############################################################################# # # Apache::Session::Flex # Apache persistent user sessions stored however you want # Copyright(c) 2000, 2001 Jeffrey William Baker (jwbaker@acm.org) # Distribute under the Perl License # ############################################################################ package Apache::Session::Flex; use strict; use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION); $VERSION = '1.01'; @ISA = qw(Apache::Session); use Apache::Session; sub populate { my $self = shift; my $store = "Apache::Session::Store::$self->{args}->{Store}"; my $lock = "Apache::Session::Lock::$self->{args}->{Lock}"; my $gen = "Apache::Session::Generate::$self->{args}->{Generate}"; my $ser = "Apache::Session::Serialize::$self->{args}->{Serialize}"; for my $class ($store, $lock) { unless ($class->can('new')) { eval "require $class" || die $@; } } unless ($gen->can('validate')) { eval "require $gen" || die $@; } unless ($ser->can('serialize')) { eval "require $ser" || die $@; } $self->{object_store} = new $store $self; $self->{lock_manager} = new $lock $self; { no strict 'refs'; $self->{generate} = \&{$gen . '::generate'}; $self->{validate} = \&{$gen . '::validate'}; $self->{serialize} = \&{$ser . '::serialize'}; $self->{unserialize} = \&{$ser . '::unserialize'}; } return $self; } 1; =pod =head1 NAME Apache::Session::Flex - Specify everything at runtime =head1 SYNOPSIS use Apache::Session::Flex; tie %hash, 'Apache::Session::Flex', $id, { Store => 'DB_File', Lock => 'Null', Generate => 'MD5', Serialize => 'Storable' }; # or tie %hash, 'Apache::Session::Flex', $id, { Store => 'Postgres', Lock => 'Null', Generate => 'MD5', Serialize => 'Base64' }; # you decide! =head1 DESCRIPTION This module is an implementation of Apache::Session. Unlike other implementations, it allows you to specify the backing store, locking scheme, ID generator, and data serializer at runtime. You do this by passing arguments in the usual Apache::Session style (see SYNOPSIS). You may use any of the modules included in this distribution, or a module of your own making. If you wish to use a module of your own making, you should make sure that it is available under the Apache::Session package namespace. =head1 USAGE You pass the modules you want to use as arguments to the constructor. The Apache::Session::Whatever part is appended for you: you should not supply it. For example, if you wanted to use MySQL as the backing store, you should give the argument C<Store => 'MySQL'>, and not C<Store => 'Apache::Session::Store::MySQL'>. There are four modules that you need to specify. Store is the backing store to use. Lock is the locking scheme. Generate is the ID generation module. Serialize is the data serialization module. There are many modules included in this distribution. For each role, they are: Store: MySQL Postgres DB_File File Lock: Null MySQL Semaphore Generate: MD5 Serialize: Storable Base64 UUEncode In addition to the arguments needed by this module, you must provide whatever arguments are expected by the backing store and lock manager that you are using. Please see the documentation for those modules. =head1 AUTHOR This module was written by Jeffrey William Baker <jwbaker@acm.org>. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Apache::Session::File>, L<Apache::Session::DB_File>, L<Apache::Session::MySQL>, L<Apache::Session::Postgres>, L<Apache::Session>