package DBM::Deep::Array; use 5.006_000; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = q(1.0009); # This is to allow DBM::Deep::Array to handle negative indices on # its own. Otherwise, Perl would intercept the call to negative # indices for us. This was causing bugs for negative index handling. our $NEGATIVE_INDICES = 1; use base 'DBM::Deep'; use Scalar::Util (); sub _get_self { eval { local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; tied( @{$_[0]} ) } || $_[0] } sub _repr { [] } sub TIEARRAY { my $class = shift; my $args = $class->_get_args( @_ ); $args->{type} = $class->TYPE_ARRAY; return $class->_init($args); } sub FETCH { my $self = shift->_get_self; my ($key) = @_; $self->lock( $self->LOCK_SH ); if ( !defined $key ) { $self->unlock; DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "Cannot use an undefined array index." ); } elsif ( $key =~ /^-?\d+$/ ) { if ( $key < 0 ) { $key += $self->FETCHSIZE; unless ( $key >= 0 ) { $self->unlock; return; } } } elsif ( $key ne 'length' ) { $self->unlock; DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "Cannot use '$key' as an array index." ); } my $rv = $self->SUPER::FETCH( $key ); $self->unlock; return $rv; } sub STORE { my $self = shift->_get_self; my ($key, $value) = @_; $self->lock( $self->LOCK_EX ); my $size; my $idx_is_numeric; if ( !defined $key ) { $self->unlock; DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "Cannot use an undefined array index." ); } elsif ( $key =~ /^-?\d+$/ ) { $idx_is_numeric = 1; if ( $key < 0 ) { $size = $self->FETCHSIZE; if ( $key + $size < 0 ) { die( "Modification of non-creatable array value attempted, subscript $key" ); } $key += $size } } elsif ( $key ne 'length' ) { $self->unlock; DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "Cannot use '$key' as an array index." ); } my $rv = $self->SUPER::STORE( $key, $value ); if ( $idx_is_numeric ) { $size = $self->FETCHSIZE unless defined $size; if ( $key >= $size ) { $self->STORESIZE( $key + 1 ); } } $self->unlock; return $rv; } sub EXISTS { my $self = shift->_get_self; my ($key) = @_; $self->lock( $self->LOCK_SH ); if ( !defined $key ) { $self->unlock; DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "Cannot use an undefined array index." ); } elsif ( $key =~ /^-?\d+$/ ) { if ( $key < 0 ) { $key += $self->FETCHSIZE; unless ( $key >= 0 ) { $self->unlock; return; } } } elsif ( $key ne 'length' ) { $self->unlock; DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "Cannot use '$key' as an array index." ); } my $rv = $self->SUPER::EXISTS( $key ); $self->unlock; return $rv; } sub DELETE { my $self = shift->_get_self; my ($key) = @_; warn "ARRAY::DELETE($self,$key)\n" if DBM::Deep::DEBUG; $self->lock( $self->LOCK_EX ); my $size = $self->FETCHSIZE; if ( !defined $key ) { $self->unlock; DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "Cannot use an undefined array index." ); } elsif ( $key =~ /^-?\d+$/ ) { if ( $key < 0 ) { $key += $size; unless ( $key >= 0 ) { $self->unlock; return; } } } elsif ( $key ne 'length' ) { $self->unlock; DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "Cannot use '$key' as an array index." ); } my $rv = $self->SUPER::DELETE( $key ); if ($rv && $key == $size - 1) { $self->STORESIZE( $key ); } $self->unlock; return $rv; } # Now that we have a real Reference sector, we should store arrayzize there. However, # arraysize needs to be transactionally-aware, so a simple location to store it isn't # going to work. sub FETCHSIZE { my $self = shift->_get_self; $self->lock( $self->LOCK_SH ); my $SAVE_FILTER = $self->_storage->{filter_fetch_value}; $self->_storage->{filter_fetch_value} = undef; my $size = $self->FETCH('length') || 0; $self->_storage->{filter_fetch_value} = $SAVE_FILTER; $self->unlock; return $size; } sub STORESIZE { my $self = shift->_get_self; my ($new_length) = @_; $self->lock( $self->LOCK_EX ); my $SAVE_FILTER = $self->_storage->{filter_store_value}; $self->_storage->{filter_store_value} = undef; my $result = $self->STORE('length', $new_length, 'length'); $self->_storage->{filter_store_value} = $SAVE_FILTER; $self->unlock; return $result; } sub POP { my $self = shift->_get_self; $self->lock( $self->LOCK_EX ); my $length = $self->FETCHSIZE(); if ($length) { my $content = $self->FETCH( $length - 1 ); $self->DELETE( $length - 1 ); $self->unlock; return $content; } else { $self->unlock; return; } } sub PUSH { my $self = shift->_get_self; $self->lock( $self->LOCK_EX ); my $length = $self->FETCHSIZE(); while (my $content = shift @_) { $self->STORE( $length, $content ); $length++; } $self->unlock; return $length; } # XXX This really needs to be something more direct within the file, not a # fetch and re-store. -RobK, 2007-09-20 sub _move_value { my $self = shift; my ($old_key, $new_key) = @_; return $self->_engine->make_reference( $self, $old_key, $new_key ); } sub SHIFT { my $self = shift->_get_self; warn "SHIFT($self)\n" if DBM::Deep::DEBUG; $self->lock( $self->LOCK_EX ); my $length = $self->FETCHSIZE(); if ( !$length ) { $self->unlock; return; } my $content = $self->FETCH( 0 ); for (my $i = 0; $i < $length - 1; $i++) { $self->_move_value( $i+1, $i ); } $self->DELETE( $length - 1 ); $self->unlock; return $content; } sub UNSHIFT { my $self = shift->_get_self; my @new_elements = @_; $self->lock( $self->LOCK_EX ); my $length = $self->FETCHSIZE(); my $new_size = scalar @new_elements; if ($length) { for (my $i = $length - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $self->_move_value( $i, $i+$new_size ); } $self->STORESIZE( $length + $new_size ); } for (my $i = 0; $i < $new_size; $i++) { $self->STORE( $i, $new_elements[$i] ); } $self->unlock; return $length + $new_size; } sub SPLICE { my $self = shift->_get_self; $self->lock( $self->LOCK_EX ); my $length = $self->FETCHSIZE(); ## # Calculate offset and length of splice ## my $offset = shift; $offset = 0 unless defined $offset; if ($offset < 0) { $offset += $length; } my $splice_length; if (scalar @_) { $splice_length = shift; } else { $splice_length = $length - $offset; } if ($splice_length < 0) { $splice_length += ($length - $offset); } ## # Setup array with new elements, and copy out old elements for return ## my @new_elements = @_; my $new_size = scalar @new_elements; my @old_elements = map { $self->FETCH( $_ ) } $offset .. ($offset + $splice_length - 1); ## # Adjust array length, and shift elements to accomodate new section. ## if ( $new_size != $splice_length ) { if ($new_size > $splice_length) { for (my $i = $length - 1; $i >= $offset + $splice_length; $i--) { $self->_move_value( $i, $i + ($new_size - $splice_length) ); } $self->STORESIZE( $length + $new_size - $splice_length ); } else { for (my $i = $offset + $splice_length; $i < $length; $i++) { $self->_move_value( $i, $i + ($new_size - $splice_length) ); } for (my $i = 0; $i < $splice_length - $new_size; $i++) { $self->DELETE( $length - 1 ); $length--; } } } ## # Insert new elements into array ## for (my $i = $offset; $i < $offset + $new_size; $i++) { $self->STORE( $i, shift @new_elements ); } $self->unlock; ## # Return deleted section, or last element in scalar context. ## return wantarray ? @old_elements : $old_elements[-1]; } # We don't need to populate it, yet. # It will be useful, though, when we split out HASH and ARRAY sub EXTEND { ## # Perl will call EXTEND() when the array is likely to grow. # We don't care, but include it because it gets called at times. ## } sub _copy_node { my $self = shift; my ($db_temp) = @_; my $length = $self->length(); for (my $index = 0; $index < $length; $index++) { my $value = $self->get($index); $self->_copy_value( \$db_temp->[$index], $value ); } return 1; } ## # Public method aliases ## sub length { (shift)->FETCHSIZE(@_) } sub pop { (shift)->POP(@_) } sub push { (shift)->PUSH(@_) } sub unshift { (shift)->UNSHIFT(@_) } sub splice { (shift)->SPLICE(@_) } # This must be last otherwise we have to qualify all other calls to shift # as calls to CORE::shift sub shift { (CORE::shift)->SHIFT(@_) } 1; __END__