# Apache::Session::Store::Sybase
# Apache persistent user sessions in a DBI::Sybase database
# Copyright(c) 2000, 2004 Jeffrey William Baker (jwbaker@acm.org), Mark Landry (mdlandry@lincoln.midcoast.com), and Chris Winters (chris@cwinters.com)
# With modifications from earlier version of Apache::Session::DBI::Sybase
#   from Mark Landry (mdlandry@lincoln.midcoast.com)
# Modified to work with Apache::Session v 1.5+ by Chris Winters (chris@cwinters.com)
# Distribute under the Perl License

package Apache::Session::Store::Sybase;

use strict;
use vars qw( @ISA $VERSION );

use Apache::Session::Store::DBI;

@ISA     = qw( Apache::Session::Store::DBI );
$VERSION = '1.01';

$Apache::Session::Store::Sybase::DataSource = undef;
$Apache::Session::Store::Sybase::UserName   = undef;
$Apache::Session::Store::Sybase::Password   = undef;

sub connection {
    my $self    = shift;
    my $session = shift;

    return if ( defined $self->{dbh} );

    if ( exists $session->{args}->{Handle} ) {
        $self->{dbh} = $session->{args}->{Handle};
        $self->{commit} = $session->{args}->{Commit};
	else {
	  my $datasource = $session->{args}->{DataSource} ||
	  my $username = $session->{args}->{UserName} ||
	  my $password = $session->{args}->{Password} ||

	  $self->{dbh} = DBI->connect(
          { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 }
      ) || die $DBI::errstr;

	  # If we open the connection, we close the connection
	  $self->{disconnect} = 1;

    # the programmer has to tell us what commit policy to use;
	# note that this should take effect even if the programmer
	# passes us a handle
    $self->{commit} = $session->{args}->{Commit};

	# sets the variable @@textsize to the default, which
	# should be 32K; to test, do this from a isql/sqsh session:
	# > set textsize 0
	# > go
	# > select @@textsize
	# > go
	# You should see something like:
    # :
	# :  -----------
    # :        32768
	# Note that you can also pass an argument ('textsize') for a
	# larger/smaller text size
	my $textsize = $session->{args}->{textsize} || '0';
	$self->{dbh}->do( "set textsize $textsize" );


# Both insert() and update() are modifications to
# Apache::Session::Store::DBI.

# Sybase cannot use placeholders for IMAGE/TEXT field types so you
# must pass the data directly in the SQL rather than using bound
# parameters. Naturally, this negates any usefulness of the
# 'prepare_cached' method used in Apache::Session::Store::DBI, so we
# use a more straightforward sequence to prepare/execute here.

# Also, if you use this storage mechanism, you must also use the
# serializer that puts the data structure into a format that you can
# put directly into the SQL statement (e.g., '0xblahblahblah')

sub insert {
    my $self    = shift;
    my $session = shift;

    $self->connection( $session );

    local $self->{dbh}->{RaiseError} = 1;

	my $sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare( qq{
                 INSERT INTO sessions (id, a_session) VALUES ( }.$self->{dbh}->quote($session->{data}->{_session_id}).qq{, }.$self->{dbh}->quote($session->{serialized}).qq{ ) } );

    $sth->execute( );

sub update {
    my $self    = shift;
    my $session = shift;

    $self->connection( $session );

    local $self->{dbh}->{RaiseError} = 1;

	my $sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare( qq{
                 UPDATE sessions SET a_session = }.$self->{dbh}->quote($session->{serialized}).qq{ WHERE id = }.$self->{dbh}->quote($session->{data}->{_session_id}) );

    $sth->execute( );

sub materialize {
    my $self    = shift;
    my $session = shift;


    local $self->{dbh}->{RaiseError} = 1;

    $self->{materialize_sth} =
                SELECT a_session FROM sessions WHERE id = }.$self->{dbh}->quote(


    my $results = $self->{materialize_sth}->fetchrow_arrayref;

    if (!(defined $results)) {
        die "Object does not exist in the data store";


    $session->{serialized} = $results->[0];

sub remove {
    my $self    = shift;
    my $session = shift;


    local $self->{dbh}->{RaiseError} = 1;

    $self->{remove_sth} =
                DELETE FROM sessions WHERE id = }.$self->{dbh}->quote($session->{data}->{_session_id}));


    my $self = shift;

    if ( $self->{commit} ) {

    if ( $self->{disconnect} ) {


=head1 NAME

Apache::Session::Store::Sybase - Store persistent data in a Sybase database


 use Apache::Session::Store::Sybase;

 my $store = new Apache::Session::Store::MySQL;

 $store->insert( $ref );
 $store->update( $ref );
 $store->materialize( $ref );
 $store->remove( $ref );


Apache::Session::Store::Sybase fulfills the storage interface of
Apache::Session.  Session data is stored in a Sybase database.

=head1 SCHEMA

To use this module, you will need at least these columns in a table
called 'sessions':

 id        CHAR(32)     # or however long your session IDs are.
 a_session IMAGE

To create this schema, you can execute this command using the isql or
sqsh programs:

 CREATE TABLE sessions (
    id         CHAR(32) not null primary key,
    a_session  TEXT

If you use some other command, ensure that there is a unique index on the
id column of the table


The module must know what datasource, username, and password to use when
connecting to the database.  These values can be set using the options hash
(see Apache::Session documentation).  The options are:

=over 4

=item DataSource

=item UserName

=item Password



 tie %hash, 'Apache::Session::Sybase', $id, {
     DataSource => 'dbi:Sybase:database=db;server=server',
     UserName   => 'database_user',
     Password   => 'K00l',
     Commit     => 1,

Instead, you may pass in an already-opened DBI handle to your database.

 tie %hash, 'Apache::Session::Sybase', $id, {
     Handle => $dbh

Additional arguments you can pass to the backing store are:

=over 4

=item Commit - whether we should commit any changes; if you pass in
an already-open database handle that has AutoCommit set to a true
value, you do not need to set this. If you let
Apache::Session::Store::Sybase create your database, handle, you must
set this to a true value, otherwise, your changes will not be saved

=item textsize - the value we should pass to the 'set textsize '
command that sets the max size of the IMAGE field. Default is 32K (at
least in Sybase ASE 11.9.2).


=head1 AUTHOR

This module was based on L<Apache::Session::Store::Oracle> which was
written by Jeffrey William Baker <jwbaker@acm.org>; it was modified by
Chris Winters <chris@cwinters.com> to work with Apache::Session 1.5+
with changes from earlier version of Apache::Session::DBI::Sybase from
Mark Landry <mdlandry@lincoln.midcoast.com>.

=head1 SEE ALSO

