package DateTime::Format::ICal; use strict; use vars qw ($VERSION); $VERSION = '0.09'; use DateTime; use DateTime::Span; use DateTime::Event::ICal; use Params::Validate qw( validate_with SCALAR ); sub new { my $class = shift; return bless {}, $class; } # key is string length my %valid_formats = ( 15 => { params => [ qw( year month day hour minute second ) ], regex => qr/^(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)T(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)$/, }, 13 => { params => [ qw( year month day hour minute ) ], regex => qr/^(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)T(\d\d)(\d\d)$/, }, 11 => { params => [ qw( year month day hour ) ], regex => qr/^(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)T(\d\d)$/, }, 8 => { params => [ qw( year month day ) ], regex => qr/^(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)$/, }, ); sub parse_datetime { my ( $self, $date ) = @_; # save for error messages my $original = $date; my %p; if ( $date =~ s/^TZID=([^:]+):// ) { $p{time_zone} = $1; } # Z at end means UTC elsif ( $date =~ s/Z$// ) { $p{time_zone} = 'UTC'; } else { $p{time_zone} = 'floating'; } my $format = $valid_formats{ length $date } or die "Invalid iCal datetime string ($original)\n"; @p{ @{ $format->{params} } } = $date =~ /$format->{regex}/; return DateTime->new(%p); } sub parse_duration { my ( $self, $dur ) = @_; my @units = qw( weeks days hours minutes seconds ); $dur =~ m{ ([\+\-])? # Sign P # 'P' for period? This is our magic character) (?: (?:(\d+)W)? # Weeks (?:(\d+)D)? # Days )? (?: T # Time prefix (?:(\d+)H)? # Hours (?:(\d+)M)? # Minutes (?:(\d+)S)? # Seconds )? }x; my $sign = $1; my %units; $units{weeks} = $2 if defined $2; $units{days} = $3 if defined $3; $units{hours} = $4 if defined $4; $units{minutes} = $5 if defined $5; $units{seconds} = $6 if defined $6; die "Invalid ICal duration string ($dur)\n" unless %units; if ( defined $sign && $sign eq '-' ) { # $_ *= -1 foreach values %units; - does not work in 5.00503 $units{$_} *= -1 foreach keys %units; } return DateTime::Duration->new(%units); } sub parse_period { my ( $self, $period ) = @_; my ( $start, $end ) = $period =~ /^((?:TZID=[^:]+:)?.*?)\/(.*)/; die "Invalid ICal period string ($period)\n" unless $start && $end; $start = $self->parse_datetime( $start ); if ( $end =~ /[\+\-]P/i ) { $end = $start + $self->parse_duration( $end ); } else { $end = $self->parse_datetime( $end ); } die "Invalid ICal period: end before start ($period)\n" if $start > $end; return DateTime::Span->new( start => $start, end => $end ); } sub parse_recurrence { my $self = shift; my %p = validate_with( params => \@_, spec => { recurrence => { type => SCALAR } }, allow_extra => 1, ); my $recurrence = delete $p{recurrence}; # recurrence may start with RRULE: $recurrence =~ s/^(?:RRULE|EXRULE)://i; # parser: adapted from code written for Date::Set by jesse # RRULEs look like 'FREQ=foo;INTERVAL=bar;' etc. foreach ( split /;/, $recurrence ) { my ( $name, $value ) = split /=/; $name = lc $name; # BY parameters should be arrays. everything else should be strings if ( $name eq 'until' ) { $p{$name} = __PACKAGE__->parse_datetime( $value ); } elsif ( $name =~ /^by/i ) { $p{$name} = [ split /,/, lc( $value ) ]; } else { $p{$name} = lc( $value ); } } return DateTime::Event::ICal->recur(%p); } sub format_datetime { my ( $self, $dt ) = @_; my $tz = $dt->time_zone; unless ( $tz->is_floating || $tz->is_utc || $tz->is_olson ) { $dt = $dt->clone->set_time_zone('UTC'); $tz = $dt->time_zone; } my $base = sprintf( '%04d%02d%02dT%02d%02d%02d', $dt->year, $dt->month, $dt->day, $dt->hour, $dt->minute, $dt->second ); return $base if $tz->is_floating; return $base . 'Z' if $tz->is_utc; return 'TZID=' . $tz->name . ':' . $base; } sub format_duration { my ( $self, $duration ) = @_; die "Cannot represent years or months in an iCal duration\n" if $duration->delta_months; # simple string for 0-length durations return '+PT0S' unless $duration->delta_days || $duration->delta_minutes || $duration->delta_seconds; my $ical = $duration->is_positive ? '+' : '-'; $ical .= 'P'; if ( $duration->delta_days ) { $ical .= $duration->weeks . 'W' if $duration->weeks; $ical .= $duration->days . 'D' if $duration->days; } if ( $duration->delta_minutes || $duration->delta_seconds ) { $ical .= 'T'; $ical .= $duration->hours . 'H' if $duration->hours; $ical .= $duration->minutes . 'M' if $duration->minutes; $ical .= $duration->seconds . 'S' if $duration->seconds; } return $ical; } sub format_period { my ( $self, $span ) = @_; return $self->format_datetime( $span->start ) . '/' . $self->format_datetime( $span->end ) ; } sub format_period_with_duration { my ( $self, $span ) = @_; return $self->format_datetime( $span->start ) . '/' . $self->format_duration( $span->duration ) ; } sub _split_datetime_tz { my ( $self, $dt ) = @_; my $tz = $dt->time_zone; unless ( $tz->is_floating || $tz->is_utc || $tz->is_olson ) { $dt = $dt->clone->set_time_zone('UTC'); $tz = $dt->time_zone; } my $base = ( $dt->hour || $dt->min || $dt->sec ? sprintf( '%04d%02d%02dT%02d%02d%02d', $dt->year, $dt->month, $dt->day, $dt->hour, $dt->minute, $dt->second ) : sprintf( '%04d%02d%02d', $dt->year, $dt->month, $dt->day ) ); return ($base, '') if $tz->is_floating; return ($base, 'UTC') if $tz->is_utc; return ($base, $tz->name); } sub format_recurrence { my ( $self, $set, @more ) = @_; my @result; # normalize param to either DT::Set or DT::SpanSet # DT list => convert to DT::Set # DT::Span list => convert to DT::SpanSet if ( $set->isa('DateTime') ) { $set = DateTime::Set->from_datetimes( dates => [ $set, @more ] ); } elsif ( $set->isa('DateTime::Span') ) { $set = DateTime::SpanSet->from_spans( spans => [ $set, @more ] ); } # is it a recurrence? if ( $set->{set}->is_too_complex ) { # DT::Set recurrence => DTSTART;timezone:date CRLF # RRULE:params CRLF # note: add more lines if necessary: # union = more RRULE/RDATE lines # complement = more EXRULE/EXDATE lines # intersection = ? # note: timezone is specified by DTSTART only. # TODO: add support to DT::Event::Recurrence objects if ( $set->can( 'get_ical' ) && defined $set->get_ical ) { my %ical = $set->get_ical; for ( @{ $ical{include} } ) { next unless $_; if ( ref( $_ ) ) { push @result, $self->format_recurrence( $_ ); } else { push @result, $_; } } if ( $ical{exclude} ) { my @exclude; for ( @{ $ical{exclude} } ) { next unless $_; if ( ref( $_ ) ) { push @exclude, $self->format_recurrence( $_ ); } else { push @exclude, $_; } } s/^RDATE/EXDATE/ for @exclude; s/^RRULE/EXRULE/ for @exclude; push @result, @exclude; } } else { die "format_recurrence() - Format not implemented for this unbounded set"; } # end: format recurrence } else { # DT::Set => RDATE:datetime,datetime,datetime CRLF # DT::SpanSet => RDATE;VALUE=PERIOD:period,period CRLF # # not supported => RDATE;VALUE=DATE:date,date,date CRLF # # DT::Set w/tz => RDATE;timezone:date,date CRLF # DT::SpanSet w/tz => RDATE;VALUE=PERIOD;timezone:period,period CRLF my $iterator = $set->iterator; my $last_type = 'DateTime'; my $last_tz = 'invalid'; my $item; while( $item = $iterator->next ) { if( $item->isa('DateTime') ) { my ($base,$tz) = $self->_split_datetime_tz( $item ); if( $last_tz eq $tz && $last_type eq 'DateTime' ) { $result[-1] .= ',' . $base; $result[-1] .= 'Z' if $tz eq 'UTC'; } else { push @result, 'RDATE'; $result[-1] .= ';TZID='.$tz if $tz ne '' && $tz ne 'UTC'; $result[-1] .= ':' . $base; $result[-1] .= 'Z' if $tz eq 'UTC'; $last_tz = $tz; $last_type = 'DateTime'; } } elsif( $item->isa('DateTime::Span') ) { my $item_start = $item->start; my $item_end = $item->end; if ( $item_start == $item_end ) { $item = $item_start; # item looks like a datetime redo; } my ($start,$tz) = $self->_split_datetime_tz( $item_start ); $item_end->set_time_zone( $tz ); my ($end,undef) = $self->_split_datetime_tz( $item_end ); if( $last_tz eq $tz && $last_type eq 'DateTime::Span' ) { $result[-1] .= ',' . $start; $result[-1] .= 'Z' if $tz eq 'UTC'; $result[-1] .= '/' . $end; $result[-1] .= 'Z' if $tz eq 'UTC'; } else { push @result, 'RDATE;VALUE=PERIOD'; $result[-1] .= ';TZID='.$tz if $tz ne '' && $tz ne 'UTC'; $result[-1] .= ':' . $start; $result[-1] .= 'Z' if $tz eq 'UTC'; $result[-1] .= '/' . $end; $result[-1] .= 'Z' if $tz eq 'UTC'; $last_tz = $tz; $last_type = 'DateTime::Span'; } } else { die 'unexpected data type "'.ref($item).'" in set'; } } # end: format list of dates } return join( "\n", @result ) if ! wantarray; return @result; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME DateTime::Format::ICal - Parse and format iCal datetime and duration strings =head1 SYNOPSIS use DateTime::Format::ICal; my $dt = DateTime::Format::ICal->parse_datetime( '20030117T032900Z' ); my $dur = DateTime::Format::ICal->parse_duration( '+P3WT4H55S' ); # 20030117T032900Z DateTime::Format::ICal->format_datetime($dt); # +P3WT4H55S DateTime::Format::ICal->format_duration($dur); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module understands the ICal date/time and duration formats, as defined in RFC 2445. It can be used to parse these formats in order to create the appropriate objects. =head1 METHODS This class offers the following methods. =over 4 =item * parse_datetime($string) Given an iCal datetime string, this method will return a new C object. If given an improperly formatted string, this method may die. =item * parse_duration($string) Given an iCal duration string, this method will return a new C object. If given an improperly formatted string, this method may die. =item * parse_period($string) Given an iCal period string, this method will return a new C object. If given an improperly formatted string, this method may die. =item * parse_recurrence( recurrence => $string, ... ) Given an iCal recurrence description, this method uses C to create a C object representing that recurrence. Any parameters given to this method beside "recurrence" will be passed directly to the C<< DateTime::Event::ICal->recur >> method. If given an improperly formatted string, this method may die. This method accepts optional parameters "dtstart" and "dtend". These parameters must be C objects. The iCal spec requires that "dtstart" always be included in the recurrence set, unless this is an "exrule" statement. Since we don't know what kind of statement is being parsed, we do not include C in the recurrence set. =item * format_datetime($datetime) Given a C object, this methods returns an iCal datetime string. The iCal spec requires that datetimes be formatted either as floating times (no time zone), UTC (with a 'Z' suffix) or with a time zone id at the beginning ('TZID=America/Chicago;...'). If this method is asked to format a C object that has an offset-only time zone, then the object will be converted to the UTC time zone internally before formatting. For example, this code: my $dt = DateTime->new( year => 1900, hour => 15, time_zone => '-0100' ); print $ical->format_datetime($dt); will print the string "19000101T160000Z". =item * format_duration($duration) Given a C object, this methods returns an iCal duration string. The iCal standard does not allow for months or years in a duration, so if a duration for which C is not zero is given, then this method will die. =item * format_period($span) Given a C object, this methods returns an iCal period string, using the format C. =item * format_period_with_duration($span) Given a C object, this methods returns an iCal period string, using the format C. =item * format_recurrence($arg [,$arg...] ) This method returns a list of strings containing ICal statements. In scalar context it returns a single string which may contain embedded newlines. The argument can be a C list, a C list, a C, or a C. ICal C values are not supported. Whenever a date value is found, a C is generated. If a recurrence has an associated C or C, those values must be formatted using C. The C method will not do this for you. If a C or C of recurrences is being formatted, they are assumed to have the same C value. Only C and C operations are supported for recurrences. This is a limitation of the ICal specification. If given a set it cannot format, this method may die. Only C objects are formattable. A set may change class after some set operations: $recurrence = $recurrence->union( $dt_set ); # Ok - $recurrence still is a DT::Set::ICal $recurrence = $dt_set->union( $recurrence ); # Not Ok! - $recurrence is a DT::Set now The only unbounded recurrences currently supported are the ones generated by the C module. You can add ICal formatting support to a custom recurrence by using the C module: $custom_recurrence = DateTime::Set::ICal->from_recurrence ( recurrence => sub { $_[0]->truncate( to => 'month' )->add( months => 1 ) } ); $custom_recurrence->set_ical( include => [ 'FREQ=MONTHLY' ] ); =back =head1 SUPPORT Support for this module is provided via the email list. See for more details. =head1 AUTHORS Dave Rolsky and Flavio Soibelmann Glock Some of the code in this module comes from Rich Bowen's C module. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2003 David Rolsky. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. =head1 SEE ALSO mailing list =cut