package Excel::Template::Format; use strict; # This is the format repository. Spreadsheet::WriteExcel does not cache the # known formats. So, it is very possible to continually add the same format # over and over until you run out of RAM or addressability in the XLS file. In # real life, less than 10-20 formats are used, and they're re-used in various # places in the file. This provides a way of keeping track of already-allocated # formats and making new formats based on old ones. sub new { bless {}, shift } sub _assign { $_[0]{$_[1]} = $_[2]; $_[0]{$_[2]} = $_[1] } # my $self = shift; # my ($key, $format) = @_; # $self->{$key} = $format; # $self->{$format} = $key; #} sub _retrieve_key { $_[0]{ $_[1] } } # my $self = shift; # my ($format) = @_; # return $self->{$format}; #} *_retrieve_format = \&_retrieve_key; #sub _retrieve_format { # my $self = shift; # my ($key) = @_; # return $self->{$key}; #} { my @_boolean_formats = qw( bold italic locked hidden font_outline font_shadow font_strikeout text_wrap text_justlast shrink is_merged ); my @_integer_formats = qw( size underline rotation indent pattern border bottom top left right ); my @_string_formats = qw( num_format font color align valign bg_color fg_color border_color bottom_color top_color left_color right_color ); my @_fake_slots = qw( is_merged ); sub _params_to_key { my %params = @_; $params{lc $_} = delete $params{$_} for keys %params; my @parts = ( (map { $params{$_} ? 1 : '' } @_boolean_formats), (map { $params{$_} ? $params{$_} + 0 : '' } @_integer_formats), (map { $params{$_} || '' } @_string_formats), ); return join( "\n", @parts ); } sub _key_to_params { my ($key) = @_; my @key_parts = split /\n/, $key; my @boolean_parts = splice @key_parts, 0, scalar( @_boolean_formats ); my @integer_parts = splice @key_parts, 0, scalar( @_integer_formats ); my @string_parts = splice @key_parts, 0, scalar( @_string_formats ); my %params; $params{ $_boolean_formats[$_] } = ~~1 for grep { $boolean_parts[$_] } 0 .. $#_boolean_formats; $params{ $_integer_formats[$_] } = $integer_parts[$_] for grep { defined $integer_parts[$_] && length $integer_parts[$_] } 0 .. $#_integer_formats; $params{ $_string_formats[$_] } = $string_parts[$_] for grep { $string_parts[$_] } 0 .. $#_string_formats; return %params; } sub copy { my $self = shift; my ($context, $old_fmt, %properties) = @_; # This is a key used for non-format book-keeping. delete $properties{ ELEMENTS }; defined(my $key = _retrieve_key($self, $old_fmt)) || die "Internal Error: Cannot find key for format '$old_fmt'!\n"; my %params = _key_to_params($key); PROPERTY: while ( my ($prop, $value) = each %properties ) { $prop = lc $prop; foreach (@_boolean_formats) { if ($prop eq $_) { $params{$_} = ($value && $value !~ /false/i); next PROPERTY; } } foreach (@_integer_formats, @_string_formats) { if ($prop eq $_) { $params{$_} = $value; next PROPERTY; } } warn "Property '$prop' is unrecognized\n" if $^W; } my $new_key = _params_to_key(%params); my $format = _retrieve_format($self, $new_key); return $format if $format; delete $params{$_} for @_fake_slots; $format = $context->{XLS}->add_format(%params); _assign($self, $new_key, $format); return $format; } } sub blank_format { my $self = shift; my ($context) = @_; my $blank_key = _params_to_key(); my $format = _retrieve_format($self, $blank_key); return $format if $format; $format = $context->{XLS}->add_format; _assign($self, $blank_key, $format); return $format; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Excel::Template::Format - Excel::Template::Format =head1 PURPOSE Helper class for FORMAT =head1 NODE NAME None =head1 INHERITANCE None =head1 ATTRIBUTES None =head1 CHILDREN None =head1 EFFECTS None =head1 DEPENDENCIES None =head1 METHODS =head2 blank_format Provides a blank format for use =head2 copy Clones an existing format, so that a new format can be built from it =head1 AUTHOR Rob Kinyon ( =head1 SEE ALSO FORMAT =cut