package Excel::Template::Container::Worksheet; use strict; BEGIN { use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = qw(Excel::Template::Container); use Excel::Template::Container; } sub exit_scope { $_[1]->active_worksheet(undef) } sub render { my $self = shift; my ($context) = @_; my $worksheet = $context->new_worksheet($self); my $password = $context->get( $self, 'PROTECT' ); if ( defined $password ) { $worksheet->protect($password); } $worksheet->keep_leading_zeros(1) if $context->mark('keep_leading_zeros'); if ( $context->get( $self, 'LANDSCAPE' ) && !$self->{PORTRAIT} ) { $worksheet->set_landscape; } elsif ( $context->get( $self, 'PORTRAIT' ) ) { $worksheet->set_portrait; } my $hide_gridlines = $context->get( $self, 'HIDE_GRIDLINES'); if ( defined $hide_gridlines ) { $worksheet->hide_gridlines( $hide_gridlines ); } return $self->SUPER::render($context); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Excel::Template::Container::Worksheet - Excel::Template::Container::Worksheet =head1 PURPOSE To provide a new worksheet. =head1 NODE NAME WORKSHEET =head1 INHERITANCE Excel::Template::Container =head1 ATTRIBUTES =over 4 =item * NAME This is the name of the worksheet to be added. =item * PROTECT If the attribute exists, it will mark the worksheet as being protected. Whatever value is set will be used as the password. This activates the HIDDEN and LOCKED nodes. =item * KEEP_LEADING_ZEROS This will change the behavior of the worksheet to preserve leading zeros. =item * HIDE_GRIDLINE his method is used to hide the gridlines on the screen and printed page. Gridlines are the lines that divide the cells on a worksheet. Screen and printed gridlines are turned on by default in an Excel worksheet. If you have defined your own cell borders you may wish to hide the default gridlines. $worksheet->hide_gridlines(); The following values of $option are valid: 0 : Don't hide gridlines 1 : Hide printed gridlines only 2 : Hide screen and printed gridlines If you don't supply an argument or use undef the default option is 1, i.e. only the printed gridlines are hidden. =item * LANDSCAPE This will set the worksheet's orientation to landscape. =item * PORTRAIT This will set the worksheet's orientation to portrait. While this is the default, it's useful to override the default at times. For example, in the following situation: <workbook landscape="1"> <worksheet> ... </worksheet <worksheet portrait="1"> ... </worksheet <worksheet> ... </worksheet </workbook> In that example, the first and third worksheets will be landscape (inheriting it from the workbook node), but the second worksheet will be portrait. =back =head1 CHILDREN None =head1 EFFECTS None =head1 DEPENDENCIES None =head1 USAGE <worksheet name="My Taxes"> ... Children here </worksheet> In the above example, the children will be executed in the context of the "My Taxes" worksheet. =head1 AUTHOR Rob Kinyon ( =head1 SEE ALSO ROW, CELL, FORMULA =cut