package Excel::Template::Container::Scope; use strict; BEGIN { use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = qw(Excel::Template::Container); use Excel::Template::Container; } # This is used as a placeholder for scoping values across any number # of children. It does nothing on its own. 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Excel::Template::Container::Scope =head1 PURPOSE To provide scoping of parameters for children =head1 NODE NAME SCOPE =head1 INHERITANCE Excel::Template::Container =head1 ATTRIBUTES None =head1 CHILDREN None =head1 EFFECTS None =head1 DEPENDENCIES None =head1 USAGE ... Children here ... In the above example, the children would all have access to the parameters param1 and param2. This is useful if you have a section of your template that all has the same set of parameter values, but don't have a common parent. =head1 AUTHOR Rob Kinyon ( =head1 SEE ALSO =cut