package Font::TTF::Delta;
=head1 NAME
Font::TTF::Delta - Opentype Device tables
Each device table corresponds to a set of deltas for a particular point over
a range of ppem values.
=item first
The first ppem value in the range
=item last
The last ppem value in the range
=item val
This is an array of deltas corresponding to each ppem in the range between
first and last inclusive.
=item fmt
This is the fmt used (log2 of number bits per value) when the device table was
read. It is recalculated on output.
=head1 METHODS
use strict;
use Font::TTF::Utils;
=head2 new
Creates a new device table
sub new
my ($class) = @_;
my ($self) = {};
bless $self, $class;
=head2 read
Reads a device table from the given IO object at the current location
sub read
my ($self, $fh) = @_;
my ($dat, $fmt, $num, $i, $j, $mask);
$fh->read($dat, 6);
($self->{'first'}, $self->{'last'}, $fmt) = TTF_Unpack("S3", $dat);
$self->{'fmt'} = $fmt;
$fmt = 1 << $fmt;
$num = ((($self->{'last'} - $self->{'first'} + 1) * $fmt) + 15) >> 8;
$fh->read($dat, $num);
$mask = (0xffff << (16 - $fmt)) & 0xffff;
$j = 0;
for ($i = $self->{'first'}; $i <= $self->{'last'}; $i++)
if ($j == 0)
$num = TTF_Unpack("S", substr($dat, 0, 2));
substr($dat, 0, 2) = '';
push (@{$self->{'val'}}, ($num & $mask) >> (16 - $fmt));
$num <<= $fmt;
$j += $fmt;
$j = 0 if ($j >= 16);
=head2 out($fh, $style)
Outputs a device table to the given IO object at the current location, or just
returns the data to be output if $style != 0
sub out
my ($self, $fh, $style) = @_;
my ($dat, $fmt, $num, $mask, $j, $f, $out);
foreach $f (@{$self->{'val'}})
my ($tfmt) = $f > 0 ? $f + 1 : -$f;
$fmt = $tfmt if $tfmt > $fmt;
if ($fmt > 8)
{ $fmt = 3; }
elsif ($fmt > 2)
{ $fmt = 2; }
{ $fmt = 1; }
$out = TTF_Pack("S3", $self->{'first'}, $self->{'last'}, $fmt);
$fmt = 1 << $fmt;
$mask = 0xffff >> (16 - $fmt);
$j = 0; $dat = 0;
foreach $f (@{$self->{'val'}})
$dat |= ($f & $mask) << (16 - $fmt - $j);
$j += $fmt;
if ($j >= 16)
$j = 0;
$out .= TTF_Pack("S", $dat);
$dat = 0;
$out .= pack('n', $dat) if ($j > 0);
$fh->print($out) unless $style;
=head2 $d->out_xml($context)
Outputs a delta in XML
sub out_xml
my ($self, $context, $depth) = @_;
my ($fh) = $context->{'fh'};
$fh->printf("%s\n", $depth, $self->{'first'}, $self->{'last'});
$fh->print("$depth$context->{'indent'}" . join (' ', @{$self->{'val'}}) . "\n") if defined ($self->{'val'});
=head1 AUTHOR
Martin Hosken See L for copyright and