#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # File: RandomAccess.pm # # Description: Buffer to support random access reading of sequential file # # Revisions: 02/11/2004 - P. Harvey Created # 02/20/2004 - P. Harvey Added flag to disable SeekTest in new() # 11/18/2004 - P. Harvey Fixed bug with seek relative to end of file # 01/02/2005 - P. Harvey Added DEBUG code # 01/09/2006 - P. Harvey Fixed bug in ReadLine() when using # multi-character EOL sequences # 02/20/2006 - P. Harvey Fixed bug where seek past end of file could # generate "substr outside string" warning # 06/10/2006 - P. Harvey Decreased $CHUNK_SIZE from 64k to 8k # 11/23/2006 - P. Harvey Limit reads to < 0x80000000 bytes # # Notes: Calls the normal file i/o routines unless SeekTest() fails, in # which case the file is buffered in memory to allow random access. # SeekTest() is called automatically when the object is created # unless specified. # # May also be used for string i/o (just pass a scalar reference) # # Legal: Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Phil Harvey (phil at owl.phy.queensu.ca) # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ package File::RandomAccess; use strict; require 5.002; require Exporter; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT_OK); $VERSION = '1.07'; @ISA = qw(Exporter); # constants my $CHUNK_SIZE = 8192; # size of chunks to read from file (must be power of 2) my $SLURP_CHUNKS = 16; # read this many chunks at a time when slurping #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Create new RandomAccess object # Inputs: 0) reference to RandomAccess object or RandomAccess class name # 1) file reference or scalar reference # 2) flag set if file is already random access (disables automatic SeekTest) sub new($$;$) { my ($that, $filePt, $isRandom) = @_; my $class = ref($that) || $that; my $self; if (ref $filePt eq 'SCALAR') { # string i/o $self = { BUFF_PT => $filePt, POS => 0, LEN => length($$filePt), TESTED => -1, }; bless $self, $class; } else { # file i/o my $buff = ''; $self = { FILE_PT => $filePt, # file pointer BUFF_PT => \$buff, # reference to file data POS => 0, # current position in file LEN => 0, # data length TESTED => 0, # 0=untested, 1=passed, -1=failed (requires buffering) }; bless $self, $class; $self->SeekTest() unless $isRandom; } return $self; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Enable DEBUG code # Inputs: 0) reference to RandomAccess object sub Debug($) { my $self = shift; $self->{DEBUG} = { }; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Perform seek test and turn on buffering if necessary # Inputs: 0) reference to RandomAccess object # Returns: 1 if seek test passed (ie. no buffering required) # Notes: Must be done before any other i/o sub SeekTest($) { my $self = shift; unless ($self->{TESTED}) { my $fp = $self->{FILE_PT}; if (seek($fp, 1, 1) and seek($fp, -1, 1)) { $self->{TESTED} = 1; # test passed } else { $self->{TESTED} = -1; # test failed (requires buffering) } } return $self->{TESTED} == 1 ? 1 : 0; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Get current position in file # Inputs: 0) reference to RandomAccess object # Returns: current position in file sub Tell($) { my $self = shift; my $rtnVal; if ($self->{TESTED} < 0) { $rtnVal = $self->{POS}; } else { $rtnVal = tell($self->{FILE_PT}); } return $rtnVal; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Seek to position in file # Inputs: 0) reference to RandomAccess object # 1) position, 2) whence (0 or undef=from start, 1=from cur pos, 2=from end) # Returns: 1 on success # Notes: When buffered, this doesn't quite behave like seek() since it will return # success even if you seek outside the limits of the file. However if you # do this, you will get an error on your next Read(). sub Seek($$;$) { my ($self, $num, $whence) = @_; $whence = 0 unless defined $whence; my $rtnVal; if ($self->{TESTED} < 0) { my $newPos; if ($whence == 0) { $newPos = $num; # from start of file } elsif ($whence == 1) { $newPos = $num + $self->{POS}; # relative to current position } else { $self->Slurp(); # read whole file into buffer $newPos = $num + $self->{LEN}; # relative to end of file } if ($newPos >= 0) { $self->{POS} = $newPos; $rtnVal = 1; } } else { $rtnVal = seek($self->{FILE_PT}, $num, $whence); } return $rtnVal; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Read from the file # Inputs: 0) reference to RandomAccess object # 1) buffer, 2) bytes to read # Returns: Number of bytes read sub Read($$$) { my $self = shift; my $len = $_[1]; my $rtnVal; # avoid dying with "Negative length" error return 0 if $len & 0x80000000; if ($self->{TESTED} < 0) { my $buff; my $newPos = $self->{POS} + $len; # number of bytes to read from file my $num = $newPos - $self->{LEN}; if ($num > 0 and $self->{FILE_PT}) { # read data from file in multiples of $CHUNK_SIZE $num = (($num - 1) | ($CHUNK_SIZE - 1)) + 1; $num = read($self->{FILE_PT}, $buff, $num); if ($num) { ${$self->{BUFF_PT}} .= $buff; $self->{LEN} += $num; } } # number of bytes left in data buffer $num = $self->{LEN} - $self->{POS}; if ($len <= $num) { $rtnVal = $len; } elsif ($num <= 0) { $_[0] = ''; return 0; } else { $rtnVal = $num; } # return data from our buffer $_[0] = substr(${$self->{BUFF_PT}}, $self->{POS}, $rtnVal); $self->{POS} += $rtnVal; } else { $_[0] = '' unless defined $_[0]; $rtnVal = read($self->{FILE_PT}, $_[0], $len) || 0; } if ($self->{DEBUG}) { my $pos = $self->Tell() - $rtnVal; unless ($self->{DEBUG}->{$pos} and $self->{DEBUG}->{$pos} > $rtnVal) { $self->{DEBUG}->{$pos} = $rtnVal; } } return $rtnVal; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Read a line from file (end of line is $/) # Inputs: 0) reference to RandomAccess object, 1) buffer # Returns: Number of bytes read sub ReadLine($$) { my $self = shift; my $rtnVal; my $fp = $self->{FILE_PT}; if ($self->{TESTED} < 0) { my ($num, $buff); my $pos = $self->{POS}; if ($fp) { # make sure we have some data after the current position while ($self->{LEN} <= $pos) { $num = read($fp, $buff, $CHUNK_SIZE); return 0 unless $num; ${$self->{BUFF_PT}} .= $buff; $self->{LEN} += $num; } # scan and read until we find the EOL (or hit EOF) for (;;) { $pos = index(${$self->{BUFF_PT}}, $/, $pos) + length($/); last if $pos > 0; $pos = $self->{LEN}; # have scanned to end of buffer $num = read($fp, $buff, $CHUNK_SIZE) or last; ${$self->{BUFF_PT}} .= $buff; $self->{LEN} += $num; } } else { # string i/o $pos = index(${$self->{BUFF_PT}}, $/, $pos) + length($/); $pos <= 0 and $pos = $self->{LEN}; } # read the line from our buffer $rtnVal = $pos - $self->{POS}; $_[0] = substr(${$self->{BUFF_PT}}, $self->{POS}, $rtnVal); $self->{POS} = $pos; } else { $_[0] = <$fp>; if (defined $_[0]) { $rtnVal = length($_[0]); } else { $rtnVal = 0; } } if ($self->{DEBUG}) { my $pos = $self->Tell() - $rtnVal; unless ($self->{DEBUG}->{$pos} and $self->{DEBUG}->{$pos} > $rtnVal) { $self->{DEBUG}->{$pos} = $rtnVal; } } return $rtnVal; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Read whole file into buffer (without changing read pointer) # Inputs: 0) reference to RandomAccess object sub Slurp($) { my $self = shift; my $fp = $self->{FILE_PT} || return; # read whole file into buffer (in large chunks) my ($buff, $num); while (($num = read($fp, $buff, $CHUNK_SIZE * $SLURP_CHUNKS)) != 0) { ${$self->{BUFF_PT}} .= $buff; $self->{LEN} += $num; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # set binary mode # Inputs: 0) reference to RandomAccess object sub BinMode($) { my $self = shift; binmode($self->{FILE_PT}) if $self->{FILE_PT}; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # close the file and free the buffer # Inputs: 0) reference to RandomAccess object sub Close($) { my $self = shift; if ($self->{DEBUG}) { local $_; if ($self->Seek(0,2)) { $self->{DEBUG}->{$self->Tell()} = 0; # set EOF marker my $last; my $tot = 0; my $bad = 0; foreach (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$self->{DEBUG}}) { my $pos = $_; my $len = $self->{DEBUG}->{$_}; if (defined $last and $last < $pos) { my $bytes = $pos - $last; $tot += $bytes; $self->Seek($last); my $buff; $self->Read($buff, $bytes); my $warn = ''; if ($buff =~ /[^\0]/) { $bad += ($pos - $last); $warn = ' - NON-ZERO!'; } printf "0x%.8x - 0x%.8x (%d bytes)$warn\n", $last, $pos, $bytes; } my $cur = $pos + $len; $last = $cur unless defined $last and $last > $cur; } print "$tot bytes missed"; $bad and print ", $bad non-zero!"; print "\n"; } else { warn "File::RandomAccess DEBUG not working (file already closed?)\n"; } delete $self->{DEBUG}; } # close the file if ($self->{FILE_PT}) { close($self->{FILE_PT}); delete $self->{FILE_PT}; } # reset the buffer my $emptyBuff = ''; $self->{BUFF_PT} = \$emptyBuff; $self->{LEN} = 0; $self->{POS} = 0; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1; # end