package CGI::Apache2::Wrapper; use strict; use warnings; use File::Basename; use APR::Const -compile => qw(URI_UNP_OMITSITEPART URI_UNP_OMITPATHINFO URI_UNP_OMITQUERY); our $VERSION = '0.21'; our $MOD_PERL; sub new { my ($class, $r) = @_; unless (defined $r and ref($r) and ref($r) eq 'Apache2::RequestRec') { die qq{Must pass in an Apache2::RequestRec object \$r}; } if ($ENV{USE_CGI_PM}) { require CGI; return CGI->new($r); } if (exists $ENV{MOD_PERL}) { if (exists $ENV{MOD_PERL_API_VERSION} && $ENV{MOD_PERL_API_VERSION} == 2) { require Apache2::Response; require Apache2::RequestRec; require Apache2::RequestUtil; require Apache2::Connection; require Apache2::Access; require Apache2::URI; require Apache2::Log; require APR::URI; require APR::Pool; require Apache2::Request; require CGI::Apache2::Wrapper::Cookie; require CGI::Apache2::Wrapper::Upload; $MOD_PERL = 2; } else { die qq{mod_perl 2 required}; } } else { die qq{Must be running under mod_perl}; } my $self = {}; bless $self, ref $class || $class; $self->r($r) unless $self->r; $self->c($r->connection) unless $self->c; $self->req(Apache2::Request->new($self->r)) unless $self->req; return $self; } sub r { my $self = shift; my $r = $self->{'.r'}; $self->{'.r'} = shift if @_; return $r; } sub c { my $self = shift; my $c = $self->{'.c'}; $self->{'.c'} = shift if @_; return $c; } sub req { my $self = shift; my $req = $self->{'.req'}; $self->{'.req'} = shift if @_; return $req; } sub cookies { my $self = shift; my $cookies = $self->{'.cookies'}; return $cookies if (defined $cookies); my %cookies = Apache2::Cookie->fetch($self->r); $self->{'.cookies'} = %cookies ? \%cookies : undef; return $self->{'.cookies'}; } sub uploads { my ($self, $name) = @_; my $tmpfhs = $self->{'.tmpfhs'}->{$name}; return $tmpfhs if (defined $tmpfhs and ref($tmpfhs) eq 'ARRAY'); my @u = $self->req->upload($name); return unless @u; my $uploads = {}; foreach my $u (@u) { next unless defined $u; my $tempname = $u->tempname(); open(my $fh, '<', $tempname) or next; my $info = { %{$u->info()}, name => $name, filename => $u->filename(), size => $u->size(), type => $u->type(), }; $uploads->{"$fh"} = {filehandle => $fh, tempname => $tempname, info => $info, }; push @$tmpfhs, $fh; } $self->{'.uploads'} = $uploads; $self->{'.tmpfhs'}->{$name} = $tmpfhs; return $tmpfhs; } # Apache2::Request sub param { return shift->req->param(@_); } # Apache2::Connection sub remote_addr { return shift->c->remote_ip; } sub remote_host { return shift->c->remote_host; } # Apache2::Access sub auth_type { return shift->r->auth_type; } sub remote_ident { return shift->r->get_remote_logname; } # Apache2::RequestUtil sub remote_user { return shift->r->user; } sub user_name { my $self = shift; return ($self->remote_ident || $self->remote_user); } sub server_name { return shift->r->get_server_name; } sub server_port { return shift->r->get_server_port; } # Apache2::RequestRec sub header { my $self = shift; my $header_extra; if (@_) { if (scalar @_ == 1) { $header_extra = shift; } else { my %args = @_; $header_extra = \%args; } } my $r = $self->r; unless (defined $header_extra and ref($header_extra) eq 'HASH') { $r->content_type('text/html'); return ''; } my $content_type = delete $header_extra->{'Content-Type'} || 'text/html'; $r->content_type($content_type); foreach my $key (keys %$header_extra) { if ($key =~ /Set-Cookie/i) { my $cookie = $header_extra->{$key}; if ($cookie) { my(@cookie) = ref($cookie) && ref($cookie) eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$cookie} : $cookie; foreach my $c (@cookie) { my $cs = (UNIVERSAL::isa($c,'CGI::Cookie') or UNIVERSAL::isa($c, 'CGI::Apache2::Wrapper::Cookie') or UNIVERSAL::isa($c, 'Apache2::Cookie')) ? $c->as_string : $c; $r->err_headers_out->add($key => $cs); } } } else { $r->err_headers_out->add($key => $header_extra->{$key}); } } return ''; } sub query_string { return shift->r->args; } sub server_protocol { return shift->r->protocol; } sub request_method { return shift->r->method; } sub content_type { return shift->r->content_type; } sub path_info { return shift->r->path_info; } sub redirect { return shift->r->headers_out->set(Location => @_); } sub status { return shift->r->status(@_); } # Apache2::URI sub url { my ($self, %args) = @_; my $r = $self->r; my $url = $r->construct_url; if (my $args = $r->args) { $url .= '?' . $args; } my $path_info = $r->path_info; if ($path_info eq '/') { $path_info = undef; } if ($path_info) { $path_info = quotemeta($path_info); } my $parsed = APR::URI->parse($r->pool, $url); my %opts; foreach my $key(keys %args) { if ($key =~ m/^-/) { $key =~ s/^-//; $opts{$key} = $args{"-$key"}; } else { $opts{$key} = $args{$key}; } } $opts{query} = 1 if $opts{query_string}; $opts{path} = 1 if $opts{path_info}; my $rv = ''; SWITCH: { ( (scalar keys %args < 1) or $opts{full} ) and do { $rv = $parsed->unparse(APR::Const::URI_UNP_OMITQUERY); if ($path_info) { $rv =~ s/$path_info//; } last SWITCH; }; ($opts{base}) and do { $rv = $parsed->unparse(APR::Const::URI_UNP_OMITPATHINFO); last SWITCH; }; ($opts{absolute}) and do { $rv = $parsed->unparse(APR::Const::URI_UNP_OMITSITEPART | APR::Const::URI_UNP_OMITQUERY); if ($path_info) { $rv =~ s/$path_info//; } last SWITCH; }; ($opts{path}) and do { $rv = $parsed->unparse(APR::Const::URI_UNP_OMITQUERY); last SWITCH; }; ($opts{relative}) and do { if (my $file = $r->filename) { $rv = basename($file); } else { $rv = $parsed->unparse(APR::Const::URI_UNP_OMITQUERY); if ($path_info) { $rv =~ s/$path_info//; } $rv =~ s{^/}{}; } last SWITCH; }; $opts{query} and do { last SWITCH; }; die qq{Unknown option passed to url}; } unless ($rv) { $rv = $parsed->unparse(APR::Const::URI_UNP_OMITQUERY); if ($path_info) { $rv =~ s/$path_info//; } } if ($opts{query}) { $rv .= '?' . $self->query_string; } return $rv; } sub self_url { return shift->url('-path_info' => 1, '-query' => 1); } # Apache2::Cookie sub cookie { my $self = shift; my ($name, $value, %args); if (@_) { if (scalar @_ == 1) { $name = shift; } else { %args = @_; } } if (%args and not $name) { ($name, $value) = ( ($args{'-name'} || $args{name} ), ($args{'-value'} || $args{value} )); } unless (defined($value)) { my $cookies = $self->cookies; return () unless $cookies; return keys %{$cookies} unless $name; return () unless $cookies->{$name}; return $cookies->{$name}->value if defined($name) && $name ne ''; } return undef unless defined($name) && $name ne ''; # this is an error my $cookie = CGI::Apache2::Wrapper::Cookie->new($self->r, %args); return $cookie; } # Apache2::Upload sub upload { my ($self, $name) = @_; return unless $name; my $tmpfhs = $self->uploads($name); return unless (defined $tmpfhs and ref($tmpfhs) eq 'ARRAY'); return wantarray ? @$tmpfhs : $tmpfhs->[0]; } sub tmpFileName { my ($self, $fh) = @_; return unless (defined $fh and ref($fh) eq 'GLOB'); my $uploads = $self->{'.uploads'}; return unless (defined $uploads and ref($uploads) eq 'HASH'); return (defined $uploads->{"$fh"} and defined $uploads->{"$fh"}->{tempname} ) ? $uploads->{"$fh"}->{tempname} : undef; } sub uploadInfo { my ($self, $fh) = @_; return unless (defined $fh and ref($fh) eq 'GLOB'); my $uploads = $self->{'.uploads'}; return unless (defined $uploads and ref($uploads) eq 'HASH'); return (defined $uploads->{"$fh"} and defined $uploads->{"$fh"}->{info} ) ? $uploads->{"$fh"}->{info} : undef; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME CGI::Apache2::Wrapper - methods via mod_perl =head1 SYNOPSIS sub handler { my $r = shift; my $cgi = CGI::Apache2::Wrapper->new($r); my $foo = $cgi->param("foo"); my $header = {'Content-Type' => 'text/plain; charset=utf-8', 'X-err_header_out' => 'err_headers_out', }; $cgi->header($header); $r->print("You passed in $foo\n"); return Apache2::Const::OK; } =head1 DESCRIPTION Certain modules, such as L and L, require a minimal L-compatible module to provide certain methods, such as I to fetch parameters. The standard module to do this is of course L; however, especially in a mod_perl environment, there may be concerns with the resultant memory footprint. This module provides various methods via L and L, and as such, it may be a viable alternative in a mod_perl scenario. Note that this module is I a drop-in replacement for L, as only a select few methods that naturally arise in mod_perl2 and libapreq2 are provided. As well as providing methods to other modules, one of the main intents here is to assist development of porting CGI applications over to mod_perl2 and libapreq2 and/or for use in writing applications that are to be used in either a cgi or mod_perl environment. However, for applications that are intended only for mod_perl, it is recommended that the native interface to mod_perl2 and libapreq2 ultimately be used, as this module will add some overhead. =head1 Methods Methods are called via the object created as my $cgi = CGI::Apache2::Wrapper->new($r); The L object I<$r> must be passed in as an argument. Methods available can be grouped according to what mod_perl2/libapreq2 modules provide them: =head2 Apache2::RequestRec =over =item * $cgi-Eheader($header); In a mod_perl environment, this sets the headers, whereas in a CGI environment, this returns a string containing the headers to be printed out. If no argument is given to I, only the I is set, which by default is I. If a hash reference I<$header> is passed to I
, such as my $header = {'Content-Type' => 'text/plain; charset=utf-8', 'X-err_header_out' => 'err_headers_out', }; these will be used as the headers. =item * $qs = $cgi-Equery_string(); This retrieves the unprocessed query string. =item * $sp = $cgi-Eserver_protocol(); This returns the protocol of the client, such as I or I. =item * $rm = $cgi-Erequest_method(); This returns the method used to form the request, such as I, I or I. =item * $ct = $cgi-Econtent_type(); This returns the HTTP response Content-type header value. =item * $pi = $cgi-Epath_info(); Returns additional path information from the URL. For example, for a handler specified through a ELocation /some/location E directive, fetching I will result in I returning I. =item * $cgi-Eredirect($url); This redirects the client to the specified URL. For a L script, I<$cgi->status(Apache2::Const::REDIRECT);> should also be called. =item * $cgi-Estatus(Apache2::Const::REDIRECT); This can be used to set the status field, typically in the context of a I for a L script. Handlers should never manipulate the status field directly. =back =head2 Apache2::RequestUtil =over =item * $ru = $cgi-Eremote_user(); This returns the authorization name used for user verification. =item * $un = $cgi-Euser_name(); Attempts to return the remote user's name. =item * $sn = $cgi-Eserver_name(); This returns the name of the server, which is usually the machine's host name. =item * $sp = $cgi-Eserver_port(); This returns the port that the server is listening on. =back =head2 Apache2::Access =over =item * $at = $cgi-Eauth_type(); This returns the authorization/verification method in use, if any. =item * $ri = $cgi-Eremote_ident(); This returns the identity of the remote user if the host is running identd. =back =head2 Apache2::Connection =over =item * $ra = $cgi-Eremote_addr(); This returns the remote IP address. =item * $rh = $cgi-Eremote_host(); This returns either the remote host name or the IP address, if the former is unavailable. =back =head2 Apache2::Request =over =item * $value = $cgi-Eparam("foo"); This fetches the value of the named parameter. If no argument is given to I, a list of all parameter names is returned. =back =head2 Apache2::URI =over =item * my $url = $cgi-Eurl(%opts); This returns the url in a variety of formats compatible with L. For example, suppose that the handler is in a location SetHandler modperl PerlResponseHandler My::Handler on port 8529 and the request I is made. The following options for %opts are recognized: =over =item * no options Called without any arguments, this returns the full form of the URL, including host name and port number: I =item * -absolute =E 1 This produces an absolute url: I =item * -relative =E 1 This produces an relative url: I =item * -full =E 1 This produces a full url: I =item * -path =E 1 (or -path_info =E 1) This appends the additional path information to the url: I =item * -query =E 1 (or -query_string =E 1) This appends the query string to the url: I =item * -base =E 1 This generates just the protocol and net location: I =back Specifying the options I<-path =E 1> and I<-query =E 1> will lead to the complete url: I. =item * my $url = $cgi-Eself_url; This generates the complete url, and is a shortcut for Iurl(-query =E 1, -path =E 1);>. Using the example described in the I options, this would lead to I. =back =head2 Apache2::Cookie A new cookie can be created as my $c = $cgi->cookie(-name => 'foo', -value => 'bar', -expires => '+3M', -domain => '', -path => '/cgi-bin/database', -secure => 1 ); which is an object of the L class. The arguments accepted are =over =item * I<-name> This is the name of the cookie (required) =item * I<-value> This is the value associated with the cookie (required) =item * I<-expires> This accepts any of the relative or absolute date formats recognized by, for example "+3M" for three months in the future. See L for details. =item * I<-domain> This points to a domain name or to a fully qualified host name. If not specified, the cookie will be returned only to the Web server that created it. =item * I<-path> This points to a partial URL on the current server. The cookie will be returned to all URLs beginning with the specified path. If not specified, it defaults to '/', which returns the cookie to all pages at your site. =item * I<-secure> If set to a true value, this instructs the browser to return the cookie only when a cryptographic protocol is in use. =back A value of an existing cookie can be retrieved by calling I without the I parameter: my $value = $cgi->cookie(-name => 'fred'); A list of all cookie names can be obtained by calling I without any arguments: my @names = $cgi->cookie(); See also L for a L-compatible interface to cookies. =head2 Apache2::Upload Uploads can be handled with the I method: my $fh = $cgi->upload('filename'); which returns a file handle that can be used to access the uploaded file. If there are multiple upload fields, calling I in a list context: my @fhs = $cgi->upload('filename'); will return an array of filehandles. There are two helper methods available for uploads: =over =item * my $tmpfile = $cgi-EtmpFileName($fh); This returns the name of the temporary file associated with the I<$fh> fielhandle returned from I. =item * my $info = $cgi-EuploadInfo($fh); This returns a hash reference containing some information about the uploaded file associated with the I<$fh> filehandle returned from I. The keys of this hash typically include: =over =item * Content-Type The content type, such as I, associated with this upload. =item * Content-Disposition This typically is a string such as I. =item * size This is the size of the uploaded file. =item * name This is the name of the HTML form element which generated the upload. =item * filename The (client-side) filename as submitted in the HTML form. Note that some agents will submit the file's full pathname, while others may submit just the basename. =item * type This is the MIME type of the upload. =back =back =head2 Helpers =over =item * my $r = $cgi-Er; This returns the I object I<$r> passed into the I method. =item * my $req = $cgi-Ereq; This returns the I object I<$req>, which provides the I method to fetch form parameters. =back =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, and L. Development of this package takes place at L. =head1 SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command: perldoc CGI::Apache2::Wrapper You can also look for information at: =over 4 =item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation L =item * CPAN::Forum: Discussion forum L =item * CPAN Ratings L =item * RT: CPAN's request tracker L =item * Search CPAN L =item * UWinnipeg CPAN Search L =back =head1 ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES If the I environment variable is set, the I method will return a L object. =head1 BUGS Although the methods provided here have a natural correspondence with the associated methods of, there may be subtle differences present. Please report any bugs and feature requests to the author or through CPAN's request tracker at L. =head1 COPYRIGHT This software is copyright 2007 by Randy Kobes Er.kobes@uwinnipeg.caE. Use and redistribution are under the same terms as Perl itself; see L. =cut