# Convert::TNEF.pm # # Copyright (c) 1999 Douglas Wilson . All rights reserved. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. package Convert::TNEF; use strict; use integer; use vars qw( $VERSION $TNEF_SIGNATURE $TNEF_PURE $LVL_MESSAGE $LVL_ATTACHMENT $errstr $g_file_cnt %dflts %atp %att %att_name ); use Carp; use IO::Wrap; use File::Spec; use MIME::Body; $VERSION = '0.17'; # Set some TNEF constants. Everything turned # out to be in little endian order, so I just added # 'reverse' everywhere that I needed to # instead of reversing the hex codes. $TNEF_SIGNATURE = reverse pack( 'H*', '223E9F78' ); $TNEF_PURE = reverse pack( 'H*', '00010000' ); $LVL_MESSAGE = pack( 'H*', '01' ); $LVL_ATTACHMENT = pack( 'H*', '02' ); %atp = ( Triples => pack( 'H*', '0000' ), String => pack( 'H*', '0001' ), Text => pack( 'H*', '0002' ), Date => pack( 'H*', '0003' ), Short => pack( 'H*', '0004' ), Long => pack( 'H*', '0005' ), Byte => pack( 'H*', '0006' ), Word => pack( 'H*', '0007' ), Dword => pack( 'H*', '0008' ), Max => pack( 'H*', '0009' ), ); for ( keys %atp ) { $atp{$_} = reverse $atp{$_}; } sub _ATT { my ( $att, $id ) = @_; return reverse($id) . $att; } # The side comments are 'MAPI' equivalents %att = ( Null => _ATT( pack( 'H*', '0000' ), pack( 'H4', '0000' ) ), # PR_ORIGINATOR_RETURN_ADDRESS From => _ATT( $atp{Triples}, pack( 'H*', '8000' ) ), # PR_SUBJECT Subject => _ATT( $atp{String}, pack( 'H*', '8004' ) ), # PR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME DateSent => _ATT( $atp{Date}, pack( 'H*', '8005' ) ), # PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME DateRecd => _ATT( $atp{Date}, pack( 'H*', '8006' ) ), # PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS MessageStatus => _ATT( $atp{Byte}, pack( 'H*', '8007' ) ), # PR_MESSAGE_CLASS MessageClass => _ATT( $atp{Word}, pack( 'H*', '8008' ) ), # PR_MESSAGE_ID MessageID => _ATT( $atp{String}, pack( 'H*', '8009' ) ), # PR_PARENT_ID ParentID => _ATT( $atp{String}, pack( 'H*', '800A' ) ), # PR_CONVERSATION_ID ConversationID => _ATT( $atp{String}, pack( 'H*', '800B' ) ), Body => _ATT( $atp{Text}, pack( 'H*', '800C' ) ), # PR_BODY # PR_IMPORTANCE Priority => _ATT( $atp{Short}, pack( 'H*', '800D' ) ), # PR_ATTACH_DATA_xxx AttachData => _ATT( $atp{Byte}, pack( 'H*', '800F' ) ), # PR_ATTACH_FILENAME AttachTitle => _ATT( $atp{String}, pack( 'H*', '8010' ) ), # PR_ATTACH_RENDERING AttachMetaFile => _ATT( $atp{Byte}, pack( 'H*', '8011' ) ), # PR_CREATION_TIME AttachCreateDate => _ATT( $atp{Date}, pack( 'H*', '8012' ) ), # PR_LAST_MODIFICATION_TIME AttachModifyDate => _ATT( $atp{Date}, pack( 'H*', '8013' ) ), # PR_LAST_MODIFICATION_TIME DateModified => _ATT( $atp{Date}, pack( 'H*', '8020' ) ), #PR_ATTACH_TRANSPORT_NAME AttachTransportFilename => _ATT( $atp{Byte}, pack( 'H*', '9001' ) ), AttachRenddata => _ATT( $atp{Byte}, pack( 'H*', '9002' ) ), MAPIProps => _ATT( $atp{Byte}, pack( 'H*', '9003' ) ), # PR_MESSAGE_RECIPIENTS RecipTable => _ATT( $atp{Byte}, pack( 'H*', '9004' ) ), Attachment => _ATT( $atp{Byte}, pack( 'H*', '9005' ) ), TnefVersion => _ATT( $atp{Dword}, pack( 'H*', '9006' ) ), OemCodepage => _ATT( $atp{Byte}, pack( 'H*', '9007' ) ), # PR_ORIG_MESSAGE_CLASS OriginalMessageClass => _ATT( $atp{Word}, pack( 'H*', '0006' ) ), # PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_xxx or PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_xxx Owner => _ATT( $atp{Byte}, pack( 'H*', '0000' ) ), # PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_xxx SentFor => _ATT( $atp{Byte}, pack( 'H*', '0001' ) ), # PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_xxx Delegate => _ATT( $atp{Byte}, pack( 'H*', '0002' ) ), # PR_DATE_START DateStart => _ATT( $atp{Date}, pack( 'H*', '0006' ) ), DateEnd => _ATT( $atp{Date}, pack( 'H*', '0007' ) ), # PR_DATE_END # PR_OWNER_APPT_ID AidOwner => _ATT( $atp{Long}, pack( 'H*', '0008' ) ), # PR_RESPONSE_REQUESTED RequestRes => _ATT( $atp{Short}, pack( 'H*', '0009' ) ), ); # Create reverse lookup table %att_name = reverse %att; # Global counter for creating file names $g_file_cnt = 0; # Set some package global defaults for new objects # which can be overridden for any individual object. %dflts = ( debug => 0, debug_max_display => 1024, debug_max_line_size => 64, ignore_checksum => 0, display_after_err => 32, output_to_core => 4096, output_dir => File::Spec->curdir, output_prefix => "tnef", buffer_size => 1024, ); # Make a file name sub _mk_fname { my $parms = shift; File::Spec->catfile( $parms->{output_dir}, $parms->{output_prefix} . "-" . $$ . "-" . ++$g_file_cnt . ".doc" ); } sub _rtn_err { my ( $errmsg, $fh, $parms ) = @_; $errstr = $errmsg; if ( $parms->{debug} ) { my $read_size = $parms->{display_after_err} || 32; my $data; $fh->read( $data, $read_size ); print "Error: $errstr\n"; print "Data:\n"; print $1, "\n" while $data =~ /([^\r\n]{0,$parms->{debug_max_line_size}})\r?\n?/g; print "HData:\n"; my $hdata = unpack( "H*", $data ); print $1, "\n" while $hdata =~ /(.{0,$parms->{debug_max_line_size}})/g; } return undef; } sub _read_err { my ( $bytes, $fh, $errmsg ) = @_; $errstr = ( defined $bytes ) ? "Premature EOF" : "Read Error:" . $errmsg; return undef; } sub read_ent { croak "Usage: Convert::TNEF->read_ent(entity, parameters) " unless @_ == 2 or @_ == 3; my $self = shift; my ( $ent, $parms ) = @_; my $io = $ent->open("r") or do { $errstr = "Can't open entity: $!"; return undef; }; my $tnef = $self->read( $io, $parms ); $io->close or do { $errstr = "Error closing handle: $!"; return undef; }; return $tnef; } sub read_in { croak "Usage: Convert::TNEF->read_in(filename, parameters) " unless @_ == 2 or @_ == 3; my $self = shift; my ( $fname, $parms ) = @_; open( INFILE, "<$fname" ) or do { $errstr = "Can't open $fname: $!"; return undef; }; binmode INFILE; my $tnef = $self->read( \*INFILE, $parms ); close INFILE or do { $errstr = "Error closing $fname: $!"; return undef; }; return $tnef; } sub read { croak "Usage: Convert::TNEF->read(fh, parameters) " unless @_ == 2 or @_ == 3; my $self = shift; my $class = ref($self) || $self; $self = {}; bless $self, $class; my ( $fd, $parms ) = @_; $fd = wraphandle($fd); my %parms = %dflts; @parms{ keys %$parms } = values %$parms if defined $parms; $parms = \%parms; my $debug = $parms{debug}; my $ignore_checksum = $parms{ignore_checksum}; # Start of TNEF stream my $data; my $num_bytes = $fd->read( $data, 4 ); return _read_err( $num_bytes, $fd, $! ) unless $num_bytes == 4; print "TNEF start: ", unpack( "H*", $data ), "\n" if $debug; return _rtn_err( "Not TNEF-encapsulated", $fd, $parms ) unless $data eq $TNEF_SIGNATURE; # Key $num_bytes = $fd->read( $data, 2 ); return _read_err( $num_bytes, $fd, $! ) unless $num_bytes == 2; print "TNEF key: ", unpack( "H*", $data ), "\n" if $debug; # Start of First Object $num_bytes = $fd->read( $data, 1 ); return _read_err( $num_bytes, $fd, $! ) unless $num_bytes == 1; my $msg_att = ""; my $is_msg = ( $data eq $LVL_MESSAGE ); my $is_att = ( $data eq $LVL_ATTACHMENT ); print "TNEF object start: ", unpack( "H*", $data ), "\n" if $debug; return _rtn_err( "Neither a message nor an attachment", $fd, $parms ) unless $is_msg or $is_att; my $msg = Convert::TNEF::Data->new; my @atts; # Current message or attachment in loop my $ent = $msg; # Read message and attachments LOOP: { my $type = $is_msg ? 'message' : 'attachment'; print "Reading $type attribute\n" if $debug; $num_bytes = $fd->read( $data, 4 ); return _read_err( $num_bytes, $fd, $! ) unless $num_bytes == 4; my $att_id = $data; my $att_name = $att_name{$att_id}; print "TNEF $type attribute: ", unpack( "H*", $data ), "\n" if $debug; return _rtn_err( "Bad Attribute found in $type", $fd, $parms ) unless $att_name{$att_id}; if ( $att_id eq $att{TnefVersion} ) { return _rtn_err( "Version attribute found in attachment", $fd, $parms ) if $is_att; } elsif ( $att_id eq $att{MessageClass} ) { return _rtn_err( "MessageClass attribute found in attachment", $fd, $parms ) if $is_att; } elsif ( $att_id eq $att{AttachRenddata} ) { return _rtn_err( "AttachRenddata attribute found in message", $fd, $parms ) if $is_msg; push @atts, ( $ent = Convert::TNEF::Data->new ); } else { return _rtn_err( "AttachRenddata must be first attribute", $fd, $parms ) if $is_att and !@atts and $att_name ne "AttachRenddata"; } print "Got attribute:$att_name{$att_id}\n" if $debug; $num_bytes = $fd->read( $data, 4 ); return _read_err( $num_bytes, $fd, $! ) unless $num_bytes == 4; print "HLength:", unpack( "H8", $data ), "\n" if $debug; my $length = unpack( "V", $data ); print "Length: $length\n" if $debug; # Get the attribute data (returns an object since data may # actually end up in a file) my $calc_chksum; $data = _build_data( $fd, $length, \$calc_chksum, $parms ) or return undef; _debug_print( $length, $att_id, $data, $parms ) if $debug; $ent->datahandle( $att_name, $data, $length ); $num_bytes = $fd->read( $data, 2 ); return _read_err( $num_bytes, $fd, $! ) unless $num_bytes == 2; my $file_chksum = $data; if ($debug) { print "Calc Chksum:", unpack( "H*", $calc_chksum ), "\n"; print "File Chksum:", unpack( "H*", $file_chksum ), "\n"; } return _rtn_err( "Bad Checksum", $fd, $parms ) unless $calc_chksum eq $file_chksum or $ignore_checksum; my $num_bytes = $fd->read( $data, 1 ); # EOF (0 bytes) is ok return _read_err( $num_bytes, $fd, $! ) unless defined $num_bytes; last LOOP if $num_bytes < 1; print "Next token:", unpack( "H2", $data ), "\n" if $debug; $is_msg = ( $data eq $LVL_MESSAGE ); return _rtn_err( "Found message data in attachment", $fd, $parms ) if $is_msg and $is_att; $is_att = ( $data eq $LVL_ATTACHMENT ); redo LOOP if $is_msg or $is_att; return _rtn_err( "Not a TNEF $type", $fd, $parms ); } print "EOF\n" if $debug; $self->{TN_Message} = $msg; $self->{TN_Attachments} = \@atts; return $self; } sub _debug_print { my ( $length, $att_id, $data, $parms ) = @_; if ( $length < $parms->{debug_max_display} ) { $data = $data->data; if ( $att_id eq $att{TnefVersion} ) { $data = unpack( "L", $data ); print "Version: $data\n"; } elsif ( substr( $att_id, 2 ) eq $atp{Date} and $length == 14 ) { my ( $yr, $mo, $day, $hr, $min, $sec, $dow ) = unpack( "vvvvvvv", $data ); my $date = join ":", $yr, $mo, $day, $hr, $min, $sec, $dow; print "Date: $date\n"; print "HDate:", unpack( "H*", $data ), "\n"; } elsif ( $att_id eq $att{AttachRenddata} and $length == 14 ) { my ( $atyp, $ulPosition, $dxWidth, $dyHeight, $dwFlags ) = unpack( "vVvvV", $data ); $data = join ":", $atyp, $ulPosition, $dxWidth, $dyHeight, $dwFlags; print "AttachRendData: $data\n"; } else { print "Data:\n"; print $1, "\n" while $data =~ /([^\r\n]{0,$parms->{debug_max_line_size}})\r?\n?/g; print "HData:\n"; my $hdata = unpack( "H*", $data ); print $1, "\n" while $hdata =~ /(.{0,$parms->{debug_max_line_size}})/g; } } else { my $io = $data->open("r") or croak "Error opening attachment data handle: $!"; my $buffer; $io->read( $buffer, $parms->{debug_max_display} ); $io->close or croak "Error closing attachment data handle: $!"; print "Data:\n"; print $1, "\n" while $buffer =~ /([^\r\n]{0,$parms->{debug_max_line_size}})\r?\n?/sg; print "HData:\n"; my $hdata = unpack( "H*", $buffer ); print $1, "\n" while $hdata =~ /(.{0,$parms->{debug_max_line_size}})/g; } } sub _build_data { my ( $fd, $length, $chksumref, $parms ) = @_; my $cutoff = $parms->{output_to_core}; my $incore = do { if ( $cutoff eq 'NONE' ) { 0 } #Everything to files elsif ( $cutoff eq 'ALL' ) { 1 } #Everything in memory elsif ( $cutoff < $length ) { 0 } #Large items in files else { 1 } #Everything else in memory }; # Just borrow some other objects for the attachment attribute data my $body = ($incore) ? new MIME::Body::Scalar : new MIME::Body::File _mk_fname($parms); $body->binmode(1); my $io = $body->open("w"); my $bufsiz = $parms->{buffer_size}; $bufsiz = $length if $length < $bufsiz; my $buffer; my $chksum = 0; while ( $length > 0 ) { my $num_bytes = $fd->read( $buffer, $bufsiz ); return _read_err( $num_bytes, $fd, $! ) unless $num_bytes == $bufsiz; $io->print($buffer); $chksum += unpack( "%16C*", $buffer ); $chksum %= 65536; $length -= $bufsiz; $bufsiz = $length if $length < $bufsiz; } $$chksumref = pack( "v", $chksum ); $io->close; return $body; } sub purge { my $self = shift; my $msg = $self->{TN_Message}; my @atts = $self->attachments; for ( keys %$msg ) { $msg->{$_}->purge if exists $att{$_}; } for my $attch (@atts) { for ( keys %$attch ) { $attch->{$_}->purge if exists $att{$_}; } } } sub message { my $self = shift; $self->{TN_Message}; } sub attachments { my $self = shift; return @{ $self->{TN_Attachments} } if wantarray; $self->{TN_Attachments}; } # This is for Messages or Attachments # since they are essentially the same thing except # for the leading attribute code package Convert::TNEF::Data; sub new { my $proto = shift; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my $self = {}; $self->{TN_Size} = {}; bless $self, $class; } sub data { my $self = shift; my $attr = shift || 'AttachData'; return $self->{$attr} && $self->{$attr}->as_string; } sub name { my $self = shift; my $attr = shift || 'AttachTitle'; my $name = $self->{$attr} && $self->{$attr}->data; $name =~ s/\x00+$// if $name; return $name; } # Try to get the long filename out of the # 'Attachment' attribute. sub longname { my $self = shift; my $data = $self->data("Attachment"); return unless $data; my $pos = index( $data, pack( "H*", "1e00013001" ) ); return $self->name unless $pos >= 0; my $len = unpack( "V", substr( $data, $pos + 8, 4 ) ); my $longname = substr( $data, $pos + 12, $len ); $longname =~ s/\x00+$// if $longname; return $longname || $self->name; } sub datahandle { my $self = shift; my $attr = shift || 'AttachData'; $self->{$attr} = shift if @_; $self->size( $attr, shift ) if @_; return $self->{$attr}; } sub size { my $self = shift; my $attr = shift || 'AttachData'; $self->{TN_Size}->{$attr} = shift if @_; return $self->{TN_Size}->{$attr}; } # Autoload methods go after =cut, and are processed by the autosplit program. 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Convert::TNEF - Perl module to read TNEF files =head1 SYNOPSIS use Convert::TNEF; $tnef = Convert::TNEF->read($iohandle, \%parms) or die Convert::TNEF::errstr; $tnef = Convert::TNEF->read_in($filename, \%parms) or die Convert::TNEF::errstr; $tnef = Convert::TNEF->read_ent($mime_entity, \%parms) or die Convert::TNEF::errstr; $tnef->purge; $message = $tnef->message; @attachments = $tnef->attachments; $attribute_value = $attachments[$i]->data($att_attribute_name); $attribute_value_size = $attachments[$i]->size($att_attribute_name); $attachment_name = $attachments[$i]->name; $long_attachment_name = $attachments[$i]->longname; $datahandle = $attachments[$i]->datahandle($att_attribute_name); =head1 DESCRIPTION TNEF stands for Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format, and if you've ever been unfortunate enough to receive one of these files as an email attachment, you may want to use this module. read() takes as its first argument any file handle open for reading. The optional second argument is a hash reference which contains one or more of the following keys: =head2 output_dir - Path for storing TNEF attribute data kept in files (default: current directory). output_prefix - File prefix for TNEF attribute data kept in files (default: 'tnef'). output_to_core - TNEF attribute data will be saved in core memory unless it is greater than this many bytes (default: 4096). May also be set to 'NONE' to keep all data in files, or 'ALL' to keep all data in core. buffer_size - Buffer size for reading in the TNEF file (default: 1024). debug - If true, outputs all sorts of info about what the read() function is reading, including the raw ascii data along with the data converted to hex (default: false). display_after_err - If debug is true and an error is encountered, reads and displays this many bytes of data following the error (default: 32). debug_max_display - If debug is true then read and display at most this many bytes of data for each TNEF attribute (default: 1024). debug_max_line_size - If debug is true then at most this many bytes of data will be displayed on each line for each TNEF attribute (default: 64). ignore_checksum - If true, will ignore checksum errors while parsing data (default: false). read() returns an object containing the TNEF 'attributes' read from the file and the data for those attributes. If all you want are the attachments, then this is mostly garbage, but if you're interested then you can see all the garbage by turning on debugging. If the garbage proves useful to you, then let me know how I can maybe make it more useful. If an error is encountered, an undefined value is returned and the package variable $errstr is set to some helpful message. read_in() is a convienient front end for read() which takes a filename instead of a handle. read_ent() is another convient front end for read() which can take a MIME::Entity object (or any object with like methods, specifically open("r"), read($buff,$num_bytes), and close ). purge() deletes any on-disk data that may be in the attachments of the TNEF object. message() returns the message portion of the tnef object, if any. The thing it returns is like an attachment, but its not an attachment. For instance, it more than likely does not have a name or any attachment data. attachments() returns a list of the attachments that the given TNEF object contains. Returns a list ref if not called in array context. data() takes a TNEF attribute name, and returns a string value for that attribute for that attachment. Its your own problem if the string is too big for memory. If no argument is given, then the 'AttachData' attribute is assumed, which is probably the attachment data you're looking for. name() is the same as data(), except the attribute 'AttachTitle' is the default, which returns the 8 character + 3 character extension name of the attachment. longname() returns the long filename and extension of an attachment. This is embedded within a MAPI property of the 'Attachment' attribute data, so we attempt to extract the name out of that. size() takes an TNEF attribute name, and returns the size in bytes for the data for that attachment attribute. datahandle() is a method for attachments which takes a TNEF attribute name, and returns the data for that attribute as a handle which is the same as a MIME::Body handle. See MIME::Body for all the applicable methods. If no argument is given, then 'AttachData' is assumed. =head1 EXAMPLES # Here's a rather long example where mail is retrieved # from a POP3 server based on header information, then # it is MIME parsed, and then the TNEF contents # are extracted and converted. use strict; use Net::POP3; use MIME::Parser; use Convert::TNEF; my $mail_dir = "mailout"; my $mail_prefix = "mail"; my $pop = new Net::POP3 ( "pop3server_name" ); my $num_msgs = $pop->login("user_name","password"); die "Can't login: $!" unless defined $num_msgs; # Get mail by sender and subject my $mail_out_idx = 0; MESSAGE: for ( my $i=1; $i<= $num_msgs; $i++ ) { my $header = join "", @{$pop->top($i)}; for ($header) { next MESSAGE unless /^from:.*someone\@somewhere.net/im && /^subject:\s*important stuff/im } my $fname = $mail_prefix."-".$$.++$mail_out_idx.".doc"; open (MAILOUT, ">$mail_dir/$fname") or die "Can't open $mail_dir/$fname: $!"; # If the get() complains, you need the new libnet bundle $pop->get($i, \*MAILOUT) or die "Can't read mail"; close MAILOUT or die "Error closing $mail_dir/$fname"; # If you want to delete the mail on the server # $pop->delete($i); } close MAILOUT; $pop->quit(); # Parse the mail message into separate mime entities my $parser=new MIME::Parser; $parser->output_dir("mimemail"); opendir(DIR, $mail_dir) or die "Can't open directory $mail_dir: $!"; my @files = map { $mail_dir."/".$_ } sort grep { -f "$mail_dir/$_" and /$mail_prefix-$$-/o } readdir DIR; closedir DIR; for my $file ( @files ) { my $entity=$parser->parse_in($file) or die "Couldn't parse mail"; print_tnef_parts($entity); # If you want to delete the working files # $entity->purge; } sub print_tnef_parts { my $ent = shift; if ( $ent->parts ) { for my $sub_ent ( $ent->parts ) { print_tnef_parts($sub_ent); } } elsif ( $ent->mime_type =~ /ms-tnef/i ) { # Create a tnef object my $tnef = Convert::TNEF->read_ent($ent,{output_dir=>"tnefmail"}) or die $Convert::TNEF::errstr; for ($tnef->attachments) { print "Title:",$_->name,"\n"; print "Data:\n",$_->data,"\n"; } # If you want to delete the working files # $tnef->purge; } } =head1 SEE ALSO perl(1), IO::Wrap(3), MIME::Parser(3), MIME::Entity(3), MIME::Body(3) =head1 CAVEATS The parsing may depend on the endianness (see perlport) and width of integers on the system where the TNEF file was created. If this proves to be the case (check the debug output), I'll see what I can do about it. =head1 AUTHOR Douglas Wilson, dougw@cpan.org =cut