package DBM::Deep; use 5.006_000; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = q(1.0009); use Fcntl qw( :flock ); use Scalar::Util (); use DBM::Deep::Engine; use DBM::Deep::File; use overload '""' => sub { overload::StrVal( $_[0] ) }, fallback => 1; use constant DEBUG => 0; ## # Setup constants for users to pass to new() ## sub TYPE_HASH () { DBM::Deep::Engine->SIG_HASH } sub TYPE_ARRAY () { DBM::Deep::Engine->SIG_ARRAY } # This is used in all the children of this class in their TIE methods. sub _get_args { my $proto = shift; my $args; if (scalar(@_) > 1) { if ( @_ % 2 ) { $proto->_throw_error( "Odd number of parameters to " . (caller(1))[2] ); } $args = {@_}; } elsif ( ref $_[0] ) { unless ( eval { local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; %{$_[0]} || 1 } ) { $proto->_throw_error( "Not a hashref in args to " . (caller(1))[2] ); } $args = $_[0]; } else { $args = { file => shift }; } return $args; } sub new { ## # Class constructor method for Perl OO interface. # Calls tie() and returns blessed reference to tied hash or array, # providing a hybrid OO/tie interface. ## my $class = shift; my $args = $class->_get_args( @_ ); ## # Check if we want a tied hash or array. ## my $self; if (defined($args->{type}) && $args->{type} eq TYPE_ARRAY) { $class = 'DBM::Deep::Array'; require DBM::Deep::Array; tie @$self, $class, %$args; } else { $class = 'DBM::Deep::Hash'; require DBM::Deep::Hash; tie %$self, $class, %$args; } return bless $self, $class; } # This initializer is called from the various TIE* methods. new() calls tie(), # which allows for a single point of entry. sub _init { my $class = shift; my ($args) = @_; $args->{storage} = DBM::Deep::File->new( $args ) unless exists $args->{storage}; # locking implicitly enables autoflush if ($args->{locking}) { $args->{autoflush} = 1; } # These are the defaults to be optionally overridden below my $self = bless { type => TYPE_HASH, base_offset => undef, staleness => undef, storage => undef, engine => undef, }, $class; $args->{engine} = DBM::Deep::Engine->new( { %{$args}, obj => $self } ) unless exists $args->{engine}; # Grab the parameters we want to use foreach my $param ( keys %$self ) { next unless exists $args->{$param}; $self->{$param} = $args->{$param}; } eval { local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; $self->lock; $self->_engine->setup_fh( $self ); $self->_storage->set_inode; $self->unlock; }; if ( $@ ) { my $e = $@; eval { local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; $self->unlock; }; die $e; } return $self; } sub TIEHASH { shift; require DBM::Deep::Hash; return DBM::Deep::Hash->TIEHASH( @_ ); } sub TIEARRAY { shift; require DBM::Deep::Array; return DBM::Deep::Array->TIEARRAY( @_ ); } sub lock { my $self = shift->_get_self; return $self->_storage->lock( $self, @_ ); } sub unlock { my $self = shift->_get_self; return $self->_storage->unlock( $self, @_ ); } sub _copy_value { my $self = shift->_get_self; my ($spot, $value) = @_; if ( !ref $value ) { ${$spot} = $value; } elsif ( eval { local $SIG{__DIE__}; $value->isa( 'DBM::Deep' ) } ) { ${$spot} = $value->_repr; $value->_copy_node( ${$spot} ); } else { my $r = Scalar::Util::reftype( $value ); my $c = Scalar::Util::blessed( $value ); if ( $r eq 'ARRAY' ) { ${$spot} = [ @{$value} ]; } else { ${$spot} = { %{$value} }; } ${$spot} = bless ${$spot}, $c if defined $c; } return 1; } #sub _copy_node { # die "Must be implemented in a child class\n"; #} # #sub _repr { # die "Must be implemented in a child class\n"; #} sub export { ## # Recursively export into standard Perl hashes and arrays. ## my $self = shift->_get_self; my $temp = $self->_repr; $self->lock(); $self->_copy_node( $temp ); $self->unlock(); my $classname = $self->_engine->get_classname( $self ); if ( defined $classname ) { bless $temp, $classname; } return $temp; } sub _check_legality { my $self = shift; my ($val) = @_; my $r = Scalar::Util::reftype( $val ); return $r if !defined $r || '' eq $r; return $r if 'HASH' eq $r; return $r if 'ARRAY' eq $r; DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "Storage of references of type '$r' is not supported." ); } sub import { # Perl calls import() on use -- ignore return if !ref $_[0]; my $self = shift->_get_self; my ($struct) = @_; my $type = $self->_check_legality( $struct ); if ( !$type ) { DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "Cannot import a scalar" ); } if ( substr( $type, 0, 1 ) ne $self->_type ) { DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "Cannot import " . ('HASH' eq $type ? 'a hash' : 'an array') . " into " . ('HASH' eq $type ? 'an array' : 'a hash') ); } my %seen; my $recurse; $recurse = sub { my ($db, $val) = @_; my $obj = 'HASH' eq Scalar::Util::reftype( $db ) ? tied(%$db) : tied(@$db); $obj ||= $db; my $r = $self->_check_legality( $val ); if ( 'HASH' eq $r ) { while ( my ($k, $v) = each %$val ) { my $r = $self->_check_legality( $v ); if ( $r ) { my $temp = 'HASH' eq $r ? {} : []; if ( my $c = Scalar::Util::blessed( $v ) ) { bless $temp, $c; } $obj->put( $k, $temp ); $recurse->( $temp, $v ); } else { $obj->put( $k, $v ); } } } elsif ( 'ARRAY' eq $r ) { foreach my $k ( 0 .. $#$val ) { my $v = $val->[$k]; my $r = $self->_check_legality( $v ); if ( $r ) { my $temp = 'HASH' eq $r ? {} : []; if ( my $c = Scalar::Util::blessed( $v ) ) { bless $temp, $c; } $obj->put( $k, $temp ); $recurse->( $temp, $v ); } else { $obj->put( $k, $v ); } } } }; $recurse->( $self, $struct ); return 1; } #XXX Need to keep track of who has a fh to this file in order to #XXX close them all prior to optimize on Win32/cygwin sub optimize { ## # Rebuild entire database into new file, then move # it back on top of original. ## my $self = shift->_get_self; #XXX Need to create a new test for this # if ($self->_storage->{links} > 1) { # $self->_throw_error("Cannot optimize: reference count is greater than 1"); # } #XXX Do we have to lock the tempfile? #XXX Should we use tempfile() here instead of a hard-coded name? my $temp_filename = $self->_storage->{file} . '.tmp'; my $db_temp = DBM::Deep->new( file => $temp_filename, type => $self->_type, # Bring over all the parameters that we need to bring over ( map { $_ => $self->_engine->$_ } qw( byte_size max_buckets data_sector_size num_txns )), ); $self->lock(); $self->_engine->clear_cache; $self->_copy_node( $db_temp ); undef $db_temp; ## # Attempt to copy user, group and permissions over to new file ## $self->_storage->copy_stats( $temp_filename ); # q.v. perlport for more information on this variable if ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'cygwin' ) { ## # Potential race condition when optmizing on Win32 with locking. # The Windows filesystem requires that the filehandle be closed # before it is overwritten with rename(). This could be redone # with a soft copy. ## $self->unlock(); $self->_storage->close; } if (!rename $temp_filename, $self->_storage->{file}) { unlink $temp_filename; $self->unlock(); $self->_throw_error("Optimize failed: Cannot copy temp file over original: $!"); } $self->unlock(); $self->_storage->close; $self->_storage->open; $self->lock(); $self->_engine->setup_fh( $self ); $self->unlock(); return 1; } sub clone { ## # Make copy of object and return ## my $self = shift->_get_self; return DBM::Deep->new( type => $self->_type, base_offset => $self->_base_offset, staleness => $self->_staleness, storage => $self->_storage, engine => $self->_engine, ); } #XXX Migrate this to the engine, where it really belongs and go through some # API - stop poking in the innards of someone else.. { my %is_legal_filter = map { $_ => ~~1, } qw( store_key store_value fetch_key fetch_value ); sub set_filter { my $self = shift->_get_self; my $type = lc shift; my $func = shift; if ( $is_legal_filter{$type} ) { $self->_storage->{"filter_$type"} = $func; return 1; } return; } sub filter_store_key { $_[0]->set_filter( store_key => $_[1] ); } sub filter_store_value { $_[0]->set_filter( store_value => $_[1] ); } sub filter_fetch_key { $_[0]->set_filter( fetch_key => $_[1] ); } sub filter_fetch_value { $_[0]->set_filter( fetch_value => $_[1] ); } } sub begin_work { my $self = shift->_get_self; return $self->_engine->begin_work( $self, @_ ); } sub rollback { my $self = shift->_get_self; return $self->_engine->rollback( $self, @_ ); } sub commit { my $self = shift->_get_self; return $self->_engine->commit( $self, @_ ); } ## # Accessor methods ## sub _engine { my $self = $_[0]->_get_self; return $self->{engine}; } sub _storage { my $self = $_[0]->_get_self; return $self->{storage}; } sub _type { my $self = $_[0]->_get_self; return $self->{type}; } sub _base_offset { my $self = $_[0]->_get_self; return $self->{base_offset}; } sub _staleness { my $self = $_[0]->_get_self; return $self->{staleness}; } ## # Utility methods ## sub _throw_error { my $n = 0; while( 1 ) { my @caller = caller( ++$n ); next if $caller[0] =~ m/^DBM::Deep/; die "DBM::Deep: $_[1] at $0 line $caller[2]\n"; } } sub STORE { ## # Store single hash key/value or array element in database. ## my $self = shift->_get_self; my ($key, $value) = @_; warn "STORE($self, $key, $value)\n" if DEBUG; unless ( $self->_storage->is_writable ) { $self->_throw_error( 'Cannot write to a readonly filehandle' ); } ## # Request exclusive lock for writing ## $self->lock( LOCK_EX ); # User may be storing a complex value, in which case we do not want it run # through the filtering system. if ( !ref($value) && $self->_storage->{filter_store_value} ) { $value = $self->_storage->{filter_store_value}->( $value ); } $self->_engine->write_value( $self, $key, $value); $self->unlock(); return 1; } sub FETCH { ## # Fetch single value or element given plain key or array index ## my $self = shift->_get_self; my ($key) = @_; warn "FETCH($self,$key)\n" if DEBUG; ## # Request shared lock for reading ## $self->lock( LOCK_SH ); my $result = $self->_engine->read_value( $self, $key); $self->unlock(); # Filters only apply to scalar values, so the ref check is making # sure the fetched bucket is a scalar, not a child hash or array. return ($result && !ref($result) && $self->_storage->{filter_fetch_value}) ? $self->_storage->{filter_fetch_value}->($result) : $result; } sub DELETE { ## # Delete single key/value pair or element given plain key or array index ## my $self = shift->_get_self; my ($key) = @_; warn "DELETE($self,$key)\n" if DEBUG; unless ( $self->_storage->is_writable ) { $self->_throw_error( 'Cannot write to a readonly filehandle' ); } ## # Request exclusive lock for writing ## $self->lock( LOCK_EX ); ## # Delete bucket ## my $value = $self->_engine->delete_key( $self, $key); if (defined $value && !ref($value) && $self->_storage->{filter_fetch_value}) { $value = $self->_storage->{filter_fetch_value}->($value); } $self->unlock(); return $value; } sub EXISTS { ## # Check if a single key or element exists given plain key or array index ## my $self = shift->_get_self; my ($key) = @_; warn "EXISTS($self,$key)\n" if DEBUG; ## # Request shared lock for reading ## $self->lock( LOCK_SH ); my $result = $self->_engine->key_exists( $self, $key ); $self->unlock(); return $result; } sub CLEAR { ## # Clear all keys from hash, or all elements from array. ## my $self = shift->_get_self; warn "CLEAR($self)\n" if DEBUG; unless ( $self->_storage->is_writable ) { $self->_throw_error( 'Cannot write to a readonly filehandle' ); } ## # Request exclusive lock for writing ## $self->lock( LOCK_EX ); #XXX Rewrite this dreck to do it in the engine as a tight loop vs. # iterating over keys - such a WASTE - is this required for transactional # clearning?! Surely that can be detected in the engine ... if ( $self->_type eq TYPE_HASH ) { my $key = $self->first_key; while ( $key ) { # Retrieve the key before deleting because we depend on next_key my $next_key = $self->next_key( $key ); $self->_engine->delete_key( $self, $key, $key ); $key = $next_key; } } else { my $size = $self->FETCHSIZE; for my $key ( 0 .. $size - 1 ) { $self->_engine->delete_key( $self, $key, $key ); } $self->STORESIZE( 0 ); } $self->unlock(); return 1; } ## # Public method aliases ## sub put { (shift)->STORE( @_ ) } sub store { (shift)->STORE( @_ ) } sub get { (shift)->FETCH( @_ ) } sub fetch { (shift)->FETCH( @_ ) } sub delete { (shift)->DELETE( @_ ) } sub exists { (shift)->EXISTS( @_ ) } sub clear { (shift)->CLEAR( @_ ) } sub _dump_file {shift->_get_self->_engine->_dump_file;} 1; __END__