package Excel::Template::Container::Conditional; #GGG Convert to be a special case of ? use strict; BEGIN { use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = qw(Excel::Template::Container); use Excel::Template::Container; } my %isOp = ( '=' => '==', (map { $_ => $_ } ( '>', '<', '==', '!=', '>=', '<=' )), (map { $_ => $_ } ( 'gt', 'lt', 'eq', 'ne', 'ge', 'le' )), ); sub _conditional_passes { my $self = shift; my ($context) = @_; my $name = $context->get($self, 'NAME'); return 0 unless $name =~ /\S/; my $val = $context->param($name); $val = @{$val} while ref $val eq 'ARRAY'; $val = ${$val} while ref $val eq 'SCALAR'; my $value = $context->get($self, 'VALUE'); if (defined $value) { my $op = $context->get($self, 'OP'); $op = defined $op && exists $isOp{$op} ? $isOp{$op} : '=='; my $res; for ($op) { /^>$/ && do { $res = ($val > $value); last }; /^<$/ && do { $res = ($val < $value); last }; /^==$/ && do { $res = ($val == $value); last }; /^!=$/ && do { $res = ($val != $value); last }; /^>=$/ && do { $res = ($val >= $value); last }; /^<=$/ && do { $res = ($val <= $value); last }; /^gt$/ && do { $res = ($val gt $value); last }; /^lt$/ && do { $res = ($val lt $value); last }; /^eq$/ && do { $res = ($val eq $value); last }; /^ne$/ && do { $res = ($val ne $value); last }; /^ge$/ && do { $res = ($val ge $value); last }; /^le$/ && do { $res = ($val le $value); last }; die "Unknown operator '$op' in conditional resolve", $/; } return $res && 1; } my $istrue = $val && 1; my $is = uc $context->get($self, 'IS') || 'TRUE'; if ($is eq 'TRUE') { return 0 unless $istrue; } else { warn "Conditional 'is' value was [$is], defaulting to 'FALSE'" . $/ if $is ne 'FALSE' && $^W; return 0 if $istrue; } return 1; } sub render { my $self = shift; my ($context) = @_; return 1 unless $self->_conditional_passes($context); return $self->iterate_over_children($context); } #sub max_of #{ # my $self = shift; # my ($context, $attr) = @_; # # return 0 unless $self->_conditional_passes($context); # # return $self->SUPER::max_of($context, $attr); #} # #sub total_of #{ # my $self = shift; # my ($context, $attr) = @_; # # return 0 unless $self->_conditional_passes($context); # # return $self->SUPER::total_of($context, $attr); #} 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Excel::Template::Container::Conditional - Excel::Template::Container::Conditional =head1 PURPOSE To provide conditional execution of children nodes =head1 NODE NAME IF =head1 INHERITANCE L =head1 ATTRIBUTES =over 4 =item * NAME This is the name of the parameter to test. It is resolved like any other parameter name. (q.v. L for more info.) =item * VALUE If VALUE is set, then a comparison operation is done. The value of NAME is compared to VALUE using the value of OP. =item * OP If VALUE is set, then this is checked. If it isn't present, then '==' (numeric equality) is assumed. OP must be one of Perl the numeric comparison operators or the string comparison operators. All 6 of each kind is supported. B: If you want to use < or <=, you must instead use < or <=. This is to make sure it will parse with L. You should not need to use > or >= instead of > and >=, respectively. =item * IS If VALUE is not set, then IS is checked. IS is allowed to be either "TRUE" or "FALSE". The boolean value of NAME is checked against IS. =back =head1 CHILDREN None =head1 EFFECTS None =head1 DEPENDENCIES None =head1 USAGE ... Children here In the above example, the children will be executed if the value of __ODD__ (which is set by the L node) is false. So, for all even iterations. =head1 AUTHOR Rob Kinyon ( =head1 SEE ALSO L, L =cut