package Excel::Template::Element::Var; use strict; BEGIN { use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = qw(Excel::Template::Element); use Excel::Template::Element; } sub resolve { ($_[1])->param($_[1]->resolve($_[0], 'NAME')) } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Excel::Template::Element::Var =head1 PURPOSE To provide parameter substitution. =head1 NODE NAME VAR =head1 INHERITANCE Excel::Template::Element =head1 ATTRIBUTES =over 4 =item * NAME This is the name of the parameter to substitute here. =back =head1 CHILDREN None =head1 EFFECTS None =head1 DEPENDENCIES This will only be used within CELL tags. =head1 USAGE This is used exactly like HTML::Template's TMPL_VAR. There is one exception - since you can have variable names inside the parameters, you can do something like: Where the actual name to be substituted is, itself, a parameter. =head1 AUTHOR Rob Kinyon ( =head1 SEE ALSO CELL =cut