package DateTime::Event::Cron; use 5.006; use strict; use warnings; use Carp; use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = '0.07'; use constant DEBUG => 0; use DateTime; use DateTime::Set; use Set::Crontab; my %Object_Attributes; ### sub from_cron { # Return cron as DateTime::Set my $class = shift; my %sparms = @_ == 1 ? (cron => shift) : @_; my %parms; $parms{cron} = delete $sparms{cron}; $parms{user_mode} = delete $sparms{user_mode}; $parms{cron} or croak "Cron string parameter required.\n"; my $dtc = $class->new(%parms); $dtc->as_set(%sparms); } sub from_crontab { # Return list of DateTime::Sets based on entries from # a crontab file. my $class = shift; my %sparms = @_ == 1 ? (file => shift) : @_; my $file = delete $sparms{file}; delete $sparms{cron}; my $fh = $class->_prepare_fh($file); my @cronsets; while (<$fh>) { chomp; my $set; eval { $set = $class->from_cron(%sparms, cron => $_) }; push(@cronsets, $set) if ref $set && !$@; } @cronsets; } sub as_set { # Return self as DateTime::Set my $self = shift; my %sparms = @_; Carp::cluck "Recurrence callbacks overriden by ". ref $self . "\n" if $sparms{next} || $sparms{recurrence} || $sparms{previous}; delete $sparms{next}; delete $sparms{previous}; delete $sparms{recurrence}; $sparms{next} = sub { $self->next(@_) }; $sparms{previous} = sub { $self->previous(@_) }; DateTime::Set->from_recurrence(%sparms); } ### sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; my %parms = @_ == 1 ? (cron => shift) : @_; my $crontab = $self->_make_cronset(%parms); $self->_cronset($crontab); $self; } sub new_from_cron { new(@_) } sub new_from_crontab { my $class = shift; my %parms = @_ == 1 ? (file => shift()) : @_; my $fh = $class->_prepare_fh($parms{file}); delete $parms{file}; my @dtcrons; while (<$fh>) { my $dtc; eval { $dtc = $class->new(%parms, cron => $_) }; if (ref $dtc && !$@) { push(@dtcrons, $dtc); $parms{user_mode} = 1 if defined $dtc->user; } } @dtcrons; } ### sub _prepare_fh { my $class = shift; my $fh = shift; if (! ref $fh) { my $file = $fh; print "opening $file\n"; local(*FH); $fh = do { local *FH; *FH }; # doubled *FH avoids warning open($fh, "<$file") or croak "Error opening $file for reading\n"; } $fh; } ### sub valid { # Is the given date valid according the current cron settings? my($self, $date) = @_; return undef if $date->second; $self->minute->contains($date->minute) && $self->hour->contains($date->hour) && $self->days_contain($date->day, $date->dow) && $self->month->contains($date->month); } ### Return adjacent dates without altering original date sub next { my($self, $date) = @_; $date = DateTime->now unless $date; return $date if $date->is_infinite; $self->increment($date->clone); } sub previous { my($self, $date) = @_; $date = DateTime->now unless $date; return $date if $date->is_infinite; $self->decrement($date->clone); } ### Change given date to adjacent dates sub increment { my($self, $date) = @_; $date = DateTime->now unless $date; do { $self->_attempt_increment($date); } until $self->valid($date); $date; } sub decrement { my($self, $date) = @_; $date = DateTime->now unless $date; do { $self->_attempt_decrement($date); } until $self->valid($date); $date; } ### sub _attempt_increment { my($self, $date) = @_; ref $date or croak "Reference to datetime object reqired\n"; $self->valid($date) ? $self->_valid_incr($date) : $self->_invalid_incr($date); } sub _attempt_decrement { my($self, $date) = @_; ref $date or croak "Reference to datetime object reqired\n"; $self->valid($date) ? $self->_valid_decr($date) : $self->_invalid_decr($date); } sub _valid_incr { shift->_minute_incr(@_) } sub _valid_decr { shift->_minute_decr(@_) } sub _invalid_incr { # If provided date is valid, return it. Otherwise return # nearest valid date after provided date. my($self, $date) = @_; ref $date or croak "Reference to datetime object reqired\n"; print STDERR "\nI GOT: ", $date->datetime, "\n" if DEBUG; $date->truncate(to => 'minute')->add(minutes => 1) if $date->second; print STDERR "RND: ", $date->datetime, "\n" if DEBUG; # Find our greatest invalid unit and clip if (!$self->month->contains($date->month)) { $date->truncate(to => 'month'); } elsif (!$self->days_contain($date->day, $date->dow)) { $date->truncate(to => 'day'); } elsif (!$self->hour->contains($date->hour)) { $date->truncate(to => 'hour'); } else { $date->truncate(to => 'minute'); } print STDERR "BBT: ", $date->datetime, "\n" if DEBUG; return $date if $self->valid($date); print STDERR "ZZT: ", $date->datetime, "\n" if DEBUG; # Extraneous durations clipped. Start searching. while (!$self->valid($date)) { $date->add(months => 1) until $self->month->contains($date->month); print STDERR "MON: ", $date->datetime, "\n" if DEBUG; my $day_orig = $date->day; $date->add(days => 1) until $self->days_contain($date->day, $date->dow); $date->truncate(to => 'month') && next if $date->day < $day_orig; print STDERR "DAY: ", $date->datetime, "\n" if DEBUG; my $hour_orig = $date->hour; $date->add(hours => 1) until $self->hour->contains($date->hour); $date->truncate(to => 'day') && next if $date->hour < $hour_orig; print STDERR "HOR: ", $date->datetime, "\n" if DEBUG; my $min_orig = $date->minute; $date->add(minutes => 1) until $self->minute->contains($date->minute); $date->truncate(to => 'hour') && next if $date->minute < $min_orig; print STDERR "MIN: ", $date->datetime, "\n" if DEBUG; } print STDERR "SET: ", $date->datetime, "\n" if DEBUG; $date; } sub _invalid_decr { # If provided date is valid, return it. Otherwise # return the nearest previous valid date. my($self, $date) = @_; ref $date or croak "Reference to datetime object reqired\n"; print STDERR "\nD GOT: ", $date->datetime, "\n" if DEBUG; if (!$self->month->contains($date->month)) { $date->truncate(to => 'month'); } elsif (!$self->days_contain($date->day, $date->dow)) { $date->truncate(to => 'day'); } elsif (!$self->hour->contains($date->hour)) { $date->truncate(to => 'hour'); } else { $date->truncate(to => 'minute'); } print STDERR "BBT: ", $date->datetime, "\n" if DEBUG; return $date if $self->valid($date); print STDERR "ZZT: ", $date->datetime, "\n" if DEBUG; # Extraneous durations clipped. Start searching. while (!$self->valid($date)) { if (!$self->month->contains($date->month)) { $date->subtract(months => 1) until $self->month->contains($date->month); $self->_unit_peak($date, 'month'); print STDERR "MON: ", $date->datetime, "\n" if DEBUG; } if (!$self->days_contain($date->day, $date->dow)) { my $day_orig = $date->day; $date->subtract(days => 1) until $self->days_contain($date->day, $date->dow); $self->_unit_peak($date, 'month') && next if ($date->day > $day_orig); $self->_unit_peak($date, 'day'); print STDERR "DAY: ", $date->datetime, "\n" if DEBUG; } if (!$self->hour->contains($date->hour)) { my $hour_orig = $date->hour; $date->subtract(hours => 1) until $self->hour->contains($date->hour); $self->_unit_peak($date, 'day') && next if ($date->hour > $hour_orig); $self->_unit_peak($date, 'hour'); print STDERR "HOR: ", $date->datetime, "\n" if DEBUG; } if (!$self->minute->contains($date->minute)) { my $min_orig = $date->minute; $date->subtract(minutes => 1) until $self->minute->contains($date->minute); $self->_unit_peak($date, 'hour') && next if ($date->minute > $min_orig); print STDERR "MIN: ", $date->datetime, "\n" if DEBUG; } } print STDERR "SET: ", $date->datetime, "\n" if DEBUG; $date; } ### sub _unit_peak { my($self, $date, $unit) = @_; $date && $unit or croak "DateTime ref and unit required.\n"; $date->truncate(to => $unit) ->add($unit . 's' => 1) ->subtract(minutes => 1); } ### Unit cascades sub _minute_incr { my($self, $date) = @_; croak "datetime object required\n" unless $date; my $cur = $date->minute; my $next = $self->minute->next($cur); $date->set(minute => $next); $next <= $cur ? $self->_hour_incr($date) : $date; } sub _hour_incr { my($self, $date) = @_; croak "datetime object required\n" unless $date; my $cur = $date->hour; my $next = $self->hour->next($cur); $date->set(hour => $next); $next <= $cur ? $self->_day_incr($date) : $date; } sub _day_incr { my($self, $date) = @_; croak "datetime object required\n" unless $date; $date->add(days => 1); $self->_invalid_incr($date); } sub _minute_decr { my($self, $date) = @_; croak "datetime object required\n" unless $date; my $cur = $date->minute; my $next = $self->minute->previous($cur); $date->set(minute => $next); $next >= $cur ? $self->_hour_decr($date) : $date; } sub _hour_decr { my($self, $date) = @_; croak "datetime object required\n" unless $date; my $cur = $date->hour; my $next = $self->hour->previous($cur); $date->set(hour => $next); $next >= $cur ? $self->_day_decr($date) : $date; } sub _day_decr { my($self, $date) = @_; croak "datetime object required\n" unless $date; $date->subtract(days => 1); $self->_invalid_decr($date); } ### Factories sub _make_cronset { shift; DateTime::Event::Cron::IntegratedSet->new(@_) } ### Shortcuts sub days_contain { shift->_cronset->days_contain(@_) } sub minute { shift->_cronset->minute } sub hour { shift->_cronset->hour } sub day { shift->_cronset->day } sub month { shift->_cronset->month } sub dow { shift->_cronset->dow } sub user { shift->_cronset->user } sub command { shift->_cronset->command } sub original { shift->_cronset->original } ### Static acessors/mutators sub _cronset { shift->_attr('cronset', @_) } sub _attr { my $self = shift; my $name = shift; if (@_) { $Object_Attributes{$self}{$name} = shift; } $Object_Attributes{$self}{$name}; } ### debugging sub _dump_sets { my($self, $date) = @_; foreach (qw(minute hour day month dow)) { print STDERR "$_: ", join(',',$self->$_->list), "\n"; } if (ref $date) { $date = $date->clone; my @mod; my $mon = $date->month; $date->truncate(to => 'month'); while ($date->month == $mon) { push(@mod, $date->day) if $self->days_contain($date->day, $date->dow); $date->add(days => 1); } print STDERR "mod for month($mon): ", join(',', @mod), "\n"; } print STDERR "day_squelch: ", $self->_cronset->day_squelch, " ", "dow_squelch: ", $self->_cronset->dow_squelch, "\n"; $self; } ### sub DESTROY { delete $Object_Attributes{shift()} } ########## { package DateTime::Event::Cron::IntegratedSet; # IntegratedSet manages the collection of field sets for # each cron entry, including sanity checks. Individual # field sets are accessed through their respective names, # i.e., minute hour day month dow. # # Also implements some merged field logic for day/dow # interactions. use strict; use Carp; my %Range = ( minute => [0..59], hour => [0..23], day => [1..31], month => [1..12], dow => [1..7], ); my @Month_Max = qw( 31 29 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31 ); my %Object_Attributes; sub new { my $self = []; bless $self, shift; $self->_range(\%Range); $self->set_cron(@_); $self; } sub set_cron { # Initialize my $self = shift; my %parms = @_; my $cron = $parms{cron}; my $user_mode = $parms{user_mode}; defined $cron or croak "Cron entry fields required\n"; $self->_attr('original', $cron); my @line; if (ref $cron) { @line = grep(!/^\s*$/, @$cron); } else { $cron =~ s/^\s+//; $cron =~ s/\s+$//; @line = split(/\s+/, $cron); } @line >= 5 or croak "At least five cron entry fields required.\n"; my @entry = splice(@line, 0, 5); my($user, $command); unless (defined $user_mode) { # auto-detect if (@line > 1 && $line[0] =~ /^\w+$/) { $user_mode = 1; } } $user = shift @line if $user_mode; $command = join(' ', @line); $self->_attr('command', $command); $self->_attr('user', $user); my $i = 0; foreach my $name (qw( minute hour day month dow )) { $self->_attr($name, $self->make_valid_set($name, $entry[$i])); ++$i; } my @day_list = $self->day->list; my @dow_list = $self->dow->list; my $day_range = $self->range('day'); my $dow_range = $self->range('dow'); $self->day_squelch(scalar @day_list == scalar @$day_range && scalar @dow_list != scalar @$dow_range ? 1 : 0); $self->dow_squelch(scalar @dow_list == scalar @$dow_range && scalar @day_list != scalar @$day_range ? 1 : 0); unless ($self->day_squelch) { my @days = $self->day->list; my $pass = 0; MONTH: foreach my $month ($self->month->list) { foreach (@days) { ++$pass && last MONTH if $_ <= $Month_Max[$month - 1]; } } croak "Impossible last day for provided months.\n" unless $pass; } $self; } # Field range queries sub range { my($self, $name) = @_; my $val = $self->_range->{$name} or croak "Unknown field '$name'\n"; $val; } # Perform sanity checks when setting up each field set. sub make_valid_set { my($self, $name, $str) = @_; my $range = $self->range($name); my $set = $self->make_set($str, $range); my @list = $set->list; croak "Malformed cron field '$str'\n" unless @list; croak "Field value ($list[-1]) out of range ($range->[0]-$range->[-1])\n" if $list[-1] > $range->[-1]; if ($name eq 'dow' && $set->contains(0)) { shift(@list); push(@list, 7) unless $set->contains(7); $set = $self->make_set(join(',',@list), $range); } croak "Field value ($list[0]) out of range ($range->[0]-$range->[-1])\n" if $list[0] < $range->[0]; $set; } # No sanity checks sub make_set { shift; DateTime::Event::Cron::OrderedSet->new(@_) } # Flags for when day/dow are applied. sub day_squelch { shift->_attr('day_squelch', @_ ) } sub dow_squelch { shift->_attr('dow_squelch', @_ ) } # Merged logic for day/dow sub days_contain { my($self, $day, $dow) = @_; defined $day && defined $dow or croak "Day of month and day of week required.\n"; my $day_c = $self->day->contains($day); my $dow_c = $self->dow->contains($dow); return $dow_c if $self->day_squelch; return $day_c if $self->dow_squelch; $day_c || $dow_c; } # Set Accessors sub minute { shift->_attr('minute' ) } sub hour { shift->_attr('hour' ) } sub day { shift->_attr('day' ) } sub month { shift->_attr('month' ) } sub dow { shift->_attr('dow' ) } sub user { shift->_attr('user' ) } sub command { shift->_attr('command') } sub original { shift->_attr('original') } # Accessors/mutators sub _range { shift->_attr('range', @_) } sub _attr { my $self = shift; my $name = shift; if (@_) { $Object_Attributes{$self}{$name} = shift; } $Object_Attributes{$self}{$name}; } sub DESTROY { delete $Object_Attributes{shift()} } } ########## { package DateTime::Event::Cron::OrderedSet; # Extends Set::Crontab with some progression logic (next/prev) use strict; use Carp; use base 'Set::Crontab'; my %Object_Attributes; sub new { my $class = shift; my($string, $range) = @_; defined $string && ref $range or croak "Cron field and range ref required.\n"; my $self = Set::Crontab->new($string, $range); bless $self, $class; my @list = $self->list; my(%next, %prev); foreach (0 .. $#list) { $next{$list[$_]} = $list[($_+1)%@list]; $prev{$list[$_]} = $list[($_-1)%@list]; } $self->_attr('next', \%next); $self->_attr('previous', \%prev); $self; } sub next { my($self, $entry) = @_; my $hash = $self->_attr('next'); croak "Missing entry($entry) in set\n" unless exists $hash->{$entry}; my $next = $hash->{$entry}; wantarray ? ($next, $next <= $entry) : $next; } sub previous { my($self, $entry) = @_; my $hash = $self->_attr('previous'); croak "Missing entry($entry) in set\n" unless exists $hash->{$entry}; my $prev = $hash->{$entry}; wantarray ? ($prev, $prev >= $entry) : $prev; } sub _attr { my $self = shift; my $name = shift; if (@_) { $Object_Attributes{$self}{$name} = shift; } $Object_Attributes{$self}{$name}; } sub DESTROY { delete $Object_Attributes{shift()} } } ### 1; __END__ =head1 NAME DateTime::Event::Cron - DateTime extension for generating recurrence sets from crontab lines and files. =head1 SYNOPSIS use DateTime::Event::Cron; # DateTime::Set construction from crontab line $crontab = '*/3 15 1-10 3,4,5 */2'; $set = DateTime::Event::Cron->from_cron($crontab); $iter = $set->iterator(after => DateTime->now); while (1) { my $next = $iter->next; my $now = DateTime->now; sleep(($next->subtract_datetime_absolute($now))->seconds); # do stuff... } # List of DateTime::Set objects from crontab file @sets = DateTime::Event::Cron->from_crontab(file => '/etc/crontab'); $now = DateTime->now; print "Now: ", $now->datetime, "\n"; foreach (@sets) { my $next = $_->next($now); print $next->datetime, "\n"; } # DateTime::Set parameters $crontab = '* * * * *'; $now = DateTime->now; %set_parms = ( after => $now ); $set = DateTime::Event::Cron->from_cron(cron => $crontab, %set_parms); $dt = $set->next; print "Now: ", $now->datetime, " and next: ", $dt->datetime, "\n"; # Spans for DateTime::Set $crontab = '* * * * *'; $now = DateTime->now; $now2 = $now->clone; $span = DateTime::Span->from_datetimes( start => $now->add(minutes => 1), end => $now2->add(hours => 1), ); %parms = (cron => $crontab, span => $span); $set = DateTime::Event::Cron->from_cron(%parms); # things with the DateTime::Set # Every RTFCT relative to 12am Jan 1st this year $crontab = '7-10 6,12-15 10-28/2 */3 3,4,5'; $date = DateTime->now->truncate(to => 'year'); $set = DateTime::Event::Cron->from_cron(cron => $crontab, after => $date); # Rather than generating DateTime::Set objects, next/prev # calculations can be made directly: # Every day at 10am, 2pm, and 6pm. Reference date # defaults to DateTime->now. $crontab = '10,14,18 * * * *'; $dtc = DateTime::Event::Cron->new_from_cron(cron => $crontab); $next_datetime = $dtc->next; $last_datetime = $dtc->previous; ... # List of DateTime::Event::Cron objects from # crontab file @dtc = DateTime::Event::Cron->new_from_crontab(file => '/etc/crontab'); # Full cron lines with user, such as from /etc/crontab # or files in /etc/cron.d, are supported and auto-detected: $crontab = '* * * * * gump /bin/date'; $dtc = DateTime::Event::Cron->new(cron => $crontab); # Auto-detection of users is disabled if you explicitly # enable/disable via the user_mode parameter: $dtc = DateTime::Event::Cron->new(cron => $crontab, user_mode => 1); my $user = $dtc->user; my $command = $dtc->command; # Unparsed original cron entry my $original = $dtc->original; =head1 DESCRIPTION DateTime::Event::Cron generated DateTime events or DateTime::Set objects based on crontab-style entries. =head1 METHODS The cron fields are typical crontab-style entries. For more information, see L and extensions described in L. The fields can be passed as a single string or as a reference to an array containing each field. Only the first five fields are retained. =head2 DateTime::Set Factories See L for methods provided by Set objects, such as C and C. =over 4 =item from_cron($cronline) =item from_cron(cron => $cronline, %parms, %set_parms) Generates a DateTime::Set recurrence for the cron line provided. See new() for details on %parms. Optionally takes parameters for DateTime::Set. =item from_crontab(file => $crontab_fh, %parms, %set_parms) Returns a list of DateTime::Set recurrences based on lines from a crontab file. C<$crontab_fh> can be either a filename or filehandle reference. See new() for details on %parm. Optionally takes parameters for DateTime::Set which will be passed along to each set for each line. =item as_set(%set_parms) Generates a DateTime::Set recurrence from an existing DateTime::Event::Cron object. =back =head2 Constructors =over 4 =item new_from_cron(cron => $cronstring, %parms) Returns a DateTime::Event::Cron object based on the cron specification. Optional parameters include the boolean 'user_mode' which indicates that the crontab entry includes a username column before the command. =item new_from_crontab(file => $fh, %parms) Returns a list of DateTime::Event::Cron objects based on the lines of a crontab file. C<$fh> can be either a filename or a filehandle reference. Optional parameters include the boolean 'user_mode' as mentioned above. =back =head2 Other methods =over 4 =item next() =item next($date) Returns the next valid datetime according to the cron specification. C<$date> defaults to DateTime->now unless provided. =item previous() =item previous($date) Returns the previous valid datetime according to the cron specification. C<$date> defaults to DateTime->now unless provided. =item increment($date) =item decrement($date) Same as C and C except that the provided datetime is modified to the new datetime. =item valid($date) Returns whether the given datetime is valid under the current cron specification. Cron dates are only accurate to the minute -- datetimes with seconds greater than 0 are invalid by default. (note: never fear, all methods accepting dates will accept invalid dates -- they will simply be rounded to the next nearest valid date in all cases except this particular method) =item command() Returns the command string, if any, from the original crontab entry. Currently no expansion is performed such as resolving environment variables, etc. =item user() Returns the username under which this cron command was to be executed, assuming such a field was present in the original cron entry. =item original() Returns the original, unparsed cron string including any user or command fields. =back =head1 AUTHOR Matthew P. Sisk Esisk@mojotoad.comE =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2003 Matthew P. Sisk. All rights reserved. All wrongs revenged. This program is free software; you can distribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 SEE ALSO DateTime(3), DateTime::Set(3), DateTime::Event::Recurrence(3), DateTime::Event::ICal(3), DateTime::Span(3), Set::Crontab(3), crontab(5) =cut