# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # package Apache2::Status; use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use mod_perl2; use Apache2::RequestIO (); use Apache2::RequestRec (); use Apache2::RequestUtil (); use Apache2::ServerUtil (); use File::Spec (); use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK); $Apache2::Status::VERSION = '4.00'; # mod_perl 2.0 use constant IS_WIN32 => ($^O eq "MSWin32"); my %status = ( script => "PerlRequire'd Files", inc => "Loaded Modules", rgysubs => "Compiled Registry Scripts", symdump => "Symbol Table Dump", inh_tree => "Inheritance Tree", isa_tree => "ISA Tree", env => "Environment", sig => "Signal Handlers", myconfig => "Perl Configuration", ); delete $status{'sig'} if IS_WIN32; if ($Apache2::PerlSections::Save) { $status{"section_config"} = "Perl Section Configuration"; } my %requires = ( deparse => ["StatusDeparse", "B::Deparse", 0.59, ], fathom => ["StatusFathom", "B::Fathom", 0.05, ], symdump => ["", "Devel::Symdump", 2.00, ], dumper => ["StatusDumper", "Data::Dumper", 0, ], b => ["", "B", 0, ], graph => ["StatusGraph", "B::Graph", 0.03, ], lexinfo => ["StatusLexInfo", "B::LexInfo", 0, ], xref => ["StatusXref", "B::Xref", 1.01, ], terse => ["StatusTerse", "B::Terse", 0, ], tersesize => ["StatusTerseSize", "B::TerseSize", 0.09, ], packagesize => ["StatusPackageSize", "B::TerseSize", 0.09, ], peek => ["StatusPeek", "Apache::Peek", 1.03, ], ); sub has { my ($r, $what) = @_; return 0 unless exists $requires{$what}; my ($opt, $module, $version) = @{ $requires{$what} }; (my $file = $module) =~ s|::|/|; $file .= ".pm"; # if !$opt we skip the testing for the option return 0 if $opt && !status_config($r, $opt); return 0 unless eval { require $file }; my $mod_ver = $module->VERSION; $mod_ver =~ s/_.*//; # handle dev versions like 2.121_02 return 0 unless $mod_ver && $mod_ver >= $version; return 1; } use constant CPAN_SEARCH => 'http://search.cpan.org/search?mode=module;query'; sub install_hint { my ($module) = @_; return qq{

Please install the } . qq{$module module.

}; } sub status_config { my ($r, $key) = @_; return (lc($r->dir_config($key)) eq "on") || (lc($r->dir_config('StatusOptionsAll')) eq "on"); } sub menu_item { my ($self, $key, $val, $sub) = @_; $status{$key} = $val; no strict; no warnings 'redefine'; *{"status_${key}"} = $sub if $sub and ref $sub eq 'CODE'; } sub handler { my ($r) = @_; my $qs = $r->args || ""; my $sub = "status_$qs"; no strict 'refs'; if ($qs =~ s/^(noh_\w+).*/$1/) { &{$qs}($r); return Apache2::Const::OK; } header($r); if (defined &$sub) { $r->print(@{ &{$sub}($r) }); } elsif ($qs and %{$qs."::"}) { $r->print(symdump($r, $qs)); } else { my $uri = $r->uri; $r->print('

'); $r->print( map { qq[$status{$_}
\n] } sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } keys %status ); $r->print('

'); } $r->print(""); Apache2::Const::OK; } sub header { my $r = shift; my $start = scalar localtime $^T; my $srv = Apache2::ServerUtil::get_server_version(); $r->content_type("text/html"); my $v = $^V ? sprintf "v%vd", $^V : $]; $r->print(<<"EOF"); Apache2::Status $Apache2::Status::VERSION

Embedded Perl version $v for $srv process $$,
running since $start

EOF } sub symdump { my ($r, $package) = @_; return install_hint("Devel::Symdump") unless has($r, "symdump"); my $meth = lc($r->dir_config("StatusRdump")) eq "on" ? "rnew" : "new"; my $sob = Devel::Symdump->$meth($package); return $sob->Apache2::Status::as_HTML($package, $r); } sub status_symdump { my ($r) = @_; [symdump($r, 'main')]; } sub status_section_config { my ($r) = @_; require Apache2::PerlSections; ["
", Apache2::PerlSections->dump, "
"]; } sub status_inc { my ($r) = @_; my $uri = $r->uri; my @retval = ( '', "", (map "", qw(Package Version Modified File)), "\n" ); foreach my $file (sort keys %INC) { local $^W = 0; next if $file =~ m:^/:; next unless $file =~ m:\.pm:; next unless $INC{$file}; #e.g. fake Apache2/TieHandle.pm no strict 'refs'; (my $module = $file) =~ s,/,::,g; $module =~ s,\.pm$,,; next if $module eq 'mod_perl'; my $v = ${"$module\:\:VERSION"} || '0.00'; my $mtime = -e $INC{$file} ? scalar localtime((stat $INC{$file})[9]) : 'N/A'; push @retval, ( "", (map "", qq($module), $v, $mtime, $INC{$file}), "\n" ); } push @retval, "
\n"; push @retval, "

\@INC =
", join "
\n", @INC, ""; \@retval; } sub status_script { my ($r) = @_; my @retval = ( '', "\n", ); foreach my $file (sort keys %INC) { next if $file =~ m:\.(pm|al|ix)$:; push @retval, qq(\n); } push @retval, "
"; \@retval; } my $RegistryCache; sub registry_cache { my ($self, $cache) = @_; # XXX: generalize $RegistryCache = $cache if $cache; $RegistryCache || $Apache2::Registry; } sub get_packages_per_handler { my ($root, $stash) = @_; my %handlers = (); my @packages = get_packages($stash); for (@packages) { /^\*${root}::([\w:]+)::(\w+)::$/ && push @{ $handlers{$1} }, $2; } return %handlers; } sub get_packages { my ($stash) = @_; no strict 'refs'; my @packages = (); for (keys %$stash) { return $stash unless $stash->{$_} =~ /::$/; push @packages, get_packages($stash->{$_}); } return @packages; } sub status_rgysubs { my ($r) = @_; local $_; my $uri = $r->uri; my $cache = __PACKAGE__->registry_cache; my @retval = "

Compiled registry scripts grouped by their handler

"; push @retval, "

Click on package name to see its symbol table

\n"; my $root = "ModPerl::ROOT"; no strict 'refs'; my %handlers = get_packages_per_handler($root, *{$root . "::"}); for my $handler (sort keys %handlers) { push @retval, "



\n"; for (sort @{ $handlers{$handler} }) { my $full = join '::', $root, $handler, $_; push @retval, qq($_\n), "
"; } push @retval, "

\n"; } \@retval; } sub status_env { my ($r) = shift; my @retval = ("

\n"); if ($r->handler eq 'modperl') { # the handler can be executed under the "modperl" handler push @retval, qq{Under the "modperl" handler, the environment is:}; # XXX: I guess we could call $r->subprocess_env; and show how # would it look like under the 'perl-script' environment, but # under the 'modperl' handler %ENV doesn't get reset, # therefore on the first reload it'll see the bloated %ENV in # first place. } else { # the handler can be executed under the "perl-script" handler push @retval, qq{Under the "perl-script" handler, the environment is:}; } push @retval, "\n

\n"; push @retval, "
        (map "$_ = " . escape_html($ENV{$_}||'') . "\n",
            sort keys %ENV), "
"; \@retval; } sub status_sig { ["
     (map {
         my $val = $SIG{$_} || "";
         if ($val and ref $val eq "CODE") {
             # XXX: 2.0 doesn't have Apache2::Symbol
             if (my $cv = Apache2::Symbol->can('sv_name')) {
                 $val = "\\&".  $cv->($val);
         "$_ = $val\n" }
      sort keys %SIG),
"]; } sub status_myconfig { ["
", myconfig(), "
"]; } sub status_inh_tree { return has(shift, "symdump") ? ["
", Devel::Symdump->inh_tree, "
"] : install_hint("Devel::Symdump"); } sub status_isa_tree { return has(shift, "symdump") ? ["
", Devel::Symdump->isa_tree, "
"] : install_hint("Devel::Symdump"); } sub status_data_dump { my ($r) = @_; return install_hint('Data::Dumper') unless has($r, "dumper"); my ($name, $type) = (split "/", $r->uri)[-2,-1]; no strict 'refs'; my @retval = "

\nData Dump of $name $type\n

    my $str = Data::Dumper->Dump([*$name{$type}], ['*'.$name]);
    $str = escape_html($str);
    $str =~ s/= \\/= /; #whack backwack
    push @retval, $str, "\n";
    push @retval, peek_link($r, $name, $type);
    push @retval, b_graph_link($r, $name);
    push @retval, "
"; \@retval; } sub cv_file { my $obj = shift; $obj->can('FILEGV') ? $obj->FILEGV->SV->PV : $obj->FILE; } sub status_cv_dump { my ($r) = @_; return [] unless has($r, "b"); no strict 'refs'; my ($name, $type) = (split "/", $r->uri)[-2,-1]; # could be another child, which doesn't have this symbol table? return unless *$name{CODE}; my @retval = "

Subroutine info for $name

    my $obj    = B::svref_2object(*$name{CODE});
    my $file   = cv_file($obj);
    my $stash  = $obj->GV->STASH->NAME;
    my $script = $r->location;

    push @retval, "File: ",
        (-e $file ? qq($file) : $file), "\n";

    my $cv    = $obj->GV->CV;
    my $proto = $cv->PV if $cv->can('PV');

    push @retval, qq(Package: $stash\n);
    push @retval, "Line: ",      $obj->GV->LINE, "\n";
    push @retval, "Prototype: ", $proto || "none", "\n";
    push @retval, "XSUB: ",      $obj->XSUB ? "yes" : "no", "\n";
    push @retval, peek_link($r, $name, $type);
    push @retval, b_graph_link($r, $name);
    push @retval, xref_link($r, $name);
    push @retval, b_lexinfo_link($r, $name);
    push @retval, b_terse_link($r, $name);
    push @retval, b_terse_size_link($r, $name);
    push @retval, b_deparse_link($r, $name);
    push @retval, b_fathom_link($r, $name);
    push @retval, "
"; \@retval; } sub b_lexinfo_link { my ($r, $name) = @_; return unless has($r, "lexinfo"); my $script = $r->location; return qq(\nLexical Info\n); } sub noh_b_lexinfo { my $r = shift; $r->content_type("text/plain"); return unless has($r, "lexinfo"); no strict 'refs'; my ($name) = (split "/", $r->uri)[-1]; $r->print("Lexical Info for $name\n\n"); my $lexi = B::LexInfo->new; my $info = $lexi->cvlexinfo($name); $r->print(${ $lexi->dumper($info) }); } my %b_terse_exp = ('slow' => 'syntax', 'exec' => 'execution', basic => 'syntax'); sub b_terse_link { my ($r, $name) = @_; return unless has($r, "terse"); my $script = $r->location; my @retval; for (qw(exec basic)) { my $exp = "$b_terse_exp{$_} order"; push @retval, qq(\nSyntax Tree Dump ($exp)\n); } join '', @retval; } sub noh_b_terse { my $r = shift; $r->content_type("text/plain"); return unless has($r, "terse"); no strict 'refs'; my ($arg, $name) = (split "/", $r->uri)[-2,-1]; $r->print("Syntax Tree Dump ($b_terse_exp{$arg}) for $name\n\n"); # XXX: blead perl dumps things to STDERR, though the same version # works fine with 1.27 # B::Concise couldn't parse XS code before perl patch 24681 (perl 5.9.3) # B::Terse is deprecated and just a wrapper around B::Concise now adays eval { B::Concise::compile("-terse", "-$arg", $name)->() }; if ($@) { $r->print("B::Concise has failed: $@"); } } sub b_terse_size_link { my ($r, $name) = @_; return unless has($r, "tersesize"); my $script = $r->location; my @retval; for (qw(exec slow)) { my $exp = "$b_terse_exp{$_} order"; push @retval, qq(\nSyntax Tree Size ($exp)\n); } join '', @retval; } sub noh_b_terse_size { my $r = shift; $r->content_type("text/html"); return unless has($r, "tersesize"); $r->print('
    my ($arg, $name) = (split "/", $r->uri)[-2,-1];
    my $uri = $r->location;
    my $link = qq{$name};
    $r->print("Syntax Tree Size ($b_terse_exp{$arg} order) for $link\n\n");
    B::TerseSize::compile($arg, $name)->();

sub b_package_size_link {
    my ($r, $name) = @_;

    return unless has($r, "packagesize");

    my $script = $r->location;
    qq(Memory Usage\n);

sub noh_b_package_size {
    my ($r) = @_;

    return unless has($r, "packagesize");


    no strict 'refs';
    my ($package) = (split "/", $r->uri)[-1];
    my $script = $r->location;
    $r->print("Memory Usage for package $package\n\n");
    my ($subs, $opcount, $opsize) = B::TerseSize::package_size($package);
    my $Kb = sprintf "%.2f", $opsize / 1024;
    my $Mb = sprintf "%.2f", $Kb / 1000;
    $r->print("Totals: $opsize bytes, $Kb Kb, $Mb Mb | $opcount OPs\n\n");

    my $nlen = 0;
    my @keys = map {
        $nlen = length > $nlen ? length : $nlen;
    } (sort { $subs->{$b}->{size} <=> $subs->{$a}->{size} } keys %$subs);

    my $clen = $subs->{$keys[0]}->{count} ?
        length $subs->{$keys[0]}->{count} : 0;
    my $slen = length $subs->{$keys[0]}->{size};

    for my $name (@keys) {
        my $stats = $subs->{$name};
        if ($name =~ /^my /) {
            $r->printf("%-${nlen}s %${slen}d bytes\n", $name, $stats->{size});
        elsif ($name =~ /^\*(\w+)\{(\w+)\}/) {
            my $link = qq();
            $r->printf("$link%-${nlen}s %${slen}d bytes\n",
                       $name, $stats->{size});
        else {
            my $link =
            $r->printf("$link%-${nlen}s %${slen}d bytes | %${clen}d OPs\n",
                       $name, $stats->{size}, $stats->{count});

sub b_deparse_link {
    my ($r, $name) = @_;

    return unless has($r, "deparse");

    my $script = $r->location;
    return qq(\nDeparse\n);

sub noh_b_deparse {
    my $r = shift;

    return unless has($r, "deparse");

    my $name = (split "/", $r->uri)[-1];
    $r->print("Deparse of $name\n\n");
    my $deparse = B::Deparse->new(split /\s+/,
    my $body = $deparse->coderef2text(\&{$name});
    $r->print("sub $name $body");

sub b_fathom_link {
    my ($r, $name) = @_;

    return unless has($r, "fathom");

    my $script = $r->location;
    return qq(\nFathom Score\n);

sub noh_b_fathom {
    my $r = shift;

    return unless has($r, "fathom");

    my $name = (split "/", $r->uri)[-1];
    $r->print("Fathom Score of $name\n\n");
    my $fathom = B::Fathom->new(split /\s+/,

sub peek_link {
    my ($r, $name, $type) = @_;

    return unless has($r, "peek");

    my $script = $r->location;
    return qq(\nPeek Dump\n);

sub noh_peek {
    my $r = shift;

    return unless has($r, "peek");

    no strict 'refs';
    my ($name, $type) = (split "/", $r->uri)[-2,-1];
    $type =~ s/^FUNCTION$/CODE/;
    $r->print("Peek Dump of $name $type\n\n");

sub xref_link {
    my ($r, $name) = @_;

    return unless has($r, "xref");

    my $script = $r->location;
    return qq(\nCross Reference Report\n);

sub noh_xref {
    my $r = shift;

    return unless has($r, "xref");

    (my $thing = $r->path_info) =~ s:^/::;
    $r->print("Xref of $thing\n");

$Apache2::Status::BGraphCache ||= 0;
if ($Apache2::Status::BGraphCache) {
    Apache2->server->push_handlers(PerlChildExitHandler => sub {
        unlink keys %Apache2::Status::BGraphCache;

sub b_graph_link {
    my ($r, $name) = @_;

    return unless has($r, "graph");

    my $script = $r->location;
    return qq(\nOP Tree Graph\n);

sub noh_b_graph {
    my $r = shift;

    return unless has($r, "graph");

    untie *STDOUT;

    my $dir = File::Spec->catfile(Apache2::ServerUtil::server_root(),
        ($r->dir_config("GraphDir") || "logs/b_graphs"));

    mkdir $dir, 0755 unless -d $dir;

    (my $thing = $r->path_info) =~ s:^/::;
    $thing =~ s{::}{-}g; # :: is not allowed in the filename on some OS
    my $type = "dot";
    my $file = "$dir/$thing.$$.gif";

    unless (-e $file) {
        my $rv = tie *STDOUT, "B::Graph", $r, $file;
        unless ($rv) {
            $r->print("dot not found\n");
        else {
            B::Graph::compile("-$type", $thing)->();
            (tied *STDOUT)->{graph}->close;

    if (-s $file) {
    else {
        $r->print("Graph of $thing failed!\n");
    if ($Apache2::Status::BGraphCache) {
    else {
        unlink $file;


sub B::Graph::TIEHANDLE {
    my ($class, $r, $file) = @_;

    if ($file =~ /^([^<>|;]+)$/) {
        $file = $1;
    else {
        die "TAINTED data in THING=> ($file)";

    $ENV{PATH} = join ":", qw{/usr/bin /usr/local/bin};
    my $dot = $r->dir_config("Dot") || "dot";

    require IO::File;
    my $pipe = IO::File->new("|$dot -Tgif -o $file");
    $pipe && $pipe->autoflush(1);

    if ($pipe) {
        return bless {
            graph => $pipe,
            r     => $r,
        }, $class;
    else {

sub B::Graph::PRINT {
    my $self = shift;


my %can_dump = map {$_,1} qw(scalars arrays hashes);

sub as_HTML {
    my ($self, $package, $r) = @_;

    my @m = qw();
    my $uri = $r->uri;
    my $is_main = $package eq "main";

    my $do_dump = has($r, "dumper");

    my @methods = sort keys %{$self->{'AUTOLOAD'}};

    if ($is_main) {
        @methods = grep { $_ ne "packages" } @methods;
        unshift @methods, "packages";

    for my $type (@methods) {
        (my $dtype = uc $type) =~ s/E?S$//;
        push @m, "";
        my @line = ();

        for (sort $self->_partdump(uc $type)) {
            s/([\000-\037\177])/ '^' . pack('c', ord($1) ^ 64)/eg;

            if ($type eq "scalars") {
                no strict 'refs';
                next unless defined eval { $$_ };

            if ($type eq "packages") {
                push @line, qq($_);
            elsif ($type eq "functions") {
                if (has($r, "b")) {
                    push @line, qq($_);
                else {
                    push @line, $_;
            elsif ($do_dump and $can_dump{$type}) {
                next if /_$_);
            else {
                push @line, $_;
        push @m, "\n";
    push @m, "
$type" . join(", ", @line) . "
"; return join "\n", @m, "
", b_package_size_link($r, $package); } sub escape_html { my $str = shift; $str =~ s/&/&/g; $str =~ s//>/g; return $str; } sub myconfig { require Config; # Config::myconfig(); fails under threads with (5.8.0 < perl < 5.8.3) # "Modification of a read-only value attempted" # provide a workaround if ($Config::Config{useithreads} and $] > 5.008 and $] < 5.008003) { return $Config::summary_expanded if $Config::summary_expanded; ($Config::summary_expanded = $Config::summary) =~ s{\$(\w+)} { my $c = $Config::Config{$1}; defined($c) ? $c : 'undef' }ge; return $Config::summary_expanded; } else { return Config::myconfig(); } } # mp2 modules have to deal with situations where a binary incompatible # mp1 version of the same module is installed in the same # tree. therefore when checking for a certain version, one wants to # check the version of the module 'require()' will find without # loading that module. this function partially adopted from # ExtUtils::MM_Unix does just that. it returns the version number of # the first module that it finds, forcing numerical context, making # the return value suitable for immediate numerical comparison # operation. (i.e. 2.03-dev will be returned as 2.03, 0 will be # returned when the parsing has failed or a module wasn't found). sub parse_version { my $name = shift; die "no module name passed" unless $name; my $file = File::Spec->catfile(split /::/, $name) . '.pm'; for my $dir (@INC) { next if ref $dir; # skip code refs my $pmfile = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $file); next unless -r $pmfile; open my $fh, $pmfile or die "can't open $pmfile: $!"; my $inpod = 0; my $version; while (<$fh>) { $inpod = /^=(?!cut)/ ? 1 : /^=cut/ ? 0 : $inpod; next if $inpod || /^\s*#/; chomp; next unless /([\$*])(([\w\:\']*)\bVERSION)\b.*\=/; { local($1, $2); ($_ = $_) = /(.*)/; } # untaint my $eval = qq{ package Apache2::Status::_version; no strict; local $1$2; \$$2=undef; do { $_ }; \$$2 }; no warnings; $version = eval $eval; warn "Could not eval '$eval' in $pmfile: $@" if $@; last; } close $fh; # avoid situations like "2.03-dev" and return a numerical # version if (defined $version) { no warnings; $version += 0; # force number return $version; } } return 0; # didn't find the file or the version number } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Apache2::Status - Embedded interpreter status information =head1 Synopsis SetHandler modperl PerlOptions +GlobalRequest PerlResponseHandler Apache2::Status or SetHandler perl-script PerlResponseHandler Apache2::Status =head1 Description The C module provides some information about the status of the Perl interpreter embedded in the server. Configure like so: SetHandler modperl PerlOptions +GlobalRequest PerlResponseHandler Apache2::Status Notice that under the C> core handler the I menu option will show only the environment under that handler. To see the environment seen by handlers running under the C> core handler, configure C as: SetHandler perl-script PerlResponseHandler Apache2::Status Other modules can "plugin" a menu item like so: require Apache2::Module; Apache2::Status->menu_item( 'DBI' => "DBI connections", #item for Apache::DBI module sub { my ($r, $q) = @_; #request and CGI objects my (@strings); push @strings, "blobs of html"; return \@strings; #return an array ref } ) if Apache2::Module::loaded('Apache2::Status'); B: C must be loaded before these modules via the C or C directives (or from F). A very common setup might be: Perl Module B::TerseSize SetHandler perl-script PerlResponseHandler Apache2::Status PerlSetVar StatusOptionsAll On PerlSetVar StatusDeparseOptions "-p -sC" due to the implementation of Apache2::Status::noh_fileline in B::TerseSize, you must load B::TerseSize first. =head1 Options =head2 C This single directive will enable all of the options described below. PerlSetVar StatusOptionsAll On =head2 C When browsing symbol tables, the values of arrays, hashes and scalars can be viewed via C if this configuration variable is set to C: PerlSetVar StatusDumper On =head2 C With this option C and the C module installed, functions and variables can be viewed ala C style: PerlSetVar StatusPeek On =head2 C With this option C and the C module installed, subroutine lexical variable information can be viewed. PerlSetVar StatusLexInfo On =head2 C With this option C subroutines can be "deparsed". PerlSetVar StatusDeparse On Options can be passed to C like so: PerlSetVar StatusDeparseOptions "-p -sC" See the C manpage for details. =head2 C With this option C, text-based op tree graphs of subroutines can be displayed, thanks to C. PerlSetVar StatusTerse On =head2 C With this option C and the C module installed, text-based op tree graphs of subroutines and their size can be displayed. See the C docs for more info. PerlSetVar StatusTerseSize On =head2 C With this option C and the C module installed, a I<"Memory Usage"> will be added to the C main menu. This option is disabled by default, as it can be rather cpu intensive to summarize memory usage for the entire server. It is strongly suggested that this option only be used with a development server running in C<-X> mode, as the results will be cached. PerlSetVar StatusTerseSizeMainSummary On =head2 C When C is enabled, another link I<"OP Tree Graph"> will be present with the dump if this configuration variable is set to C: PerlSetVar StatusGraph This requires the B module (part of the Perl compiler kit) and C (version 0.03 or higher) module to be installed along with the C program. Dot is part of the graph visualization toolkit from AT&T: http://www.graphviz.org/. B: Some graphs may produce very large images, some graphs may produce no image if C's output is incorrect. =head2 C Location of the dot program for C, if other than I or I =head2 C Directory where C should write it's temporary image files. Default is C<$ServerRoot/logs/b_graphs>. =head1 Prerequisites The C module, version C<2.00> or higher. Other optional functionality requirements: C - 0.59, C - 0.05, C> - 0.03. =head1 Copyright mod_perl 2.0 and its core modules are copyrighted under The Apache Software License, Version 2.0. =head1 See Also perl(1), Apache(3), Devel::Symdump(3), Data::Dumper(3), B(3), C(3), L. =head1 Authors Doug MacEachern with contributions from Stas Bekman =cut