes are included that support many of the different TrueType tables. For
those for which no special code exists, the table type C
is used, which
defaults to L. The current tables which are supported are:
table Font::TTF::Table - for unknown tables
Feat Font::TTF::GrFeat
OS/2 Font::TTF::OS_2
bsln Font::TTF::Bsln
cmap Font::TTF::Cmap - see also Font::TTF::OldCmap
cvt Font::TTF::Cvt_
fdsc Font::TTF::Fdsc
feat Font::TTF::Feat
fmtx Font::TTF::Fmtx
fpgm Font::TTF::Fpgm
glyf Font::TTF::Glyf - see also Font::TTF::Glyph
hdmx Font::TTF::Hdmx
head Font::TTF::Head
hhea Font::TTF::Hhea
hmtx Font::TTF::Hmtx
kern Font::TTF::Kern - see alternative Font::TTF::AATKern
loca Font::TTF::Loca
maxp Font::TTF::Maxp
mort Font::TTF::Mort - see also Font::TTF::OldMort
name Font::TTF::Name
post Font::TTF::Post
prep Font::TTF::Prep
prop Font::TTF::Prop
vhea Font::TTF::Vhea
vmtx Font::TTF::Vmtx
Links are:
Instance variables begin with a space (and have lengths greater than the 4
characters which make up table names).
=item nocsum
This is used during output to disable the creation of the file checksum in the
head table. For example, during DSIG table creation, this flag will be set to
ensure that the file checksum is left at zero.
=item noharmony
If set, do not harmonize the script and lang trees of GPOS and GSUB tables. See L for more info.
=item fname (R)
Contains the filename of the font which this object was read from.
=item INFILE (P)
The file handle which reflects the source file for this font.
=item OFFSET (P)
Contains the offset from the beginning of the read file of this particular
font directory, thus providing support for TrueType Collections.
=head1 METHODS
use IO::File;
use strict;
use vars qw(%tables $VERSION $dumper);
use Symbol();
require 5.004;
$VERSION = 0.37; # MJPH 7-OCT-2005 Force hhea update if dirty, give more OS/2 stuff in update
# $VERSION = 0.36; # MJPH 19-AUG-2005 Change cmap::reverse api to be opts based
# $VERSION = 0.35; # MJPH 4-MAY-2004 Various fixes to OpenType stuff, separate off scripts
# $VERSION = 0.34; # MJPH 22-MAY-2003 Update PSNames to latest AGL
# $VERSION = 0.33; # MJPH 9-OCT-2002 Support CFF OpenType (just by version=='OTTO'?!)
# $VERSION = 0.32; # MJPH 2-OCT-2002 Bug fixes to TTFBuilder, new methods and some
# extension table support in Ttopen and Coverage
# $VERSION = 0.31; # MJPH 1-JUL-2002 fix read format 12 cmap (
# improve surrogate support in ttfremap
# fix return warn to return warn,undef
# ensure correct indexToLocFormat
# $VERSION = 0.30; # MJPH 28-MAY-2002 add updated release
# $VERSION = 0.29; # MJPH 9-APR-2002 update ttfbuilder, sort out surrogates
# $VERSION = 0.28; # MJPH 13-MAR-2002 update ttfbuilder, add Font::TTF::Cmap::ms_enc()
# $VERSION = 0.27; # MJPH 6-FEB-2002 update ttfbuilder, support no fpgm, no more __DATA__
# $VERSION = 0.26; # MJPH 19-SEP-2001 Update ttfbuilder
# $VERSION = 0.25; # MJPH 18-SEP-2001 problems in update of head
# $VERSION = 0.24; # MJPH 1-AUG-2001 Sort out update
# $VERSION = 0.23; # GST 30-MAY-2001 Memory leak fixed
# $VERSION = 0.22; # MJPH 09-APR-2001 Ensure all of AAT stuff included
# $VERSION = 0.21; # MJPH 23-MAR-2001 Improve Opentype support
# $VERSION = 0.20; # MJPH 13-JAN-2001 Add XML output and some of XML input, AAT & OT tables
# $VERSION = 0.19; # MJPH 29-SEP-2000 Add cmap::is_unicode, debug
# $VERSION = 0.18; # MJPH 21-JUL-2000 Debug Utils::TTF_bininfo
# $VERSION = 0.17; # MJPH 16-JUN-2000 Add utf8 support to names
# $VERSION = 0.16; # MJPH 26-APR-2000 Mark read tables as read, tidy up POD
# $VERSION = 0.15; # MJPH 5-FEB-2000 Ensure right versions released
# $VERSION = 0.14; # MJPH 11-SEP-1999 Sort out Unixisms, agian!
# $VERSION = 0.13; # MJPH 9-SEP-1999 Add empty, debug update_bbox
# $VERSION = 0.12; # MJPH 22-JUL-1999 Add update_bbox
# $VERSION = 0.11; # MJPH 7-JUL-1999 Don't store empties in cmaps
# $VERSION = 0.10; # MJPH 21-JUN-1999 Use IO::File
# $VERSION = 0.09; # MJPH 9-JUN-1999 Add 5.004 require, minor tweeks in cmap
# $VERSION = 0.08; # MJPH 19-MAY-1999 Sort out line endings for Unix
# $VERSION = 0.07; # MJPH 28-APR-1999 Get the regression tests to work
# $VERSION = 0.06; # MJPH 26-APR-1999 Start to add to CVS, correct MANIFEST.SKIP
# $VERSION = 0.05; # MJPH 13-APR-1999 See changes for 0.05
# $VERSION = 0.04; # MJPH 13-MAR-1999 Tidy up Tarball
# $VERSION = 0.03; # MJPH 9-MAR-1999 Move to Font::TTF for CPAN
# $VERSION = 0.02; # MJPH 12-FEB-1999 Add support for ' nocsum' for DSIGS
# $VERSION = 0.0001;
%tables = (
'table' => 'Font::TTF::Table',
'EBDT' => 'Font::TTF::EBDT',
'EBLC' => 'Font::TTF::EBLC',
'Feat' => 'Font::TTF::GrFeat',
'GDEF' => 'Font::TTF::GDEF',
'GPOS' => 'Font::TTF::GPOS',
'GSUB' => 'Font::TTF::GSUB',
'LTSH' => 'Font::TTF::LTSH',
'OS/2' => 'Font::TTF::OS_2',
'PCLT' => 'Font::TTF::PCLT',
'bsln' => 'Font::TTF::Bsln',
'cmap' => 'Font::TTF::Cmap',
'cvt ' => 'Font::TTF::Cvt_',
'fdsc' => 'Font::TTF::Fdsc',
'feat' => 'Font::TTF::Feat',
'fmtx' => 'Font::TTF::Fmtx',
'fpgm' => 'Font::TTF::Fpgm',
'glyf' => 'Font::TTF::Glyf',
'hdmx' => 'Font::TTF::Hdmx',
'head' => 'Font::TTF::Head',
'hhea' => 'Font::TTF::Hhea',
'hmtx' => 'Font::TTF::Hmtx',
'kern' => 'Font::TTF::Kern',
'loca' => 'Font::TTF::Loca',
'maxp' => 'Font::TTF::Maxp',
'mort' => 'Font::TTF::Mort',
'name' => 'Font::TTF::Name',
'post' => 'Font::TTF::Post',
'prep' => 'Font::TTF::Prep',
'prop' => 'Font::TTF::Prop',
'vhea' => 'Font::TTF::Vhea',
'vmtx' => 'Font::TTF::Vmtx',
# This is special code because I am fed up of every time I x a table in the debugger
# I get the whole font printed. Thus substitutes my 3 line change to dumpvar into
# the debugger. Clunky, but nice. You are welcome to a copy if you want one.
my ($p);
foreach $p (@INC)
if (-f "$p/")
$dumper = '';
$dumper ||= '';
sub main::dumpValue
{ do $dumper; &main::dumpValue; }
=head2 Font::TTF::Font->AddTable($tablename, $class)
Adds the given class to be used when representing the given table name. It also
'requires' the class for you.
sub AddTable
my ($class, $table, $useclass) = @_;
$tables{$table} = $useclass;
# $useclass =~ s|::|/|oig;
# require "$";
=head2 Font::TTF::Font->Init
For those people who like making fonts without reading them. This subroutine
will require all the table code for the various table types for you. Not
needed if using Font::TTF::Font::read before using a table.
sub Init
my ($class) = @_;
my ($t);
foreach $t (values %tables)
$t =~ s|::|/|oig;
require "$";
=head2 Font::TTF::Font->new(%props)
Creates a new font object and initialises with the given properties. This is
primarily for use when a TTF is embedded somewhere. Notice that the properties
are automatically preceded by a space when inserted into the object. This is in
order that fields do not clash with tables.
sub new
my ($class, %props) = @_;
my ($self) = {};
bless $self, $class;
foreach (keys %props)
{ $self->{" $_"} = $props{$_}; }
=head2 Font::TTF::Font->open($fname)
Reads the header and directory for the given font file and creates appropriate
objects for each table in the font.
sub open
my ($class, $fname) = @_;
my ($fh);
my ($self) = {};
unless (ref($fname))
$fh = IO::File->new($fname) or return undef;
binmode $fh;
} else
{ $fh = $fname; }
$self->{' INFILE'} = $fh;
$self->{' fname'} = $fname;
$self->{' OFFSET'} = 0;
bless $self, $class;
=head2 $f->read
Reads a Truetype font directory starting from the current location in the file.
This has been separated from the C function to allow support for embedded
TTFs for example in TTCs. Also reads the C and C tables immediately.
sub read
my ($self) = @_;
my ($fh) = $self->{' INFILE'};
my ($dat, $i, $ver, $dir_num, $type, $name, $check, $off, $len, $t);
$fh->seek($self->{' OFFSET'}, 0);
$fh->read($dat, 12);
($ver, $dir_num) = unpack("Nn", $dat);
$ver == 1 << 16 || $ver == unpack('N', 'OTTO') || $ver == 0x74727565 or return undef; # support Mac sfnts
for ($i = 0; $i < $dir_num; $i++)
$fh->read($dat, 16) || die "Reading table entry";
($name, $check, $off, $len) = unpack("a4NNN", $dat);
$self->{$name} = $self->{' PARENT'}->find($self, $name, $check, $off, $len) && next
if (defined $self->{' PARENT'});
$type = $tables{$name} || 'Font::TTF::Table';
$t = $type;
if ($^O eq "MacOS")
{ $t =~ s/^|::/:/oig; }
{ $t =~ s|::|/|oig; }
require "$";
$self->{$name} = $type->new(PARENT => $self,
NAME => $name,
INFILE => $fh,
OFFSET => $off,
LENGTH => $len,
CSUM => $check);
foreach $t ('head', 'maxp')
{ $self->{$t}->read if defined $self->{$t}; }
=head2 $f->out($fname [, @tablelist])
Writes a TTF file consisting of the tables in tablelist. The list is checked to
ensure that only tables that exist are output. (This means that you can't have
non table information stored in the font object with key length of exactly 4)
In many cases the user simply wants to output all the tables in alphabetical order.
This can be done by not including a @tablelist, in which case the subroutine will
output all the defined tables in the font in alphabetical order.
Returns $f on success and undef on failure, including warnings.
All output files must include the C table.
sub out
my ($self, $fname, @tlist) = @_;
my ($fh);
my ($dat, $numTables, $sRange, $eSel);
my (%dir, $k, $mloc, $count);
my ($csum, $lsum, $msum, $loc, $oldloc, $len, $shift);
unless (ref($fname))
$fh = IO::File->new("+>$fname") || return warn("Unable to open $fname for writing"), undef;
binmode $fh;
} else
{ $fh = $fname; }
$self->{' oname'} = $fname;
$self->{' outfile'} = $fh;
if ($self->{' wantsig'})
$self->{' nocsum'} = 1;
# $self->{'head'}{'checkSumAdjustment'} = 0;
$self->{' tempDSIG'} = $self->{'DSIG'};
$self->{' tempcsum'} = $self->{'head'}{' CSUM'};
delete $self->{'DSIG'};
@tlist = sort {$self->{$a}{' OFFSET'} <=> $self->{$b}{' OFFSET'}}
grep (length($_) == 4 && defined $self->{$_}, keys %$self) if ($#tlist < 0);
elsif ($#tlist < 0)
{ @tlist = sort keys %$self; }
@tlist = grep(length($_) == 4 && defined $self->{$_}, @tlist);
$numTables = $#tlist + 1;
$numTables++ if ($self->{' wantsig'});
($numTables, $sRange, $eSel, $shift) = Font::TTF::Utils::TTF_bininfo($numTables, 16);
$dat = pack("Nnnnn", 1 << 16, $numTables, $sRange, $eSel, $shift);
$msum = unpack("%32N*", $dat);
# reserve place holders for each directory entry
foreach $k (@tlist)
$dir{$k} = pack("A4NNN", $k, 0, 0, 0);
$fh->print(pack('A4NNN', '', 0, 0, 0)) if ($self->{' wantsig'});
$loc = $fh->tell();
if ($loc & 3)
$fh->print(substr("\000" x 4, $loc & 3));
$loc += 4 - ($loc & 3);
foreach $k (@tlist)
$oldloc = $loc;
$loc = $fh->tell();
$len = $loc - $oldloc;
if ($loc & 3)
$fh->print(substr("\000" x 4, $loc & 3));
$loc += 4 - ($loc & 3);
$fh->seek($oldloc, 0);
$csum = 0; $mloc = $loc;
while ($mloc > $oldloc)
$count = ($mloc - $oldloc > 4096) ? 4096 : $mloc - $oldloc;
$fh->read($dat, $count);
$csum += unpack("%32N*", $dat);
# this line ensures $csum stays within 32 bit bounds, clipping as necessary
if ($csum > 0xffffffff) { $csum -= 0xffffffff; $csum--; }
$mloc -= $count;
$dir{$k} = pack("A4NNN", $k, $csum, $oldloc, $len);
$msum += $csum + unpack("%32N*", $dir{$k});
while ($msum > 0xffffffff) { $msum -= 0xffffffff; $msum--; }
$fh->seek($loc, 0);
unless ($self->{' nocsum'}) # assuming we want a file checksum
# Now we need to sort out the head table's checksum
if (!defined $dir{'head'})
{ # you have to have a head table
return warn("No 'head' table to output in $fname"), undef;
($csum, $loc, $len) = unpack("x4NNN", $dir{'head'});
$fh->seek($loc + 8, 0);
$fh->read($dat, 4);
$lsum = unpack("N", $dat);
if ($lsum != 0)
$csum -= $lsum;
if ($csum < 0) { $csum += 0xffffffff; $csum++; }
$msum -= $lsum * 2; # twice (in head and in csum)
while ($msum < 0) { $msum += 0xffffffff; $msum++; }
$lsum = 0xB1B0AFBA - $msum;
$fh->seek($loc + 8, 0);
$fh->print(pack("N", $lsum));
$dir{'head'} = pack("A4NNN", 'head', $csum, $loc, $len);
} elsif ($self->{' wantsig'})
if (!defined $dir{'head'})
{ # you have to have a head table
return warn("No 'head' table to output in $fname"), undef;
($csum, $loc, $len) = unpack("x4NNN", $dir{'head'});
$fh->seek($loc + 8, 0);
$fh->print(pack("N", 0));
# $dir{'head'} = pack("A4NNN", 'head', $self->{' tempcsum'}, $loc, $len);
# Now we can output the directory again
if ($self->{' wantsig'})
{ @tlist = sort @tlist; }
$fh->seek(12, 0);
foreach $k (@tlist)
{ $fh->print($dir{$k}); }
$fh->print(pack('A4NNN', '', 0, 0, 0)) if ($self->{' wantsig'});
=head2 $f->out_xml($filename [, @tables])
Outputs the font in XML format
sub out_xml
my ($self, $fname, @tlist) = @_;
my ($fh, $context, $numTables, $k);
$context->{'indent'} = ' ' x 4;
unless (ref($fname))
$fh = IO::File->new("+>$fname") || return warn("Unable to open $fname"), undef;
binmode $fh;
} else
{ $fh = $fname; }
unless (scalar @tlist > 0)
@tlist = sort keys %$self;
@tlist = grep(length($_) == 4 && defined $self->{$_}, @tlist);
$numTables = $#tlist + 1;
$context->{'fh'} = $fh;
foreach $k (@tlist)
$self->{$k}->out_xml($context, $context->{'indent'});
=head2 $f->XML_start($context, $tag, %attrs)
Handles start messages from the XML parser. Of particular interest to us are and
sub XML_start
my ($self, $context, $tag, %attrs) = @_;
my ($name, $type, $t);
if ($tag eq 'font')
{ $context->{'tree'}[-1] = $self; }
elsif ($tag eq 'table')
$name = $attrs{'name'};
unless (defined $self->{$name})
$type = $tables{$name} || 'Font::TTF::Table';
$t = $type;
if ($^O eq "MacOS")
{ $t =~ s/^|::/:/oig; }
{ $t =~ s|::|/|oig; }
require "$";
$self->{$name} = $type->new('PARENT' => $self, 'NAME' => $name, 'read' => 1);
$context->{'receiver'} = ($context->{'tree'}[-1] = $self->{$name});
sub XML_end
my ($self) = @_;
my ($context, $tag, %attrs) = @_;
my ($i);
return undef unless ($tag eq 'table' && $attrs{'name'} eq 'loca');
if (defined $context->{'glyphs'} && $context->{'glyphs'} ne $self->{'loca'}{'glyphs'})
for ($i = 0; $i <= $#{$context->{'glyphs'}}; $i++)
{ $self->{'loca'}{'glyphs'}[$i] = $context->{'glyphs'}[$i] if defined $context->{'glyphs'}[$i]; }
$context->{'glyphs'} = $self->{'loca'}{'glyphs'};
return undef;
=head2 $f->update
Sends update to all the tables in the font and then resets all the isDirty
flags on each table. The data structure in now consistent as a font (we hope).
sub update
my ($self) = @_;
$self->tables_do(sub { $_[0]->update; });
=head2 $f->dirty
Dirties all the tables in the font
sub dirty
{ $_[0]->tables_do(sub { $_[0]->dirty; }); $_[0]; }
=head2 $f->tables_do(&func [, tables])
Calls &func for each table in the font. Calls the table in alphabetical sort
order as per the order in the directory:
&func($table, $name);
May optionally take a list of table names in which case func is called
for each of them in the given order.
sub tables_do
my ($self, $func, @tables) = @_;
my ($t);
foreach $t (@tables ? @tables : sort grep {length($_) == 4} keys %$self)
{ &$func($self->{$t}, $t); }
=head2 $f->release
Releases ALL of the memory used by the TTF font and all of its component
objects. After calling this method, do B expect to have anything left in
the C object.
B, that it is important that you call this method on any
C object when you wish to destruct it and free up its memory.
Internally, we track things in a structure that can result in circular
references, and without calling 'C' these will not properly get
cleaned up by Perl. Once you've called this method, though, don't expect to be
able to do anything else with the C object; it'll have B
internal state whatsoever.
B As part of the brute-force cleanup done here, this method
will throw a warning message whenever unexpected key values are found within
the C object. This is done to help ensure that any unexpected
and unfreed values are brought to your attention so that you can bug us to keep
the module updated properly; otherwise the potential for memory leaks due to
dangling circular references will exist.
sub release
my ($self) = @_;
# delete stuff that we know we can, here
my @tofree = map { delete $self->{$_} } keys %{$self};
while (my $item = shift @tofree)
my $ref = ref($item);
if (UNIVERSAL::can($item, 'release'))
{ $item->release(); }
elsif ($ref eq 'ARRAY')
{ push( @tofree, @{$item} ); }
elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($ref, 'HASH'))
{ release($item); }
# check that everything has gone - it better had!
foreach my $key (keys %{$self})
{ warn ref($self) . " still has '$key' key left after release.\n"; }
=head1 BUGS
Bugs abound aplenty I am sure. There is a lot of code here and plenty of scope.
The parts of the code which haven't been implemented yet are:
=over 4
=item Post
Version 4 format types are not supported yet.
=item Cmap
Format type 2 (MBCS) has not been implemented yet and therefore may cause
somewhat spurious results for this table type.
=item Kern
Only type 0 & type 2 tables are supported (type 1 & type 3 yet to come).
=item TTC
The current Font::TTF::Font::out method does not support the writing of TrueType
In addition there are weaknesses or features of this module library
=over 4
=item *
There is very little (or no) error reporting. This means that if you have
garbled data or garbled data structures, then you are liable to generate duff
=item *
The exposing of the internal data structures everywhere means that doing
radical re-structuring is almost impossible. But it stop the code from becoming
ridiculously large.
Apart from these, I try to keep the code in a state of "no known bugs", which
given the amount of testing this code has had, is not a guarantee of high
quality, yet.
For more details see the appropriate class files.
=head1 AUTHOR
Martin Hosken
Copyright Martin Hosken 1998.
No warranty or expression of effectiveness, least of all regarding anyone's
safety, is implied in this software or documentation.
=head2 Licensing
The Perl TTF module is licensed under the Perl Artistic License.