# # Module Copyright (C) 2000 Ed Hill # Documentation Copyright (C) 2000 Tim Peoples # # Apache::XMLRPC is free software; you can redistribute it # and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # # $Id: XMLRPC.pm,v 1.2 2000/11/09 01:36:34 kmacleod Exp $ # package Apache::XMLRPC; use Apache::Constants qw(:common); use Frontier::RPC2; sub handler { my $r = shift; my $conf = $r->server_root_relative( $r->dir_config( "XMLRPC_Config" ) ); if( -f $conf ) { unless( $rt = do $conf ) { die "Couldn\'t parse conf file ($conf): $@\n" if $@; die "Couldn\'t compile conf file ($conf): $!\n" unless defined $rt; die "Couldn\'t run conf file ($conf)\n" unless $rt; } } my $decoder = Frontier::RPC2->new(); my $content; $r->read( $content, $r->header_in( 'Content-length' ) ); my $answer = $decoder->serve( $content, $Apache::XMLRPC::map ); $r->send_http_header(); $r->print($answer); return OK; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Apache::XMLRPC - serve XML-RPC requests from Apache =head1 SYNOPSIS ## ## Directives for your Apache config file. ## SetHandler perl-script PerlHandler Apache::XMLRPC PerlSetVar XMLRPC_Config /usr/local/apache/xml-rpc/services ## ## In the 'services' file referenced above by 'XMLRPC_Config' ## sub foo { ... } sub bar { ... } $map = { foo => \&foo, bar => \&bar, }; 1; =head1 DESCRIPTION I serves Userland XML-RPC requests from Apache/mod_perl using the Frontier::RPC2 module. Configuring Apache::XMLRPC to work under mod_perl is a two step process. First, you must declare a CLocationE> directive in your Apache configuration file which tells Apache to use the content handler found in the Apache::XMLRPC module and defines a variable which tells the module where to find your services. Then, you must define the services. =head2 Apache Configuration Apache configuration is as simple as the CLocationE> directive shown in the synopsis above. Any directive allowed by Apache inside a CLocationE> block is allowed here, but the three lines shown above are required. Pay close attention to the 'PerlSetVar XMLRPC_Config ...' line as this is where you tell Apache where to find your services. This file may reside anywhere accessable by Apache. =head2 Defining Services To actually define the XML-RPC routines that will be served, they I reside in the file referenced by the 'PerlSetVar XMLRPC_Config ...' directive in the Apache configuration file. In this file you may place as many Perl subroutines as you like, but only those which are explicitly published will be available to your XML-RPC clients. To I a subroutine, it must be included in the hash reference named C<$map> (the hash reference I have this name as this is the variable that the I passes to I to actually service each request) The hash reference I be defined in this C file. The keys of the hash are the service names visible to the XML-RPC clients while the hash values are references to the subroutines you wish to make public. There is no requirement that the published service names match those of their associated subroutines, but it does make administration a little easier. =head1 SEE ALSO perl(1), Frontier::RPC2(3) Ehttp://www.scripting.com/frontier5/xml/code/rpc.htmlE =head1 AUTHOR Ed Hill Eed-hill@uiowa.eduE is the original author. Tim Peoples Etep@colltech.comE added a few tweaks and all the documenation.