############################################################################# # # Apache::Session::Store::Sybase # Apache persistent user sessions in a DBI::Sybase database # # Copyright(c) 2000, 2004 Jeffrey William Baker (jwbaker@acm.org), Mark Landry (mdlandry@lincoln.midcoast.com), and Chris Winters (chris@cwinters.com) # # With modifications from earlier version of Apache::Session::DBI::Sybase # from Mark Landry (mdlandry@lincoln.midcoast.com) # # Modified to work with Apache::Session v 1.5+ by Chris Winters (chris@cwinters.com) # # Distribute under the Perl License # ############################################################################ package Apache::Session::Store::Sybase; use strict; use vars qw( @ISA $VERSION ); use Apache::Session::Store::DBI; @ISA = qw( Apache::Session::Store::DBI ); $VERSION = '1.01'; $Apache::Session::Store::Sybase::DataSource = undef; $Apache::Session::Store::Sybase::UserName = undef; $Apache::Session::Store::Sybase::Password = undef; sub connection { my $self = shift; my $session = shift; return if ( defined $self->{dbh} ); if ( exists $session->{args}->{Handle} ) { $self->{dbh} = $session->{args}->{Handle}; $self->{commit} = $session->{args}->{Commit}; } else { my $datasource = $session->{args}->{DataSource} || $Apache::Session::Store::Sybase::DataSource; my $username = $session->{args}->{UserName} || $Apache::Session::Store::Sybase::UserName; my $password = $session->{args}->{Password} || $Apache::Session::Store::Sybase::Password; $self->{dbh} = DBI->connect( $datasource, $username, $password, { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 } ) || die $DBI::errstr; # If we open the connection, we close the connection $self->{disconnect} = 1; } # the programmer has to tell us what commit policy to use; # note that this should take effect even if the programmer # passes us a handle $self->{commit} = $session->{args}->{Commit}; # sets the variable @@textsize to the default, which # should be 32K; to test, do this from a isql/sqsh session: # # > set textsize 0 # > go # > select @@textsize # > go # # You should see something like: # : # : ----------- # : 32768 # # Note that you can also pass an argument ('textsize') for a # larger/smaller text size my $textsize = $session->{args}->{textsize} || '0'; $self->{dbh}->do( "set textsize $textsize" ); } # Both insert() and update() are modifications to # Apache::Session::Store::DBI. # Sybase cannot use placeholders for IMAGE/TEXT field types so you # must pass the data directly in the SQL rather than using bound # parameters. Naturally, this negates any usefulness of the # 'prepare_cached' method used in Apache::Session::Store::DBI, so we # use a more straightforward sequence to prepare/execute here. # Also, if you use this storage mechanism, you must also use the # serializer that puts the data structure into a format that you can # put directly into the SQL statement (e.g., '0xblahblahblah') sub insert { my $self = shift; my $session = shift; $self->connection( $session ); local $self->{dbh}->{RaiseError} = 1; my $sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare( qq{ INSERT INTO sessions (id, a_session) VALUES ( }.$self->{dbh}->quote($session->{data}->{_session_id}).qq{, }.$self->{dbh}->quote($session->{serialized}).qq{ ) } ); $sth->execute( ); } sub update { my $self = shift; my $session = shift; $self->connection( $session ); local $self->{dbh}->{RaiseError} = 1; my $sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare( qq{ UPDATE sessions SET a_session = }.$self->{dbh}->quote($session->{serialized}).qq{ WHERE id = }.$self->{dbh}->quote($session->{data}->{_session_id}) ); $sth->execute( ); } sub materialize { my $self = shift; my $session = shift; $self->connection($session); local $self->{dbh}->{RaiseError} = 1; $self->{materialize_sth} = $self->{dbh}->prepare(qq{ SELECT a_session FROM sessions WHERE id = }.$self->{dbh}->quote( $session->{data}->{_session_id})); $self->{materialize_sth}->execute; my $results = $self->{materialize_sth}->fetchrow_arrayref; if (!(defined $results)) { die "Object does not exist in the data store"; } $self->{materialize_sth}->finish; $session->{serialized} = $results->[0]; } sub remove { my $self = shift; my $session = shift; $self->connection($session); local $self->{dbh}->{RaiseError} = 1; $self->{remove_sth} = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached(qq{ DELETE FROM sessions WHERE id = }.$self->{dbh}->quote($session->{data}->{_session_id})); $self->{remove_sth}->execute; $self->{remove_sth}->finish; } sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; if ( $self->{commit} ) { $self->{dbh}->commit; } if ( $self->{disconnect} ) { $self->{dbh}->disconnect; } } 1; =head1 NAME Apache::Session::Store::Sybase - Store persistent data in a Sybase database =head1 SYNOPSIS use Apache::Session::Store::Sybase; my $store = new Apache::Session::Store::MySQL; $store->insert( $ref ); $store->update( $ref ); $store->materialize( $ref ); $store->remove( $ref ); =head1 DESCRIPTION Apache::Session::Store::Sybase fulfills the storage interface of Apache::Session. Session data is stored in a Sybase database. =head1 SCHEMA To use this module, you will need at least these columns in a table called 'sessions': id CHAR(32) # or however long your session IDs are. a_session IMAGE To create this schema, you can execute this command using the isql or sqsh programs: CREATE TABLE sessions ( id CHAR(32) not null primary key, a_session TEXT ) go If you use some other command, ensure that there is a unique index on the id column of the table =head1 CONFIGURATION The module must know what datasource, username, and password to use when connecting to the database. These values can be set using the options hash (see Apache::Session documentation). The options are: =over 4 =item DataSource =item UserName =item Password =back Example: tie %hash, 'Apache::Session::Sybase', $id, { DataSource => 'dbi:Sybase:database=db;server=server', UserName => 'database_user', Password => 'K00l', Commit => 1, }; Instead, you may pass in an already-opened DBI handle to your database. tie %hash, 'Apache::Session::Sybase', $id, { Handle => $dbh }; Additional arguments you can pass to the backing store are: =over 4 =item Commit - whether we should commit any changes; if you pass in an already-open database handle that has AutoCommit set to a true value, you do not need to set this. If you let Apache::Session::Store::Sybase create your database, handle, you must set this to a true value, otherwise, your changes will not be saved =item textsize - the value we should pass to the 'set textsize ' command that sets the max size of the IMAGE field. Default is 32K (at least in Sybase ASE 11.9.2). =back =head1 AUTHOR This module was based on L<Apache::Session::Store::Oracle> which was written by Jeffrey William Baker <jwbaker@acm.org>; it was modified by Chris Winters <chris@cwinters.com> to work with Apache::Session 1.5+ with changes from earlier version of Apache::Session::DBI::Sybase from Mark Landry <mdlandry@lincoln.midcoast.com>. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Apache::Session> =cut