package Excel::Template::Container::Loop; use strict; BEGIN { use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = qw(Excel::Template::Container); use Excel::Template::Container; } sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_); if (exists $self->{MAXITERS} && $self->{MAXITERS} < 1) { die " MAXITERS must be greater than or equal to 1", $/; } else { $self->{MAXITERS} = 0; } return $self; } sub _make_iterator { my $self = shift; my ($context) = @_; return Excel::Template::Factory->_create('ITERATOR', NAME => $context->get($self, 'NAME'), MAXITERS => $context->get($self, 'MAXITERS'), CONTEXT => $context, ); } sub render { my $self = shift; my ($context) = @_; unless ($self->{ITERATOR} && $self->{ITERATOR}->more_params) { $self->{ITERATOR} = $self->_make_iterator($context); } my $iterator = $self->{ITERATOR}; $iterator->enter_scope; while ($iterator->can_continue) { $iterator->next; $self->iterate_over_children($context); # It doesn't seem that iterate_over_children() can ever fail, because # I'm not sure that render() can return false. In PDF::Template, where # this module got most of its code, render() can certainly return false, # in the case of page-breaks. I left the code in because it didn't seem # like it would hurt. #unless ($self->iterate_over_children($context)) #{ # $iterator->back_up; # last; #} } $iterator->exit_scope; return 0 if $iterator->more_params; return 1; } # These methods are used in PDF::Template to calculate pagebreaks. I'm not sure # if they will ever be needed in Excel::Template. #sub total_of #{ # my $self = shift; # my ($context, $attr) = @_; # # my $iterator = $self->_make_iterator($context); # # my $total = 0; # # $iterator->enter_scope; # while ($iterator->can_continue) # { # $iterator->next; # $total += $self->SUPER::total_of($context, $attr); # } # $iterator->exit_scope; # # return $total; #} # #sub max_of #{ # my $self = shift; # my ($context, $attr) = @_; # # my $iterator = $self->_make_iterator($context); # # my $max = $context->get($self, $attr); # # $iterator->enter_scope; # while ($iterator->can_continue) # { # $iterator->next; # my $v = $self->SUPER::max_of($context, $attr); # # $max = $v if $max < $v; # } # $iterator->exit_scope; # # return $max; #} 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Excel::Template::Container::Loop =head1 PURPOSE To provide looping =head1 NODE NAME LOOP =head1 INHERITANCE Excel::Template::Container =head1 ATTRIBUTES =over 4 =item * NAME This is the name of the loop. It's used to identify within the parameter set what variables to expose to the children nodes each iteration. =back =head1 CHILDREN None =head1 EFFECTS None =head1 DEPENDENCIES None =head1 USAGE ... Children here ... In the above example, the children nodes would have access to the LOOPY array of hashes as parameters. Each iteration through the array would expose a different hash of parameters to the children. These loops work just like HTML::Template's loops. (I promise I'll give more info here!) There is one difference - I prefer using Perl-like scoping, so accessing of variables outside the LOOP scope from within is perfectly acceptable. You can also hide outside variables with inner values, if you desire, just like Perl. =head1 AUTHOR Rob Kinyon ( =head1 SEE ALSO =cut